Chapter 142 Amnesia
Chapter 142 Amnesia

Red Flame Starfield.

The Red Flame Dynasty.

In the place covered by the mist, a towering palace like a fairy palace appeared with a faint glow.

inside the palace.

A woman wearing a silk gauze dress, with a thin face, long hair like a waterfall, and an elegant temperament, tremblingly reported the situation to the handsome man in golden armor on the throne.

"What did you say?"

"Ji Wuyue died in the holy world?"

"The Chiyan battle armor was also destroyed?"

The man's face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes were filled with anger.

"The space barrier has also been reinforced?"


"Waste my prince's armor!"

"How did a waste like Ji Wuyue be chosen by you to be the pioneer?"

The prince glared at the woman standing there.

The woman was startled, fell to her knees with a thud, and kowtowed vigorously, her face pale as paper.

"The emperor, the prince calm down, we will deal with this matter as soon as possible..."

"How long will it take to break through the space barrier?" The prince frowned at the woman.

"Half, half a year..."

"Half a year?" The prince frowned, his face became more and more gloomy.

"Emperor, prince, calm down, five to five months, at most five months, you can get through the space barrier!" The woman hurriedly said.

"Heh, five months? Five months has already been preempted by other realms!"

"You trash, you can't do this well, the dynasty has raised you for nothing."

The prince's face was still gloomy, but his tone became lighter.

"Three months."

"The prince will give you three months at most."

"If you haven't been able to break through the space barrier in three months, you will come to see me in a few months, my prince."

"Go away, my prince has retreated recently, there is nothing important, don't bother me again."

After finishing speaking, Prince Chiyan turned and left, no longer caring about the woman kneeling on the ground.

"Many, thank you, prince, the task must be completed within three months!"

It wasn't until the prince's aura completely disappeared that the woman was completely relieved and got up from the ground.

Beads of sweat fell from her smooth forehead.

At the moment, she is a little lucky.

After such a big change, the prince didn't punish her, which shows how lucky he is.

"Three, three months..."

She muttered to herself, and finally her gaze became firm.

"Gather a few more masters, try our best, and stay awake... three months should be enough to complete!"

"Well, yes!"

After comforting herself for a while, the woman turned and left the palace quickly.

After leaving the palace, she turned into a phantom and swept towards the location of the space node.


blue star.

Jiangnan Wuhan University Club.

Mo Yun and Zhou Jie sat in a position with a better view, quietly watching the performance on the stage.

"Brother Yun, come, eat a duck head, this one is really delicious, super spicy, strong enough!"

Zhou Jie opened the crisper and handed Mo Yun a duck head covered in red chili oil.

This duck head looks very appetizing.

But at the moment Mo Yun was not in the mood to eat.

"No thanks, you can eat by yourself."

Hearing this, Zhou Jie was taken aback, and said with surprise on his face: "Brother Yun, don't you like super spicy duck heads?"

"It's okay." Mo Yun nodded, not intending to eat the duck's head.

"Don't you really want one?" Zhou Jie scratched his head, puzzled.

From the previous conversation, Zhou Jie felt that Mo Yun came here entirely because of the temptation of this duck head.

but now……

What exactly is going on?

Zhou Jie was dumbfounded, and looked at Mo Yun suspiciously.

"No, thank you." Mo Yun ignored him and looked at the stage seriously.

How could this guy understand the feeling of being a super spicy girl and turning into a super spicy duck head?
"Oh..." Seeing that Mo Yun's expression was not right, Zhou Jie didn't dare to say any more, so he ate the duck head on his own.

Really don't say it.

The duck head in my hometown still tastes the same, it is spicy and spicy, and it is so smooth that I want to eat another one after eating one.

A box of duck heads was eaten by him after three times and five divisions.

After eating the duck head and wiping his mouth clean, Zhou Jie looked at Mo Yun and whispered, "Brother Yun, what cultivation level are you doing now?"

"Guess?" Mo Yun looked at him.

"Bapin?" Zhou Jie asked cautiously.

"Almost." Mo Yun nodded.

It's really not that much.

It's only two or three realms away.

Hearing what Mo Yun said, Zhou Jie was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Brother Yun, you are too perverted!"

"Breakthrough to the eighth-rank realm so quickly!"

"No wonder you can blow up the combat power tester with one punch!"

"Are you the reincarnation of the Valkyrie in the novel?"

Mo Yun was stunned and did not speak.

I went to the test that day purely because I was bored.

Seeing that Mo Yun was silent, Zhou Jie spoke on his own.

"Brother Yun, you may not know. Ever since the test was over that day, everyone has been speculating about your strength."

"Although many people have seen you smash the combat power tester with their own eyes, few people still dare to believe that your combat power has reached the eighth-rank level."

"Because this kind of thing is unprecedented, it's too unimaginable..."

"A lot of people think it's just a coincidence."

"They all think that the combat strength tester has been used for so many years, and its endurance has just reached its limit, so it was smashed by you at once."

Mo Yun: "..."

Mo Yun didn't speak, Zhou Jie continued.

"Hehe, don't these idiots know that S-grade alloys can absorb spiritual energy and repair themselves?"

"Hehe, it's still the limit. We testers are almost the same every year. If we barely reach the fourth rank, it is considered amazing."

"With the attack power of a mere fourth grade, even if you attack the S-grade alloy continuously for 1 years, it is impossible to destroy it..."

"Brother Yun, do you think so?"

Mo Yun nodded perfunctorily, but remained silent, looking at the stage seriously.

Needless to say, the program for the graduation party is quite exciting.

It is not like the martial arts style that can be seen everywhere on campus in the past.

It's a small and fresh literary style.

Singing, dancing, reciting, cross talk and so on, one after another, the quality is not bad.

And at this moment, Mo Yun also saw a familiar figure.

Zhou Jie didn't know what Mo Yun was thinking, so he continued.

"But it's strange to say that after you finished the test, Brother Yun, we all seemed to faint collectively, and we don't know what happened after that."

Hearing this, Mo Yun was taken aback for a moment, then turned his face to ask in doubt: "You don't remember what happened later?"

"Well, I don't remember, but President Tang said that there is a remnant of the Demon Sect sneaking into our Jiangnan Wuda."

"However, Master and his elders discovered it in time, and the remnants of the Demon Sect who attacked Jiangnan Wuda have already been punished."

"However, that day we received a strong spiritual impact, lost consciousness, and lost some memories..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Jie scratched his head, his face full of doubts.


This kind of thing doesn't make sense.

And he vaguely remembered that the moment before he fainted, Mo Yun seemed to be angry because of something, his face was particularly ugly, and there was a real killing intent bursting out of his body.

He even doubted.

The reason why they passed out that day was because of Mo Yun.

But he couldn't be sure.

Therefore, I can only accept the principal's statement.

Mo Yun didn't know what Zhou Jie was thinking.

At this moment, his eyes returned to the stage.

The melodious singing came from the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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