
Chapter 76

Chapter 76

"How did this happen?" He Zhijun snatched the document but couldn't understand it, and handed it to Lin Rui, "Hurry up and translate it!" Lin Rui took it over and read it in a low voice, with a serious expression on his face.The team members stood up and surrounded him. He finished reading and said: "According to the adjustment of the training content of the foreign army, they adjusted the subjects and rules of this competition, adding NATO light weapons combination, automatic rifle standing without support company, etc. Shooting, accuracy testing of grenade throwing by car, battlefield rescue behind enemy lines, psychological counseling for the wounded and other subjects. At the same time, the competition requirements for other subjects have also been modified—Vice Minister He, Captain Lei, half of our domestic training content is in It's useless here!" He Zhijun looked at them, feeling uncomfortable: "How could it have changed so much?"

"The training system of the foreign army is more flexible than ours, and their training syllabus is constantly changing." Lei Keming said, "For example, when I went to coach the special forces of the foreign army, they immediately added Chinese fighting to the training syllabus. Approval from the superior unit. It is normal for them to adjust these, and it is not considered a special situation.” Everyone remained silent for a long time.

"We have nothing else to do now." He Zhijun looked at these dignified representatives, "Our weapons are not as good as theirs, our familiarity with the terrain is almost zero, and we can't fully grasp the content of the competition... Comrades ! The real test is coming!" Everyone looked at him with firm eyes. "There are still three days until the competition, and we have only one solution—practice for the revised subjects!" He Zhijun's voice became firm, "Translate, you can go to the military attache to coordinate the Estonian garrison, and hope they can provide us with training facilities and venues. Go find a representative team from a friendly country, and hope that they will provide us with NATO system weapons for us to practice assembly and disassembly; Lei Keming, you start to organize comrades who are good at foreign languages ​​to study this revised rule, and immediately come up with a targeted plan. Let's start practicing!" Everyone agreed. "Special forces have to constantly encounter changes in the enemy's rear!" He Zhijun looked at everyone, "Comrades, give me a firm understanding-this is the battlefield, this is a war without gunpowder smoke! Do you understand?!" "Understood! "The young special forces roared in unison.

At night, when the special forces from other countries began to wash up and prepare to rest, the camp of the Chinese delegation began to gather.The team members with weapons and large rucksacks ran out of the tent and ran to the training ground of the local garrison.Before departure, He Zhijun warned: "The hosts agreed to allow us to use their training ground during their rest time. You should cherish this opportunity! Do you understand?!" "Understood!" The team members roared neatly. "Run and don't call out your serial number." He Zhijun said, "Teams from other countries have to rest!" The members of the Chinese delegation ran silently past the international scout camp with their big rucksacks and weapons on their backs.

A special soldier from the foreign army was holding a toothbrush full of foam and asked, "What are they doing?" Another special soldier from the foreign army got out of the tent and said, "God, don't they want to train? There will be a competition soon, and the physical strength will be exhausted!"

on the training ground.Amidst Lei Keming's loud English passwords, the representative team members were crawling and rolling in the mud.He Zhijun stood with a dark face and hands behind his back, with a serious expression.The night was very dark, and the muddy Chinese delegation ran back softly.After getting into their respective tents, Tian Xiaoniu threw himself directly on the camp bed, moaning: "I'm leaving the army and going home, I'm sure no one will rob me of the militia company commander..." Dong Qiang sat on the ground leaning against the head of the bed, He took off his short-sleeved shirt: "Look at how promising you are..." As he spoke, he leaned on the head of the bed and began to snore.Zhang Lei took off his military boots and pulled off his soggy socks. The skin on his feet was rotten again.Liu Xiaofei next to him had already fallen asleep on the bed, his drenched military uniform still on his body.

"Our suffering has not yet begun." Lin Rui said with a wry smile, "I carefully read the information given by the organizing committee of the competition. The geographical environment of the competition area is not generally complicated. 70%, there are many lakes and swamps. The temperature at night will reach minus 10 degrees Celsius, and the most important thing is that there are no roads in most areas.” Chen Yong wiped his strong upper body with a towel: “There is no road, we Going out is the way. The special forces go where no one goes, and we go the way.”

Zhang Lei lit a cigarette with trembling hands: "Has the map been delivered?" Lin Rui said, "They didn't give any maps at all. The organizing committee of the competition informed the local map publishing house that it is strictly forbidden to print detailed maps of the competition area." .The combat map in their hands will not be given to us until before the start of the game, and it is in English and Estonian, and we have never been exposed to those place names."

"Our two groups can't go together." Chen Yong said, "If the whole army is wiped out, we will have no face to go back to meet people. We will go separately - the distance between each other should not exceed 1 kilometer. If an accident occurs in one group, the other group should take care of it; If you can’t cope, just go on your own. You must ensure that there is a group that can reach the finish line!”

Everyone is silent.Chen Yong looked at Zhang Lei: "What do you think?" Zhang Lei stood up and looked at Chen Yong. The two of them stared at each other for a long time without speaking.Chen Yong stretched out his right fist: "For the honor of the Chinese Army." Zhang Lei also stretched out his right fist: "For the honor of the Chinese Army." The two fists collided together.A round of red sun on the beach was hit, and the Chinese army special forces with big rucksacks ran wildly on the beach, shouting their numbers.Black and white eyes under the boonie hat, yellow skin, and clear Chinese characters burst out from the shouting mouth: "one-two-three-four!"

A team of foreign special forces who were preparing for activities on the beach looked up and watched them run over.The captain muttered: "This will be a difficult game." The sweaty team members asked: "Why? Don't we come every year?" The captain looked at the Chinese special forces who ran over: "Because they—— —Chinese Army.”

The yellow face under the boonie hat gradually became clear, young and full of fighting spirit.Chinese military boots left clear footprints on the beach in Estonia.

"Where is Estonia?" Xiao Qin took a magnifying glass, took off her shoes and put on socks and knelt on a huge world map to look for it.Liu Yongjun, wearing glasses, sat on the sofa and watched "History of the Great Patriotic War", taking notes from time to time.

"Old Liu, help me find it!" Xiao Qin put down the magnifying glass discouragedly, "Where is this Estonia? Why can't I find it?" Liu Yongjun didn't even look at her and said, "Don't you look at that? The map of which year. The international situation is changing, and the long-term will be united, and the long-term will be divided-Estonia only became independent in 1991, and that is the map of 88! I threw it in the attic and you have to find it!"

"You didn't say it earlier!" Xiao Qin sat down on the map, "If you said it earlier, I won't look for it!" Liu Yongjun smiled: "I think you are looking for it like this, it is quite cute!" Xiao Qin was anxious I was about to cry: "You will laugh at me! I know that women have long hair and short knowledge, and I admit that I was wrong, why are you still laughing at me!" Liu Yongjun laughed loudly: "This is you—Xiao Qin, after so many years Now, it’s rare for me to find the shadow of you back then!” Xiao Qin felt embarrassed: “I’m an old couple, why are you talking about this? —— Xiaoyue, bring me the world map and globe in the chief’s small reception room! "

Xiaoyue sent the map and globe silently, and Xiaoqin searched carefully with a magnifying glass.Liu Yongjun took off his shoes and went to the map, and squatted beside Xiao Qin to watch her search carefully, enjoying himself.Xiao Qin looked carefully with a magnifying glass, the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes became finer, and her temples were already graying.A trace of tenderness surged in Liu Yongjun's heart, and he stretched out his hand to caress the corner of Xiao Qin's eyes.Xiao Qin was in a hurry: "Oh, what are you doing! I'm looking for Estonia here! When Fangfang comes back, I don't even know where Estonia is, so how can I talk to her?" Liu Yongjun smiled and put his arms around Xiao Qin's neck. Shoulder: "How good is this? We are all getting old day by day, and the children are growing up. Worrying about the children is not better than anything? Let me tell you what!"

"Old Liu!" Xiao Qin blushed, "Xiaoyue is here!" "Report! Chief, I'm going to clean the car!" Xiaoyue held back her laugh and ran away. "This smart ghost!" Liu Yongjun smiled, "Xiao Qin, I found——you look better than before!" "How old are you still saying this!" Xiao Qin pushed him.

"How old? I was just 46, are you only 43?" Liu Yongjun smiled, "How old?" Xiao Qin blushed and was held by Liu Yongjun's shoulders: "It's all my fault, I won't be like that in the future." Liu Yongjun He became serious again: "If you make a mistake, you can correct it. I have already agreed with Zhang Lei. I will treat him to dinner after returning to China—you have to apologize to him in person!" Xiao Qin nodded: "Yeah." Liu Yongjun smiled, Kissed Xiao Qin on the face.

"Ouch!" Liu Fangfang, who was entering the door, was taken aback when she saw this, slipped on the floor and almost fell down.Liu Yongjun hurriedly let go of Xiao Qin, stood up and put his hands behind his back: "Ah, you're back?" Xiao Qin blushed and straightened her hair, and stood up: "Fang Fang went home?" Liu Fang Fang covered her mouth looking at her parents' embarrassment: " I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything! Go ahead! I'll go upstairs to change!" She went upstairs with a thump.

"Ask you to help me find Estonia, are you not sincere enough to make Fangfang laugh?!" Xiao Qin was anxious, "I'll find it myself! I don't believe I can't find it!" Liu Yongjun looked at Xiao Qin holding up a magnifying glass and carefully looking at the globe , Hehe laughed.

night.Candles are lit in the dining room of Liu Yongjun's house, which looks very warm.Xiao Qin was busy arranging dishes, putting bowls and chopsticks. Liu Yongjun came over wearing a shirt and military trousers: "Oh! It's so rich!" Xiao Qin gave him a look: "Don't move the chopsticks, wait for Fangfang!"

"Okay!" Liu Yongjun put down his chopsticks, smiled and watched Xiao Qin busy.Liu Fangfang came down from upstairs in casual clothes, and was stunned on the stairs.Xiao Qin beckoned: "Fangfang, come down to eat!" Liu Fangfang stabilized herself, came down, sat opposite Liu Yongjun, there was no smile on her face, she picked up chopsticks and ate.Liu Yongjun smiled, looked at Xiao Qin, shook his head, and picked up chopsticks to eat.Xiao Qin looked at Liu Fangfang and smiled all over her face: "Fangfang, Estonia..."

"What's wrong with Estonia?" Liu Fangfang ate a bowl, "Are you still going to discuss work with the President of Estonia?!" Liu Yongjun burst out laughing.Xiao Qin smiled awkwardly: "Mom didn't mean that, she meant...Mom knows that Estonia became independent in 1991, and it is in the Baltic Sea of ​​Europe, covering 45226 square kilometers..." Liu Fangfang looked at her curiously.Xiao Qin asked with a smile: "Did Mom say something wrong?" Liu Fangfang turned her face away and did not speak while eating.Xiao Qin smiled and continued: "The capital of Estonia is Tallinn, and there is a 6-hour time difference with us...'Erna? Assault' International Scout Competition began in 1992, and it is a competition for special forces from various countries..." Liu Fangfang's Tears pattered down into the bowl. "Fangfang, mom knew it was wrong. Mom changed everything. Mom has memorized the geography and history of Estonia for several days. Mom knows everything you want to know." Xiao Qin said with a smile.Liu Fangfang dropped her job and lay down on the table crying.Xiao Qin smiled and said: "You can forgive mom. Mom has written more than 100 inspections, 40 for your father, and 60 for you! Your father has passed my inspection..."

"I didn't say you passed!" Liu Yongjun laughed. "Don't make trouble!" Xiao Qin became anxious, and turned to Fang Fang with a smile on her face again, "Fang Fang, why don't you give Mom another chance? Just once?"

Liu Fangfang raised her head, with tears all over her face, and hugged Xiao Qin: "Mom—" The mother and daughter cried with each other in their arms.Liu Yongjun chuckled: "Hey! The whole family is reunited! Eat, eat, and there will be a program after eating - I found the video data of Estonia's previous Erna? Assault games! This time our representative team competed in these places ! You can watch how they play in person!"

Liu Fangfang laughed through tears: "Dad, you are so great!" "Eat quickly! Eat quickly!" Xiao Qin wiped her tears, "Look at Estonia after eating! Look at Estonia!"

"Estonia..." Fang Zijun spread out a huge world map on the bed in the dormitory, with the desk lamp facing the map, and dozens of geography and military books beside it.She opened her eyes and searched carefully, and when she found it, she marked it with a red pen.There was a knock on the door, but she didn't lift her head: "Come in!" He Xiaoyu came in with a pile of books and put them on the table: "It's all here! I borrow all the books that can be found in our library that have something to do with Estonia. I’m here, I’m exhausted!” “Thank you, pour the water yourself!” Fang Zijun spread all the books on the table and looked at the titles, “Why do you only borrow materials from Finland and the Soviet Union? "He Xiaoyu said with a sad face: "Hey, it just became independent in 1991! There is no information about independent books!" Fang Zijun nodded, opened a book of war history and read it carefully. "Sister Zijun, can I ask you a question?" He Xiaoyu drank his saliva, sat on a chair and asked carefully.Fang Zijun didn't look up: "Ask." He Xiaoyu asked: "Which one do you care about?" Fang Zijun raised his head: "What do you mean?" "Chen Yong, Zhang Lei——Which one do you care about?" He Xiaoyu asked carefully.Fang Zijun looked down at the book: "I don't need to tell you."

He Xiaoyu sighed: "I always thought I was very smart, but I didn't expect that I was actually the stupidest..."

Fang Zijun smiled and continued to read, looking quickly between the lines.He Xiaoyu was anxious: "Sister! Who do you like?" Fang Zijun raised his head and looked at her: "Xiao Yu, remember this! I'm already married!" He Xiaoyu opened his mouth wide.

"I can tell you, I care about both of them—one is my husband, and the other is someone I loved!" Fang Zijun lowered his head and continued to read, taking notes. "What logic?" He Xiaoyu smiled wryly, and also picked up a book and flipped through it carefully.

"It's 258 yuan in total." The saleswoman said with a smile. "Thank you." Liao Wenfeng took out the money with a smile and handed it in, and walked out of the Xinhua Bookstore with a lot of books on European geography and history.Xiaomin waited for him beside the car and opened the door for him.Liao Wenfeng piled all the books on the back seat: "You drive, I'll read." Xiaomin drove: "Are you going to develop in Europe?" "No." Liao Wenfeng looked for Estonia in the "Geographical Dictionary", "I think Know what Estonia really is."

"Estonia? What's wrong?" Xiaomin asked.Liao Wenfeng smiled: "This is the place where the Chinese People's Liberation Army Special Forces team went to participate in the international special forces competition." Xiaomin curled her lips: "I know Estonia—oh, I don't know whether you have retired or not." Liao Wenfeng was shocked , looked up at her: "What do you mean?" Xiaomin smiled wryly: "You are a businessman, but you still care so much about the army. I really wonder why a businessman cares so much about the army?"

"You haven't been a big soldier before, so you won't understand." Liao Wenfeng smiled, "I came from the special service team of the Marine Corps of the National Revolutionary Army, and I am also a special force. Of course, I have unusual hobbies for these things." He continued to read, and Xiaomin drove with a wry smile: "I really don't understand you people who have been in the army! Mr. Liu's son is in Estonia, and Manager Lin's lover is in Estonia—and you, your heart is in Estonia!"

Dock of the Minisadamar Naval Base, Estonia.After the opening ceremony, the special forces teams from various countries conducted a military parade before departure.When the Chinese special forces representative team walked past the viewing platform, following Chen Yong's resounding "Right—Look!" The phalanx of eight Chinese special forces roared and changed their steps in unison.The solemn and solemn yellow face, the sound of Chinese military boots landing on the ground, and the uniform shooting action caused applause from the venue.The Chinese military officer standing on the viewing platform raised his right hand to salute, and the Chinese team leaders He Zhijun and Lei Keming below the viewing platform raised their right hands to salute.

(End of this chapter)

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