
Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Zhang Lei smiled embarrassedly: "Your intelligence work is really good." "You are very proud of it? See what you can do!" Liu Fangfang rolled his eyes at him.Zhang Lei still smiled confidently: "I am capable? I was just moved by some comrades. The firepower of the protracted war is not only long-lasting, but also fierce." "You!" Liu Fangfang turned to Liu Yongjun angrily, "Dad, look at him, He bullied me! You punish him!" Liu Yongjun laughed loudly: "I can't leapfrog to punish a company commander of the grassroots company! This matter, you go and report to your captain!" "You all bully me, I I don’t care about you!” Liu Fangfang stood up and ran, “I’ll go to my mother, she’s the only one who loves me!” Liu Yongjun laughed, and Zhang Lei laughed too.Liu Yongjun took a sip of tea: "Is the morale of the troops high during this southeast coastal exercise?" "We are always ready for a battle." Zhang Lei said.Liu Yongjun smiled slyly: "Don't spy on me! This is a major concern for the chiefs of the Military Commission. I don't know anything." Zhang Lei smiled embarrassedly: "Chief, I don't think I can hide anything from you." "Since Fangfang knows you, and it’s rare for me to see her so happy.” Liu Yongjun sighed, “As a father, I’m happy for her to be happy. But, you have to remember—as a man, you have to be responsible for your feelings. I won’t I use my position to force you to make any decision, but I also hope you respect feelings and respect Fangfang."

"Chief, if someone else said this to me, I would turn around and walk away. To you, I will not. You are a soldier I respect. Your illustrious military exploits show that you are a real man; you are A father, I understand the purpose of your words." Zhang Lei said.Liu Yongjun nodded and smiled: "You are very smart, what's your next plan?"

"Please allow me not to tell you this." Zhang Lei said, "Although you are Fangfang's father, according to common sense, I should discuss with you and ask for your opinion; but you are the deputy commander of our military region, and I cannot cause any harm because of this Some kind of gossip that might come—even if you don't help me, there will be such gossip."

"Good boy!" Liu Yongjun smiled and pointed to his nose, "We Fangfang want to marry, we will marry a man like you!" Zhang Lei smiled: "Thank you for the compliment, chief."

"You decided to be with Fangfang, and you overcame a lot of psychological pressure, right?" "Yes." Zhang Lei said frankly, "I was afraid, and frankly, I might have liked her a long time ago. I don't want to be with her. She got together for two reasons: first, I was still in love with Fang Zijun at the time; second, I didn't want to get involved in the gossip that was discussed. Later, I figured it out, we were willing to be together and nothing else Relationship, whoever likes to say what to say."

Liu Yongjun nodded: "Well, I didn't know you had a relationship with Fang Zijun. Didn't she marry Chen Yong?" "Yes, but she married Chen Yong suddenly, and we were still together at the time. There was no prior Signs, this is still a mystery to me. But now she has a child, and she is very happy with Chen Yong, so I don’t want to. I have loved her once, so I must sincerely bless her and face tomorrow’s future bravely. life." Zhang Lei said.Liu Yongjun thought about it and nodded: "You are right. I don't care what kind of relationship experience you have, but you are an excellent soldier—so I believe you are an excellent man. Your bitter love for Fang Zijun is just Explain your attachment to feelings. I am assured of you, Fangfang will be happy."

"Thank you chief for your trust." Zhang Lei said sincerely.Liu Yongjun smiled wryly: "Can I change my name at home? Except Fangfang, everyone calls me Chief. Can you make an exception?"

"I'm used to it." Zhang Lei smiled, "I can't help it, I can't change it, maybe I will change it at home after I get married." My daughter kidnapped your Zhang family? I didn’t say I agree!” “My father has already agreed.” Zhang Lei said, “Fangfang and I will take family leave to see him this year.” “So soon?” Liu Yongjun Suddenly a little lost.Zhang Lei smiled: "I will treat her well." Liu Yongjun was really lost, looking at his daughter busy in the restaurant, he said to himself: "Fangfang really grew up, she should get married... ..." At the family banquet, Zhang Lei toasted Liu Yongjun and Xiao Qin graciously.Xiao Qin was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth: "Okay! Good boy! Auntie drink!" Xiao Qin drank, and asked: "When do you plan to get married?" "Mom—what are you talking about!" Then interrupt Xiao Qin. "This is a lifelong event, why am I talking nonsense?" Xiao Qin said with a smile, "Mom is still waiting to have a grandson!" "July 7 next year." Zhang Lei said with a smile.Liu Yongjun's eyes lit up: "On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to China!

OK!This is a day of great joy. When you get married, our family is full of double happiness! " "Whoever marries you, don't be ashamed!" Liu Fangfang blushed and hit Zhang Lei. Zhang Lei didn't hide: "You said it!"Anyway, I will get married when Hong Kong returns to China next year. If you don’t want to marry me, I will just drag a female soldier to get married! ""you dare! "Liu Fangfang pinched him anxiously, "How dare you marry someone else!" Liu Yongjun and Xiao Qin laughed loudly. Liu Fangfang knew she had fallen for the trick, and blushed, "Just bully me!" Xiao Qin asked Zhang Lei: "Your father is now the deputy commander of the army, so he should be transferred to the army next year, right?" Zhang Lei was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Xiao Qin to ask this. "What are you talking about?" Liu Yongjun flicked his chopsticks, "You ruined a good meal!"His father is an old volunteer soldier, so what's wrong with talking to Fangfang? !Xiao Qin, I think you are old habits that die hard! ""I will not say anymore!Stop talking! Xiao Qin said hurriedly, "I will write the inspection!"Write to check!Old Liu, don't be angry! Zhang Lei smiled and looked at Liu Fangfang. Liu Fangfang stared at Xiao Qin: "Can you change your mind?" "Is it okay if I was wrong?" Xiao Qin said pitifully, "Fang Fang, don't be angry." "My dad will retire next year." Zhang Lei said with a smile, "His age has also come."The airborne force is a high-tech sharp knife force for future wars. It is imperative to rejuvenate senior cadres in the next century. He took the initiative to propose retirement to the Military Commission and the Air Force Headquarters.I support his decision that he will come to our wedding next year as a veteran. "

Xiao Qin was surprised, but Liu Yongjun clapped the case and applauded: "Great character! He is my good in-law! Let him come here often after retirement, and I want to drink with him! Have a good chat!" Zhang Lei smiled: "He and my mother will work together He will come here often. My mother is waiting to have a grandson, and said that now she makes children's clothes every day at home when she has nothing to do..."

"Oh, you're not ashamed to say this!" Liu Fangfang hit him, "I'm so ashamed!" Liu Yongjun laughed. "Report!"—"Come in!" Liu Yongjun said.Secretary Song came in with a well-groomed military appearance: "Report to the chief! The Military Commission urgently sent an urgent telegram, please sign immediately." "Okay." Liu Yongjun stood up, "Give me the telegram. Let me introduce you. Zhang Lei, your aunt keeps talking about it; this is Xiao Song, my secretary. You will get in touch with each other often in the future, so let’s get to know each other first.” Secretary Song looked at Zhang Lei and remained silent for a long time.Xiao Qin smiled unnaturally and said to him: "Xiao Song, Zhang Lei is Fangfang's boyfriend, and he will get married next year." Secretary Song nodded and saluted: "Hello." "Hello!" Zhang Lei got up and walked over In return, the two shook hands.Secretary Song looked at Zhang Lei and smiled: "I still have something to do, let's talk."

After reading the telegram, Liu Yongjun signed and handed it to Secretary Song: "Let's stay and have dinner together." A little guilty, he slowly raised his right hand, "Comrade Zhang Lei, goodbye." Zhang Lei felt very strange, and raised his hand in return: "Goodbye." Secretary Song bowed his head, turned around and strode out, Zhang Lei looked at his back and felt very strange.

"Come, come, let's eat!" Xiao Qin hurriedly greeted, "Come and eat, Lao Liu! You can't eat after a telegram? Return the general! Zhang Lei is also sitting!" Zhang Lei felt strange: " Does he know me?"

"Maybe I saw you when I went to inspect the special brigade with me, or maybe I saw you when you scouts were training." Liu Yongjun didn't care, and raised his glass with a smile, "Then I'm just waiting to be a grandfather! "

"Dad, why are you all like this!"

The troops are training normally at the training ground.When Lei Keming and two school officers in different military uniforms walked in, the soldiers all looked over and talked a lot.Tian Xiaoniu opened his eyes wide: "What kind of military uniform is this? It's so beautiful! Look at their military uniforms with metal plates and cap flowers on the brim of their hats! Is it from the military band?"

"No, that face is as dark as ours." A recruit looked at the two school officers enviously, "It should be from the field army!" "Continue training!" Lin Rui said with a smile, "What military band? It's stationed in Hong Kong." Troops! They are stationed in Hong Kong on behalf of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and reclaim colonial sovereignty!” “My dear! Stationed in Hong Kong!” Tian Xiaoniu’s eyes lit up, “It’s an honor to be stationed in Hong Kong on behalf of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army! If you return to the army, you will be a soldier stationed in Hong Kong! This time, even the battalion commander of the village militia will not be robbed from me!" Lin Rui kicked him: "You are so promising, I think you can also be a soldier in your village. Be a squad leader!" The soldiers laughed. "That's Lin Rui." Lei Keming pointed.A colonel of the Hong Kong garrison took a closer look: "How tall is it?" "1.83 meters." Lei Keming said, "Training and exercises are heavy tasks for the troops, and we couldn't find manpower to replace him, so we never went to the military academy to study. He has He has completed the intermediate command correspondence undergraduate course of the Staff College by himself, and has obtained a diploma and a bachelor's degree certificate. Next, we are going to let him apply for a postgraduate entrance examination."

"I heard that your English is not bad?" the colonel asked.Lei Keming said: "I have already passed the professional eighth level."

"It's him!" said the colonel, laughing.Lei Keming was a little bit reluctant, the colonel looked at him and smiled: "What? I dug out your heart? Don't worry, I will return it to you after one year in Hong Kong. This is our rule."

"Recovering the sovereignty of Hong Kong on behalf of our army is a major event for the entire army." Lei Keming said, "I just can't bear it anymore, I will give it to whomever you want! Lin Rui! Come here!" Lin Rui put on the new Kevlar helmet Running over to salute: "Report to the captain! Lin Rui, the commander of the special warfare company, is organizing prisoner training, please give instructions!"

"Pack up your things and go with them tomorrow." Lei Keming said.Lin Rui wondered, "Where are you going?" "I'm the Deputy Commander of the Infantry Brigade of the Hong Kong Garrison." The colonel said with a smile, "I came here just because of the name, and I need a detective company commander. Are you interested?" Lin Rui Rui was taken aback.The colonel smiled and emphasized: "Resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong on behalf of the Chinese People's Liberation Army." Lin Rui looked at Lei Keming, looked at the two of them, and raised his hands in salute: "I promise to complete the task!" "You can bring an old squad leader." The colonel laughed He said, "The height is over 1.8 meters, the military and political quality must be excellent, and you can speak simple English. You choose yourself, it will be good for your work." Lin Rui looked at the training ground and saw Tian Xiao who shouted and kicked his opponent. Niu: "Tian Xiaoniu!" After landing, Tian Xiaoniu got up covered in dirt, and ran over: "Company commander! You called me?" Lin Rui said: "Yes! Get ready and hand over the work to the deputy squad leader .Follow me to the Hong Kong Garrison, we will be stationed in Hong Kong on behalf of the Chinese People's Liberation Army!"

Tian Xiaoniu opened his mouth wide, unable to believe it.Lin Rui said: "You don't want me to change." "I'll go!" Tian Xiaoniu smiled, "I'll go!" He turned to the training ground and shouted, "Comrades, I tell you! Tian Xiaoniu will be stationed in Hong Kong on behalf of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and resume the exercise of sovereignty!" At night, there was silence on the top of the climbing building.Zhang Lei, Liu Xiaofei, and Lin Rui, three young lieutenants, sat on the ground, and Liu Fangfang sat beside Zhang Lei, pouring drinks into their cups. "Zhang Lei, Fang Fang, I can't attend your wedding, I congratulate you in advance!" Lin Rui picked up the cup. "When we got married, you were accepting Hong Kong's sovereignty on behalf of us under the banner of the August [-]st Army!" Zhang Lei also raised his glass, "The dream of sovereignty that has haunted Chinese soldiers for hundreds of years will be realized under your feet. The moment you set foot on the land of Hong Kong, that is the best wedding gift you gave us! Because of you, our wedding has become very meaningful, thank you!"

"Why are you being so polite?" Lin Rui smiled, "I, Lin Rui, a kid who caused trouble everywhere in high school, a deserter, a soldier who feeds pigs, and now I want to represent the Chinese People's Liberation Army to take over the divided colony! This is the luck of my life, and it is also the help of your two brothers!"

"Life is like a dream!" Liu Xiaofei sighed, "The Chinese nation has gone through so many years of humiliation, and now our generation of soldiers is gradually avenging its shame! This is the hard work of several generations of Chinese soldiers, and we are standing on the shoulders of giants." Meet these historic challenges!"

"We will definitely watch live TV in the ravine of the special brigade. I wonder if we can see you?" Liu Fangfang picked up the cup with a smile, "If I see it, I will tell all my classmates and friends-this guy is me. Brother! I'm proud of you!"

"I will come back in a year and fight side by side with you again!" Lin Rui said, "On the future battlefield, let our brothers and sisters show utter devotion and serve the country faithfully! Do it!"

"Serve the country loyally! Do it!" The cup was raised, and their voices echoed in the silent night for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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