
Chapter 91

Chapter 91

June 1997, 6.Entering the night at the Shenzhen Tongle Barracks of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Garrison in Hong Kong, Captain Lin Rui, the police investigation company commander, walked out of the company headquarters in full armor in 30 summer uniforms.All the officers and soldiers of the police reconnaissance company had already stood in a neat line in front of him.Lin Rui's eyes cast a cold light under the big-brimmed hat: "According to the order of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China, the Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army will officially take over the defense of the British Army at 97:0 today and resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong! "

Tian Xiaoniu stood at the vanguard, wearing white gloves and holding a 95 automatic rifle. "The Infantry Brigade Police Reconnaissance Company of our Hong Kong Garrison will form the vanguard troops stationed in Hong Kong together with the officers and soldiers of other units!"

Lin Rui's voice was high but very firm, "The 509 Chinese People's Liberation Army officers and soldiers of our vanguard will enter Hong Kong from Huanggang Port at 1997 o'clock on June 6, 30, and take over Hong Kong's defense!" The soldiers looked serious. , Looking at Lianchang without saying a word. "You have to remember—" Lin Rui said loudly, "this is a war without gunpowder! We are the guard of honor representing the Chinese People's Liberation Army stationed in Hong Kong!—But if something happens, we are the fighting team! "

"Be vigilant! Defend the motherland!" The soldiers roared in unison and saluted with guns. "Get in the car and stand by!" Lin Rui said loudly, and the soldiers got on the car one after another.

The auditorium of the special brigade has a strong festive atmosphere.The auditorium is full of national flags, Hong Kong regional flags and double happiness characters in red.The officers and soldiers in uniform are cheerfully welcoming the guests. The wedding of Captain Zhang Lei, the commander of the Second Special Warfare Company, will be held today.Lei Keming was wearing a tuxedo, his hair was oiled, and he was conducting a small symphony orchestra with a baton. The performance of "Joyful" made the musicians shake their heads, and Lei Keming was also pleased with himself.Xiao Qin sat on the chief seat, and Liu Yongjun's old comrades-in-arms and subordinates came to congratulate him one after another.Retired Deputy Commander Zhang was wearing an air force uniform without epaulettes, and sat next to Xiao Qin with his wife, and the two old people were chatting happily.

"Today is a great day to reclaim Hong Kong. Our old Liu will be on duty in the combat duty room of the military region." Xiao Qin said with a smile, "So I can't attend the wedding today. He entrusted me to apologize to you two. Go to drink at home tomorrow. Deputy Commander Zhang and Lao Liu have a good drink!"

"Retreat, retreat, you can just call me Lao Zhang." Deputy Commander Zhang laughed and waved his hands, "Understandable, understandable, this is a critical moment for the whole army to prepare for battle! Their special brigade is also preparing for battle now State, raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while!"

On the stage of the auditorium is a large-screen projection, showing the farewell party of the troops stationed in Hong Kong and the preparations for the various scenes of the troops stationed in Hong Kong live broadcasted by CCTV.Liu Xiaofei was organizing the wedding scene and welcomed the guests together with He Xiaoyu.Lin Qiuye arrived in a hurry, with Fang Zijun and her sweetheart in the car.

"Hey! Xiao Bingbing!" He Xiaoyu rushed forward and snatched the child, "Let mother kiss you!" Fang Zijun smiled: "Then you can hold it today, this child is getting fatter and fatter, I can't hold it anymore!" Xiao Bing The soldier giggled, reaching out to grab the umbrella badge and diving badge on Liu Xiaofei's chest.Liu Xiaofei smiled and took it off and put it on for Xiao Bingbing: "Son! Uncle will send you now, and you will earn it yourself when you grow up!" "You can't be a special soldier when you grow up!" Fang Zijun smiled wryly.He Xiaoyu hugged Xiao Bingbing and kissed with a smile: "Yes, son! When we grow up, we should not be special soldiers, we should be military doctors! Our brains are smart, how can we be special soldiers with strong limbs and a simple mind?" Lin Qiuye smiled wryly: "You It depends on your father’s combat readiness and nonsense before he comes on duty! Your father has been a special soldier all his life, let him hear it and still not fix you?” He Xiaoyu smiled: “Hey! He dares! Go, son, mom will take you to find dad!” "Who is here!" Chen Yong was already a major, he stood out from the crowd in surprise, rushed over, hugged his son and kissed him.The beard pierced the son's face, and he cried and called his mother in the simplest syllables.Fang Zijun hurried over to snatch his son: "I said you have to kiss him? Look at your beard!"

"I shaved!" Chen Yong laughed.Fang Zijun rolled his eyes at him: "You can kill a cow if you scrape it! Stay away from my son! Be good, the soldiers don't cry—" The soldiers laughed happily.Xiao Zhuang, a new member of the special brigade who was just selected to stand aside with a jug, laughed: "Sister-in-law, what should we do if our battalion commander kisses you?" Fang Zijun couldn't laugh or cry: "Hey! Look, Chen Yong! This is you The soldiers you bring? Are they big or small?"

"Look if I won't fix you!" Chen Yong glared, "I won't punish you for the marriage of Company Commander Zhang today, and you will be alone for 5 kilometers tomorrow morning!" "Yes!" Xiao Zhuang stood at attention with a bitter expression on his face. "There are no rules." Chen Yong laughed, "Xiao Zhuang is not only a soldier from the city, he was also a college student when he joined the army, and he studied as a director in the drama school. I am used to being free and undisciplined, so I will deal with him later!" Fang Zijun said with a smile: "You? You are not allowed to physically punish soldiers. Now it is civilized to lead soldiers! Xiaozhuang, if your battalion commander dares to punish you, you can tell sister-in-law, and sister-in-law will deal with him!"

"Yes—" Xiaozhuang shouted in a strange voice.As soon as Fang Zijun sat down with the baby in his arms, He Xiaoyu flew over and snatched it away: "Son, mom will take you to watch TV! Hong Kong is back to China today!"

Xiaozhuang came over to pour Fang Zijun wine, and said in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, are you from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the General Hospital of the Military Region?" "Ah? What's the matter?" Fang Zijun looked at him.Xiao Zhuang laughed: "Xiaoying—is it in your department?" Fang Zijun looked at him and said, "Hey! You are not a bold person, you dare to think about the new beauty in our department? That is our hospital. A new generation of garden flowers!"

"She's my girlfriend, she was in high school." Xiao Zhuang chuckled, "I know you're coming, please send me the letter."

Fang Zijun took the envelope with a smile: "Success, the little soldier is in trouble now? What did you write, why don't I review it first?" "Love poems." Xiao Zhuang laughed.Fang Zijun sighed: "It's terrible! It's terrible! Chen Yong!" "Here!" Chen Yong was talking to other cadres, turned around and stood up. "When you were chasing me, why didn't you write love poems?" Fang Zijun asked with a smile on purpose.Chen Yong smiled awkwardly: "Me? Where do I have that brain? Didn't I make a lot of bullet handicrafts for you?" The soldiers roared with laughter.In the background, Zhang Lei sorted out the military appearance in front of the military mirror, and pinned the parachute emblem of the airborne troops, the parachute emblem of the army special forces and the diving emblem of the army special forces one by one.He put on his military cap and looked at the handsome and heroic captain of the Army Special Forces in the mirror.The groom's fireworks are pinned on the right chest.He let out a long breath, smiled confidently, and walked towards the dressing room.

In the dressing room, Liu Fangfang is doing makeup in front of the mirror.She was very nervous and her hands were trembling. The female classmate next to her smiled and drew her eyebrows: "Why are you nervous? It's just marriage! Close your eyes, you will ruin the drawing if you blink!"

"Speak lightly! This is the only time in my life, can I not be nervous?" Liu Fangfang took a deep breath and closed her eyes.A dark, rough hand with sharp bones stretched out silently, and took the eyebrow pencil from the female classmate's hand.The female classmate smiled and stepped back.Liu Fangfang waited with her eyes closed, and felt very strange that there was no movement for a long time.Hooking her chin with one hand, she turned her face slowly, her face was as delicate as a flower: "Hurry up! Zhang Lei is impatient, don't make him wait! Or you will get angry with me again! I'll go He rushes to buy everything in the mall, and he must be anxious about such a big thing as marriage!"

The female classmate burst into laughter, covered her mouth and went out quietly, and closed the door gently with her hands back.The eyebrow pencil slowly fell on her eyebrows, tracing them meticulously.Liu Fangfang dared not speak or move, for fear of ruining her makeup.After Zhang Lei finished drawing, he smiled and said, "That's right, the beauty is delicious." Liu Fangfang was startled, jumped up immediately, screamed and opened her eyes: "Zhang Lei?! You want to scare me to death!"

Zhang Lei smiled: "It is a rare pleasure in life to paint the eyebrows of a beauty, let alone my newlywed wife." hat of.

Zhang Lei grabbed her hand. "What are you doing? It's too late!" Liu Fangfang said.Zhang Lei held her face in his hands and bent down to kiss her. "Don't be like this, I just put on makeup!" Liu Fangfang begged and jumped away, "Zhang Lei, Zhang Lei, I'm married to you! Don't always act like you can't be caught, can you? You are doing well now You are also a company commander, don't play hooligans with me at every turn!"

"Come here, you!" Zhang Lei smiled and pulled her into his arms. Liu Fangfang was still struggling, but Zhang Lei's lips were already covered.Liu Fangfang hooked his neck and kissed him passionately.Zhang Lei's hand reached into Liu Fangfang's military uniform, and Liu Fangfang pushed him away: "Absolutely not! Absolutely not! When are you still making trouble? Are you growing up?"

Zhang Lei put on his military cap with a smile: "Success, I'll clean you up tonight." "Help—I'm marrying a big hooligan!" Look at you, not to mention the smell of cigarettes, it ruined my makeup!" Liu Fangfang hurriedly fixed her lipstick in front of the mirror.There was a knock on the door, and the female classmate shouted from outside: "I said you two are tired enough? We are waiting outside!" "Come on! Come!" Liu Fangfang said anxiously, "Look, it's all because of you!" Yes!" She put on her lipstick, licked her lips on the toilet paper, and put on her hat: "Oh, what are you smoking at this time? Let's go!"

"Let's go!" The command of the vanguard commander came from the radio.The engines of jeeps, trucks and infantry fighting vehicles roared.Lin Rui sat in the jeep with piercing eyes.Tian Xiaoniu and the soldiers stood on the truck, wearing white gloves, holding the guardrail of the truck with his left hand, and holding a rifle in his right.Under the guidance of the flag bearer car, the wheels started.

The August [-]st military flag fluttered high, and the flag bearer looked serious.Turning out of the camp gate, there was already a sea of ​​cheers.

The officers and soldiers cheered and applauded the newlyweds under the sonata of Lei Keming's "Marriage March".Zhang Lei and Liu Fangfang walked across the red carpet arm in arm.Lei Keming waved his baton: "You all come according to the arrangement in advance!" He put down the baton and walked to the center of the auditorium stage.The officers and soldiers stood up, beat gongs and drums, balloons, confetti, and ribbons flew around.Liu Fangfang lowered her head shyly, while Zhang Lei looked at everyone with a confident smile.Fang Zijun raised his wine glass to Zhang Lei with a smile, and Zhang Lei nodded with a sincere smile.

Lei Keming organized the wedding in a tuxedo, and he held out his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.On the big screen in the background, the vanguard of the Hong Kong Garrison is marching in, and the crowd on both sides are cheering.Lei Keming said loudly: "Today is a great day with double happiness! Hong Kong will officially return to the embrace of the motherland at 0 o'clock today! Our Chinese People's Liberation Army will enter Hong Kong, resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, and take over Hong Kong's defense!" The symphony orchestra played The prelude to "March of the People's Liberation Army".The officers and soldiers cheered.

"Captain Zhang Lei, the commander of the second special warfare company of our Spike Special Brigade, and Lieutenant Liu Fangfang of the medical clinic also tied the knot at this historical moment!" The symphony orchestra played the prelude to "Wedding March".The officers and soldiers cheered enthusiastically.

"This is a major event in our Spike Special Forces!" Lei Keming said with a smile, "Why is it a major event? Some comrades said that we have young cadres getting married every year? ——I said it was a major event, yes Because both of them are special forces! This is the first couple of special forces in our brigade!" The symphony orchestra played "Song of Special Forces", and the majestic and cheerful rhythm resounded through the hall.Officers and soldiers threw countless confetti and ribbons at the newcomers on the stage, and balloons flew up to the ceiling.

"Comrades——" Lei Keming raised a wine glass, which of course contained a drink, "Let's raise our glasses high, for the first husband and wife special forces in our brigade—cheers!" There was a clatter of clinking glasses.

"Cheers!" Liao Wenfeng raised the wine glass in his hand and clinked glasses with Xiaomin.Xiaomin in pajamas snuggled into Liao Wenfeng's arms, smiling and drinking.The vanguard of the Hong Kong Garrison marching in was shown on the TV, and tens of thousands of people saw off the grand occasion.

"I found that you are really patriotic!" Xiaomin said with a smile.Liao Wenfeng said with a smile while drinking: "I am also Chinese. This is a memorable historical moment. Our colony has been recovered! Since the National Revolutionary Army entered the British Concession in Hankou on January 1927, 1, the national government recovered the control of Hankou. The jurisdiction of the British Concession has been for 4 years!
Chinese soldiers will once again set foot on the land occupied by foreign colonists and resume the exercise of sovereignty! "

"You've become a lot more cheerful recently." Xiaomin looked at him and smiled, "I seem to have discovered the real you recently." "Because," Liao Wenfeng finished his glass of wine with firm eyes, "I'm the real one now." Chinese!" On TV, the troops stationed in Hong Kong were already approaching Huanggang Port.

The combat duty room of the A military region headquarters.The pomp was playing on the big screen, telegrams and telexes were flying, and senior officers and staff officers were busy.Liu Yongjun stood in front of the big screen in uniform, and He Zhijun and other senior officers stood beside him.

The convoy is approaching Huanggang Port.A secluded villa in Hong Kong.Feng Yunshan stood in front of the big screen of the temporary headquarters, looking at the information coming from various sources: "Notify all units, we must ensure the safety of Hong Kong's handover ceremony! Be foolproof, and if any link goes wrong, you will lose your head!" "Yes!" replied the capable scout.Feng Yunshan turned his gaze to the big screen.

The wheels are getting closer and closer to the white line at Huanggang Port.The tires of the first flag-bearer car holding the August [-]st military flag ran over the white line at Huanggang Port.The August [-]st military flag began to flutter over Hong Kong.

The auditorium of the special brigade was almost lifted by cheers.Lei Keming waved his baton high, and the symphony orchestra began to play the majestic "March of the Chinese People's Liberation Army".All the soldiers present stood up and sang the military song at the top of their voices: "Forward, forward, forward! Our team faces the sun..."

Zhang Lei and Liu Fangfang joined hands and sang military songs; Deputy Commander Zhang stood up and sang military songs; He Xiaoyu and Liu Xiaofei sang military songs; Chen Yong held his son, Fang Zijun stood beside him and sang military songs.Lei Keming was waving his baton and reveling in the military song, full of passion, and his hair was flicking back and forth.Tears of excitement and pride rolled down the faces of these soldiers.

A Military Region Command Operations Command Room.The generals did not cheer, but carefully watched the various electronic screens and combat maps that conveyed orders from their superiors.Liu Yongjun ordered loudly to the big screen: "Until the return of Hong Kong is completed, the army cannot relax its vigilance!"

The convoy drove into land belonging to Hong Kong.Lin Rui waved lightly to the crowd outside the window, but his vigilant eyes never relaxed.

Hongkong.Dressed in a fancy dress, Xu Xi, with headsets plugged into his ears, stood in the crowd and watched the passing convoy.Seeing the soldiers passing by, she waved gently with a sweet smile on her face.It was impossible for her to see Lin Rui, and it was impossible for her to know that Lin Rui was in the jeep of the convoy passing by in front of her.But she knew that Lin Rui was in the Hong Kong Garrison.


The whole world is waiting for this historic moment.

At 23:52, the captain of the British Army Guard issued the password.The British guards walked to the scheduled handover position with their rifles on their shoulders, a typical British step on this soon-to-be-lost colony.

(End of this chapter)

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