Chapter 192
Chapter 192

The Red Flame Dynasty.

In the magnificent hall, Jiang Chen who was practicing seemed to sense something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, his figure flashed and appeared in a dark space in an instant.

With a chirp, an orange flame lit up in the originally dark space.

On a long table made of crystal, a pair of crimson battle armor glistened, emitting a faint crimson brilliance.

The whole body of the battle armor is red in color, shining with metallic luster, and its shape is domineering and mighty, with a cold air bursting out from time to time.

Under the dim light, the lifelike red dragon on the chest of the battle armor was reflected.

The red dragon's aura is awe-inspiring, and it looks like it is taking off, as if it is about to fly out of the armor.

Jiang Chen appeared in front of the battle armor, staring at the battle armor seriously, thoughtful.

He could feel that the chest of the red dragon armor in front of him was beating slightly.

This kind of beating is very rhythmic, just like a human heart.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen even felt that the beating frequency of the Red Dragon Armor was getting higher and higher, as if he was about to come alive at any time.

The red dragon armor in front of him seemed to be given life.

Feeling the strong beating, Jiang Chen's eyes flashed with light, and his face also showed joy.

"The sleeping period of the Red Dragon Armor is about to end."

"If there are no accidents, the power of the Chilong Armor can be improved after waking up this time."

"With the strength of this prince, combined with the Chilong Armor, it is enough to have the strength to rival the Holy Realm."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's eyes burst out with coldness.

"Currently, the sanctuary is restricted by the law of heaven. Those who can successfully descend to the sanctuary must not exceed the imperial realm."

"This prince who owns the Chilong Armor is enough to sweep everything."

Prince Red Flame smiled.

Although other realms may have supreme treasures, which can greatly enhance the strength of the cultivator.

But according to the content recorded in the classics, even if you look at the heavens and the myriad domains, the Chilong Armor can be ranked in the forefront.

The Scarlet Flame Starfield can be adjacent to the Sanctuary, so it is naturally not an ordinary realm.

And the Red Dragon Armor, in the countless reincarnations of the Scarlet Flame Starfield, has always been a Godless tool, possessing terrifying power.

"With the Red Dragon Armor, I, Jiang Chen, am not afraid of anyone."

"Hmph, I, Jiang Chen, am not afraid at all even if the most holy descends on the sanctuary."

Jiang Chen is very confident and feels that he is the child of destiny.

"The world is about to change, and the world is about to change. It is a danger and an opportunity."

"With the Red Dragon Armor, in this era, I, Jiang Chen, will suppress an era!"

Jiang Chen was full of pride and felt that he would be invincible in the world.


Soon, the Red Dragon Armor trembled violently, and a dragon chant resounded through it.

Jiang Chen's expression froze, and he immediately looked at the Chilong Armor.

A terrifying aura burst out from the Chilong Armor, sweeping away like a storm, and the entire space was twisted and twisted by this aura.

Although the Chiyan Battlegear and the Chilong Battlegear belong to the same system, their power is as different as cloud and mud.

If not, it would be impossible for Jiang Chen to cross the gap between the imperial realm and the holy realm with the help of the Chilong armor.

After a while, the berserk aura on the Chilong armor slowly subsided.

Jiang Chen looked happy, stretched out his hand, and took out the Chilong armor from the air.

Feeling the energy fluctuations from the Chilong Armor, Jiang Chen was so excited that his body trembled slightly.


"Sure enough, when the deep sleep accumulates to a certain level, the Chilong Armor will become stronger!"

"Very good, now we can go to the sanctuary."

Jiang Chen calmed down, and with a movement of his divine sense, the red dragon armor flew up and automatically disassembled, and then quickly possessed him.

In just a moment, the battle armor was put on automatically, feeling the power that could destroy the world, Jiang Chen smiled brighter and brighter.

"Sanctuary, my prince is here."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to carve a crimson door of light in the air, and stepped into it.

In the next instant, Jiang Chen's figure appeared in the mountain forest that had been razed to the ground.

Through the mark left by the national teacher, Jiang Chen easily found the space node.

Without thinking too much, he controlled the Chilong Armor and walked into the space passage.

From his point of view, the sanctuary is already in his pocket.

With the Red Dragon Armor, Jiang Chen is an invincible existence in the Sanctuary.

of course.

Even so, he will not take it lightly. After arriving in the sanctuary, he still needs to arrange it well, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen speeded up and quickly walked towards the other end of the space passage.


At the same time, Mo Yun, who finished eating spicy sticks and potato chips, stared up into the sky.

He found a scarlet light door floating above the sky again.

A violent breath burst out from the light gate.

In this regard, Mo Yun frowned slightly, then picked up the pulse on the ground and took a big sip.

"Meow~" The Nine Lives Civet ate the potato chips in its hand in twos and twos, and then flew over with a swish, looking eagerly at the fat pulse in Mo Yun's hand.

"You want to drink too?" Mo Yun was speechless.


"Okay, here you are." Mo Yun handed the pulse over.

"Meow!" Nine Lives Civet was overjoyed, hugged the bottle, raised his head and pulsated into his mouth.

With a pulsating mouthful, the Nine Lives Civet's eyes lit up immediately.

Then it meowed happily, and immediately drank tons of tons.

Soon, the whole bottle of pulse was wiped clean by it, leaving nothing behind.

"Hi~" Nine Lives Civet hiccupped, patted his slightly swollen belly, and looked satisfied.

Mo Yun rolled his eyes: "Are you a cat or a pig?"

At the same time, the breath in the light gate became more and more violent.

An extremely depressing breath came down from the sky.

"Meow?" Nine Lives Civet frowned, got up from the ground, and looked vigilantly at the light gate above the sky.

For some reason, at this moment, its heart is extremely manic, and a burst of anger is instinctively raised.

On this side, Mo Yun concentrated his attention, his spiritual sense had already locked the one-hit kill on the system bar, and at the same time looked at the light gate.

"Is the Red Flame Prince so strong?"

As soon as Mo Yun's words fell, the red light gate above the sky trembled.

Jiang Chen, who was wearing the Chilong battle armor, slowly stepped out from the light gate.


The Nine Lives Civet roared, staring at the red dragon on the chest of the red dragon battle armor.

The next moment, its figure flashed, and it rushed towards that figure with a swish.

Still in the air, the Nine Lives Civet turned into a ten-meter giant beast, with golden flames spraying from its body, and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

"Come back!" Mo Yun was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Xiao Huang to make a sudden attack, as if he was crazy.

On this side, Jiang Chen, who had just walked out of the light gate, realized that he was being attacked, so he threw a punch without thinking about it.

A punch fell, and the space was squeezed by the violent force and collapsed.

The space trembled, and the terrifying force exploded. Xiao Huang didn't even have a chance to resist, so he flew upside down.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen saw Xiao Huang's appearance clearly, his complexion changed drastically, and an unbelievable look flashed in his eyes.

"Nine Lives Civet?"

"how can that be?!"

"Why does this supposedly extinct creature still appear here?"

(End of this chapter)

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