
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The convoy parked neatly one after another in front of the original viewing stand, and the excellent drivers parked the cars absolutely neatly, forming a green landscape on the playground overgrown with grass in front of He Zhijun and Geng Hui.At this moment, He Zhijun felt better.Then the cadres and volunteers in the car got off one after another and quickly lined up in front of the car.Wearing 80 steel helmets, 87 standard camouflage uniforms and rubber shoes, and carrying weapons such as 81-1 automatic rifles, 85 micro-sound submachine guns, 85 sniper rifles and 81 light machine guns, the capable soldiers stood neatly in the knee-high grass. A small square. 131, including myself and Geng Hui, a total of 133 - this is the entire possession of the Langya Special Reconnaissance Brigade of the A Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

He Zhijun stood in front of these more than 100 carefully selected officers and soldiers, and did not speak for a long time.His heart is sad. This is the Chinese Army Special Forces that have been called out for a long time. How many people will know in the future how the Chinese Army Special Forces came out?Funding, the whole army is complaining about the shortage of funds.After the Gulf War, the higher-ups tightened their budgets—the military during the transition period has not yet determined where the next key investment will be, so of course it must be strict.This is a very normal thing. The formation of formal special forces in the A military region was also one of the direct consequences of the Gulf War.But what to do, the superiors have no idea.What is the concept of special forces?For the Chinese army, which is accustomed to fighting with large corps and has always been preparing for a major war, the study of local wars has just begun.What more could one ask for?

1991 was an ordinary year.The year before, China had just hosted the Asian Games; this year, a high-tech local war was waged in the remote Arabian Peninsula.What else? ——When these 133 soldiers saluted a brand new five-star red flag raised silently on the dilapidated flagpole, accompanied by the rustling sound of the rust residue accumulated on the flagpole for many years being torn off, He Zhijun knew that this year was still going have what.For the world, it is insignificant; but for him and his 132 soldiers, it is a new beginning - they are creating their own history - even, for the entire Chinese army, they are creating a new history of the Chinese army .And this new history was created in this abandoned barracks overgrown with grass.

He Zhijun and his men saluted the slowly rising five-star red flag—in the summer of 1991, deep in this mountain, a new history began.

The early summer of 1991 seemed to have something to do with the popular sunspot explosion at that time.Air conditioning was still a luxury for many families at the time, let alone Lin Qiuye's home.When He Xiaoyu was reviewing, Lin Qiuye fanned her beside her. She didn't dare to fan her too hard, but fanned her softly, slowly, and without knowing tiredness.That kind of gentle wind is not easy to feel, but it will send a little bit of coolness to the daughter.Lin Qiuye watched the bangs on her daughter's forehead being gently fanned by the wind, and what felt in her heart was guilt.What else?As a mother, what else is there besides guilt?It's fine if you suffer yourself, why do you want your children to suffer?Every time Lin Qiuye thought of this sentence, she wanted to cry, but she didn't dare.If Lao He is not here, the adults in the family will be left alone, and if they like to cry so much, what will the daughter do? ——I bought an electric fan, which was made in the Soviet Union. I really don’t know what this old man thinks. He insists on buying one made in the Soviet Union instead of buying so many imported ones from Japan.

"Soviet things are like tanks. They are solid! They can't be broken!" That's what Lao He said—they are solid, they can't be broken—but what about the voice?Is that the sound of a fan?That whole thing is a helicopter!Using it at home is like fighting a war, but Lao He, a dead man, sleeps soundly!Yes, can he not be down-to-earth?He likes to hear it!It's hard for him, a soldier who has been in the office for so many years, spends in the office every day to read documents and write reports, it's not too much for him to want to hear the sound of helicopters-of course, Lin Qiuye knows that Lao He doesn't know that the Soviet Union made it It's a bitter joke that a fan will turn into this audio-visual effect over time.She always scolded Lao He like this, so Lao He could only laugh and let it go.But what about the daughter?The college entrance examination is in summer, can my daughter have no electric fan?After much deliberation, I still dare not buy it.It's not that I don't trust my daughter, it's because I'm afraid of what happens—what if my daughter doesn't do well in the college entrance examination?What should I do if I want to read at my own expense?Gotta let my daughter go to school!Save it just in case, if you suffer a little bit, you can do it harder, what else can you do?

Lin Qiuye in 1991 was worried about these issues.It is certain that I am upset. After a busy day in the hospital, I have to worry about my daughter when I come back.Fortunately, my daughter is up-to-date, isn't she?You don't need to be told by your parents, just study hard, and you are very sensible.When I asked my daughter what university she was going to apply for, she always laughed and said, "Mom, you'll know when the time comes!" Lin Qiuye stopped asking.In front of her daughter, sometimes she doesn't feel like a mother anymore.It's because I love my daughter too much, and I have loved her so much since I was a child.Her daughter is high-minded, she can see that she always advises her daughter not to be too high-minded, what if the first choice is not accepted?Is it okay to hit the second batch?The daughter just laughed, stopped talking, and continued to read, still muttering words.She didn't dare to ask more questions, let alone come up with ideas.She watched her daughter study intently.The daughter tied her long hair into a ponytail. It was hot and sweated a lot.So, the long neck is exposed - it's so beautiful.Akiba just laughed, secretly laughing.Why even ask?Who does Xiaoyu look like?Still like that old He?That's okay?How will I get married in the future? ——Of course I look like myself, of course I was when I was young.It looks like from the side, it looks like from the front, and it looks like from the back.

No wonder there were so many boys around me, insisting that I join their respective Red Guard organizations.But I don't know what evil I have committed, and I don't want to join any organization, so I am willing to run around with Lao He.Of course, at that time, Lao He was not as black and rough as he is now. He was really fair and clean back then, and there were not so many swear words.It's okay, but I like to make up some nonsense poems and so on, all of which are memorized from forbidden books.In fact, there are no banned books, just a few old poetry collections!Guo Xiaochuan's "One and Eight" is Lao He's favorite to read and recite to her--the old three, the last old three, it's so simple.Without the opportunity of the college entrance examination, they just went down to repair the earth. The best way out for young people at that time was to join the army.It was a certainty for Lao He to join the army. He was a descendant of a martyr. His father was a soldier with outstanding achievements.Lao He was raised by the country and the army. If he wanted to be a soldier, no one would be unwilling.So Lao He became a soldier.What about yourself?I want to laugh just thinking about it, but it's also because of Lao He.It didn't matter much at the time, but it really worked.

When Lao He arrived in the army, the famous A Army, the old army commander was the life and death comrade-in-arms of Lao He's father - the current deputy commander of the military region - of course he would visit the orphan of the martyr and ask if you have any requests?Lao He, the seemingly honest and extremely stupid boy, unexpectedly said: "I want my partner to join the army." God!When did I become his object?The old army commander laughed loudly: "You are a big kid! Show me the photo!" After seeing the photo, the old army commander asked him to write his name on the back of the photo and hand it over to the staff.That silly boy of Lao He actually wanted to come back, the old army commander patted him on the forehead: "Boy, you remember it for me! Today I want a photo of you, and tomorrow I will turn you back into a living person! But This is for your father's face! I have fought against your father for half my life, and I will help you with this favor! But if you don't work hard and embarrass me, I will make this person fly again for you! "Old He listened ignorantly.

What were you doing at that time?Ready to go to the countryside?I can't remember where I went, but everything was ready anyway, so the two officers came and said directly to find Lin Qiuye, which shocked Qiuye's parents, who didn't know what had happened.In the end, the two officers politely explained the purpose of their visit. It turned out that they wanted Xiao Qiuye to join the army-this is a good thing that is hard to find even with a lantern!Parents are blinded, and Qiu Ye is also blinded.So Lin Qiuye also joined the army.When I got off the train in a daze and came to the ravine, I saw a group of recruits training.With so many people, I don’t know why they saw Lao He all at once—his nose was red from the cold, holding a wooden rifle and shouting: “Kill——” The new female soldiers laughed, the recruits We are all tensed.The cadres shouted for He Zhijun to come over!He Zhijun ran over.This 17-year-old ga boy didn't wear a hat, held a wooden gun, his head was steaming white, and his nose was still red.Lin Qiuye blushed.The cadre said: "Lin Qiuye comes out!"

Lin Qiuye was still covered, so she was pushed out by the sisters.He Zhijun was dumbfounded when he saw her.Lin Qiuye wanted to dig a hole in the ice and bury herself.The cadre looked serious, and gave the photo to Lao He: "Return the photo to you, and you will become a soldier." Both male and female soldiers laughed.Lao He also blushed. At that time, his face was pale and he could still see the redness.

"Let's go back!" "Yes!" Lao He shouted vigorously, hehe gave Qiuye a laugh, turned around and ran away.Then he was "kill-kill-"

Work harder!What about yourself?I can't remember, but I'm confused anyway—how did I become the target of this ga boy... Lin Qiuye thought about it and smiled.

He Xiaoyu asked: "Mom, what are you laughing at?" Lin Qiuye came back to her senses, and embarrassedly covered up: "It's nothing? Did I laugh?" He Xiaoyu smiled ghostly: "You miss Dad, don't you?" Lin Qiuye said: "That dead ghost, I don't miss him!" He Xiaoyu was a clever girl who just smiled and didn't speak.Lin Qiuye was a little nervous: "What's the matter?" He Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Actually, women in love are the most beautiful!" Where are you willing to fight?The mother and daughter have been used to arguing since childhood, like sisters: "What nonsense! What age is it that you are in love or not!" He Xiaoyu giggled and said, "You still don't admit it? Don't you admit it? Then why are you blushing?"

"I'm refreshed!" Lin Qiuye stiffened his mouth, and after he finished speaking, he was also bursting with joy.He Xiaoyu asked: "To be honest, Dad has been away for a week. When are you going to visit Dad?" Lin Qiuye said, "How can I leave? You are going to take the college entrance examination here." He Xiaoyu said: "I'm fine. I can take care of myself. It's not far away. Don't worry, won't you be back in a day?" Lin Qiuye thought about it, and then sighed: "Let's talk about it, he is doing business, and I can't wait to go there." Make trouble for him?" He Xiaoyu said: "He dares! I'll take care of him!" Lin Qiuye laughed: "You girl, even your father can take care of you, let's see how you marry in the future!"

He Xiaoyu blushed, and shouted: "I don't want to marry! I live by myself! I'm a new woman!" Lin Qiuye couldn't straighten up with a smile: "Good! Good! You are a new woman! Mom is an old concept !" He Xiaoyu spoke hard, but also burst into laughter.What she wanted to say to her mother, she thought about it and then forgot - she couldn't say it, she absolutely couldn't say it!Otherwise, the sky would have to fall down, right?

Another high school student, Liu Xiaofei, was not as lucky as He Xiaoyu at this moment. He was standing in a military posture under the sun.Liu Kai, vice president of Huaming Group, who has changed jobs for three years, stood under the eaves with his arms folded, looking at him coldly.Today Xiao Liu was fined to stand by Lao Liu.Xiao Liu was shirtless under the poisonous sun at noon, standing for two hours at a time.He said nothing, his shoulders and neck peeled from the sun.The mother ran left and right in a hurry, persuaded one to persuade the other, and hurriedly pulled her son back, but the son just didn't come back and stood in the yard.There is no way to be a mother, so I can only wipe my tears and put on sunscreen for my son: "Friends, why are you a couple?" Li punished the son of standing.After a long time, Lao Liu asked, "Have you changed your mind?" Xiao Liu said sullenly, "No."

"Stand still." After a long time, Lao Liu asked again: "Where are you going to report?" Xiao Liu still said sullenly: "Luyuan." Lao Liu stopped talking, so Xiao Liu continued to stand under the poisonous sun as punishment .After standing for about two hours, my son suffered from heat stroke.The mother hurriedly greeted Lao Liu, and Lao Liu snorted under his nose: "You're just a bear, and you still report to the Luyuan?"It's so normal!He hasn't asked for the basics of his military posture yet!But the son is still a son, and Lao Liu hurriedly carried it back.After Xiao Liu slowed down, Lao Liu asked again: "Where are you going to report?"

"Lu Yuan, the reconnaissance command." Xiao Liu still replied sullenly, even if he was weak, he would not give in.Lao Liu sighed: "Why are you staring at the military academy? Your father has been a soldier for half his life, so will he harm you?" The mother hurriedly interjected: "That's right, can't we talk about what we have to say? Why bother?" How about one? What a feud, isn’t it father and son?”

"I like it." Xiao Liu said sullenly. "Do you like it?" Old Liu's eyes flashed the youthful self, the high spirits of the recruit company, but then dimmed, "What is the army, do you know?" Xiao Liu said nothing.Old Liu sighed, sighed again, then waved his hand: "You can do whatever you want! Remember, don't blame me when you regret it."

Hurrah--the big poster of the 1984 military parade army phalanx was justifiably pasted on the wall of Xiao Liu's room.The neat military uniforms of the army officers and soldiers seemed to be staring into Xiao Liu's eyes with sharp eyes.Crash--a box of privately stored "munitions" was dumped on the bed, and models of airplanes, tanks, and cannons made of bullet casings were placed in every corner of the room.Old Liu smiled wryly and stood at the door of his son's room, watching helplessly.Xiao Liu took out a large photo frame and placed it in the most conspicuous position on the desk.Old Liu was stunned—dozens of scout soldiers in camouflage uniforms surrounded a monument on the main peak with their rifles in their arms. They all wore embroidered wolf-head armbands on their right arms.It was none other than He Zhijun in the middle.

"Where did you come from?" Lao Liu was surprised.Xiao Liu wiped the dust off the photo frame: "Uncle He gave it to me." Old Liu asked, "Do you want to be him?" Xiao Liu smiled, showing his white teeth.In the photo, He Zhijun's eyes showed a birdlike look.

He Zhijun, with a birdlike look in his eyes, had to face a terrible reality.He stood in the room of the platoon leader of the original position management company that served as the temporary brigade headquarters, looking at the solemn faces of the soldiers who were preparing to eat in front of the field cooking vehicle outside.The soldiers who had been cleaning the barracks for several days were singing "Three Great Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention", their voices were hoarse, and they were still roaring. This is a unique military art.Geng Hui behind him put down the phone and didn't speak.He Zhijun asked Geng Hui without looking back: "Can the funding problem be solved? When will the food be delivered?"

"Tear down the east wall to make up the west wall, this time it's done, there are no bricks to mend." Geng Hui said with a wry smile.They didn't speak any more and watched the soldiers start their meal.He Zhijun sighed: "How many days can we eat food?" Geng Hui said: "Three days."

"Reduce the quota by half every day, stick to it." He Zhijun ordered.After hearing this, Geng Hui said anxiously: "Now the army is doing infrastructure work to clean up the camp, and the workload is heavy. If the food can't keep up, the soldiers' health will be affected!" He Zhijun asked irritably: "Then you What should I do?" Geng Hui said: "There are a few other troops nearby, I'll borrow some food from them." He Zhijun smiled wryly: "Borrow? The dignified special forces of the A military region, the special reconnaissance brigade—to borrow food? "

(End of this chapter)

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