
Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Tallinn International Airport, the capital of Estonia.As with all international airports, the concourse is always full of people, with English and Estonian broadcasts blaring back and forth, and boarding passes rolling messages.A group of reporters stood scattered at the exit of the tunnel, adjusting equipment or exchanging business cards.The military attache of the Chinese embassy in Estonia was wearing the uniform of an army officer and stood opposite the exit.He was surrounded by assistant military attache, translators and several embassy staff, who stood in a semicircle around him and blocked the reporters with their bodies.A female reporter turned her back to the channel and said in English to the TV camera: "The special forces of all countries in the world have mysterious legends. Elna? Assault International Scout Competition can be said to be an Olympic Games among the special forces of various countries , has a unique tradition. After two years of arduous war of independence, Estonia became an independent democratic country. The local residents were successfully protected during the war, and many reconnaissance missions were effectively carried out. The Estonian people have always regarded 'Erna' as a symbol of the indomitable spirit of struggle..."

"Come here!" There were exclamations in English and other languages, and the reporters flocked to the exit of the passageway. Eleven aggressive men in Chinese army uniforms, uniform sunglasses, and 11 camouflage rucksacks lined up in two columns on the automatic conveyor belt of the passageway, and slowly approached the entrance of the passageway.He Zhijun and Lei Keming stood side by side at the front, wearing a round signboard on their chests - a wolf's head in the middle, with "Eilna? Assault" written in Chinese and English on it.Chen Yong and Zhang Lei lined up behind them, followed by Lin Rui and Liu Xiaofei.Both Chen Yong and Lin Rui had been promoted to the ranks of Captain and Lieutenant in advance, while Zhang Lei and other four Luyuan students had already worn the epaulettes of Lieutenant.Finally, there are two soldiers Dong Qiang and Tian Xiaoniu, but their regular uniforms have been replaced by woolen officer uniforms, and their ranks are both sergeants.Faced with flashing flashing lights one after another, He Zhijun said in a low voice but sternly: "Pass it on—every step we take represents the Chinese Army! Walk solidly for me!" 91 Chinese Army soldiers exclaimed under the flashing lights and reporters. The middle ones walked out of the passage and quickly stood in a horizontal line in front of the military officer.He Zhijun stared at everyone: "Listen to my password—look to the right! Forward—look! Count!"

"One!" Lei Keming shouted—"Two!" The interpreter shouted—"Three!" Chen Yong shouted...The reporters all watched curiously. The passengers on the plane also gathered around curiously.Two patrolling policemen also came over and stood among the crowd.

"Ten!" Tian Xiaoniu blushed and shouted. Eleven Chinese Army soldiers with an average height of 11 meters became dazzling stars in the hall. Their dark faces, their grass-green military uniforms, their August 1.82st military emblems, and even their three-jointed leather shoes all became the focus of onlookers vying to take pictures .He Zhijun turned back and saluted: "Report to Comrade Military Attaché! The Chinese People's Liberation Army's 1995 Ierna? Assault International Scout Competition team has assembled, please give instructions! The leader is Senior Colonel He Zhijun, and the deputy leader is Colonel Lei Keming!" The military attache saluted: "Relax!" He Zhijun turned around: "Relax!" He ran into the queue, looked to the right and stood upright.

The military officer strode forward: "Comrades!" Swish - standing at attention neatly.The flashes flickered.The military attache saluted: "Relax! —— Comrades, an open China is going to the world, and an open Chinese People's Liberation Army is going to the world too! Participating in the Erna? Assault International Scout Competition is an important part of our military's foreign exchange activities The chief personally issued the order to participate, and the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are all paying attention to this competition!" The officers and soldiers of the representative team had piercing eyes. "You represent our 300 million officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army and the 11 billion Chinese people! I hope you will carry forward the fine traditions of our army, be firm and tenacious, and show the good spirit of our Chinese People's Liberation Army in this international competition! My words are over!" The military officer saluted again.The officers and soldiers of the representative team applauded. "Let's go!" the military officer ordered.The assistant military attache ran to the front to lead the team.

"Turn to the right!" He Zhijun ordered loudly.Swish—absolutely uniform. "Start-go! One-two-one!" Following He Zhijun's command, the column of Chinese soldiers began to walk towards the entrance of the hall.The crowd naturally parted to make way for a passage, and then naturally closed together, following their footsteps.On both sides of the team were flashing lights and excited reporters. The overseas Chinese who came here to greet them and the Chinese businessmen who came here to do business wiped their tears and waved the Chinese flag in their hands.

"Sing a song—" He Zhijun shouted, "Forward forward—ready—sing!" The hoarse singing began to reverberate in Tallinn International Airport, shaking everyone's eardrums: "Forward, forward, and sing!" Forward! Our team is facing the sun, our feet are on the land of the motherland, and we are carrying the hope of the nation. We are an invincible force! We are the children of the people, we are the armed forces of the people! Never fear, never surrender, and fight bravely Until the reactionaries are completely wiped out! Mao Zedong’s flag is flying high! Listen, the wind is howling and the bugle is ringing! Listen! The revolutionary songs are so loud! Comrades are marching in unison to the battlefield of liberation, comrades are marching in unison to the frontiers of the motherland! Forward! Forward! Our troops to the sun! To the final victory! To the liberation of the whole country!  …”

The "Military Song of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" resounded over the foreign capital's international airport. Reporters and overseas Chinese followed the 11-member team, and countless microphones were stretched out to their mouths. And the stern face made everyone feel a good quality from an army with fine traditions.The Chinese army representative team boarded the limousine at the entrance of the hall, and was chased by the reporters to the base camp of the competition - the military base of the Estonian National Defense Forces in Goutra Village, 70 kilometers away from the capital Tallinn.The headline on the front page of the Estonian "Independence" with colorful photos occupied almost the entire first page.

English news is being broadcast on the TV in the hotel room, and the picture shows the Chinese Army Special Forces team singing military songs and walking through the hall to get on the bus.Liao Wenfeng, who was holding ice wine, looked at the picture with a little excitement on his face.After the news was over, he was still in a daze, and there were even tears in his eyes.Xiaomin came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and wiped her long hair: "What's wrong? Seeing you are so excited?"

"China!" Liao Wenfeng's voice was hoarse, "They represent the Chinese army!"

Xiaomin looked at the screen curiously, but couldn't understand.Liao Wenfeng smiled, embraced Xiaomin and kissed her.Xiaomin pushed him: "My hair is not dry! Why are you so happy today?" "I am happy because I am also a Chinese soldier!" Liao Wenfeng excitedly kissed Xiaomin's neck.Xiaomin pushed and let go, closed her eyes, raised her neck and hugged Liao Wenfeng.

When the news screen changed, it was the situation in Taiwan.Liao Wenfeng raised his head suddenly, his eyes glistened.The streets were chaotic, and some people were marching. The mainland veterans who fled to Taiwan were crying in front of the camera, wearing a big sign on their chests: I want to go home!Liao Wenfeng was trembling all over, Xiaomin opened his eyes: "What's wrong?"

Liao Wenfeng let go of her slowly and lit a cigarette.Xiaomin sat on his lap: "What's the matter with you?" Liao Wenfeng said flatly, "I'll be quiet for a while, you go to bed first." Xiaomin looked at him, but got up anyway.Liao Wenfeng sat alone in the living room, reaching out to turn off the light.The light on the screen shone on his face, and he didn't pay attention to the content of the TV at all.The ashtray is full in no time.

The next day, Xiaomin came out in pajamas rubbing her sleepy eyes: "You haven't slept all night?" Liao Wenfeng was still sitting in front of the TV, holding a cigarette.Xiaomin sat beside him: "What's wrong with you? Tell me!" Liao Wenfeng hugged her and looked her in the eyes: "No matter what happens, I just need you to remember one sentence - I really love you Yours!" Xiaomin looked at him strangely: "What's the matter?" Liao Wenfeng hugged her: "It's nothing, I'm just thinking—whether the oath or the morality is more important."

"Raise the national flag - sing the national anthem!" A small national flag was slowly pulled up to the flagpole. "Get up! People who don't want to be slaves! Build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood..." The young soldiers sang hoarsely but neatly, resounding through the contestants of the international scout competition at the military base in Goutla Village of the Estonian National Defense Forces over the camp.Various field tents have been stationed on the grass next to the dense forest, and more than 30 national flags of various countries are flying in the morning glow.Special forces players from various countries who were exercising or running in the morning watched curiously as the soldiers from the ancient oriental country raised their right hands to salute the five-star red flag. Some applauded and some whistled: "Ok! China!"

"The ceremony is over—" He Zhijun shouted.He turned back, and behind him was the flag. The 8 young contestants were dressed in camouflage uniforms and boonie hats, with the armband of Elna competition on their right arms, and they were full of energy.He was wearing a camouflage uniform and a black beret—Likeming also wore the same outfit. Standing behind him, he watched these eight Chinese special forces with historical missions—they raised their right hands to salute.Swish - 8 team members raised their right hands in return.

"Comrades!" He Zhijun said loudly, "Now we are in a foreign country, in this special battlefield! This competition is an Olympic Games for the world's elite special forces, and we are participating for the first time. The meaning of the competition is the same as yours. I won’t say much about the heavy burden on my shoulders, you all know it well! Compared with the special forces of developed countries in the world, our weapons and equipment are still far behind; our daily training methods are also far behind those of these veteran special forces. It is very different, the history and traditions of the troops are different, and it is natural to have such differences-but we are Chinese special forces! Our style is to go forward and win victories! The motherland is watching you, all special forces and reconnaissance units of the army Officers and soldiers are watching you, and your relatives are watching you too!" The team members listened solemnly. "Comrades! You are the first batch of Chinese special forces to go abroad. You are the pride and pioneers of the Chinese special forces! Here, I wish you the best performance in the competition and report to the people of the motherland with excellent results! "He Zhijun saluted.The players applaud. "Then let's take the oath." Lei Keming said lightly.Chen Yong raised his right fist against the national flag: "I swear—" "I swear!" Seven team members raised their right fists. "I am a special soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army!" Chen Yong shouted. "I am a special soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army!"

"I am loyal to my military duties and keep my enlistment oaths in mind! In any case, I must go forward bravely and overcome all difficulties to win! In the game-flexible, strong-willed! Obey discipline, be brave and tenacious!..."... The hoarse swearing sound echoed over the camp.Special forces from all over the world looked at this neat Chinese barracks consisting of 6 camouflage tents, and these 11 Chinese soldiers who looked solemn and solemnly swore, and they all calmed down and watched quietly.

In the afternoon, there was an exhibition and exchange of special forces weapons and equipment from various countries organized by the competition organizing committee. The empty field in front of the camp was filled with a wide range of weapons and equipment.The Chinese delegation spread camouflage cloth in one place, and placed 81 automatic rifles, 85 sniper rifles, 54 pistols, daggers, etc. in turn, as well as scout equipment such as compass and binoculars.Tian Xiaoniu squatted in front of his equipment, took apart the pistol and said with a smile: "Man, why is this similar to setting up a street stall?" Dong Qiang poked him: "Stop talking nonsense, the cadres are not happy." Tian Xiaoniu Looking around, I saw He Zhijun looking worried at the equipment of the foreign army.

"Austrian AUG automatic rifle, equipped with troops in 1972." Standing beside him, Lei Keming said slowly, "It is one of the most famous automatic rifles in the world, with a muzzle velocity of 970 m/s and a full gun length of 790 mm. The barrel length is 508 mm, the empty weight of the gun is 3.6 kg, and the ammunition used is 5.56 mm SS109. After being equipped with troops, it has been continuously improved, and individual white light sights have been added, which has withstood the actual combat test of the Gulf War." He Zhijun squatted down , picked up the automatic rifle, and a special soldier from the foreign army explained and demonstrated it to him.It is easy to disassemble and use, especially the individual white light sight and night vision sight are the guarantee for the shooter to implement rapid response shooting at the first time.

"The gap..." He Zhijun put down his gun and stood up, turning his eyes to the weapons of other countries' special forces, including M16A2 rifles, AK74 rifles, L85A1 rifles, etc. The most important thing is not the guns, but basically all of them are well-made. An optical sight.As an old scout, he certainly knew what that meant.

"They also have a dedicated GPS." Zhang Lei whispered standing in front of his weapons and equipment.Liu Xiaofei's voice was also very low: "We only have a map and a compass." A wry smile appeared on the corner of Chen Yong's mouth.

"The 5.8 caliber gun family of North Industries Corporation is still in the finalization test." Lei Keming said, "It will be the first generation of small-caliber rifles in our army, and the accessories are also complete. But this time we can only use our own eyes and It’s hard work. When the armed police special police sent a representative team to Austria to participate in the international anti-terrorist special police competition in 1988, they also encountered the same problem-their 77 pistols jammed during the hostage rescue assessment, which affected the final score. .”

"If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon!" He Zhijun sighed, "Let's go back and see our guys." Several special forces from different countries squatted down and looked at China's 81 automatic rifles. They disassembled and performed shooting demonstration actions.A special soldier of the foreign army asked curiously, gesturing with an 81 rifle: "Where's your scope?" Zhang Lei smiled lightly: "We don't have a scope."

"What?" The foreign special forces all looked at him, and one of them stood up: "How do you shoot without a scope?" "This, and this, plus the target—three points and one line!" Liu Xiaofei picked up his rifle and told him.

"It's so primitive, it's unbelievable!" Foreign special forces exclaimed, "Where's the GPS?"

"This is the compass." Lin Rui picked it up and said.Foreign special forces said curiously: "God! This is a competition for international special forces! Are you using these to equip your special forces?" Zhang Lei smiled and said nothing.

"All right, see you on the field." Chen Yong, who held back for a long time, said, "Lin Rui, translate it for me!" After hearing Lin Rui's translation, a foreign special soldier with a height of 1.9 meters smiled and stood up. Standing in front of Chen Yong like a mountain, he stretched out his right hand like a cattail fan: "Nice to meet you, Captain." Chen Yong smiled and shook hands with him, both of them were vigorously.Not long after, the foreign special forces blushed, and finally couldn't help but let out a cry.Chen Yong let go of his hand and said with a smile, "I am also very glad to meet you."

Tian Xiaoniu held back his laughter and said in a low voice, "To compete with our battalion commander, don't you go to the bathroom to compete with the master?" He Zhijun and Lei Keming came back and squatted down.He Zhijun looked at his compass, rifle, pistol and other equipment and said seriously: "Comrades! Everyone has seen that there is an obvious gap in our weapons, which shows that it is right for us to go abroad to participate in the competition. Only when we find the gap Only then can we catch up..."

The translator ran over, his face turned pale: "Deputy Minister He, Captain Lei!" He Zhijun ordered: "What are you running for? Stand up!" "Yes! Report! I just received a notice from the competition organizing committee that the rules of the competition have changed ! The game content has also been adjusted!"

The translator panted and saluted with a pile of documents.He Zhijun stood up all of a sudden: "What?! Say it again!" "The rules and content of the competition have been adjusted by nearly 50%!" the interpreter said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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