Chapter 144 Maybe it's because of being ugly?
Chapter 144 Maybe it's because of being ugly?

"Has senior Mo Yun come to listen to my singing again?"

Chen Sirou was thinking indiscriminately, and before he knew it, he sang a song.

At the end of the song, seeing everyone's fierce reaction, she felt warm in her heart.

She knew that this song was very good, and everyone would like it when she sang it.

But I didn't expect everyone to act so fiercely.

In the process of singing, she even saw many people secretly crying.

Seeing the things she likes, infected everyone, and being liked by everyone, Chen Sirou felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"It turns out that a person with my personality... can also influence others?"

She felt a little more confident in herself.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things.

She was going to muster up the courage to go to Mo Yun.

Last time Mo Yun ran away after listening to her song.

This time, she had to thank him in front of his face.

In fact, when she was in Tancheng, she was helped by Mo Yun.

It's just that Mo Yun didn't take this matter to heart at all, and he probably didn't even remember what happened.

But that incident was of great significance to Chen Sirou.

It was just because of her personality that she never thanked Mo Yun properly.

After Mo Yun graduated, she thought she would never see each other again.

Unexpectedly, by accident, they met in Jiangnan Wuhan University.

Even so, she still couldn't summon up the courage to thank Mo Yun.

Even though she went to Mo Yun's house to look for Mo Yun several times because of business, she was still unable to speak about the previous matter.

This time, she had to muster up her courage.

If you waste another chance, you may never have another chance in the future.

Because, Senior Mo Yun is about to graduate soon.

Thinking of this, Chen Sirou put down the microphone, and at the same time covered his face with his hands, not daring to look at the crowd.

Then, she took a deep breath, jumped off the stage vigorously, and was about to run towards Mo Yun.

However, within two steps, she was stopped by someone.

Chen Sirou frowned, bit her lip and carefully looked at the person in front of her.

A bit strong, like a wild boar monster...

He is obviously a big man, but his skin is whiter than that of a woman...

Holding a bunch of ugly flowers in her hand...

This person is so annoying.

Why is he in the way?

Chen Sirou frowned deeper and deeper.

At this moment, Su Chen coughed twice, showing what he thought was the most charming smile, holding flowers, and walked towards Chen Sirou.

"Hi, please allow me to give you this bouquet of flowers."

"Don't get me wrong, there's no other meaning, I'm just attracted by your singing voice."

While talking, Su Chen looked at Chen Sirou affectionately, and said in what he thought was the most magnetic voice.

"The song you sing is so beautiful. I have never heard such a beautiful song."

"If I'm not mistaken, the song just now is your own original song, right?"

"Too talented, I never thought that there would be such a talented singer in this world."

Speaking of this, Su Chen handed the bright red roses to Chen Sirou.

"Please allow me to introduce myself."

"Su Chen, a third-year junior this year, a third-rank high-level martial artist."

"I'm like you. Besides practicing martial arts, my favorite thing is music."

"By the way, I like ancient songs the most. If we have a chance, we can discuss and collaborate on it."

Saying this, Su Chen confidently took out his phone and said with a smile.

"How about adding a contact information?"

But soon, he noticed something was wrong.

The flowers he handed over were never picked up by the other party.

In addition, the girl kept her head down and her body was trembling.

Are you too shy?
Still too excited?

Could it be...

Su Chen was taken aback for a moment, as if he had thought of something, he immediately gasped and became excited.

By the way, the other party is my fan girl!

She has been secretly in love with me!
She acted so outstandingly today just to get my attention? !

This, this, this... You also know this!
Thinking of this, Su Chen's heart beat faster!

This is simply a godsend!
But soon, he was dumbfounded.

The girl who kept her head lowered and trembling all over suddenly raised her slender arms, and slapped the rose in front of her.

"Huh?" Su Chenren was dumbfounded.

What's happening here?
Then, he saw that the girl was biting her lip, avoiding him and going forward.

Su Chen was taken aback, and quickly chased after him, blocking Chen Sirou again.

"Sister, you, you... you are?"

Finding herself being blocked again, Chen Sirou couldn't bear it anymore, and finally broke out.

"Go away, you are so annoying!"

"You blocked me from looking for Senior Mo Yun!"

When she yelled these words, she slapped Su Chen's chest hard.

The violent spiritual energy was instantly mobilized.

The air was directly squeezed out of shape.

With a muffled sound, Su Chen flew upside down.

However, at this moment, Chen Sirou didn't have any skills to care about these things. After pushing Su Chen away, she quickly ran towards Mo Yun.

She was a little anxious.

Because Mo Yun had already stood up from his seat when Su Chen stopped him.

Being blocked again and again by this annoying boy, senior Mo Yun almost walked out of the club!

"Senior Mo Yun, wait, wait for me..."

Chen Sirou said loudly while running towards Mo Yun.

At the same time, Su Chen, who was lying on the ground bleeding from the corner of his mouth, was buzzing, as if he had been struck by lightning.

"This, what's going on here?"

Even if he was killed, he couldn't figure it out.

That cute and shy girl actually hit someone!
He has flirted with his sister so many times, but he has never encountered such a situation!
What the hell did I do?
I didn't do anything! could she hit someone?
Am I so annoying? !

Su Chen was mad.

Then, he watched Chen Sirou chase after a boy.

This time, he understood.

"Damn it! It's this kid who poached me!"

Thinking of this, he got up from the ground in a jerk, and rushed over there in a mighty manner without saying a word.

However, just after taking a few steps, he was startled and stopped trembling.

Finally, with a puff, Su Chen fell face down on the ground, not daring to get up again.

Because just a second ago, he saw Mo Yun and Zhou Jie turn around.

"Fuck! Zhou Jie!"

"And the big devil who broke the combat power tester!"

Others don't know how powerful the Great Demon King is, but he, Su Chen, does.

Because when the big devil smashed the combat power tester, he was watching!

To be precise, the user of that combat power tester is Su Chen!
He who attacked the combat power tester naturally knew that there was no quality problem with that thing at all!
The opponent really has the strength to destroy the S-class alloy!

And the situation in front of him is also very clear.

That cute girl who sings well is someone close to the Great Demon King!


I actually wanted to date someone just now!
This is simply like a toad jumping into the frying pan—looking for death!

Thinking of this, Su Chen lay on the ground trembling, afraid that the big demon would come and slap him to death.

Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned.

"What's going on, why did this guy suddenly lie on the ground?"

"Uh, didn't he just present flowers to the singer sister?"

"That's right, why did this guy make the singer girl unhappy? The flowers were all knocked off."

"Maybe it's...he's ugly and scares my sister?"


Everyone gasped, feeling that the truth had happened to them.

The auditorium was dimly lit, so they couldn't see Su Chen's face clearly, they only thought he was ugly.

Chen Sirou didn't know this, she had already caught up with Mo Yun at this moment.

(ps: It’s a new week again, please ask for a recommendation ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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