Chapter 143 You Are Still Guarding the Lonely City
Chapter 143 You Are Still Guarding the Lonely City
The melodious singing voice was uploaded from the stage.

The sound of prosperity escaped into the empty door and disturbed the world.

The dream is cold, after a lifetime of love and debt.

The singing voice was ethereal and pure, as if without any impurities, it immediately hooked everyone's hearts.

Almost the moment the singing came out.

Everyone present held their breath.

Even Zhou Jie, who was talking to himself, stopped and stared blankly at the stage.

A petite girl with a high ponytail in a white shirt and a delicate face came out slowly from behind the curtain.

It rained heavily, and the vegetation in the old hometown was deep.

I heard that you are always alone.

The mottled city gate is entrenched with old tree roots.

What echoed on the slate was, wait a little longer.

The voice is ethereal, the lyrics are classic and beautiful, the artistic conception is profound, and the melody is beautiful and pleasant.

Listening to the singing, scrolls of ancient pictures seemed to appear in front of everyone's eyes.


Central region.

A handsome young man in formal attire stared intently at the beautiful figure on the stage.

"It sounds good! It sounds good! There are such touching singing voices in this world!"

"This style of music... is too beautiful!"

"The lyrics... the artistic conception is too deep!"

"My God... I've never heard such a beautiful song!"

"I don't know what kind of genius is able to compose such lyrics!"

"Master! Definitely a master-level lyricist and composer!"

The youth was full of praise and excited.

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but tremble all over!

Although Blue Star only favors martial arts but not entertainment.

But he has an unusual dedication to music.

When he was in middle school and high school, no matter how hard or tiring his practice was, he would insist on practicing playing and singing every day.

He has been practicing for several years, and he didn't shift his focus until he was at a similar level.

The reason why he did this is simple.

Although martial arts are respected in Blue Star, everyone worships martial artists.

But there are still many young and beautiful girls who like boys who are more literary.

After all, there are tens of thousands of warriors. At this time, I have such a little bit of uniqueness, which is a deadly weapon for those little girls.

Because of this, he will practice playing and singing hard, in order to attract those girls.

In addition, his own martial arts talent is not bad.

In this way, relying on these conditions, he changed girlfriends every three days, and even stepped on several boats at the same time.

Because he has been studying music, he is familiar with almost all the songs of Blue Star.

But now this song, he has never heard of it!
"Impossible, such an excellent song cannot be so unknown that even I have never heard it!"

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, and he was so excited that it was hard to add.

"Then...there is only one possibility!"

"That is, this song is her original composition!"


The young man took a deep breath, his heart shocked.

"It's actually original!"

"This girl... is simply a fairy!"

As he spoke, he took a careful look at the figure on the stage.

"Although he is not tall! But his face is so pretty!"

"Damn! Why didn't I find out that there is such a good-looking girl who can sing in school?"

"My lord, I've been pestered by those vulgar fans all day recently, and I forgot to find a new forest!"

As he spoke, the young man looked at the stage again, becoming more and more satisfied the more he watched.

"It's so beautiful! The temperament is so good!"

"God, are you still blushing?!"

"You blush when you sing?!"

"Hold on! This character...I love it!"

"It's too much for her not to be Su Chen's girlfriend!"

"Hehe! Dump all those girlfriends tomorrow!"

"During this time, I want to take down this top-quality girl!"

Su Chen muttered to himself, roaring inwardly.

He took out a bouquet of flowers out of nowhere, held his palms together, and looked at the stage affectionately.

at the same time.

Not far behind Su Chen, Mo Yun closed his eyes slightly, with a smile on his face, listening to the song seriously.

"It's raining, and the old hometown is deep."

"I heard that you are still guarding the lonely city."

Listening and listening, Mo Yun clasped his hands tightly, feeling a little excited inside.

in the past.

The song is called "Fireworks Are Easy to Cold", also known as "Galan Rain".

Dazzling and Cold is Mo Yun's favorite song.

In his previous life, he would play this song and listen to it whenever he had something to do.

Haven't gotten tired of listening to it for years.

Unfortunately, Blue Star does not have this song.

He never thought of it.

At this moment, someone will actually sing this song here.

"The sound of the shepherd's flute on the outskirts of the city fell in that wild village."

"It is we who are destined to take root."

At the end of the song, there was no sound, and Mo Yun slowly opened his eyes.

"Chen Sirou, this girl is really very accomplished in music."

"If she was born on Earth, she might be a queen-level figure..."

After a moment of silence, thunderous applause broke out.

"It's so good! I've never heard such a good song!"

"Fuck! When did I kneel on the ground?"

"My God, listening to this song makes me feel like I'm on the scene, as if I have traveled through time and space and saw the beautiful ancient city described in the lyrics!"

"Hey, who said no, this song is so touching, I cried when I listened to it."

"Yes, yes, unfortunately, 500 years ago, the ancient city of Luoyang had fallen and was occupied by monsters..."

"That sentence, you are still guarding the lonely city, really made me cry..."

"It's so sad..."

"Yeah, I'm a big boy of three hundred pounds, and my eyes can't help but get wet."

"Hey, the ancient city fell too early, and even in the movies and TV dramas, there are no figures about it."

"Yeah, now we can only see its description in ancient documents."

Everyone sighed and fell silent again.

"I didn't expect that when I heard this song today, I felt like I went back to ancient times and witnessed history."

The crowd mourned.

Then, they raised their heads, and their expressions gradually became firmer.

"This song is so good! I decided that the girl who sings will be my goddess forever!"




"It sounds good! It sounds good! One more song!"

"One more song!"

The scene boiled again.

Chen Sirou on the stage was already blushing up to the neck.

Although she has also participated in many singing competitions in the past two years.

But they are all small-scale competitions with few spectators.

Even if she was among the top ten singers on campus, she only participated in the first part of the audition.

In the future, when there were more audiences, she would not dare to participate and abstained directly.

Like today, I went directly to the stage of the graduation party and sang in front of so many people, but I was still alone!
And in the process of singing, she also found senior Mo Yun!
"Has senior Mo Yun come to listen to my singing again?"

"He usually doesn't like to go out..."

"He came out to watch the performance at the graduation party because he knew I was there..."

(End of this chapter)

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