
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

"Yes!" Lin Qiuye smiled helplessly, "How many times have I told you? When Political Commissar Li heard that you were going to change jobs, he asked to meet you! He said that the bureau urgently needs excellent reconnaissance cadres like you. If you go, the deputy chief of the criminal investigation team will be yours immediately!" He Zhijun was surprised: "Change? Who wants to change jobs? When did I say I'm going to change jobs?" Lin Qiuye was in a hurry: "During the Chinese New Year last year, it wasn't Did you say it yourself? You haven’t said much this year?! You said that instead of spending time in the military region, it’s better to change jobs as soon as possible, and start early in the local area! Didn’t you say it yourself?!”

"Ah, I said it!" He Zhijun didn't deny it either.Lin Qiuye stood up: "Then what do you mean now?!" He Zhijun really sobered up: "I said I want to change jobs, but I didn't say I really want to change jobs! Look at you, why are you so anxious? " Lin Qiuye was furious: "I have contacted you, and you changed your mind again?!" He Zhijun said with bright eyes, "Qiuye, the military region is about to form a special force..." Lin Qiu Ye was in a hurry: "What special forces and not special forces?! Do you know how much I went to find Political Commissar Li? How many acquaintances did I entrust? You said that you want to change jobs, so I thought I had to find you a counterpart, right? The Public Security Bureau is your counterpart, but who do I know in the Public Security Bureau? I asked here and there, and asked this patient’s family member and that colleague’s relative, and finally found Li Kuan. What do you mean now?!”

"Qiuye, I'm going to lead the special forces! I can't change jobs now!" He Zhijun said.Lin Qiuye was about to cry: "Commissioner Li said it all, you will be the deputy department immediately after you go! The house and salary will be settled for you! After several times of disarmament, do you think it's so easy to change jobs? The Public Security Bureau doesn't want any Displaced cadre, you are making an exception! Do you know what a great opportunity this is?" "I'm a scout, fighting an invading army armed to the teeth, isn't it overkill for you to ask me to catch thieves?"

He Zhijun was also in a hurry, "Have you discussed it with me? Why do you, comrade, behave like a warlord?" "My style of warlord?!" Lin Qiuye was so angry that he wanted to kick He Zhijun to death, "I still behave like a warlord?! You, He Zhijun Conscience let the dog eat it? Ah? You said you were going to the front line, and I not only didn’t hold you back, but also supported you! You were fighting in the front, and I was scared in the back, do you know? Why am I? No? Are you happy because you like it? Okay, I’m back, working in an agency is good, but you don’t like it anymore! You are clamoring to change jobs, and I have to find you again! Am I, Lin Qiuye, a person looking for relationships? I looked for one by one, and begged one by one. Why should I? Because I know you can’t lose face! You are a battle hero and an army colonel. I have to think about what job is right for you and what job makes you feel wronged. Well, I found it now, and you are not changing jobs again! What are you doing?!" He Zhijun knew that he was wronged, but he insisted: "The problem is that I don't want to change jobs at all, I like being in the army! I want to go down to lead the army now Yes, do you know?"

"How old are you?!" Lin Qiuye cried, "Are you still the same as when you were young? You have a wife and children, can you be a soldier for the rest of your life? You will have to change jobs sooner or later! Wait until no one wants you What are you going to do when you change jobs? Don't you even think about these things?" Lin Qiuye cried.He Zhijun stood up: "Qiuye, what I want to lead now is the Army Special Forces! This has been my dream for many years. We finally have a formally organized special force. This is the dream of many scouts! Say it yourself, I am now Can you go?" Lin Qiuye cried and pushed him: "Then how should I tell Commissar Li? Do you know how much he values ​​you? He defies all opinions without hesitation, the party committee is open, why don't you go now? He Zhijun calmed down: "Li Kuan is also an old scout, let me tell him. He will understand." Lin Qiuye shouted: "I don't understand! Where did you put me and Xiaoyu? You go down Commander, what about this family? We just had a few days of comfortable life? Are you going to drill a ravine again? Are you still a man? Where do you put this family in your heart?"

"Mom - Dad - stop arguing!" He Xiaoyu stood at the door and shouted, "I still have to review! -Dad, you are right, I support you!" He Zhijun smiled and gave a thumbs up: " Good girl!" Lin Qiuye was in a hurry: "Why are you supporting him?"

"Isn't he a soldier? What's wrong with leading soldiers?" He Xiaoyu said impatiently, "Didn't you tell me since I was a child that Dad is a fighting hero and a real soldier? He just went to lead soldiers , as for it?"

"You! You!" Lin Qiuye turned pale with anger, "Are you trying to piss me off? Why are you so smart and so ignorant? What era is it now? Don't you keep telling me , Is it a commodity economy society now?"

"The commodity economy also needs someone to lead the army!" He Xiaoyu muttered. "You don't look at it, who am I for?" Lin Qiuye was so angry that he couldn't speak, "You are going to go to college this year, how expensive the college is now! Tell me, isn't it? For you, who else is it for?" "I don't want you to worry about me! I work-study myself!" This is what He Xiaoyu doesn't like to hear the most, as if he is a burden to the family. "You, you..." Lin Qiuye's tears really flowed down, and he sat down on the sofa, crying like a discouraged ball, "You two bully me together..." He Zhijun couldn't laugh or cry, who bullied whom?Lin Qiuye cried enough and asked: "When are you leaving? I'll pack your things for you." He Zhijun immediately felt that his wife was so nice, and immediately started to feel guilty, he whispered: "Tomorrow." Lin Qiuye was startled: "Tomorrow? !"

"Tomorrow—the first batch of members of the Chinese Army's Langya Special Reconnaissance Brigade head to the camp!" He Zhijun's eyes lit up.Lin Qiuye got up helplessly: "I'll go and pack your things for you, take the medicine with you, and remember to take it on time." He Zhijun grabbed Lin Qiuye and hugged him in his arms, Lin Qiuye struggled and said in a low voice: "What are you doing? The child is here!" He Zhijun said, "All my military medals are yours!" Lin Qiuye blushed before she finished crying. "I locked the door to review!" He Xiaoyu yelled in her room, turned on the English recording and played it loudly.Lin Qiuye pushed him: "Look, the children are laughing at you!" He Zhijun emphasized: "All the military medals belong to you!" Lin Qiuye felt embarrassed, blushed and lowered his head.

At dawn the next day, He Zhijun got up quietly.He put on the uniform of a colonel in the army and walked out of the bedroom softly.The light rain has not yet risen, and the lights in the house are dark.He saw a rucksack and a briefcase on the dining table, both well packed.He stroked the rucksack and briefcase, and opened the briefcase, which contained various medicines.Lin Qiuye was lying on the bed with her eyes closed and weeping.

He Zhijun opened the door without hesitation, took the rucksack in his right hand and the briefcase in his left, and went downstairs.His footsteps are always resounding, and every step hits Lin Qiuye's heart.Lin Qiuye got up and rushed to the window. A Mitsubishi jeep was parked downstairs.Colonel Geng Hui stood beside the car smoking a cigarette, and when he saw He Zhijun coming out, he greeted him.The driver ran over to take He Zhijun's things, and He Zhijun looked back.Lin Qiuye pulled down the curtain with a thumping heart, opened it again, and the car had already driven away.Lin Qiuye complained and cried: "This dead ghost, you are so reluctant to take another look..." He Xiaoyu rubbed his eyes, and walked to the door in a nightgown with a furry bear in his arms: "Mom, dad is gone?" Lin Qiuye Ye wiped away tears and nodded: "Let's go." He Xiaoyu looked at his mother: "Mom, don't worry, someone will take care of him. Anyway, he is a captain, there must be civil servants."

"Those little soldiers, do they know how to take care of people?" Lin Qiuye sighed deeply, "Let's not talk about this, I forgot to make you breakfast, you read a book, I will make it for you right away. "

Lin Qiuye got up and went to the kitchen. He Xiaoyu sat on the bed with her fur in her arms, thinking about something—what was she thinking about? ——He Xiaoyu with a flushed face, an 18-year-old girl, what is she thinking?

He Xiaoyu put on his shoes and went downstairs with his schoolbag on his back, and turned on his bicycle. Out of the corner of his eye, he didn't see Liu Xiaofei, who usually came slowly on a mountain bike.She was very puzzled, got up and looked around, but there was still nothing.Strange, what happened to this guy today?Usually already waiting downstairs.After waiting for a full 10 minutes, I saw Liu Xiaofei riding a bicycle like flying: "Xiao Yu! I'm late! I'm sorry, my mother insisted on making me..." He Xiaoyu's face sank, she unlocked the bicycle and got on the car After riding away, Liu Xiaofei speeded up to follow, and left the military compound.Liu Xiaofei kept apologizing on the way: "I'm sorry, my mother insisted that I have breakfast with my father! As soon as I put down my chopsticks, I hurried over here. I won't be late next time..."

"Why are you late?" He Xiaoyu didn't look at him, and rode by himself, "I didn't ask you to wait for me every day." "I wanted to come, I wanted to come! You see, I haven't been late for three years." Forgive me just once!" Liu Xiaofei said with a smile.He Xiaoyu was riding a bicycle without tilting her head: "Is there any forgiveness, it's fine if you wait for me. Your home is so far away, you don't have to wait for me to go to school together, and don't send me to study next night!" Liu Xiaofei's head was full of tears. Khan: "I'm wrong, can't I do it?" He Xiaoyu turned straight: "You are right. We are almost at school, so separate from me!"

Liu Xiaofei slowed down his bicycle and asked He Xiaoyu to ride the bicycle to the small road in front of the school.After waiting for a while, he rode a bicycle and flew into the school gate.The bell rang as soon as he entered the carport, and he hurried to the classroom like a rabbit.

He Xiaoyu had already sat down in his seat and took out his textbooks for morning self-study. Liu Xiaofei ran in like a rabbit and smiled embarrassedly at the study committee member: "Sorry! Sorry! I'm late!" He ran to the seat behind He Xiaoyu and sat down panting Angry, He Xiaoyu blushed, opened the book and looked at it by herself.Liu Xiaofei took out the notebook with the beautiful cover and handed it to He Xiaoyu: "I borrowed your chemistry notes yesterday." He Xiaoyu took it without looking back, and put it aside casually.Liu Xiaofei stretched his neck when he saw it: "There is a mistake in it, I will correct it for you." He Xiaoyu wondered, how could he make a mistake?She opened the notebook, and sure enough there was a bookmark inside.She took out the bookmark and glanced at it before quickly closing it, her face completely red.She lowered her head and slowly opened it again. A small poem was written on the bookmark:
I wish to fly in your light rain,
above my wings,

The heaviest thing is a drop of your tear.

That's right, it's that guy Liu Xiaofei's handwriting.He Xiaoyu blushed and closed the notebook.Liu Xiaofei watched He Xiaoyu's back very nervously from behind, opened the book with his head down and pretended to read.He Xiaoyu thought for a long time before writing something in his notebook.After a while, she turned around and handed Liu Xiaofei the notebook: "The last page is the answer you want." Liu Xiaofei took it nervously and opened it hastily.He Xiaoyu turned her head and didn't speak, and continued to read with her head down.Liu Xiaofei turned to the last page, and on it was He Xiaoyu's small and delicate words: "We are good friends, there is no need to explain anything, as long as we understand it in our hearts. Isn't it?"

Liu Xiaofei smiled, wrote something in his notebook, and then kicked He Xiaoyu's stool from behind.This is their special signal for three years. He Xiaoyu stretched out his right hand without looking back. Liu Xiaofei put the notebook in her hand: "I have added the answer." He Xiaoyu took it and opened it, and it said: "I am going to I have been a soldier, and it has been my childhood dream to be a combat hero like Uncle He——Army Academy, major in reconnaissance and command." He Xiaoyu wrote something and handed it back to the notebook.Liu Xiaofei opened it, and it read: "Just you? You're just like a bear! The hero of the new generation is me—Military Medical University."

Liu Xiaofei looked at He Xiaoyu's ponytail and smiled.

The convoy was walking on the winding mountain road, going round and round.The fog gradually rose beside the convoy, and gradually, the convoy entered the inextricable fog.Two Mitsubishi jeeps, several Jiefang trucks, and several auxiliary logistics vehicles are all He Zhijun's possessions.Geng Hui smiled wryly and said: "Most of these officers and soldiers are the backbone of the reconnaissance brigade of Army Group A. I personally selected them. The old troops are not willing to let go. I have no choice but to rely on personal relationships—they still give the old political commissar Save face. In addition, I have good news for you, Chen Yong, I want to come for you!"

"Really?!" He Zhijun laughed loudly, "This kid should be the company commander now, right?" "Volunteer." Geng Hui smiled wryly.He Zhijun didn't understand: "What's going on? How could he be a volunteer? How could the Night Tiger Regiment let him be a volunteer?" Geng Hui sighed: "What else can happen? He was recommended by the army to go to the Luyuan because you chose He didn’t go to the front line. After fighting with you, he’s too old, so he won’t have the chance to go to school.” He Zhijun said, “Then he can be promoted!” Geng Hui looked outside and said slowly, “Promoted? Lao He, you are really living in a vacuum! I asked him to go with me, but he didn’t want to, he was reluctant to part with the Night Tiger Group. Later, the fighters raised their targets a few times, but he was pushed! I’m not a Night Tiger The political commissar of the regiment, I can't help." He Zhijun was anxious: "How did this happen?!" He Zhijun was anxious, "This is a fighting hero, a born fighter! If he doesn't mention it, who else can do it? "Geng Hui smiled wryly: "It would be nice if things were that simple..." He Zhijun said with a heavy heart: "I ruined his future!" Geng Hui said: "Don't talk about this for now, let's talk about personal feelings later. I When I left in the morning, I hung up the phone with the military region, and our first tranche of funding can’t be fully paid, only half of it.”

"Why?" He Zhijun wondered.Geng Hui said sullenly: "There are many places to use money, and half of this fund has been diverted to other places. Let's do it first! If you wait for the remaining half, if there is trouble, you dare to take it away. "He Zhijun leaned on the back of his chair and didn't speak. Obviously he was not in a good mood. He said after a long time: "For the matter of funds, you have to run more." Geng Hui nodded: "You just arrest your military, and I will do the rest Right. You're not good at this either, I'll go grind my teeth with those yamen." The team arrived at an abandoned camp deep in the mountains.A platoon leader and a few soldiers were guarding the former artillery teaching regiment station, and the gate was already covered with rust.Because they haven't been in a car for a long time, their cooks just ride a tricycle and go through the side door when buying vegetables, and never go through the gate, so the gate has become the current virtue.The little platoon leader saw the two colonels very excited and hurried out to salute.The guard at the door tried to unlock it, but he couldn't open it. He Zhijun was in a bad mood. With a wave of his hand, Chen Yong got out of the car with a rifle and a pair of pliers, and directly snapped the iron chain on the door.Then a few soldiers came up and opened the door with all their strength.Then I saw a yard of weeds, and a few big mice ran over, not afraid of these strange visitors at all.The military building that had been abandoned for a long time was dilapidated, without a single piece of glass.The guards in the yard were playing cards, wearing shorts and vests, and some were shirtless.The convoy went in, and the soldiers of the position management troops noticed that a field force was coming.He Zhijun and Geng Hui were walking on the grassy road and kicked out a few used condoms.

"After the handover, you can go." He Zhijun said to the little second lieutenant who had been following him all the time. He didn't want to say anything. He had been guarding an abandoned camp in the mountains all the time. What did he want to expect from these little soldiers? ?The little second lieutenant saluted excitedly, turned around and went to handover with the cadres behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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