Chapter 108 Could It Be Pregnant?

Chapter 108 Could It Be Pregnant?

Mo Yun knew that he had to destroy the Ancient Zhantian Sword as soon as possible.

At this moment, he finally understood why the system advised him to break through to rank nine before coming back.

If he is still in the eighth rank now.

Even though he exerted all his strength to use the Tathagata Divine Palm, he could barely destroy the Ancient Heaven Zhan Sword.

But that is bound to take a lot of time.

When the time comes, the field attached to the Ancient Zhantian Sword will break through the blockade, and his efforts will be in vain.

Fortunately, his current strength is enough.

After hitting the hundredth golden palm print, the ancient sword of Zhantian began to shatter.

The moment the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword began to shatter.

Mo Yun immediately sensed streams of mysterious energy, continuously gushing out from the void, and rapidly bursting towards every corner of the world.

"This is... Dao Yun?"

"Why do these Dao aggregates emerge from the void?"

Mo Yun was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little puzzled.

But no matter what, he understood.

The Lanxing Avenue, which was destroyed by the ancient Zhantian sword, is now being quickly completed.

The ancient sword of Zhantian continued to shatter, and more and more Dao Yun gushed out from the void.

Mo Yun felt that there were some inexplicable things in Lanxing's avenue at this moment.

After a careful comparison, you can find out.

The original Lanxing Avenue is like a pool of stagnant water, there is no possibility of it anymore, and it will even gradually dry up.

But the current Lanxing Avenue is like a spiritual spring full of vitality.

This is Wang Lingquan.

Potential to grow into a creek.

It may also grow into a river.

More likely it will grow into a lake, or even a sea.

In short, the current Blue Star Avenue has come to life.

Such a situation is happening in every corner of Blue Star at the same time.

Thousands of kilometers away from Tianxuan Mountain.

In a quaint hall.

A huge figure covered in black scales slowly opened his eyes.

He is Hei Chi, the leader of the monster clan.

Hei Chi frowned.

He sensed movement from Yaoshen Mountain thousands of kilometers away.

But he doesn't intend to take any action.

More than half a year ago, the Yaoshen Mountain was razed to the ground by mysterious masters, and the morale of the Yao clan was severely hit.

From then on, the Yaozu began to collapse and was chased and beaten by the human race.

In addition, something happened to the demon clan, the demon lord Zhu Tian and a large number of high-grade powerhouses of the demon clan died in Moyuan.

The overall strength of the demons was greatly damaged, and they all hid themselves, preparing to recuperate.

Without the assistance of the demon clan, under the attack of the human race, the monster clan was defeated, and the defense line retreated step by step, causing countless casualties among the clan.

In the end, like the Demon Race, the Monster Race made a decision to temporarily stay away from the Human Race base, hide in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and make a comeback after recuperating.

Since then, Hei Chi has been retreating in an attempt to further enhance his strength.

He was in the Quasi-King Realm decades ago.

Twenty years ago, he stepped into the king realm with one foot, and there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time.

It's a pity that good fortune made a monster, something went wrong on the Blue Star Avenue, and his road to the king state was completely broken.

Under the king's realm are all ants.

If you can't break through to the King Realm, even the monster race can't live for a long time.

Even some demon races can live longer than human races.

But generally it will not exceed the upper limit of 200 years.

And he, Hei Chi, is already close to this upper limit, and he doesn't have many years to live.

If not, he would not easily believe in Zhutian and attack the human base with him at all costs.

Who knows that the demons are cunning by nature.

But under the temptation of breaking through the king realm, no one can resist.

Thinking of this, Hei Chi sighed a little.

"I don't know who the peerless powerhouse who killed Zhutian is."

"Who is the strong man who destroyed the Demon God Mountain?"

Hei Chi frowned.

"Are these two strong men of the human race?"

"Or, these two are actually the same person?"


Just when Hei Chi was thinking wildly, he once again sensed the turmoil thousands of kilometers away.

He could sense that that area was in the direction of the Demon God Mountain.

"Another moth has emerged from the Demon God Mountain?"

"Such a big commotion can be affected thousands of kilometers away. Could it be that peerless strong man made a move again?"

Hei Chi exhaled heavily.

"What kind of secret is hidden in Yaoshen Mountain? It can make that peerless powerhouse come again and again."

He was curious.

He wanted to go to find out, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

The outside world is too dangerous.

As strong as the Demon God Mountain, they were all wiped out!

It doesn't matter if it is destroyed.

Now that others think about it, they go to Yaoshen Mountain to bomb again.

Simply insane!
If such a peerless master really belongs to the human race.

Then the two races of monsters, even with one heart, have no chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Hei Chi was a little desperate.

In his lifetime, it is estimated that there is no way to revitalize the Yaozu.

Thinking of this, Hei Chi was stunned, took a deep breath, turned his head slowly, and looked in a certain direction.

That direction is the direction where Jiangnan Wuhan University is located.

"The corpse of the ancient demon..."


As soon as this idea came up, Hei Chi was taken aback, and shook his head quickly, with a look of fear on his face.

"Going to attack the human base now is no different from courting death."

"Oh, time is fate, let's give up..."

However, just as he was sighing, he was suddenly taken aback.

He sensed the magic circle in the hall and suddenly vibrated.

Immediately afterwards, streams of mysterious Dao Yun burst out from the void.

Feeling this Dao Yun, Hei Chi gasped, his face full of disbelief.

"This... this is the missing part of Lanxing Avenue!"

"This is the most critical part of breaking through the King Realm!"

"Why is this?"

Hei Chi took a few deep breaths, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Blue Star Avenue... was completed?"

Recalling everything that happened in Yaoshen Mountain 22 years ago, Hei Chi's complexion changed drastically, and he was in disbelief.

"Is this... the purpose of that peerless powerhouse?"

"Kill Candle Sky..."

"Pacify the Demon God Mountain..."

"That peerless powerhouse did all these, in fact, just to complete the Blue Star Avenue?"

Thinking of this, Hei Chi burst into tears and laughed.


"Say early!"

"You said earlier that you want to complete the Blue Star Avenue! This seat will help you kill Zhutian! You can help you destroy the Yaoshen Mountain!"

"King Realm... King Realm!"

"This seat has a chance to break through to the king realm!"


at the same time.

In the western base of the human race, in a certain ancient temple.

An old monk with a withered body and weak vitality who was entering meditation suddenly opened his eyes.

"Has the Blue Star Avenue been completed?"

"The road to the top is open again?"

"The poor monk knew right away that this day will definitely come!"

"The Dao is complete, at most another year, the poor monk will be able to prove the pinnacle of the Dao and regain his vitality!"

As if thinking of something, the old monk fixed his eyes on the direction of Tianxuan Mountain.

He clasped his hands together and bowed deeply in that direction.

"Amitabha, the benefactor is very kind."

Such a scene was staged everywhere in Blue Star.

Those strong men who have stepped into the king's realm with one foot, at this moment, all felt the changes in the Blue Star Avenue.

Similarly, they also sensed the changes in Tianxuan Mountain.

Some of them even know that Tianxuan Mountain has the ancient sword that cuts the sky.

But it was useless, they couldn't get close to Zhantian Ancient Sword, and they couldn't even pass through the fog.

At this moment, these quasi-kingdom powerhouses all respectfully bowed in the direction of Tianxuan Mountain.

In the meantime, they're curious to know.

Who is that peerless strong man who solved the lack of Blue Star Avenue?


Tianxuan Mountain.

Mo Yun stared blankly at the huge pit left on the ground after the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword dissipated.

The deep pit in front of him is a bit weird, since the ancient sword of Zhantian disappeared, it has continuously emitted five colors of light, which is extremely gorgeous.

Moreover, Mo Yun sensed an inexplicable aura from the deep pit.

It was an aura that bred infinite vitality.

Mo Yun clearly sensed it.

This vitality is not a simple vitality.

It's the kind of vitality that has the rhythm of life, the breath of the pulse, and some blood dimension.

At one point, Mo Yun even heard the sound of his heart beating.

"Could it be that this piece of land... is pregnant?" Mo Yun was dumbfounded.

However, at this moment, the system prompt sounded.

[Ding, warm reminder, the host can get unexpected gains by placing the five-color stone in the five-color mud pit. 】

(End of this chapter)

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