
Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped! ...More than a dozen wine bowls fell to the ground, and they were all shattered in an instant.Zhang Yungao raised the wine bowl, looked into Fang Zijun's eyes, and smashed it to the ground.The shards of the wine bowl flew up and even splashed on Fang Zijun's face, but she didn't dodge.The two watched silently, with fiery eyes.The military medals on his chest were all taken off, handed over to the staff officers who came to collect them one by one, and put them in their respective suicide note envelopes.There are also a few hairs, nails or other mementos of myself in it.Zhang Yun didn't hand over the military medal to the staff, he took it off and pinned it to Fang Zijun's chest.Fang Zijun's tears flowed down again.

"Turn to the right!" roared the captain's rough voice.Swish—the warriors turned to the right.The eagle armband on the left arm suddenly appeared neatly in front of the female soldiers. "Go!" - The warriors walked in unison, and the artillery positions in the distance began to shoot intensively, and the ballistic trajectory was clearly visible on the gradually darkening sky.God of War turned night into day.

Fang Zijun didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly rushed forward, grabbing Zhang Yun from the middle of the queue.Zhang Yun turned around, Fang Zijun threw himself on him, wrapping his arms around his neck.Fang Zijun looked at him hotly, Zhang Yun hugged Fang Zijun's weak body, his dry lips covered Fang Zijun's red lips.The two hugged tightly and kissed tightly, wishing to blend their lives together.Fang Zijun couldn't feel the taste on his lips, the fake ointment, tears, high-grade Moutai, smoke... were all mixed together.

The smell of blood gradually permeated Fang Zijun's mouth.Zhang Yun didn't cry out in pain, and didn't even express anything.Slowly, Fang Zijun was put down by Zhang Yun.Zhang Yun's lip was bitten by Fang Zijun, bloodshot.

"Wait for me." Zhang Yun said these three words in a hoarse voice, turned around and caught up with the team.The team got into three big-ass jeeps and started bouncing on the red dirt road.In the distance, the artillery was still firing intensively, and the rocket launchers also participated, spitting out the letter of death like a snake whistling.The earth trembles with the mighty force of war.

"I'll wait for you!" Fang Zijun shouted with all his strength.The figures of the warriors disappeared into the invisible darkness.Fang Zijun suddenly let out a heart-piercing cry, knelt on the ground and wept.The female soldiers surrounded her and tried to comfort her, but they all burst into tears... Zhang Lei was surprised to find that Fang Zijun was crying in the back of the auditorium.At this point the report meeting was over, and the girls came up to ask them to sign.His eyes followed Fang Zijun and ran out of the auditorium.Liu Fangfang squeezed over, her face flushed with excitement: "You are amazing!" Zhang Lei has not recovered yet.Liu Fangfang's eyes were burning: "Leave me the address, I want to write to you!" Zhang Lei hesitated for a moment, and saw He Xiaoyu outside the crowd staring at him with strange eyes, he said: "Go ask He Xiao Yu, she knows our address." He squeezed out of the crowd and ran out quickly.However, Fang Zijun was no longer outside the auditorium.

The sports meeting of the special reconnaissance brigade is unique. In addition to traditional track and field events, there are also non-traditional sports such as sanshou and throwing knife.Geng Hui didn't dare to let the troops who came back from the exercise idle. The characteristic of this kind of troops is that they have excess energy, and accidents will happen when they are idle.So he hurriedly organized the first sports meeting. It took a lot of energy to prepare and select the various units in front of it. The army values ​​the sense of honor most, so they are very serious;Geng Hui, who is familiar with military political work, of course would not let go of such a best opportunity for publicity, so reporters from the military region's "Battle Song" and the military newspaper's garrison region were invited to the scene.Leaders at all levels are also indispensable, as well as the chief officers of the brother troops.The old man brought various ministers from the military area to attend, and it was very lively-the opening of the majestic gongs and drums team was very impressive. The majestic gong and drum team of 200 people, with red belts on their heads and camouflage uniforms, quickly lined up in front of the viewing platform with a roar of big drums and gongs.Boom, boom, knock, shout, the generals who came from the war years all laughed.Sanshou competitions are divided into cadre competitions and soldier competitions, otherwise it would be unfair.This guy Chen Yong has become the champion of the cadres without hesitation. He was born as a disciple of Shaolin laymen, and his kung fu is really not bragging.The fighting spirit was also high, and the old man was dazzled and applauded repeatedly after passing five stages and killing six generals.He looked sideways at his security staff: "Who are you guys going to compete with him?"The security staff members looked at each other, they were all Lianjiazi, Chen Yong's kung fu could be seen at a glance, he was not a wild way of becoming a monk halfway.They all came into contact with fighting after joining the army, and these years they have been mixed in agencies, so they have fewer chances to fight, so this is troublesome.But soldiers should not be ashamed.A staff officer took off his uniform: "I'll go." Chen Yong saw him coming up with gloves on, and shook his head in a pose: "Let's come together." The staff officers below couldn't hold back their faces.All in all, they all went up——you told me to come together!He Zhijun looked at it coldly, and shouted: "Chen Yong! Have you grown your skills?!" Chen Yong was taken aback, a martial arts competition is a martial arts competition, how could he have thought so much?The old man waved his hand and signaled He Zhijun to sit down: "You fight hard, I'll watch."

Chen Yong felt that there was no problem, and the lieutenant general said let me fight hard!He regained his energy and stood in the middle of the stage, with the four staff officers standing at a corner.As soon as the referee shouted, the four staff officers rushed forward together.Chen Yong flew up on the spot, a swallow swung its tail, and kicked the two staff officers accurately in the face. When it landed, the flying dragon twisted the ball. When it got up, it first punched the staff officer in the face, and then stood up with his shoulders. Pushing back, the staff officer behind also flew out.The four staff officers got up and rushed forward again.The more Chen Yong fights, the more energetic he is, he shoots his legs in a row, and bows left and right, as if he is demonstrating a one-to-four one-stroke defeating the enemy.When he knocked down all four staff officers for the third time, the old man shouted to stop.Chen Yong stood in the center of the stage, closing his posture steadily. "Chen Yong! See if I won't fix you?!" He Zhijun stood up.Chen Yong's face was full of grievances, but he was really afraid of He Zhijun.The old man smiled all over his face: "Okay! Alright! Good skill! You were in the martial arts team before joining the army?" "Report to the chief! No!"

"Where did you learn this kung fu?" "I was from Shaolin Temple before I joined the army." "Monk?" The old man was taken aback.Chen Yong replied: "No, lay disciple!" The old man nodded: "The Special Reconnaissance Brigade is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger! What's the matter, Captain He, can you give me this person?"

He Zhijun was unwilling, but still smiled all over his face: "Deputy Commander, I only have more than 200 people, and you have hundreds of thousands of troops under your command, some of them are experts." Hide it!" The generals laughed.

"Well, the person is still yours. But the training department has come up with a plan to let this cadre give rotation training to the combat instructors and reconnaissance company commanders of the military region." The old man said.The training minister stood up and said, "Yes." The old man stood up and said with a smile, "I don't want you personally. You, He Zhijun, have asked for guns and money from me a lot!" The generals laughed again.

"Go, take a look." The old man said.He Zhijun was nervous for a while: "What?" "You showed these for us to see." The old man said, "What I want to see is what you didn't show." "Which places does the chief want to inspect?" Geng Hui Ask carefully. "Tell you, what am I still inspecting?" The old man said with a smile, "Get in the car first, I'll think about it after I get in the car." They all followed the old man down, got in the car, and the sports meeting was still going on.

The deputy commander led the team and inspected the canteen, oil depot, ammunition depot, garage, etc. The management was indeed orderly.He nodded in satisfaction. Both He Zhijun and Geng Hui thought it was all right, but the old man got into the car again.This time when the car got out of the compound, He Zhijun and Geng Hui were still puzzled. The old man sitting in front said to the driver, "Go to the farm." The two chief officers were pulled into the car by the old man. This is to prevent them from notifying the units to be inspected.When the car arrived at the farm, the sentinel on duty thought he was delusional.I hurriedly called the director, but I couldn't speak well.The director hurriedly led the security team to stand in line in front of the building to greet him. The old man got off the car and didn't go up. He went straight to see the vegetable field and the fish pond.A group of generals and school officers looked at the vegetable fields and fish ponds, and the old man was quite satisfied, as he was as familiar with these as an old farmer.Just as He Zhijun breathed a sigh of relief, the old man said, "Go to the pigsty."

"Report to the chief! There, it's smelly there." The farm director said quickly.The old man asked: "Can't the soldiers stay?" The director dared not speak.

"Lead the way." With a word from the old man, the director hurriedly led the way.Approaching the pigsty far away, the director was introducing the situation in front of him, but suddenly the soles of his feet jumped, and half of his legs sank into the ground.He groaned, and the soil flew up more than half a meter.A security staff officer shouted: "Trap! Protect the chief!" The chief's security staff and guards clattered out their pistols and formed a circle, surrounding the chiefs.Both He Zhijun and Geng Hui started to sweat.There was no movement for a long time.The old man ordered: "Go and have a look." The two staff officers stepped forward cautiously, poking their feet, beware of traps.boom!boom!There were two loud bangs. It turned out that they tripped over two nylon wires, and the earth mine hidden in the grass was turned over.He Zhijun understood: "This is a simulated infantry directional mine! Don't go any further, someone turned this place into a training ground." The old man looked at the front in surprise: "Does your brigade farm also have military training missions?" He Zhijun also not very clear.The old man ordered: "Explore again!" More guards stepped up, and what came out were traps, traps, and various directional mines.A guard accidentally stepped on a noose and was hung from a tree.The old man watched carefully. "Guess who it is?" Geng Hui asked He Zhijun in a low voice.He Zhijun gritted his teeth angrily: "What do you think?" As he was speaking, Old Xue ran out of the pigsty: "Haha! You stepped on it by yourself, right? I won't let you go if you don't call me grandpa this time... Ouch! My god!" Old Xue was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground, and there was a group of chiefs in front of him! "Is this an institution you set up?" the old man asked.Old Xue hurriedly saluted: "Report to the chief! No!" The old man wanted to say something, and there was a voice calling his number in the distance: "One-two-three-four..." It was the voice of a young soldier, the number was cheerful With vigor.Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.Lin Rui was sweating profusely, wearing a whitewashed camouflage uniform, with sandbags tied all over his body, and ran back with a backpack and a wooden gun.

"I am a soldier, from the common people..." Lin Rui was singing, when he saw a wall of people standing in front of him, he immediately swallowed the song.A screeching brake hit the chiefs in front of them, and they saluted pantingly: "Hello, chief—"

He Zhijun scolded angrily: "Lin Rui, look at what you've done!" The old man reached out his hand to stop him, and walked over to look at Lin Rui.Lin Rui stood very straight, not knowing what kind of bad luck he was about to face.

It's over, I can't be a soldier this time!The old man looked at Lin Rui's attire, saw his sweating profusely, and reached out to wipe Lin Rui's sweat.Lin Rui couldn't help but burst into tears.Obediently!The general wipes the sweat of the private!All the grievances poured out at that moment, but he just gritted his teeth and refused to cry.The old man took the wooden gun from Lin Rui, and said in a trembling voice, "You use this for training?"

(End of this chapter)

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