Chapter 110

Chapter 110
The five-color stone rose from the bottom of the mud pit and floated in the air.

Mo Yun looked at the past intently, and immediately froze for a moment, feeling a little puzzled.

At this moment, not only the five-color mud pit, but also the five-color stones have dimmed.

The five-color stone, which had been exuding five-color rays of light, now looks black and ordinary.

Fortunately, Mo Yun could sense that the breath of life hadn't disappeared, but had been restrained and hidden.

"So, did the five-color stone give birth to life, did it fail or did it succeed?"

Because he didn't see anything coming out of the five-color stone, Mo Yun couldn't help being puzzled.

Soon, the system prompt sound answered Mo Yun's doubts.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, the five-color stone was successfully conceived, and the life inside has entered the embryonic stage, and it will hatch out in a short time. 】

Mo Yun nodded.

Then he thought about it, and said, "How long is it?"

After waiting for a while, the system replied.

[Ding, the five-color stone is now in a chaotic state as a whole. Before the embryo hatches, it is impossible to know what it conceived, and it is also impossible to know how long it will take for the embryo to hatch. 】

Hearing this, Mo Yun rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't that mean you said you didn't say it?"

The system stopped paying attention to Mo Yun and sank into it.

Mo Yun didn't bother to complain anymore, and waved directly at the five-color stone.

In an instant, the five-color stone flew towards him.

After taking the five-color stone back into the system space, Mo Yun turned around and prepared to leave Tianxuan Mountain.

When things are done, it's time to go back.

It's always uncomfortable to be outside.

Mo Yun suspected that if he stayed outside for too long, something bad might happen.


If he stayed in Tianxuan Mountain and did not leave, some bad things might happen.

At this moment, Mo Yun's mental strength has reached an extremely terrifying level, his perception is abnormal, and he can perceive some mysterious changes.

To put it simply, it means being able to seek good luck and avoid bad luck to a certain extent.

Although this ability is somewhat metaphysical, it is real.

Therefore, Mo Yun didn't linger, and just rushed back after finishing his work.

After all, Tianxuan Mountain is really not simple. Although it has been razed to the ground by him, it is still full of unknowns.

No one knows what happened to the light gate 22 years ago.

Whether that light gate will appear again, still no one can know.

Of course, what's more important is that Mo Yun destroyed the ancient sword of Tian Zhan.

If the light gate is really connected to another world, will the other party have sensed it at this time?
If the other party has already perceived it.

So do they have the ability to open the door of light and come out of that world?

Although according to the current situation, even if the light gate is connected to another world.

There is a high probability that the creatures in that world will not be able to descend.

In other words, there is no way for these creatures to descend directly.

If there were no restrictions, they could descend directly. Twenty-two years ago, they didn't have to go to great lengths to sacrifice the ancient sword to cut off the Blue Star Avenue.

Of course, Mo Yun couldn't figure out the other party's intentions, and he didn't even know if there were any living beings at the gate of light.

So, it's all just speculation.

But no matter what, it's better to be careful.

Thinking of this, Mo Yun's figure flickered, and he quickly walked towards the outskirts of Tianxuan Mountain.

While flashing his figure, Mo Yun communicated with the system.

"System, I put the five-color stone that gave birth to the embryo in the system space, will it affect its hatching?"

Mo Yun was a little worried about this.

After all, the system space has the characteristic of putting fruit in it and keeping it fresh.

[Ding, the system space is a state between void and chaotic space, similar to the state of time stagnation, but it is not really time stagnation. 】

"Does it mean that putting the five-color stone in will not affect the hatching? The time required will not increase?" Mo Yun confirmed.

[Ding, yes, the five-color stone will not be affected. The time required for the five-color stone to hatch an embryo in the system space is the same as the time it takes to hatch an embryo outside. 】

Hearing this, Mo Yun felt relieved.

He smiled, and instantly activated the Chaos Art.

Then, his figure flashed, turned into a thunderbolt, and headed towards Jiangnan Wuhan University quickly.

When I got home, it happened to be meal time, so Mo Yun took some ingredients from the refrigerator and started cooking seriously.

Although the cultivation has reached their level, there will be no problem if they don't eat for a few months.

But under normal circumstances, human warriors, no matter how high their cultivation level is, will still maintain normal human habits.

Eating, sleeping, etc. will continue as usual.

After all, it has only been 500 years since the recovery of spiritual energy, and there are some things that are difficult to change.

Of course, there is no need to change.

People are people.

No matter how powerful the force value is, it is still human.


Tianxuan Mountain.

Five or six hours after Mo Yun left.

The shadow of the sun slanted to the west, and the crimson sunset glow dyed the entire ruins of Tianxuan Mountain red.

The hilltop where the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword is located.

A burst of space ripples.

Two red eyes the size of lanterns slowly appeared.




After a while, strange, unclear syllables came out from the ripples.

If you listen carefully, you will find that although the syllables are not clear, you can still tell what it means even if you don't guess.

Because, this is Huaxia language.

Although it sounds a little awkward, like a dialect from a certain place, it can still be heard that this is Huaxia language.

at the same time.

The ripples in that space became bigger and bigger, and the pair of red eyes became more prominent.

Similarly, the syllables coming out of the space ripples became clearer.

"It's unbelievable that the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword was actually destroyed?"

"Shouldn't all the strongest in this world be taken away by the setup? Why..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter."

"After more than 20 years, it is almost enough to continuously absorb the luck of this world through the ancient sword of Zhantian."

"Generally speaking, the layout is almost done."

"Hehe, if the ancient sword of Zhantian is destroyed, it will be destroyed, and everything that has been established still cannot be changed."

"Even if there are still fish that slip through the net, there will be no more waves."

"Hehe, the most powerful people who have been attracted to this world are about to be sacrificed."

"It won't take long to find a way to bypass the space barrier."

"It won't be long before we can descend into this world."

"It won't be long, it won't be long..."

The pair of red eyes slowly dissipated, the voice gradually faded away, and the ripples in the space gradually calmed down.

The sun was setting and the sky was getting dark.

Tianxuan Mountain returned to its original appearance, as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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