Chapter 163
Chapter 163

[Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in at the five-color altar and getting the basic rewards: psionic power +800, mental power +800, constitution +800, comprehension +80, foundation +80, luck +80...]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering a special reward and gaining a special ability: sad magic sound. 】

Looking at the prompt on the virtual panel, Mo Yun almost laughed out loud.

Then he checked the detailed introduction of the sad magic sound, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Sure enough, it's just as I thought, this thing is a god-level ability."

"Ignore the level of group spirit attacks, no matter whether the opponent is a human, a demon, a demon, a Buddha, an immortal, or a god, they will be affected by the sad magic sound, and then feel grief in their hearts, and they can't help but want to cry."

"With the assistance of the sad magic sound, it is not difficult to beat the crying god."

Thinking of this, Mo Yun couldn't help but look forward to it.

"When the people from the Scarlet Flame Dynasty come over, trap them within the radiation range of the high wall field, then cast the sad magic sound, then cast the beating and crying gods, and finally tear the gods with hands!"

"Hahaha, experience stacking, ruthless harvesting, perfect!"

Mo Yun smiled brightly, looking a little exaggerated.

Liu Xiyan at the side looked at him with a strange expression, and couldn't help asking: "You, what's wrong with you?"

Mo Yun shook his head: "It's nothing, I just remembered something happy."

"Why are you so happy, why don't you share it?" Liu Xiyan became interested.

"No sharing." Mo Yun shook his head.

"Um, it's better to have fun alone than to have fun with others." Liu Xiyan didn't give up.

"Oh, I just like to be happy secretly by myself." Mo Yun took it for granted.

Liu Xiyan was dumb, then gave Mo Yun a blank look, and stopped talking.

Mo Yun stopped talking nonsense, and said directly: "Now that the field upgrade is settled, let's go back."

Liu Xiyan nodded immediately: "Yeah, good."

Afterwards, the two came to the place where the sword intent field was located.

At this time, the field of sword intent began to disappear, and most of the terrifying energy that burst out before had disappeared.

At the same time, the aura on Li Xinghe's body has also increased a lot, giving people an extremely domineering and fierce feeling, like a big knife that will tear the sky apart.

"Grandpa Li seems to have become a lot stronger." Liu Xiyan said with emotion.

"It has indeed become a lot stronger. In about two hours, he will be able to fully comprehend the sword intent here. At that time, his cultivation base should be able to break through to the late king stage."

"Hiss—so fast!" Liu Xiyan was dumbfounded.

She was intimidated by Li Xinghe's cultivation speed.

It hasn't been long since he was promoted to King Realm, but now he is almost breaking through to the late King Realm.

Mo Yun shook his head: "Old Li used his own way to break through the king realm."

"When he broke through to the King Realm, his way was not so perfect."

"The process of being promoted from King Realm to Emperor Realm is actually a process of polishing and perfecting one's own Tao."

"Because I broke through the king realm with my own way, this process is more convenient and quicker than others, and the speed of improving my cultivation is naturally much faster."

"And at this moment, he encountered such an opportunity again, with the help of the supreme sword intent in the field, he constantly tempered and perfected his way."

"In this way, the improvement is naturally fast, and a few hours of comprehension is worth decades of cultivation by others."

Speaking of this, Mo Yun turned his head and glanced at Liu Xiyan: "Lao Li's chance is not even worse than you taking the Destiny Fruit."

Hearing Mo Yun's words, Liu Xiyan couldn't help but startled: "So that fruit is the Fruit of Destiny?"

"Well, it's the Destiny Fruit." Mo Yun nodded.

"No wonder..." Liu Xiyan was thoughtful.

"Well, speaking of it, next month you will be able to digest and absorb all the Destiny Fruit in your body, and then your cultivation will break through to rank nine."

After a pause, Mo Yun continued.

"After the ninth rank, you should also consider comprehending your own way."

"Although it is difficult to comprehend one's own way, once you break through to the king realm, your strength will be much stronger than that of ordinary kings, and your subsequent development will be much better."

"Your talent is very good, and your understanding is not bad. You can try to think about your own way."

Hearing this, Liu Xiyan nodded immediately, and vowed: "Yeah, I know, I will definitely work hard!"

Mo Yun nodded and said no more.

But after a while, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly asked Liu Xiyan.

"By the way, you also know the destiny fruit?"

He didn't expect that Liu Xiyan also knew about the Destiny Fruit.

"I know, I have seen it in some ancient books."

"There are also ancient books that record the Destiny Fruit?" Mo Yun was even more surprised.

But soon, he understood, and a look of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, Liu Xiyan also explained: "The classics were unearthed from southern Sichuan a few months ago."

Speaking of this, Liu Xiyan concentrated her attention and continued.

"Speaking of which, that ancient book is also a bit strange. According to experts' detection, it has been hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years..."

"According to some people above, these things should be left over from the previous era, and I don't know about the others..."

Liu Xiyan shook her head, she didn't know much about those eras.

Mo Yun smiled and didn't care.

From the memories of the two ancient demons and Ji Wuyue, he knew what was going on.

After the revival of spiritual energy begins, the miraculousness that had completely dissipated in the Dharma-ending Era will slowly reappear in various ways.

The cultivation method that had disappeared without a trace would slowly reappear in a different form.

In the beginning, it may be that Blue Star's will was directly instilled, allowing a small number of people to directly realize the way of cultivation, and become pioneers to drive others to practice.

The same is true of monsters.

The formation of Moyuan and Yaoshen Mountain was not accidental.

Afterwards, some unsurpassed methods of practice will gradually be revealed.

At the same time, those historical truths buried in the long river of time will be revealed little by little.

For example, a certain place suddenly glows, bursting with magic, attracting people to go there.

Then people dug out mysterious exercises, supreme martial arts, god-level utensils, historical materials hidden by time and so on.

It is also related to these things that high-level people can know about the recovery of spiritual energy, the prosperity of spiritual energy, the exhaustion of spiritual energy, and the end of the age.

The two chatted casually for a while, then Li Xinghe opened his eyes.

Suddenly, his body began to blur.

Then there was another whistling sound, and he turned into a broadsword shining with lightning, standing quietly in the air.

A terrifying breath burst out, extremely frightening.

"Amazing." Mo Yun praised Li Xinghe.

He reckoned that at this moment, Li Xinghe had a great chance of defeating Ji Wuyue and smashing his Scarlet Flame Armor when he desperately used the Invincible Heaven Opening Knife.

Soon, Li Xinghe turned into a human again, looking intently at Mo Yun.

The moment he saw Mo Yun, Li Xinghe's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Why don't we have a discussion?"

(ps: One more chapter first, the author continues to code.)
(End of this chapter)

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