
Chapter 22

Chapter 22

"Yes, Chief." Lin Rui bit his lip to keep from crying. "Where's the gun I gave you?!" The old man was furious, and turned his head to roar at He Zhijun.He Zhijun saluted: "Report to the chief! He made a mistake and was temporarily transferred from the combat company to the pigsty to reflect." "What mistake?" the old man asked.After thinking about it, Geng Hui said, "Deserter." "Is it true?" The old man looked at Lin Rui and asked.Lin Rui cried and said, "Yes, chief. I don't blame the captain and the political commissar. It's my own fault. I became a deserter and ran home by myself." "Do you realize your mistake?" The old man's voice was soft.Lin Rui replied: "Yes, Chief! I want to be a soldier, I shouldn't be a deserter." The old man said: "It's good to realize it. Go in and have a look." Lin Rui hurriedly ran ahead to guide everyone through the trap area.Walking into the yard of the pigsty, the old man saw Lin Rui's self-made wooden figures and sandbags that he used to practice Sanshou, as well as the thousand-layer paper on the wall, and there were dried blood stains on the paper.Lin Rui's broken bricks and sticks were piled up in the corner of the yard.After entering the dormitory, the old man saw that Lin Rui's bedside and walls were all covered with English words.On the simple bookshelf next to the bed were college entrance examination review materials and military books. I picked out one at random, and it was Clausewitz's "On War".

"Is this what you saw?" the old man asked.Lin Rui said: "Yes, Chief." The old man looked at He Zhijun and Geng Hui: "You tell yourself, what should we do with this soldier?" "Tomorrow, let him return to the combat company." He Zhijun said.The old man nodded: "Go out."

The generals stood in two rows in the courtyard.The old man came out and pulled Lin Rui: "Let me say a few words." The generals stood at attention.

"Relax." The old man said, "Being a deserter is not a glorious thing, but our soldiers are still young, and they come from home to the army to suffer. Because he is a deserter, I don't praise him, but, Because of his introspective spirit, I respect him. I often worry a lot, including whether our soldiers are willing to dedicate their youth in the military barracks under the current commodity economy conditions, and whether they can fight for the honor of the soldiers and the combat effectiveness of the army. Come and sharpen yourself voluntarily. Now, I have found the answer. Our army, thanks to such fighters, will not be defeated!"

Lin Rui stood there and saw Lao Xue standing alone at the door behind the crowd, he wanted to say something but didn't say it.Old Xue watched helplessly and smiled at Lin Rui.The generals left and the excitement passed, only Lin Rui and Lao Xue were left in the yard.

"Old Xue?" Lin Rui walked up to the dull old Xue.Old Xue smiled woodenly.Suddenly squatting on the ground and crying again: "18 years! 18 years—I have been raising pigs for 18 years, and no chief has ever said such a thing to me—I am also a soldier! I am also a soldier..."

Lin Rui hugged Lao Xue's shoulders: "Old Xue! You are a soldier, you are the best soldier, and you are my best squad leader..." Lin Rui hugged the simple and honest old Xue who was like a big tree, crying loudly.Lao Xue is like a child, and the crying makes all the pigs in the pigsty very strange.

The bugle pierced the sky, and the night cut a white hole, and the sun shines down from here.Lin Rui put on his big-brimmed hat and stood in front of Lao Xue.Old Xue is also very formally wearing the regular clothes he almost never wears, and the brand new regular clothes are wrinkled under the box.He wears a buckle, his beard has been carefully shaved, and his chin is blue.Lin Rui, who was carrying a backpack, saluted solemnly: "The third squad of the farm of the Special Reconnaissance Brigade of the A Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has assembled. One person should arrive, and one person actually arrived! Please comment, the squad leader!"

Old Xue solemnly returned the salute: "comments—take a break!—Lin Rui! From today on, you will no longer be a soldier in my class! You will embark on a new revolutionary post. I hope you will not be arrogant or impetuous, and carry forward in my class. The excellent style of work has created new brilliance in the new revolutionary collective!" Lin Rui and Lao Xue applauded together.The pigs hummed and gathered around the fence to watch the excitement.

"Next, let's ask the squad leader to shout fuck!" Lin Rui shouted.Old Xue said: "Let's go together! One two one, one two one - pay attention to swinging your arms! Stand still! Lin Rui, you have to pay attention to swinging your arms! Once you are in place, don't go down to look for it, understand?!"

"Understood!" Lin Rui roared.The yard of the pigsty is not big, so Lin Rui can reach the end within a few steps. "Turn backwards! Go forward - go!" - Lin Rui kicked forward. "Stand still! Turn left - run -" - Lin Rui cupped his fists. "Go!" Old Xue shouted.Lin Rui ran towards the door.When he ran to the door, Lao Xue still hadn't shouted to stop.Lin Rui turned his head and slowed down.Old Xue shouted: "Run! I didn't tell you to stop, run!" Lin Rui gritted his teeth and ran out.After running for a long distance, Lin Rui couldn't hold back his tears, streaming down in the wind.He stood at attention and turned around.In the distance, Lao Xue stood at the door of the pigsty and looked at him eagerly.Lin Rui sobbed and shouted: "Old Xue! I will come back to see you!" Old Xue waved his hand, but Lin Rui refused to leave.Lin Rui cried, "You are the best special soldier I have ever seen!" Lao Xue cried, his whole body trembling.Lin Rui raised his right hand: "Salute—" Old Xue returned the salute.Lin Rui shouted: "The ceremony is over!" The hands of both of them were put down at the same time.Lin Rui shouted the password to himself: "Turn backward - run - go!"

Every movement of his is very standard.He knew that his monitor was watching him.Therefore, he has to do everything very standard.

Lin Rui sang loudly: "I am a soldier, from the common people. I defeated the Japanese invaders and wiped out the Chiang Kai-shek army..."

Lin Rui kept singing, very loudly.He knew that Lao Xue would definitely hear it.No matter how far he ran, Lao Xue would definitely hear him.

Fang Zijun's weeping in the auditorium has always troubled Zhang Lei. He doesn't understand why Fang Zijun is always so tender, sometimes sad, and sometimes unable to extricate himself in front of him.He likes this girl who is older than himself, and this liking has a challenging taste.Zhang Lei is not the kind of stupid soldier who has never been in love. On the contrary, before he entered school, his emotional life was still very rich.The relationship between him and the "first umbrella flower" of the women's parachute team of the military department, although it has gradually faded because of "umbrella"'s retirement, is far inferior to the relationship between him and the deputy instructor of the communication company later. The entanglement is moving.It was only because of her father's interference and the fact that the female cadre had to marry a man with whom she had a child relative in her hometown that there was no result.He has liked challenges since he was a child, and challenged all limits. This may be the inheritance of the paratrooper family. It is reflected in his emotional life, that is, he likes to challenge girls who are older than himself.He wanted to tell Liu Xiaofei about his troubles several times, but he was afraid that Liu Xiaofei would be too impatient to ask He Xiaoyu, and the feedback would be self-defeating in Fang Zijun's ears.So, it is still in the bottom of my heart.

On the weekend, he and Liu Xiaofei went to the city.When they arrived in the city, they parted ways.Liu Xiaofei went to the Military Medical University, while he went to the Military General Hospital.When he went to the gynecology department, he found out that Fang Zijun was not on duty today.The nurse on duty looked at him very concerned, not knowing who he belonged to that weird-tempered Doctor Fang, but he just smiled.After finding out Fang Zijun's dormitory, he went straight.Walking into the dormitory building, I heard the sound of the guitar.Of course, someone like Zhang Lei must play the guitar in the army, and he knew that he played the guitar well.Then the two girls sang, singing the episode "Song of the Moon" from the TV series "Triumph in the Midnight": "When I was lying in my mother's arms, I often smiled sweetly at the moon. She is my mother." Good friend, no matter how troubled you are..." Zhang Lei was stunned for a moment, he was also familiar with this TV series, and of course he liked it very much.He walked along the singing, the door was ajar.Sure enough, I guessed right, there was Fang Zijun inside, and another female soldier, who was younger than Fang Zijun and didn't wear a military jacket, she seemed to be her colleague.

Zhang Lei stood at the door, listening to the singing.Like many young soldiers, he regretted not catching up with the war that had just ended.He was still in high school when his brother died.He was distraught, but his mother refused to let him join the army and go to the front to avenge his brother.After graduating from high school, with his father's acquiescence, he joined the army, but he has missed the war that is gradually fading away.That war left countless stories, and the story of Zhang Lei's family is one of them.So he is very sensitive to everything about that war, including literary works-"Moon Song" is the same.Looking at Fang Zijun's profile as white as jade, he suddenly understood many things hidden deep in this girl's heart.Not only because of his older age, people who have experienced war are always different from others.After singing, Fang Zijun said to the female soldier: "Your chorus is not very good in the second stanza. You should pay attention to the emotional foreshadowing is slowly entered. You experience it, and we will do it again."

Zhang Lei gently knocked on the door.Fang Zijun shouted: "Come in!" Zhang Lei pushed open the door.When Fang Zijun saw that it was him, he stood up in surprise, and the guitar fell to the ground.Zhang Lei laughed hurriedly: "It's me, not the secret service team!" The girl stood up: "Yo! Doctor Fang, are you here to find you? Then I'll go back first, and you have to find me again." The girl left It's gone, only Fang Zijun and Zhang Lei are left in the room.Fang Zijun asked: "Why are you here?" Zhang Lei asked: "Why can't I come?" Yes, Fang Zijun was also taken aback - why can't you come?Zhang Lei went to pick up the guitar. Almost instantly, Fang Zijun took a step away and stood in front of the desk.Zhang Lei was stunned for a moment, and then smiled again: "What's the matter, I'll help you pick up things." "No, it's okay." Fang Zijun concealed, his right hand hidden behind touched the photo frame on the table, and immediately put the photo frame upside down on the table .Zhang Lei picked up the guitar with a smile, and adjusted the strings: "Actually, you can change the chords." Then, he played himself: "Look, this is much better, of course, the technique is also a little more difficult." He played While playing, I suddenly felt that this guitar was somewhat familiar. Looking down, there was a hand-painted drawing of a flying eagle on the guitar case.Shocked, he stood up and held the guitar in front of him.Below the flying eagle is a line of ancient poem: "Grand Mo Xiao drunk lying on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times to pay back." Below is the signature: "Zijun's comrades-in-arms commemorate Zhang Yun." Zhang Lei stroked the guitar, his hands trembling.This is what my brother gave him when he first joined the army!The family courtyard is very close to the reconnaissance brigade of the military department. He has been used to running there since he was a child, and he often ran there after his brother joined the army.My brother plays this guitar, and my brother's comrade-in-arms plays it, so he also plays it.It's impossible for him not to be familiar with him, he can even feel his brother's smell... He raised his eyes again, his face was already full of tears: "You... know my brother very well?"

Fang Zijun's face turned pale, and he didn't know how to answer him.

"Tell me." Zhang Lei's tears had never flowed like this. Ever since his brother died, he thought his tears had dried up.Fang Zijun really didn't know what to say.

"I'm his...brother!" Zhang Lei said word by word.Fang Zijun took a deep breath, but tears flowed down his face. "Tell me about my brother..." Zhang Lei looked into Fang Zijun's eyes.Fang Zijun avoided it.Zhang Lei grabbed her arm: "You tell me!" Fang Zijun looked at him, the tears in his eyes gradually stopped: "You let me go, I am your brother's girlfriend." Zhang Lei let go of it like an electric shock hand.Fang Zijun took out the photo frame with his backhand: "Look for yourself." Zhang Lei snatched it, and the photo was a group photo of his brother in camouflage uniform and Fang Zijun in front of the dense forest on the front line.

"You and your brother... are really similar." Fang Zijun choked up and said, "But, I know, you are not him! Not him!"

Zhang Lei looked at the photo, the guitar, and Fang Zijun: "It's not true..." "It's true." Fang Zijun calmed down instead, "I'm your brother's girlfriend, and I'm Feiying's woman. "It's not true!" Zhang Lei cried out in pain. "It's true!" Fang Zijun opened the drawer with a bang, took out the box, opened it, and dumped everything on the table.Zhang Lei saw it—two umbrella badges, the first-class merit medal, the flying eagle armband, the letter from the brother, the harmonica of the brother... "This is true." Fang Zijun calmed down, "I am your brother's girlfriend." "No——" Zhang Lei took a step back, "I never mentioned you in my brother's letter!" "That's because the war is not over yet!" Fang Zijun said, "I am his woman, I am already his A woman! I love him, I only love him!" - Zhang Lei backed away slowly, the guitar and the photo frame fell to the ground: "This is not true -" Zhang Lei shouted loudly and rushed out of the door.Fang Zijun stood still inside the house, listening to the sound of footsteps running away.Tears gradually flowed down her white and flawless cheeks, she knelt down slowly, sobbing silently with her arms around her shoulders - facing the shards of glass in the picture frame on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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