Chapter 105 I Will Not Ask (Fourth Change)

Chapter 105 I Will Not Ask (Fourth Change)
Am I dreaming?

Liu Xiyan's mind was buzzing, and he couldn't turn the corner.

How can Mo Yun know everything?
Finally, Liu Xiyan took a deep breath and said seriously.

"You think you don't lack, but—"

Mo Yun interrupted Liu Xiyan and said with a straight face.

"Don't be rude, we are friends, there is no need to be so polite. Also, last time I contacted you with a shadow token, you said you were at the base, what happened?"

"This..." Liu Xiyan rubbed the center of her eyebrows, feeling a little embarrassed.

But that was the end of the matter, and she had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Actually, my grandfather was injured. I went to Tianxuan Mountain to find a seventh-grade elixir named Feihong Yunzhi for him. It's like this—"

After listening to Liu Xiyan's explanation, Mo Yun suddenly realized.

"In other words, Shadow Token is a hardware positioning, not a software positioning?"

"Bad, it's almost like this..." Liu Xiyan nodded.

"Is your grandfather okay?" Mo Yun asked.

"No, it's okay." Liu Xiyan said.

"That's good." Mo Yun also smiled.

Liu Xiyan desperately wanted to find Feihong Yunzhi.

If her grandfather hadn't been cured, she probably wouldn't be so happy.

"Thank, thank you." Liu Xiyan thanked again.

Although it was useless to thank her, at this moment she could do nothing but thank her.

However, no matter what, she will keep Mo Yun's kindness in her heart.

When Mo Yun needed it.

No matter what Mo Yun needs her to do.

She will do it for him without hesitation.

She remembered a sentence.

Even if the whole world is against you, I will stand by your side!

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, give me the Xuanshuang rabbit, I'll cook today, you take a rest."

As he spoke, Mo Yun stretched out his hand.

"Okay, okay." Liu Xiyan nodded, and was about to hand the Xuanshuang Rabbit to Mo Yun.

However, at this moment, Liu Xiyan's expression froze, and then he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Then, with a thud, she fell to the ground.

Looking at the blood-stained ground and Liu Xiyan lying on the ground, Mo Yun was a little dazed.

"Why are you vomiting blood again?"

As he spoke, Mo Yun rubbed the center of his brows, knelt down, and examined Liu Xiyan carefully.

"With such a serious injury, you still run around?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I came back too quickly at that time, when I passed through the monster defense line, I was accidentally discovered by them, ahem..."

"I, I have already taken the healing elixir, it will be fine after a while..."

Liu Xiyan finished speaking with difficulty, and fainted when her eyes went dark.

Mo Yun: "..."

Concentrating on checking Liu Xiyan, he found that the other party was seriously injured.

Even worse than when I first saw it.

If it wasn't for her breakthrough to the seventh-rank master realm, her willpower would have been greatly improved.

With such an injury, he might not be able to move at all, and could only stay on the bed as a vegetative state.

"The injury has recurred, if it is not treated, it will be dangerous..."

Mo Yun frowned, his consciousness connected to the system space, and he searched carefully.

After searching for a while, he found that there was no healing medicine in the system space.

Although he signed a lot of pills.

But these elixirs are all elixirs for assisting cultivation.

There is no elixir to treat injuries.

"This injury is a bit serious, and it needs a high-level elixir to cure it. The Jiangnan Wuda Spiritual Medicine Garden is definitely not enough."

"It's too late to find medicinal materials to refine pills in other places..."

"With her physique, she can slowly recover from her injuries if she casually eats some pills that replenish spiritual energy."

"But in any case, it may affect the foundation."


Mo Yun was dumbfounded.

Why is this girl so uneasy?
"Forget it, ask Li—"

As soon as this idea came up, Mo Yun was taken aback for a moment, as if he had thought of something.

"No, I use healing pills."

As he spoke, Mo Yun found a crystal-clear longan-sized bead from the system space.

This bead is the tear of the dragon, which can instantly heal all injuries and remove all negative effects.

It's been a long time since he signed this thing.

Just never had a chance to use it.

For Mo Yun.

Tears of the Dragon is useless at all.

Because he has absolute defense.

If you really suffered a serious injury that is difficult to heal, the absolute defense will automatically take effect, not only immune to all damage, but also full of blood instantly.

Therefore, Dragon Tears Mo Yun was difficult to get, and he never cared about it, letting him lie quietly in the corner.

In addition to Dragon's Tears, Mo Yun also signed a Great Return Pill.

This thing is also a holy medicine for healing.

But in the current situation, the Tears of the Dragon is enough.

Thinking of this, Mo Yun opened Liu Xiyan's mouth and fed Longzhilei.

After doing this, Mo Yun got up and looked at Liu Xiyan quietly.

Really don't say it.

Liu Xiyan's real appearance is the kind that you will feel amazing when you see it at first sight.

What was even more frightening was that Mo Yun found out that Liu Xiyan's appearance became more and more pleasing to the eye, which was a bit inexplicable.

Just when Mo Yun was thinking wildly, Liu Xiyan's long eyelashes moved suddenly.

Then, she slowly opened her eyes.

"I, I, this is... what's wrong?"

Mo Yun said: "Since you're awake, you should be fine, get up quickly, sit down for a while, and I'll go cook."

After speaking, Mo Yun left Liu Xiyan alone and walked towards the kitchen.

"Yes, I'm sorry to cause you trouble again..." Liu Xiyan lowered her head.

She knew that the wound on her body had been healed by Mo Yun.

Such a serious injury has been healed all the time, although it is miraculous and unbelievable.

But Mo Yun did all of this, so there is nothing to say.

Mo Yun was busy in the kitchen.

Liu Xiyan didn't stay idle either, she cleaned up the blood on the floor and cleaned me inside and out of the house by the way.

After a while, large pots of food were brought to the table.

The two dry rice kings feasted on it.

The wind and clouds were in full swing, and soon a table of delicious food was wiped out.

Under the messy cups and plates, the two leaned on the sofa, drinking hot tea leisurely.

"Oh! It's been a long time since I ate so much!" Liu Xiyan was a little excited.

Mo Yun shook his head, looked at Liu Xiyan, and said seriously, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

"Huh?" Liu Xiyan was taken aback.

After concentrating on it, Mo Yun continued: "For example, why do I know how to make alchemy, know the field, and have such a high level of cultivation."

Hearing this, Liu Xiyan shook his head and said, "I don't ask, as long as I know that you are you, that's enough."

Liu Xiyan smiled, like flowers blooming in the cold winter months.

"Everyone has their own secrets, and some secrets may not be shared with others."

"So, I won't ask."

In Mo Yun's situation, Liu Xiyan knew that even if he wanted to break his head, it was impossible to understand what was going on.

A 19-year-old eighth-rank martial artist.

At the same time proficient in field and alchemy.

There are also some unknown abilities.

Such a person can no longer be described as a genius.

Even if Mo Yun told her that he was the reincarnation of Emperor Wu in the novel, she would still believe it.

She felt that Mo Yun should not tell anyone such a secret.

Hearing Liu Xiyan's words, Mo Yun nodded, smiled, and said nothing more.

Although it was unexpected, Liu Xiyan was right.

Some secrets are really not suitable for sharing with others.

(End of this chapter)

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