Chapter 132 Reaching the Limit
Chapter 132 Reaching the Limit

Feeling the terrifying energy coming towards him, the scarlet flame armor giant wanted to retreat.

However, at this moment, a prison cage emitting silver lightning suddenly appeared above his head, and quickly enveloped him.

He wanted to move and dodge, but was blocked by a terrifying force.

He found himself unable even to move.

Then, there was a soft click.

The cage was closed, and the red flame armor giant was trapped.

He wanted to resist, but found that the surging energy in his body could not be mobilized at all.

At this moment, he couldn't even mobilize the power of the Scarlet Flame Armor.

At the same time, a crisp voice rang in his ears.


Then, Mo Yun appeared in front of the giant in the red flame armor, frowning at him.

The body is huge, seven meters high.

The structure is not much different from that of human beings.

The aura belonging to the imperial realm is very surging.

Mo Yun was sure that with his full strength, although he could fight him for a few rounds, it was only a few rounds.

With his current combat strength, he is much worse than Li Xinghe.

After all, the current him is just a novice in martial arts at the peak of the ninth rank.

At this time, the giant in the scarlet flame armor struggled for a while, and after finding that he couldn't get out of the cage, he also noticed Mo Yun.

"Unlock this god, or you will slaughter your nine clans!" the giant in the scarlet flame armor threatened.

"Now your life and death are under my control, how dare you talk to me like that?" Mo Yun looked at the red flame armor giant like an idiot.

"You—" the face of the giant in the red flame armor changed slightly, and he stopped talking with a gloomy face.

He never imagined that he would be trapped by someone, trapped by a creature like an ant!

Sure enough, I was too careless!
The place where Ten Thousand Domains originated countless thousands of years ago.

The planet known as the holy world, even after so many years of silence, still cannot be underestimated.

As a strong man in the imperial realm, he was originally capable of crushing all the strong men in this realm.

But in less than half an hour, he was repeatedly frustrated and injured several times.

Sure enough, what Lao Ba said is right, you can't just rely on brute force, but also learn to use your brain!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, looked at Mo Yun, and said in a calm tone as much as possible.

"No matter who you are, as long as you unlock this god and follow this god, this god will protect you to become a saint and become an ancestor, and you will be proud of the world!"

Speaking of this, he paused, and said again: "Otherwise, when the god breaks free from this ghost, I will kill you!"

In addition to the person who destroyed the ancient sword of Zhantian, he now has one more person on the must-kill list.

What he didn't know was.

The person who destroyed the Heaven Zhan Ancient Sword was the person in front of him.

Now his perception is blocked, and when he was fighting Mo Yun before, he couldn't see the phantom's face clearly, so he couldn't recognize Mo Yun.

"You really are an idiot." Mo Yun looked at him like a fool, his eyes full of pity.

It shouldn't be easy for this idiot to live for such a long time and grow to such a large size.

"You—you're looking for death!" The giant in the scarlet flame armor was furious, with flames gushing from his eyes.

"Do you think you can do whatever you want if you trap this god?"

"Jie Jie, with your meager cultivation base, even if this god stands still and allows you to attack, you can't help this god!"

He is very confident in his Scarlet Flame Armor.

When he came to this boundary, he detected it with the red flame armor.

The highest cultivation level of creatures in this realm is no more than the early stage of King Realm.

——This is due to the wise actions of the Chiyan Dynasty at that time, luring away the strongest of this world, and at the same time destroying the integrity of this world.

But anyway.

In the early days of King Realm, wanting to break through the defense of the Red Flame Armor is simply a dream come true!
Of course, the phantom before and the creature with a knife not far away don't count!
These two people are full of weirdness everywhere, which belong to variables!

"I can't help but you?" Mo Yun smiled and stopped talking nonsense.

The reason why he talked so much with the giant in the red flame armor was that he wanted to feel his aura thoroughly and feel what the so-called imperial realm was like.

This is of some benefit to his preaching.

But now, it's almost there.

Thinking of this, Mo Yun stepped back a little.

Then the Immortal Sword appeared in his hand.

Then, he activated the Slaying Immortal Sword Art, and a silver sword light instantly cut through the space, and slashed towards the giant in the red flame armor.

"It's you?!!"

The moment he saw the sword light, the face of the red flame armor giant changed drastically, and his face was distorted in shock.

He recognized this sword light!
"You were the one who stabbed the eyes of this god half an hour ago!"

"Are you the creature who destroyed the ancient sword?!"

His eyes were tearing apart, he never expected that the person he was looking for would appear in front of him in this way!
"Damn it! This god will not let you go! This god will slaughter all the creatures related to you!"

Mo Yun didn't bother to pay attention to this.

Although the phantom projected by the field has the same strength as his body.

But Xu Ying can only emit sword light with bare hands, and has no way to use Zhan Jianxian.

Now, with the Immortal Slashing Sword in hand, it is not difficult for Mo Yun to break through the defense of the Chiyan armor.


The sword light burst out and slashed on the chest of the giant in the scarlet flame armor.

Immediately there was a chirping sound, and a hole was instantly broken in the battle armor.

Although the hole was not big, it also hurt the red flame armor giant.

After that, golden blood flowed out quickly, extinguishing the scarlet flames on some armors.

Seeing this scene, the face of the giant in the scarlet flame armor changed drastically, and a look of disbelief burst out of his eyes.

"This is impossible!"

"With your strength! It is impossible to break through the defense of the Scarlet Flame Armor!"

Soon he seemed to think of something, his eyes widened, and he stared at the simple long sword in Mo Yun's hand.

"Unless! What you have! It's a magic weapon!"

Mo Yun ignored him and quickly swung the Immortal Sword.

Swish swish!
Sword lights burst out one after another, slashing towards the giant in the scarlet flame armor.

"You, what are you going to do?!" Seeing the sweeping sword light, the scarlet flame armor giant turned pale with fright.

Mo Yun ignored him and manipulated the sword light to attack.

The sound of chi chi chi sounded, but within a few breaths, the scarlet flame armor exploded with a bang, turning into pieces and falling down.

Then, a flesh and blood body wearing a robe appeared in front of Mo Yun.

"Very good, now you can use the hand to tear the gods."

Mo Yun smiled.

In a flash, the figure was heading towards the giant.

There is no attack boost for tearing the gods, so naturally it cannot break through the scarlet flame armor.

He can only use this way.

"Tear the gods with your hands!" Mo Yun's voice sounded.

The moment his ability was displayed, his hands became as bright as jade.

"Tear the gods with your hands?!!"

"You, what are you going to do?!"

The giant in the red flame armor was frightened, his face was pale, and his whole body was trembling.

He never dreamed that he would be captured and torn apart after going through the space barrier through hardships!

Mo Yun ignored him, his fingers waved, and he came over and tore it off.

The chest was penetrated.

The giant's eyes widened,

He watched in disbelief as his hands penetrated his chest.

"This, this is impossible!"

Mo Yun smiled at this.

The ability to tear the gods by hand is indeed a bit powerful. As long as it hits the target, no matter what the opponent's cultivation level is, the vitality will quickly dissipate.

In just a moment, the giant with the cultivation of the imperial realm turned into a dead body.

at the same time.

The system prompt sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully triggering the skill of shredding the gods, and gaining basic rewards and punishments, spiritual power +4000, mental power +4000, constitution +4000, comprehension +40, foundation +40, luck +40...]

[Ding, it is detected that the attributes of the host have reached the limit, please improve your cultivation as soon as possible. 】


Another book:

"I, signed in the Eucharist, my identity was exposed by the emperor" - Emperor of the Qing Dynasty

Sign in to Liu Xuanxuan Shuangwen, interested bosses can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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