Chapter 133 What is Life?
Chapter 133 What is Life?
The red flame armor giant was torn apart.

Mo Yun immediately heard the system prompt, and couldn't help but look happy.

"Directly added the basic attribute value of 4000?"

"Not bad, the system is reliable, and it really is a high reward."

Mo Yun smiled.

With a basic attribute value of 4000, it takes ten days to sign in under normal circumstances.

in other words.

Mo Yun can save ten days of "penance" by tearing off a "god".

Ten days at a time.

Ten first hundred days.

One hundred heads and one thousand days.

a thousand heads...

[-] heads...


Mo Yun gasped.

Afterwards, he shook his head and smiled, no longer caring about these unrealistic thoughts.

He stared intently and looked at the virtual prompt panel.

Seeing the above system prompt, Mo Yun smiled again.

"Very good, the attribute has reached the limit, you can directly break through the cultivation base, and you have proved the pinnacle of the Dao."

After clenching his fist, Mo Yun felt that he had become much stronger again.

After the attributes reached the limit, some mysterious changes took place in his body, various functions perfectly fit and seamlessly coordinated, body and spirit also perfectly fit, and the body and spirit were one.

Although he was very strong before, he could clearly perceive Dao Yun, and even draw Dao Yun.

But it always feels like something is blocking it.

This kind of barrier makes him unable to make good use of it even though he can feel that it is pulling Dao Yun.

But now, Mo Yun felt that the sense of isolation was gone.

Now he can directly have zero-distance intimate contact with Dao Yun.

Mo Yun felt that Dao Yun was originally invisible and intangible.

At this moment, it can already be seen and touched.

The most intuitive manifestation is that it is easier for him to describe the field.

His field attainments have been greatly improved.

The simplest manifestation is.

Before he drew a small token in the field, he could only summon projections of equal strength three times, each lasting only 5 minutes.

But now, when he came to portray the small tokens in the field, he was able to summon twenty projections of equal strength, each lasting 10 minutes.


Mo Yun nodded, no longer wasting time, and moved the red flame armor giant into the system space as soon as he moved his mind.

After doing all this, Mo Yun directly cast the Thunderbolt Jue, and returned home in a flash.

at the same time.

Not far away, Li Xinghe was holding a long knife, clutching his chest and sucking blood in pain, his eyes were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief.

He had been blocked by the red flame armor giant before.

Li Xinghe has not been able to clearly see what the mysterious peerless master who suddenly rushed over to restrain the giant in the scarlet flame armor looks like.

However, he still had some guesses in his heart.

Can have such a strong human race powerhouse.

In the entire Blue Star, perhaps only Mo Yun's master can reach it.

He was even ready to strike up a conversation in the past.

However, he was dumbfounded when the giant in the red flame armor was taken into the system space and disappeared.

He saw a familiar figure.

A handsome figure in his early twenties.

Mo Yun!

"Mo, Mo Yun?!"

"Fang, Fang just... that, is that Mo Yun?"

"How is this possible?!"

Li Xinghe only felt his head buzzing, as if struck by lightning.

He couldn't believe it even if he was killed.

The mysterious strong man who showed his might just now is actually Mo Yun!
"What exactly is going on?!"

"Why is the mysterious master Mo Yun?!"

At this moment, he thought of a lot.

That day Mo Yun gave him the perfected sword breaking the sky...

That day Mo Yun turned around and entered the kitchen to make alchemy...

Mo Yun has always had unique insights into martial arts...

Every time I exchange martial arts with Mo Yun, I can gain a lot...

I don't know since when, I can no longer see through Mo Yun's cultivation...

At this moment, the fog covering Li Xinghe's heart was instantly cleared away.

"So... the peerless master is himself!"

"Hahaha... cough cough!"

Li Xinghe laughed a few times, accidentally pulled the wound, and a big mouthful of blood gushed out.

In the end, I couldn't hold on anymore, my head tilted, and I fell from high school.

Similarly, Tang Xiao on the ground was also shocked.

He also saw clearly that the person who rushed up was Mo Yun.

It's just that he never thought of it.

Mo Yun actually has such strength!
An enemy that even Li Xinghe, who was in the peak state, couldn't deal with, was actually killed by Mo Yun!
"how can that be?!"

Tang Xiao suspected that he was hallucinating.

"Isn't this old man going mad because of his practice?!"

"All that happened today was all my own imagination?"

Tang Xiao looked up at the sky, and then down at the unconscious students on the ground.

Finally, he pinched his thigh hard.

"Hiss—it hurts!"

"It's not a dream!"

However, at this moment, Tang Xiao saw an old figure covered in blood suddenly falling from the sky.


Tang Xiao was startled, and hurried over to catch Li Xinghe.


Staff dormitory.

Mo Yun's consciousness connected to the system space, and he came to the front of the dead red flame armor giant.

He didn't waste any time, and directly used the soul extraction ability on the red flame armor giant.

It may be because of the substantial improvement in cultivation base and spiritual power.

Mo Yun used the soul extraction this time, very easily, without any obstacles, and it was completed almost instantly.

After absorbing the dao yun and memory fragments of the red flame armor giant, Mo Yun was not in a hurry to refine it.

He closed his eyes, perceived the Dao, and prepared to break through his cultivation.

The dao yun of the giant in the red flame armor can just assist him when he proves the peak of dao.


Mo Yun began to pull Dao Yun.

at the same time.

Memories from childhood to adulthood came to his mind one after another.

Including the previous life from birth to death.

It also includes every bit of this life.

He witnessed one family member after another leaving him.

The state of those relatives before they died kept appearing in Mo Yun's mind.

Not only this life.

He was also very unlucky in his previous life.

In his last life, he was even worse than this one.

I have been an orphan since I was a child, and I have never experienced what family affection is.

After going through hardships, he finally grew up in an orphanage, started school, and worked all the way to graduate from university.

Entered the society, started working, earned a decent salary, and paid off all the debts in two years.

He originally thought that he was going to start his new life well, but he didn't expect to work overtime all the time, staying up too late and dying suddenly.

And this life.

Since he was a child, he watched his relatives die one after another in front of him.

From the discomfort at the beginning, to the fear of collapse later, to the numbness at the end, Mo Yun has experienced too much.

Those people are all his closest people.

"What is life?"

"What is death?"

A pair of pictures quickly flashed in my mind.

Concentrating slightly, Mo Yun slowly began to operate the Chaos Art.

The line connecting the void reappeared.

It's just that what was transmitted from the void this time was no longer psionic energy.

It is a mysterious and mysterious energy.

If Jue Dian was present, he would be able to tell the difference.

What Mo Yun absorbed from the void at this moment was actually the power of vitality.

Draw the power of vitality from the void, complement yourself, and make yourself fit the Blue Star Avenue to enhance your lifespan.

This is one of the hallmarks of excellence.

(End of this chapter)

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