Chapter 193
Chapter 193 World Enemy

"Why does this supposedly extinct creature still appear here?"

"This is impossible!"

Prince Chi Yan stared at Xiao Huang, his face was full of disbelief.

He never thought that he would meet the Nine-Life Civet in the Sanctuary.

Their clan has some grievances with the Nine-Life Civet Clan. In countless eras before, the Chiyan Clan and Nine-Fate Civet Clan were natural enemies, and they would fight when they met.

One party will not give up until it dies.

This kind of grievance has been engraved into the bones, even engraved into the imprint of the soul, and it will not be erased after countless opportunities.

This is also the reason why the Nine Lives Civet rushed to kill Prince Chi Yan when he saw him.


The Nine-Life Civet was thrown out, the space was shaken, and it flew upside down for more than ten miles before stopping. There was a trace of blood at the corner of its mouth, and it roared and rushed towards Prince Chiyan again.

Seeing this, Mo Yun's face darkened slightly, and he was about to make a move with one step.

However, at this time, the spiritual message of the Nine-Life Civet came from his mind.

After receiving the spiritual message, Mo Yun was taken aback for a moment, then stopped in place, not planning to attack for the time being.

The meaning of Nine Lives Civet is very simple.

The Nine-Life Civet Clan and the Chi Yan Clan are world enemies, and they will never die if they meet each other.

In that battle against heaven, the Nine Lives Civet Clan would fail, and there was also a reason for the Chi Yan Clan.

It wants to fight the Red Flame Prince alone.

This is the tradition of their clan, and at the same time it is a test of Dao Xin.

If it doesn't fight, its Dao Heart will be shaken, and it will lose the qualification to prove the Dao Emperor Realm.

Therefore, even if you lose your life, you will not hesitate.

Fortunately, the Chiyan clan in front of me is a bit mediocre, not the kind of amazingly talented and brilliant generation, and it is far behind those powerful Chiyan clan in history.

Therefore, Nine Lives Civet thinks that he still has a chance.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you lose the battle.

What matters is this determination to fight.

After knowing this information, Mo Yun would naturally not intervene again.

He stood watching, biding his time.

If Xiao Huang is really dying, he will make another move.

In any case, he would not let his cat be killed.


The moment he got close to Prince Scarlet Flame, the Nine-Life Civet's figure grew a bit bigger again, and the golden flames on its body also became hot.

At this moment, its aura rose a lot.

Regarding this, Prince Chiyan sneered.

"However, the mere King Jing dares to challenge this prince?"

"Hehe, Nine Lives Civet? Regardless of who you are, why are you able to exist in this world, since I have met you, this prince will kill you!"

Hearing Prince Chiyan's arrogant words, the Nine Lives Civet was so angry that it trembled, and opened its bloody mouth wide open, spitting out a stream of white flame.

White flames spewed out, and the space instantly distorted, as if it had been scorched.

This is the innate supernatural power of their family, possessing terrifying power.

If it improves its cultivation a little bit and reaches the holy realm, then the ray of light it emits can even penetrate the blue star.

Blue Star's physique is ten times that of Earth's, and its overall structure is also many times stronger than Earth's.

If the blue star is the same as the earth.

Then even a King Realm warrior can punch through the planet with a full attack.

But Blue Star is different.

Even if the Nine-Life Civet casts its innate supernatural powers and releases white flames towards the ground, it needs to reach the Holy Realm to penetrate it.

But even if it is just the white flame released by the civet of Wangjing Nine Fate, it should not be underestimated.

Seeing the impact of the white flames, Prince Chiyan's face darkened, and he quickly opened the highest-level defensive cover of the Chilong armor.

The white flame hit the protective cover at once, and a terrifying explosion sounded.

The space trembled, and the land with a radius of a hundred miles was affected, and the mountain trembled like an earthquake.

In the center of the explosion, terrifying energy overflowed, as if forming a black hole in space, it looked a little scary.

Watching this scene, Mo Yun was dumbfounded.

"Is Xiao Huang already this strong?"

He didn't expect Xiao Huang to have such an attack.

However, Mo Yun was not optimistic about this battle.

Because, he has already sensed that Prince Chiyan, who has put on the Chilong Armor, has barely reached the threshold of the holy realm.

The current Red Flame Prince, with the aid of the Red Flame Armor, is a bit similar to the former demon lord Zhu Tian who used his physical body to forcibly prove the Dao King Realm.

It does have the strength of a part of the holy realm cultivators, which is much stronger than the peak of the imperial realm.

But there is still a certain distance compared to the real holy land, even the weakest holy land.

The current state of the Scarlet Flame Prince can only be called a pseudo-sacred state at best.

It is much stronger than the peak of the imperial realm, and it is also much stronger than the quasi-sage, but it is still worse than the real saint.

Mo Yun looked forward to this.

Now his fighting power has been able to instantly kill the peak of the imperial realm.

But compared to the Holy Land, it is still far behind.

Mo Yun estimated that his current combat power should be similar to that of the so-called quasi-sage.

Therefore, he was looking forward to it, and wanted to have a good fight with Prince Chi Yan, to see how far his combat power could reach.

Of course, Mo Yun also knew that with his current combat power, there was a high probability that he would lose to Prince Chiyan.

But never mind.

Take a look first.

After all, such a good living target, it would be a pity not to try it.

It's really invincible to throw another imprisoned thing in the past.

It's just that now, the Nine Lives civet is really fighting Prince Chiyan, and Mo Yun can't intervene.

Mo Yun suppressed the desire in his heart and watched the battle quietly.

Wait for the Nine-Life Civet to die before appearing on the stage by himself.

Mo Yun reckoned that with the strength of the Nine-Life Civet, it wouldn't last long.

The gap in the big realm is not so easy to make up.

Xiaohuang was able to make a move or two with Prince Chiyan, which is already very remarkable.

Sure enough, as soon as Mo Yun's thought came up, the figure of the Nine Lives Civet flew out again.


The Nine Lives Civet roared in pain, and a large piece of its chest collapsed.

At this moment, it was gushing bright red blood all over its body, and it was already dying in mid-air.

Then, its body shrank to the size of a cat, and it wobbled to the ground.

Regarding this, Prince Chiyan sneered coldly and wanted to chase after him in a flash.

"Out of control."

However, at this moment, a white figure suddenly appeared and caught the falling Nine Lives Civet.

The white figure burst out with terrifying power, as heavy as a mountain, and just standing there at will gave people a sense of invincibility.

Prince Chiyan frowned, paused, not daring to act rashly.

Mo Yun caught the Nine Lives civet, felt it a little, and couldn't help frowning.

The Nine Lives Civet was seriously injured, its muscles and bones were shattered, and its spirit was almost wiped out.

Its breath of life is weak, as if it will fall in the next moment.

Of course, with the healing ability of the Nine Lives Civet, even if it is injured like this, it will not die.

But it will take years to recover.

This is also the reason why their family has strong vitality.

For other races, they would have exploded and died when they received the first blow from the Scarlet Flame Prince.

Without thinking too much, Mo Yun took out the Dragon's Tears from the system space and fed it to Xiao Huang.

A flash of crystal brilliance flashed, and Xiao Huang's injury quickly recovered, even the damaged mental strength was recovering quickly.

Seeing this, Mo Yun nodded in satisfaction, and slowly carved a door of light in the air, teleporting Xiao Huang back to the staff dormitory of Jiangnan Wuhan University.

After doing this, Mo Yun raised his eyes to look at Prince Chiyan.

At this time, Prince Chi Yan also recovered from the shock, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

"I am the terminator of your Chiyan clan."

Mo Yun took a serious look at Prince Chiyan, and continued.

"By the way, I have already terminated quite a few people from your family. You are not the first, nor will you be the last."

Hearing this, Prince Chi Yan was startled for a moment, but then his expression changed drastically.

It wasn't until now that he realized that something was wrong.

He quickly looked around, exuding a mental awareness of the location of his subordinates.


Did not sense any breath!
"Where are the prince's subordinates?!"

"You killed the prince's subordinates?!"

"It's impossible!"

Prince Chiyan's complexion changed drastically, his face was ferocious, his whole body trembled, and his anger reached the extreme.

"This prince wants you to die!"

At the same time, Mo Yun has already stepped forward.


With a bang, a huge golden palm print descended from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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