
Chapter 23

Chapter 23

The muffled thunder announced that the storm was coming, and the empty training ground was empty.Zhang Lei ran crazily over the 400-meter hurdles like a madman, and the big raindrops fell on his face without tears and his body already drenched in sweat.He didn't know how many times he had run back and forth, he just ran crazily to vent the burning flame deep in his heart. "Zhang Lei—" Liu Xiaofei ran into the training ground.Zhang Lei didn't stop, he was still running crazily.Liu Xiaofei rushed over, hugged Zhang Lei who was climbing the high wall, and threw him to the ground.Zhang Lei climbed out, ignoring the muddy water on his face and body, and climbed towards the high wall again.Liu Xiaofei hugged him by the waist, pushed him to the ground, and shouted, "Zhang Lei! Are you crazy?!" "Let go!" Zhang Lei roared angrily.Liu Xiaofei pressed him hard: "You come back with me! The whole team thinks you are crazy! If you do this again, the cadres are here, how do you explain it?!" "Let me go—" Zhang Lei struggled hard, Liu Xiaofei pinned his legs to prevent him from getting up. "You are a soldier!" Liu Xiaofei shouted, "You are a soldier! Not a commoner!" "Let go!" Zhang Lei punched him in the face.Liu Xiaofei fell backwards, got up, and had already started to have a nosebleed.Zhang Lei got up and looked at him with fire in his eyes: "I told you to let me go!" Liu Xiaofei kicked Zhang Lei's chest, and Zhang Lei quickly dodged and hugged Liu Xiaofei's right leg to go down. fall.Liu Xiaofei turned his waist and kicked Zhang Lei directly to the back of the head with his left leg.Zhang Lei was kicked and threw himself on the ground.Liu Xiaofei shouted: "Come on! Don't you just want to vent? I'll fight you!"

Zhang Lei yelled and rushed forward, Liu Xiaofei grabbed Zhang Lei's shoulder and fell back, then a rabbit kicked the eagle, Zhang Lei flew over, rolled forward on the ground, turned around and rushed up again with a roar.The two fought together, both masters of sanshou, so the fight was thrilling, the fists and feet didn't have eyes, they would make noise when they fell on the body, and blood would smear when they fell on the face.

"What are you two doing? It's raining heavily, and no one will be safe!" Two police pickets came running over in the rain.Both of them hadn't completely lost their minds yet, they immediately let go of each other and ran away.The pickets only chased after him symbolically, and then went to find a place to shelter from the rain.The two ran to the narrow eaves at the entrance of the air-raid shelter, their faces were colorful.Zhang Lei and Liu Xiaofei looked at each other, and suddenly burst into laughter.Laughing and laughing, Zhang Lei began to cry.Liu Xiaofei grabbed his shoulder and slapped him twice: "Wake up! Wake up!"

Zhang Lei stopped crying and looked at him blankly.Liu Xiaofei shouted: "Listen to me! You are right!" Zhang Lei looked at him: "You know everything?" Liu Xiaofei shouted: "Yes! Fang Zijun told He Xiaoyu, of course He Xiaoyu will tell me !you are right!"

"I like my brother's woman!" "But you are right!" Liu Xiaofei patted him on the shoulder, "Your brother has already sacrificed! He has already sacrificed! She and your brother are in love, but your brother has already sacrificed! Zhang Yun, already sacrificed! Do you understand?!" "I can't let my brother down!" Liu Xiaofei slapped him again: "What did I tell you?! Your brother has already been sacrificed!" "She said, she It's Feiying's woman!" "The Feiying team has been disbanded!" Liu Xiaofei looked into his eyes seriously, "Feiying has become history!" "Then what do you think I should do?!" "If you love her! "Liu Xiaofei stared into his eyes, "Listen——if you really love her, go after her bravely! If you don't have the courage, then give her up! It's that simple, what can't you understand? !" "She is already my brother's woman!" - Liu Xiaofei was choked. Although he is a young man, it is impossible for him not to understand the meaning of the word "already".Zhang Lei looked at him, not knowing what to say. "I have no other idea!" Liu Xiaofei said, "If you can accept this reality, you can love her! If you can't accept it, Zhang Lei, you should let go as soon as possible! Get rid of this heart too! Otherwise, you will torture yourself, and even worse. Torturing her!" "She likes me?" "How do I know?!" Liu Xiaofei said, "How do I know, does she like you or your brother?! You are a fucking man, a fucking paratrooper! Paratrooper I was born to be a warrior! I was surrounded! You told me all this! If you are a man, stand up for me! If it is bitter, you will swallow it! If it is spicy, you will bear it!"

Zhang Lei's young face became stronger under the impact of the rain. "If you love it, go after it! If you don't love it, let it go!" Liu Xiaofei shouted.Zhang Lei stood up all of a sudden and threw Liu Xiaofei into a somersault.Liu Xiaofei was startled: "What are you doing?" Zhang Lei stood in the rain, looking up to the sky and screaming, "This dog-day war—" A muffled thunder, and the rain became heavier.Zhang Lei breathed heavily, gulping down the rainwater.Liu Xiaofei stood in front of him: "What are you going to do?" Zhang Lei shouted: "I need time! I need to think! Don't force me!" "We are brothers!" Liu Xiaofei grabbed his shoulders, "Brothers of life and death! You remember it for me, it’s bitter, you bear it! It’s spicy, you swallow it!” Zhang Lei didn’t speak, and the lightning kept lighting up his young face.After a while, Zhang Lei said bitterly: "If my brother doesn't sacrifice, she will be my sister-in-law!" Liu Xiaofei reminded him: "However, your brother has already sacrificed." Good paratrooper." Zhang Lei threw himself on Liu Xiaofei's shoulder and cried.Liu Xiaofei didn't speak, but hugged Zhang Lei.Zhang Lei said sadly: "My dear brother..." "You are also the best paratrooper." Liu Xiaofei said, "You will come out." Amidst the sound of rain, Zhang Lei burst into tears.

"Actually, I didn't tell you because you were too young." The pouring rain poured down outside the window, and the whole city was shrouded in darkness. Occasionally, a few bolts of lightning split the dark clouds, bringing a desolate beauty.Fang Zijun leaned on the head of his bed, hugged his knees, and slowly said to He Xiaoyu in front of him.He Xiaoyu looked at her: "I have grown up, sister."

"I know, and you are also a soldier now." Fang Zijun smiled wryly, "A soldier is a profession that exists for war; how many soldiers can experience war? War catalyzes the maturity of soldiers, and also catalyzes the tragedy of soldiers." It's over, you should have a new life." "Yes, it's over. But the war in my heart has never ended." Fang Zijun said.He Xiaoyu looked at her, not quite understanding.Fang Zijun sighed: "You are still too young. Go to my drawer and bring me the cigarettes." "When did you learn to smoke?" Although he was talking, He Xiaoyu still took out a box of Hongtashan and a lighter from the drawer , Pass it to Fang Zijun. "When I was on the front line, I couldn't finish the cigarettes sent up from the rear." Fang Zijun lit one skillfully, and exhaled a puff of smoke. Hurry up." He Xiaoyu looked at Fang Zijun's eyes that suddenly became unfamiliar, and felt a chill. "You think I don't know you anymore? Don't you?" Fang Zijun smiled, "Xiao Yu, don't mind if I ask you a question—if war breaks out and Liu Xiaofei dies, will you still fall in love with someone else?" "I, I I never thought about this problem." He Xiaoyu said. "Yes, you haven't thought about it, because you haven't met it before." Fang Zijun smiled, and then the smile disappeared, "But, I met it." He Xiaoyu felt sad from the bottom of his heart.The light in Fang Zijun's eyes disappeared: "My lover died on the battlefield." A flash of lightning turned Fang Zijun's face pale, "And I didn't die, this is my tragedy."

"In 1986, I was 18 years old, but I had been on the front line for nearly a year. I was no longer afraid of blood, amputated limbs, death and gunfire, and rarely shed tears. My father , that is, your Uncle Fang, the chief of staff of your father's reconnaissance brigade. We rarely meet each other because we each have a lot of work. At that time, the large-scale battles were basically over, and the enemy could not take advantage of the frontal battlefield , So we launched a spy war. They mainly dispatched a small group of well-trained special agents to destroy and harass our military and civilian targets, kidnap and assassinate our important military and political personnel, and even attack hospitals and schools, hoping to rely on this method To create unbearable pressure on our side and achieve the goal that cannot be achieved on the frontal battlefield.

"The border between the two sides stretches for thousands of kilometers and is criss-crossed. It is impossible to deploy defenses across the board. Therefore, our measures are to fight back with fire, and use small reconnaissance teams to harass and destroy the enemy's rear, so that the other side feels the same pressure. In the end, the two sides stopped fighting In this way, many scouts from different military regions and different arms came to the front line one after another. They are the backbone of their respective units, young and energetic, with extraordinary skills, and eager to try. There are very few female soldiers on the front line, so we except Completed my own medical work, also undertook the task of theatrical performances and setting off on a grand trip..."

From far away in the sky came the sound of cannons, sometimes dense, sometimes sparse.Under the darkness of night, the small-scale theatrical performances in the valley are still going on, and "Moon of the Fifteenth" has come to an end.Inside the temporary backstage tent, Fang Zijun was doing his final makeup in front of the mirror.The curtain of the tent was lifted, but Fang Zijun didn't turn his head: "I'll be ready soon, let's announce the curtain first." There was no reply, she turned her head, and Zhang Yun, who was wearing a camouflage uniform and no hat, was standing at the door.

"Why did you come in? This is the backstage, get out!" Fang Zijun stood up and said bluntly.Zhang Yun looked at her with a deep expression and remained silent for a long time.Fang Zijun said without hesitation: "If you don't go out again, I will ask someone to drive you out!"

Zhang Yun suddenly took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth: "Light me a cigarette." "Why?" "I'm going up tomorrow." Zhang Yun's voice was very low.Fang Zijun was so angry that his eyebrows were raised: "I tell you, don't do this with me! I have seen you like this a lot, and everyone who comes here will go up! Get out!" Zhang Yun couldn't help but be pushed out, Fang Zijun pulled down the curtain rudely.There was a burst of laughter outside.Fang Zijun looked out the window, three or four scouts surrounded Zhang Yunle.Zhang Yun resentfully opened one of his Zhonghua cigarettes and gave them to them: "I admit defeat! Change another female soldier, and I will try again! I don't believe that no female soldier can light my cigarette today." ..." Before he finished speaking, a teapot of cold water poured out and poured over Zhang Yun's head.Fang Zijun stood at the door holding a tea mug and shouted, "Get out!" The scouts laughed and dispersed, leaving only Zhang Yun standing there.He wiped the water off his face, turned around, "I'm telling you, I'm a goddamned paratrooper..." Boom!The tea mug was thrown on him: "You are the umbrella prince, and your aunt and grandma will not serve you!" Wow!The curtain is lowered.Zhang Yun wanted to get angry, but he didn't get angry. He bent down and picked up the tea mug, which read: Fang Zijun, Army Hospital of Group A...

"Is this the first time you two met?" He Xiaoyu listened intently.Fang Zijun was immersed in happiness, and it took him a long time to say: "Yes, it's the first time we met. To me, they are all the same scouts. I don't care if they are from the army or the air force, armored soldiers or paratroopers? You don't know, these half-grown kids like to tease the female soldiers when they go to the front line, don't mention how bad it is! Especially these scouts, they are so clever! If nothing happens, they play tricks with the female soldiers, pretending to be pitiful and tragic, to deceive The feelings of female soldiers, don’t mention how hateful they are! At first I was foolishly moved, but after seeing them too much, I didn’t like them very much.”

He Xiaoyu smiled: "I didn't expect these guys to look like this when they went to the front line!" "Female soldiers, on the front line, are angels in the eyes of male soldiers." Fang Zijun said with a smile, "Actually, thinking about it now, they also Not bad, they are all young men who have never had much contact with girls, and this kind of mentality is understandable." "Then what happened afterwards?" He Xiaoyu asked.Fang Zijun thought about it and smiled: "Then? Later, he pissed me off again."

Zhang Yun solemnly wrote his name on the national flag with a brush, and handed it to the next team member.The night has shrouded the mountains, and in this small camp, the departure ceremony is being held.After Zhang Yun finished writing his name, he stood back in the queue with a submachine gun on his back. At this time, he saw a group of female soldiers approaching from the opposite side.Zhang Yun searched in the queue, and immediately saw Fang Zijun in front of him.Fang Zijun couldn't see him clearly, the scouts were all camouflaged, and she didn't have much impression of Zhang Yun at that time.After the chief finished his speech, he drank Zhuangxing wine.Zhang Yun counted the number of heads, and said to the brother next to him, "Let's trade."

"Why?" "If you are told to change it, you can change it, a bag of Zhonghua." The brother took a wrong step back, Zhang Yun took a step to the left, and changed back.

At this time, the female soldiers came up solemnly holding wine bowls.Fang Zijun is not the first time to participate in this kind of ceremony, but still very serious.She turned to the left and stood in front of Zhang Yun.Zhang Yun looked at her with bright eyes.Fang Zijun ignored him and didn't stare at him. After all, this is a warrior who is going to the front line.Zhang Yun took the wine bowl and said in a low voice before drinking, "Fang Zijun."

Fang Zijun was taken aback and looked up at him.Zhang Yun smiled: "I'm a goddamn paratrooper."

Fang Zijun immediately lost his temper.After drinking Zhuang Xingjiu, the team was about to set off when Zhang Yun suddenly said, "Report!"

The chief looked at him: "Speak!" Zhang Yun said seriously: "I want the female soldier to light me a cigarette." The chief thought about it: "Okay." Zhang Yun turned to Fang Zijun and took out a cigarette from his pocket A cigarette awaits.Fang Zijun bit his lip, and suddenly shouted: "Report!" The chief was puzzled: "Speak!" Fang Zijun said surprisingly: "I can't light this cigarette!" "Why?!" The chief was a little angry.The subtext is obvious-our warriors may be dead, and you can't even light a cigarette? !Let you point is to think highly of you!Fang Zijun was neither humble nor overbearing: "I'll wait for him to come back to order this cigarette! I believe he will come back!" The chief was relieved and said boldly: "Okay!"

Zhang Yun was taken aback for a moment, and smiled wryly.Fang Zijun looked at him proudly.Zhang Yun took out a pen, wrote a few words on the cigarette, and solemnly handed it to Fang Zijun under the watchful eyes of everyone: "You put away this cigarette, wait for me to come back and order some!"

Fang Zijun had no choice but to pick it up, his chest was bulging with anger, and he said in a low voice, "Fuck you!" "My name is on the cigarette, remember it—wait for me when I come back!" Zhang Yun said loudly.

On this occasion, no one said no to what the Warriors said.Fang Zijun gritted his teeth, but still said loudly: "I wish you a triumph!" Then he whispered, "I won't order when you come back!"

Zhang Yun thought about it, didn't speak, and smiled.The team set off and disappeared into the dark night.Fang Zijun took the cigarette, wanted to throw it away but didn't dare, so he had to put it away.Back in the hospital dormitory, she was still holding that cigarette.When she saw the wastebasket, she threw it in casually.Suddenly felt that it was inappropriate, and hurriedly turned it out again. Fortunately, the cigarette was still intact.After hesitating for a long time, I saw that it said "Flying Eagle Zhang Yun". The calligraphy is very good, and the pen is strong. Being able to write words like this on the cigarette shows Zhang Yun's extraordinary quality.She thought for a long time and stuffed it into the vase beside her bed.A cigarette was inserted together with Lao Shanlan, which was quite interesting.The lights were turned off, Fang Zijun was still angry after thinking for a long time, pulled up the quilt and went to sleep...

He Xiaoyu couldn't stop laughing: "I said, isn't it just a cigarette? If it's me, it doesn't matter if I light 10!" "Come on!" Fang Zijun said, "You don't know how annoying this guy is! His posture, That kind of arrogance just wants me to admit defeat!

It is impossible for you to agree to any request of him!Don't worry about being reasonable or unreasonable, in short, this kind of person gets angry when he sees it! "Then when did you start liking him?" He Xiaoyu asked. "I don't know either." Fang Zijun fell into deep thought, "It seems that I started to worry about him because I knew his name, right?"
(End of this chapter)

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