Chapter 107 Must be destroyed as soon as possible
Chapter 107 Must be destroyed as soon as possible

Mo Yun came to Tianxuan Mountain, which had been turned into ruins, and ran directly to the hill where the ancient sword of Zhantian was.

The current Tianxuan Mountain is devastated, and only this small mountain is left intact.

Looking at the hills shrouded in mist in front of you.

Feeling the breath of ancient times blowing towards the face.

Mo Yun frowned.

He once again sensed the mysterious power of the field.

Last time, as soon as he entered the fog, he would be oppressed, and even his spiritual perception was compressed to a range of four to five hundred meters.

This time, his cultivation base and field attainments have improved a lot.

I just drew a few seal formulas at random and punched them in different directions, and the mist covering the hill slowly dissipated.

When he entered the field again, Mo Yun was not oppressed at all.

After a while, Mo Yun came to Zhantian Gujian.

Glancing at the giant sword that seemed to be connected to the sky, Mo Yun concentrated, opened the attribute panel and took a look.

Name: Mo Yun

Cultivation Level: Ninth Grade Early Stage

Martial Arts Talent: Royal Grade

Special Abilities: Invincible Domain, Eye of True Knowledge (advanced version), Traction Dao Yun, Perfect Assassin Proficiency, God-level Alchemy, Soul Extraction, Field Proficiency, Shred God

Special Items: Da Huan Pill*1, Tears of the Dragon*1, Five-Color Stone*1
Cultivation methods: Chaos Jue (third floor), Tathagata Palm (fourth floor), glazed golden body (fourth floor), Ben Lei Jue (fourth floor), one sword breaking the sky (fourth floor)
It has been seven months since Mo Yun came to Tianxuan Mountain last time.

For the past seven months, Mo Yun has worked hard to practice, insisted on signing in, and finally broke through to the ninth-rank Venerable Realm.

For such a long time, the one he has signed up the most is still the Perfect Potion Pill.

In addition to the perfect broken void pill.

Mo Yun only signed a few skill and item cards.

Apart from these, there is nothing else.

There are no exercises, martial arts, special abilities, utensils and so on.

But he's used to it.

Except for the time when the system was just bound, it was easy to sign in and get martial arts and martial arts.

In the future, if you want to sign up for martial arts and martial arts, it is basically like winning the lottery.

Fortunately, the martial arts and martial arts signed in are all top-notch existences, and their grades far exceed Blue Star's current level.

It's quite enough.

It is a pity that for such a long time, the several exercises and martial arts that Mo Yun has practiced have all stayed at the previous level without any improvement.

Mo Yun knew that if he wanted to improve these skills and martial arts again, he might have to wait until his cultivation level broke through to the king state.

"King Realm..."

Thinking of this, Mo Yun took a deep breath and walked towards Zhantian Ancient Sword.

The ancient sword that cuts the sky goes up into the sky and connects down to the earth, as if piercing through the sky and the earth.

Mo Yun frowned. Compared with seven months ago, his mental strength has improved a lot.

At this moment, he could feel that the ancient sword in front of him was indeed emitting a mysterious energy all the time.

This energy is similar to field energy, but there are differences.

It is similar to the general trend of heaven and earth, but they are mutually exclusive.

It was this weird energy that interfered with Blue Star's avenue, changed it, made it missing, made it impossible to develop further, and cut off the ultimate path of Blue Star's creatures.

in other words.

It was not the ancient sword that cut off the Blue Star Avenue, but the strange energy attached to the ancient sword.

Of course, the system had informed Mo Yun.

The weird energy on the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword is actually a field.

It is a higher level field.

It was the field where the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword was automatically attached to by chance when it was manufactured.

Mo Yun didn't care about this.

Although the field attached to the ancient sword is very advanced.

But for whatever reason, it's broken now.

Based on Mo Yun's current field attainments.

Just enough to suppress it.

While thinking, Mo Yun stretched out his palm.

While concentrating, his fingertips began to emit a faint colorful glow.

Concentrating on it, Mo Yun mobilized his mysterious power and carved it on Zhantian Gujian.

With the carving, Mo Yun's body gradually floated up, and he carved toward a higher place of the sword.

Although the field on the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword is incomplete, it is still not simple.

Even for Mo Yun, it is still difficult to describe the field on it.

As his body continued to rise, it became more and more difficult for Mo Yun to portray.

At some point, his forehead was already covered with bead-sized beads of sweat.

In addition, his fingers also began to tremble slightly.

Fortunately, at this time, he has already ascended to an altitude of [-] meters, and the energy of the field has almost been described.

Five hours later.

Mo Yun heaved a sigh of relief after engraving the last seal formula into the body of the sword.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled comfortably.

"This thing is really not simple."

"If I hadn't signed up for the second field power here last time and greatly improved my field attainment, I'm afraid I would be backlashed by the field contained in the ancient sword in minutes."

Mo Yun let out a foul breath and laughed again.

"It's all right now, the power of the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword on the field has been completely locked, and it can't make waves for the time being."

"Next, as long as the sword body is destroyed, the power of the field remaining on it will lose its support and dissipate between heaven and earth."

While thinking this way, Mo Yun has already used the Chaos Art to the extreme.

He settled down, and in an instant he cast the palm of the Tathagata.

The huge golden palm print bombarded the body of the ancient sword hundreds of meters wide.

With a muffled sound of duang~, the ancient sword trembled violently.

Regarding this, Mo Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to condense the golden palm prints, like an emotionless machine, bombarding the ancient sword body again and again.




The sword body of Zhantian Ancient Sword kept trembling, and the ear-piercing sound rippled and spread thousands of miles away.

After a while, even the space near Zhantian Ancient Sword trembled and twisted.

At this moment, with Zhantian Ancient Sword as the center, everyone within a hundred miles was affected.

The space is like a turbulent flow, from a distance it looks like a pot of overcooked porridge.

Immediately afterwards, the ground was also affected, shaking violently, cracking, collapsing, and gushing out magma in pieces.

This scene is like the end of the world.

Regarding this, Mo Yun didn't care about it, and continued to slap golden palm prints on the ancient Zhantian sword like a machine.

After the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword was attacked, the field power attached to it began to struggle, trying to break through the blockade Mo Yun had set up before.

The field on the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword was very strong, and Mo Yun didn't dare to be careless.

He must destroy the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword as soon as possible.

Completely destroy the field that Zhantian Ancient Sword is attached to before breaking through the blockade.

(End of this chapter)

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