Chapter 111 You Call Me Old Like This
Chapter 111 You Call Me Old Like This
Early the next morning, after Mo Yun practiced the Chaos Art on the rooftop facing the rising sun as usual, he went directly to the Spirit Medicine Garden.

In the past two years, Li Xinghe would visit Mo Yun's house from time to time to discuss martial arts with him.

Similarly, Mo Yun would occasionally go to the Spirit Medicine Garden to look for Li Xinghe.

In general, Mo Yun learned a lot from Li Xinghe.

Although he has cheats, his cultivation realm has improved rapidly, and his combat power index is far higher than that of the same level.

But after all, he is just a young man who has stepped into the gate of martial arts with only two years of experience.

Anyway, in some respects, Mo Yun's experience is lacking.

Most obviously, combat experience.

Mo Yun hadn't even fought properly before.

The few battles that were fought almost ended in unilateral crushing.

Therefore, Mo Yun had no combat experience at all.

In the face of an opponent whose combat power is weaker than his own, this situation is naturally no problem.

But when facing an evenly matched opponent, the disadvantage of inexperience in combat will be manifested.

And Li Xinghe's decades of experience just made up for Mo Yun's lack.

What Mo Yun likes to hear Li Xinghe talk about most is how he overcomes the strong with the weak.

Or how to turn the tide of battle, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Or how to fight the enemy for three days and three nights.

What price was paid to win the final victory.

Every time he heard this, Mo Yun would concentrate on it, keep it in his heart, and at the same time ask Li Xinghe for various details of the battle.

After returning, he would even try to figure it out repeatedly, simulating the battle situation at that time in his mind.

Needless to say, he has a little bit of understanding, just doing this, as if he has experienced all kinds of battles.

He quickly simulated various situations in his mind, thinking about what he would do if he were in such a situation.

Over time, Mo Yun's combat experience has actually improved.

It's really improved.

He tried several times with Li Xinghe.

The two maintained their fifth-rank cultivation bases while fighting.

In the first few times, it was difficult for Mo Yun to win.

But after a few times, it will be difficult for Li Xinghe to beat him again.

Gradually, Mo Yun even needed to control his own strength to make Li Xinghe's defeat less ugly.

In the past six months, Mo Yun hadn't discussed martial arts with Li Xinghe for a long time.

Because he found that he could no longer learn combat experience from Li Xinghe.

The current him is fighting at the same level as Li Xinghe with suppressed combat power. If he is a little more serious, he can beat Li Xinghe to the ground with just a few moves.

Li Xinghe's combat talent was already far beyond ordinary people. What he was most proud of was being invincible at the same level, and even killing enemies by surpassing the level.

In the case of head-on confrontation.

The seventh rank beats the eighth rank, the eighth rank beats the ninth rank, and the ninth rank kills the quasi-king. These are the glorious deeds of Li Xinghe.

Blue Star can't find another person like this.

Even Gu Qingshan back then, thought he was inferior to Li Xinghe in terms of combat talent.

But now, Mo Yun's fighting talent has far surpassed Li Xinghe's.

That's why Mo Yun had no desire to exchange martial arts with Li Xinghe in the past six months.

This time, it was Li Xinghe who took the initiative to call Mo Yun over, saying that he needed to seek his opinion on important issues.

Judging from the tone, it seems that he is quite anxious.

So Mo Yun ran over early in the morning.

As soon as he entered the elixir garden, Mo Yun was taken aback.

I saw Zhou Jie running towards this side.

"Senior Mo, you are here, Master is waiting for you over there." Zhou Jie saluted Mo Yun respectfully.

Mo Yun nodded, and then took a serious look at Zhou Jie, he couldn't help concentrating, and became a little surprised.

"Yes, in the first semester of junior year, you have already broken through to the middle of the fourth-rank realm. With your current progress speed, it shouldn't be a big problem to break through to the fifth-rank realm before graduation."

Mo Yun smiled affirmatively, and continued: "You should be the person with the highest level of martial arts in this session of Jiangnan Martial Arts University, right?"

Zhou Jie scratched his head honestly, and said with some embarrassment.

"This year is indeed my strongest, but all of this is due to Senior Mo..."

After a pause, Zhou Jie continued.

"Without Senior Mo's guidance, this junior might not even be able to break through to the third-rank realm..."

Recalling all the previous events, Zhou Jie couldn't help but sigh.

At that time, he almost gave up martial arts.

But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, he would be No.1 in Jiangnan Wuhan University this year.

Seeming to have thought of something suddenly, Zhou Jie said quickly.

"Actually, not only martial arts, but alchemy as well. Under the guidance of Senior Mo, I am also the first student to pass the third-rank alchemist assessment this year..."

When he said this, Zhou Jie lowered his head, not only did he not show the slightest pride on his face, but he was ashamed instead.

Because he knew that compared with Mo Yun, the gap in alchemy between him and Mo Yun was as different as clouds and mud, and they were not in the same dimension at all.

As for martial arts, Zhou Jie is not so clear.

He had never seen Mo Yun make a move.

He also couldn't feel the aura of cultivation on Mo Yun's body.

But he knew that Mo Yun had broken through to the fifth-rank realm at least, and even the sixth-rank realm was possible!

Because, Li Xinghe mentioned it to him cryptically.

Mo Yun's martial arts talent is extremely terrifying.

In the hundreds of years since Jiangnan Wuda was founded, no one has ever been as talented as Mo Yun.

Zhou Jie knew that in the history of Jiangnan Martial Arts University, the student with the highest cultivation level before graduation was only at the peak of the fifth rank.

In fact, this is almost the case even for Wuhan University in Kyoto and Wuhan University in Shanghai.

The entire Blue Star, after so many years, can count on one hand those who broke through to the sixth rank before graduation.

But Zhou Jie believed that Mo Yun might have broken through to the sixth-rank realm.

Of course, he didn't dare to think about it any further.

It is a pity that Mo Yun has not participated in the mid-term cultivation base assessment and the final cultivation base assessment since he entered school.

Therefore, no one knew that there was such a peerless genius hidden in Jiangnan Wuda University.

However, Zhou Jie believes that one day, Mo Yun's brilliance will be able to illuminate the entire Blue Star.

After all, such a person, like a firefly in the dark night, cannot hide forever.

"Okay, I'll go there, you can do your own work." Mo Yun didn't know what Zhou Jie was thinking, so he shook his head and left.

"Alright, Senior Mo." Zhou Jie watched Mo Yun leave.

Mo Yun paused, shook his head and said.

"I think it's better for you to call me by my name directly. You call me old like this."

"Understood, Senior Mo." Zhou Jie said.

Mo Yun: "..."

After a while, Mo Yun saw Li Xinghe standing in front of the medicine garden basking in the sun.

After walking over, Mo Yun realized that Li Xinghe had a serious expression on his face at the moment.

Sensing Mo Yun's arrival, Li Xinghe slowly opened his eyes.

"You came."

Mo Yun nodded, and cut to the chase: "What happened?"

Li Xinghe exhaled, looked up at the blue sky, and said sadly.

"It seems that the old man is about to... prove the pinnacle of the Dao."

Mo Yun: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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