Chapter 164 Make a sin!
Chapter 164 Make a crime!
"How about we exchange ideas?" Li Xinghe looked at Mo Yun expectantly.

He wanted to beat this guy up a long time ago!

Mo Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a half-smile: "Old Li, are you floating?"

"Hehe, the old man is very stable, let me tell you if you dare." Li Xinghe squinted at Mo Yun, with arrogance written all over his face.

He was afraid that Mo Yun would not make a move, so he used the aggressive method.

Mo Yun sneered at this.

He didn't expect the old man to be so arrogant that he challenged himself.

How dare you be so arrogant when your cultivation has only broken through to the late stage of King Realm?
Hehe, I will let you know why the flowers are so red in a while.

"Dare to dare, but I'm afraid you will regret it later." Mo Yun said.

"Hey, don't worry, kid. The old man knows how to measure. He will be gentler and won't hurt you."

"Besides, even if your kid is really injured, lying on the ground and trying to extort money from the old man, the old man will admit it, and it's fine to give you tens of billions!"

Li Xinghe grinned.

As long as Mo Yun is willing to agree to discuss, then everything is easy to talk about!

He had always wanted to compete with Mo Yun.

Last time, he witnessed Mo Yun deal with the descendant from outside the territory with his own eyes, so he thought that he would challenge Mo Yun someday when he was stronger.

He knew that Mo Yun was very strong.

But he didn't feel that there was an insurmountable gap between him and Mo Yun.

Because when Mo Yun dealt with the descendant from outside the territory, although it looked easy, it took a lot of effort.

Li Xinghe remembered clearly that Mo Yun first tried to trap the descendant from outside the territory, and then defeated his armor bit by bit.

In this way, Li Xinghe can be sure that even if Mo Yun's combat strength is higher than his own, it will not be too high.

After all, even if he tried his best, he could cause some damage to that armor.

But at this moment, his cultivation has been greatly improved, so he naturally has the confidence to fight Mo Yun.

He felt that the current self might not be Mo Yun's opponent.

Of course, what Li Xinghe didn't know was that Mo Yun's cultivation level at that time hadn't broken through to the king realm.

Just as Li Xinghe was brainstorming for himself, Mo Yun's voice came over.

"Let's go, idle is idle, it's good to practice with you."

"Where are you going?" Seeing Mo Yun who turned and left, Li Xinghe was taken aback.

"Find an open place, so as not to affect your performance, and then find a reason for losing."

Li Xinghe: "???"

Isn't this kid too arrogant?
"Is that how confident you are?"

"The old man is now in the late stage of King Realm, two levels higher than you!"

"Heh." Mo Yun smiled without saying a word, and walked straight in one direction.

After accepting part of the field inheritance of the altar, Mo Yun already knew Kunlun Mountain like the back of his hand, as if walking in his own back garden.

Soon, he found a canyon that was bare and could not see the shelter.

Looking at the canyon, Mo Yun turned his head to look at Liu Xiyan and said, "Stay away, don't be affected."

"Oh, ok, ok!" Liu Xiyan was taken aback for a moment, then realized that she quickly turned around and backed away from the canyon.

She is not able to participate in the battle of the king realm powerhouse. If she gets close, even watching the battle is dangerous.

Watching Liu Xiyan leave, Mo Yun's figure flashed and flew towards the canyon.

Li Xinghe immediately followed without hesitation.

Immediately, Mo Yun looked at Li Xinghe and said with a smile.

"You are old, I always respect the old and love the young, you should attack first."

Li Xinghe: "..."

He wasn't polite to Mo Yun either, and he activated the kung fu with a thought, and at the same time pulled out the thick sword behind his back.

A violent breath erupted from Li Xinghe's body, sweeping towards Mo Yun.

Regarding this, Mo Yun didn't change his face or move.

Seeing this scene, Li Xinghe couldn't help but startled, and didn't rush to attack.

Why is this kid so calm?

Is he really so confident in his own strength?Do you think you're ready for the old man?
No, it's weird!
Li Xinghe concentrated his thoughts.

Soon his eyes lit up, thinking of the key point, he couldn't help but smile happily, and stared at Mo Yundao.

"Boy Mo, I know what you're planning!"

Mo Yun: "???"

What nonsense is this old man talking about?

Li Xinghe saw through Mo Yun's expression and said.

"Boy Mo, you let the old man shoot first, because you want to wait for the old man to rush over, and then use the trick you used to deal with the descendant from outside the territory to trap the old man in one fell swoop, right?"

"Hehe, when the time comes, no matter how high the old man's cultivation base is, no matter how powerful his combat power is, he won't be able to use his abilities."

"You young man, do you want to stop talking about martial arts? You can learn from each other. How can you use such a sneak attack technique?"

Mo Yun: "..."

"It's not that the old man said you, to discuss this kind of thing, you have to face it—"

Li Xinghe wanted to say something more, but Mo Yun didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

Since the old man was suspicious and refused to attack.

Then he is too lazy to pay attention to respecting the old and loving the young.

Before Li Xinghe finished speaking, Mo Yun flashed his figure and charged towards him.

In this regard, Li Xinghe looked happy.

Now that this kid is attacking on his own initiative, he shouldn't be ashamed to use that restraining ability again, right?

"Good time!" Li Xinghe yelled loudly, and raised his knife to strike at him.

But soon, his complexion changed.

He found that Mo Yun's speed was terrifyingly fast!

Before he could react, a huge fist was reflected.

"Fuck! Your speed is too fast!"

Li Xinghe didn't even have time to activate the Invincible Heaven Opening Knife, so he could only block the knife across his chest.

A fist strike bombarded Li Xinghe's Heaven-breaking Saber, and an ear-piercing roar erupted.

Terrifying energy gathered, like a nuclear bomb explosion, and squeezed towards Li Xinghe in an instant.

At this moment, he didn't even have any room to resist, and he flew upside down.

Bang bang bang!
I don't know how many small hills collapsed before Li Xinghe's figure barely stopped.


Li Xinghe only felt that his chest was squeezed to the point of exploding, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of blood.

However, he quickly adjusted, and the Invincible Heaven Opening Knife was activated in an instant, and he wanted to use his body to transform into a sword, and perform the strongest trick.

However, the next moment, there was a clicking sound.

His handle is dominated by sss alloy.

Infused with countless precious materials.

Cooperate with the supreme method.

A sky-breaking knife made by Blue Star's number one master craftsman.

It actually shattered into pieces and fell to the ground with a bang!
Then, the psionic energy he had just gathered dissipated without a trace like a deflated ball.

At the same time, a golden sword light silently touched his chest.

"You lost." Mo Yun said lightly.

Li Xinghe took a deep breath, stared blankly at Mo Yun, and asked with disbelief: "Why... are you so strong?"

He thought that Mo Yun might be very strong.

But he didn't expect the opponent to be so strong.

Two ranks higher than the opponent!

But you can't even catch the opponent's move? !

This is just like a dream!
Mo Yun smiled, ignored Li Xinghe who was standing still, and turned to Liu Xiyan.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back."

"By the way, you are too good. Don't come to me to compete with me if you have nothing to do in the future. If you can't compete, you won't be able to enjoy the game. It's uncomfortable."

Li Xinghe stared blankly at Mo Yun's back, tears streaming down his face.

"I, I... am I too good?"

"A sin!"

(ps: Recommend a book "I! You can become stronger by accepting apprentices" - Ding Sanjiasi, accepting apprentices, very interesting, interested friends can give it a try.)
(End of this chapter)

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