
Chapter 77

Chapter 77

At the end of the military parade, special forces from various countries exchanged souvenirs.Contrary to ordinary people's imagination, the Chinese army that walked into the open did not encounter any hostility.The commander of the Estonian special forces presented He Zhijun with a set of exquisite coffee cups printed with the Estonian military emblem. He Zhijun took a red box in Lei Keming's hand and handed it to him, saying solemnly: "Niulanshan Erguotou. 56 degrees!" Estonian special forces The commander laughed after the interpreter finished speaking, opened two and a half cups on the spot, and handed He Zhijun a cup.Just as the translator was about to speak, He Zhijun interrupted him with a raised hand: "You don't need to translate this, let's drink! Come!" He Zhijun picked up the half cup and touched it with the commander of the Estonian special forces, and drank it down.The commander of the Estonian special forces laughed and drank it.

"You can drink it!" Tian Xiaoniu's eyes widened.Lei Keming smiled faintly: "This is Northern Europe. People here like spirits if they don't like anything else. The soldiers like it even more! You give Moutai, but they don't like it."

Zhang Lei took out a Chinese airborne parachute badge and gave it to a special soldier of the foreign army who came to exchange souvenirs.Ordinary people may think this kind of thing is worthless, but it is impossible for soldiers not to like it, and they all think it is a priceless treasure.So, a brown beret was put on Zhang Lei's head, and the two sides hugged and took a group photo.

"This is the school badge of our Army Academy." Liu Xiaofei handed it to the foreign special forces standing in front of him.The special soldier said pleasantly: "I know. China's West Point Military Academy, my honor!" So a jungle dagger was hung on Liu Xiaofei's belt.

Dong Qiang and Tian Xiaoniu really had no other choice, one gave a collar flower and the other an epaulet.The special forces of the foreign army were very happy and gave them brand new training T-shirts or baseball caps with the badge of their own troops printed on them.

The ceremonial activities are over, and the respective team members are preparing their equipment and preparing to board the landing ship moored on the shore and set off. "Before I leave, I'll show you something." He Zhijun's face became serious.Everyone stood around him, Lei Keming stood behind him, and He Zhijun slowly opened a box wrapped in camouflage cloth in the translator's hand. Geng Hui's black and white photo was placed in the middle of the box.Everyone is quiet.He Zhijun said in a trembling voice: "This is the other half of Lao Geng's ashes! He wants to watch your game! I didn't tell you beforehand because I was afraid it would affect your training; I'm telling you now to remind me—you guys The political commissar is watching you! He is watching you from the sky of Estonia!" The faces of the eight representative team members were very serious.He Zhijun's eyes were filled with tears: "If you can stand out in the competition and prove the strength of the Chinese army's special forces, Lao Geng is here - he will be buried in Estonia! The Chinese special forces who come to the competition every year will know that there used to be so A political commissar, he boiled himself dry for the Chinese special forces! Remember?!"

"Remember!" 8 team members roared. "Let's go!" He Zhijun wrapped the box, "Don't let Lao Geng down!"

Eight team members carried their rifles and equipment on their backs and stood in a row.He Zhijun and Lei Keming saluted.The players saluted.Over there, special forces from various countries boarded the landing ships one after another in order.Chen Yong led the team to turn right and ran onto the warship.The cables were retracted, and the landing ship slowly left the dock. Eight representatives of Chinese special forces stood in a row beside the ship's side, and following Chen Yong's command, they raised their right hands to salute.Facing the departing subordinates, He Zhijun and Lei Keming raised their right hands in solemn salute.

In the morning mist, the sun shines down, and the visibility is very good.The officers of the Finnish Peacekeeping Observer Corps, who acted as referees, wore blue helmets or blue berets, standing in every corner of Gorka Bay, chatting casually.Reporters from various countries were outside the cordon carrying video cameras and cameras, and they were clamoring in various languages.He Zhijun and Lei Keming wore uniforms of the Chinese Army and sunglasses. As soon as they appeared outside the cordon, they attracted the attention of reporters: "The Chinese People's Liberation Army! They are officers of the Chinese Army's special forces!" Facing the microphones and cameras surrounded by reporters, He Zhijun and Lei Keming walked straight to the viewing stand without saying a word.The Estonian sentries under the viewing platform stopped the reporter, and a reporter shouted in half-baked Mandarin: "Mr. Colonel, this is the first time that the Chinese Army's special forces have shown themselves in front of the world. Do you really have nothing to say?" He Zhijun looked back Looking at the blond reporter who had obviously studied in China: "Our Chinese army has a saying-it doesn't matter how much you say, it depends on how well you do it. Thank you for your concern."

He Zhijun and Lei Keming stood among the military officers from various countries on the viewing platform and raised their binoculars.On the distant sea, gunboats were cruising, pulling the cordon, and two helicopters were patrolling in the sky.The ambulance team members were wearing diving suits, carrying oxygen cylinders, and holding helmets sitting on the open hatch of the helicopter, ready to jump into the sea to rescue people at any time.The signal of the radio station shuttled in the air, and pairs of eyes of various colors were watching the calm bay.After observing, Lei Keming said: "The density of the simulated mines is higher than that of our training camp. The competition materials they give to each country are deliberately lowered in difficulty, just to test the adaptability of the players from each country." He Zhijun said worriedly: "We will definitely There are still variables!" Two red flares fired.The audience was boisterous and excited, pointing to the sea. More than 30 rubber boats appeared on the sea level.Every now and then a group would come across a mock mine, and the colored dye would explode, covering them all.The Finnish referee was mercilessly deducting points, and the audience was also exclaiming.The first to land was a paratrooper commando from an Eastern European country. Under the fire of machine guns, they bypassed the bombing point and completed the prescribed tactical actions.In the applause of the audience, he advanced into the deep jungle and disappeared.

"Be careful!" Zhang Lei shouted, turned over and entered the water, and pulled the rubber boat to the shore with Liu Xiaofei and others in the knee-high water.He Zhijun's binoculars followed them, feeling a little relieved.Then there were teams from two other countries. The rubber boat of Chen Yong's team spun around in the waves, and only then did they adjust their direction and go ashore.The agile special forces from all over the world completed the beach landing in the encirclement and suppression of the bomb site and machine guns. Chen Yong led his three soldiers quickly passed the bomb site, advanced, and entered the depth.

"Keep the formation!" Chen Yong shouted.In the applause of the audience, special forces teams from various countries went ashore one after another, and the competition turned from the beach to the deep virgin jungle.

"Let's go to point B." Lei Keming put down the binoculars, "We'll drive there, and they'll have to drill into the woods." He Zhijun put down the binoculars with a serious expression, hurriedly got off the viewing platform and walked towards the jeep.There have been dense or sparse gunshots, dog barks and shouts in the jungle.

Tap, tap, tap... The dense forest is already in chaos. Special forces players from various countries fled in embarrassment under the siege of the Estonian border guards, and the branches swayed in the air.At this first checkpoint, nearly 900 Estonian border guards who are familiar with the terrain are deployed, and there is a squad of troops searching almost every 100 meters.A group of contestants ran tenaciously, and were chased to the small road by the pursuers. A gun butt flew towards them. The first contestant was hit in the face and fell on his back. Several Estonian special forces were wearing a camouflage net full of weeds. Emerging from the bushes, two eyes are shining on the face painted with oil paint.Facing the black hole of the gun, this group of players had to give up resistance and let the points be deducted.The military dogs stuck out their tongues, searching the grass by the pond.Estonian border guards shouted at each other with AK74 rifles when they found footprints on the edge of a pond.Amidst the noisy yelling, an officer pointed to the path up the mountain, and the soldiers of the Patriotic Army ran up the mountain with him. The military dog ​​was still smelling by the pond, but the trainer pulled his neck hard, let out a howl, and followed him away.It wasn't until it was completely quiet that fine water patterns appeared in the calm pond.The reed stalks gently emerged from the water, revealing Liu Xiaofei's eyes painted in camouflage camouflage and black and white.He mingled among the reeds, making sure that the surroundings were quiet, and then lightly touched the water surface with his hands.Zhang Lei and the other two students poked their heads out of the pond with reed stalks in their mouths, burrowed into the reeds and lay down carefully.Liu Xiaofei told him to be safe in sign language.Zhang Lei picked up the rifle and waved his hand, signaling him to explore the way.Liu Xiaofei put on his soaked boonie hat and got up, and crawled low to the edge of the reeds.When he was sure that there was really no movement around, he swished into the opposite jungle at the fastest speed.The other three Chinese players followed him into the dense forest.

Chen Yong ran frantically across the open field with his team, followed by more than a dozen Estonian border guards chasing after them with gun bolts and blank ammunition.Zhang Lei saw it from a distance, and signaled everyone to get ready with sign language, and then four automatic rifles fired at the sky. The sound of the gunfire was obviously different from the AK74 automatic rifle equipped by the Patriotic Army.The Aijun who was chasing Chen Yong was attracted, and ran towards this side shouting.Zhang Lei took his team members and ran away.Chen Yong led the group into the dense forest, and a few Estonian special forces stood in the grass opposite them, shouting and gesticulating with their rifles and raising their hands.Chen Yong asked: "The rules didn't say that hitting people is not allowed?!" Lin Rui shouted: "No!"

Without further ado, Chen Yong ran a few steps, kicked the tree on the right and bounced up. A swift dragon swayed its tail in the air. Two Estonian special forces fell down covering their faces, and the remaining three surrounded them. Chen Yong quickly caught and unloaded.One was holding his chin, the other was holding his arm, and the other was holding his right ankle and fell down, screaming. "Run, run, run!" Chen Yong shouted to the stunned team members, whoosh, whoosh, they got into the woods.

He Zhijun and Lei Keming, who were waiting for the players to finish their first stand at Control Point B, were surprised to see five imaginary enemies of the Love Army being carried out on stretchers, wailing while holding their arms and chins.The two smiled wryly at each other. Aijun's doctor was very anxious. He looked at this and that, but was at a loss. He didn't know what the strange disease was.

"You go and tell him. See if there is any Chinese medicine doctor in the nearby town for treating bruises. It is best to invite them to follow the whole process of the competition, and there are still people who will be injured like this." He Zhijun said to the translator with a wry smile.Lei Keming held back his laughter: "The monk is in a hurry."

The helicopter hovered in the air, closely following Zhang Lei's group as they ran wildly through the jungle.Zhang Lei shouted: "How did you find us?!"

"I don't know!" Liu Xiaofei jumped over a rotten tree that fell to the ground with two guns in hand.He had just landed when a figure jumped down from the tree and threw him down.Zhang Lei jumped over and knocked down the Estonian special soldier who had fallen from the sky, and then a dozen well-hidden Estonian special soldiers jumped out from the trees and the nearby grass, with their rifles clattering and bolted.The muzzle of the gun held the heads of the four Chinese team members from different angles. Zhang Lei and the others, whose eyes were flaming, could only watch as a piece of their chest strip was torn off.

"Let's go." The officer leading the team waved his rifle.The four of them went into the woods again.Liu Xiaofei yelled: "If we tear it up a few more times, we will be eliminated!" The helicopter was circling again.Zhang Lei waved his hand: "Lie down!" Everyone fell down.The helicopter hovered overhead, the big rope was thrown down, and several Estonian special forces slid down to search for people in the woods.

"He knows we are here." Liu Xiaofei gasped and lowered his voice, "Otherwise we wouldn't be following so closely." "There must be a tracking signal." Zhang Lei looked at everyone, and his eyes fell on the electronic watches on the wrists of the four of them. .Liu Xiaofei asked: "Is this the distress watch provided by the competition? It's for us to call for help when we can't stand it anymore. Shouldn't there be a problem?" , "I was a messenger before I went to school." Zhang Lei took off his watch, thinking.The Estonian special forces searched for their location just now, and the response of the signal tracker strengthened.The leading officer raised his right hand, and everyone yelled and rushed towards a bush.After rushing in, I found no one, only four distress watches on the ground, with a shiny Chinese Army emblem in the middle.The leading officer took a deep breath, picked up the radio and called: "Headquarters, call Cobra No. [-]. A team of the Chinese delegation discarded the rescue device. I repeat! A team of the Chinese representative team discarded the rescue device! They Abandoned the caller in the most primitive and harshest forest in Estonia! They gave up any possibility of calling for help!" He turned his eyes to the dense and dangerous jungle, and murmured: "They are dying in it, and they don't intend to Call us for help!"

Stepping on the knee-deep ice water made my heart feel cold.Dong Qiang gritted his teeth and poked forward, using a thick branch to test the hardness of the swamp.Behind him, Chen Yong, Lin Rui, and Tian Xiaoniu were all holding rifles and pointing in their respective directions.

"There is no movement in the first group." Lin Rui was worried, "Have you been eliminated?" Chen Yong said blankly, "Even if there is only one person left, we have to climb to the finish line." Dong Qiang slipped, and the branch supported After going down, he hurriedly stood up straight, watched the branches being swallowed by the swamp, turned back and smiled wryly: "You can't go." Tian Xiaoniu's face turned pale: "The branches can't stand up, and we can't get through." There is no ambush." ​​Chen Yong put his rifle on his back and stood up, "If you don't want to deduct points, you can only go from here." Lin Rui held him back: "I can't get through!" Chen Yong said: "Tian Xiaoniu set the cordon. Cut off branches Make a raft, put the equipment on the raft and we will pull it over." Tian Xiaoniu picked up his rifle and ran into the jungle.Lin Rui smiled wryly, and pulled out the machete to cut down the tree: "I didn't need to say anything just now." Zhang Lei led his team to wade along the stream, so as to prevent the military dogs from tracking them.The water was bitterly cold, and the lips of every team member turned purple. Liu Xiaofei, the leading soldier, waved his hand, and everyone squatted in the water with only their heads exposed. Zhang Lei slowly waded through the water: "What's wrong?" Liu Xiaofei said, "River."

A big river has wide waves and fast currents. There is a steel bridge on the river, but there are referees wearing blue berets and cotton trench coats smoking and talking on the bridge. Obviously, points will be deducted for walking from here.Several delegations emerged from the woods by the river and walked onto the bridge wearily.What the referees were writing seemed to be deducting points.Liu Xiaofei picked up a big stone and threw it into the river, and went down without any splash.Liu Xiaofei said: "It's deep and urgent." Zhang Lei bit his lip and watched the foreign military team cross the river: "There is no imaginary enemy, Xiaofei will ask how many points will be deducted for crossing the bridge." Liu Xiaofei stood up and ran over, one The referee watched him come over to write on the board.Liu Xiaofei hurriedly said: "Wait. I'm not going to go on the bridge, I want to know how many points will be deducted for crossing here?" The referee said: "80." Liu Xiaofei was surprised: "80?!"

After hearing this, Zhang Lei said: "We can't cross the bridge. Every time we are caught, 20 points will be deducted. This time, we will have to pay 80 points for crossing the bridge! It means that we have been captured collectively once again!"

"Let's swim." Liu Xiaofei started to take off his clothes, his lips were still trembling.Zhang Lei took out the climbing rope and tied it around his waist, and patted him on the shoulder.Liu Xiaofei, who was only wearing shorts, jumped into the rushing river and swam to the opposite bank.The referees on the bridge let out an exclamation, and they all came to the side of the bridge to watch.Liu Xiaofei struggled desperately in the turbulent water, and had to dodge drifting logs from upstream from time to time.The other three Chinese special forces players stood on the shore and watched silently, while Zhang Lei held the climbing rope in his hand.

A referee exclaimed: "What's the temperature now?" A referee with a gray beard said: "The temperature on the ground is minus 1 degrees Celsius, and the temperature in the water is at least minus 10 degrees Celsius. These Chinese children are playing their lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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