
Chapter 92

Chapter 92

At 23:53, the British Army Guard arrived at the scheduled handover position and turned to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Guard to stand in place.The eyes of the whole world are on the Chinese People's Liberation Army Guards.The young captain of the guard issued a loud command: "Everyone has - step - go!" Under his leadership, the Chinese People's Liberation Army guards wearing black riding boots and carrying 56 semi-automatic ceremonial rifles walked to the scheduled handover position in unison. The footsteps of the Chinese army set foot on the Prince of Wales barracks.

"Salute—" shouted the Captain of the British Guards.Wow——The British Army Guards saluted with guns.The eyes of the whole world are watching.

"Lin Rui! It's Lin Rui!" Earth-shattering cheers broke out again in the auditorium of the special brigade.Lin Rui on the screen walked in unison.Both Zhang Lei and Liu Xiaofei stared at Lin Rui on the screen with their mouths wide open in surprise.

"I said why did he call me to tell us to pay attention to the defense handover ceremony!" Liu Fangfang's eyes were blurred by tears, not wanting to miss every shot, "This guy is hiding something from us!"

A Military Region Command Combat Command.He Zhijun opened his mouth wide and said in surprise, "This kid, this kid—who knew he had raised pigs under my hands before?!" The generals roared with laughter.

On the streets of Hong Kong, Xu Xi, who was watching the big screen among the crowd, looked at Lin Rui with wide eyes.Xu Xie shed tears of pride: "You are amazing..."—Lin Rui strode forward with his head held high and the majesty of the Chinese army in his arms.

"What's wrong?" the middle-aged man who was with her asked. "He is my boyfriend!" Xu Xi cried happily, "I am proud of him!"

23:55.The guards of the Chinese People's Liberation Army arrived at the scheduled acceptance position and stood facing the British guards.Lin Rui and the others looked serious, staring at Lieutenant Colonel Ellis, the captain of the British Army Guards opposite.

"After the ceremony -" Lieutenant Colonel Ellis shouted, and the rifles in the hands of the British soldiers were put down.Captain Lin Rui looked at the British lieutenant colonel in front of him, without a smile on his face.Chinese soldiers have been waiting for more than 100 years.The auditorium of the special brigade was silent, and everyone was watching the big screen.

The combat command room of the A military region headquarters was silent, and the generals stood in front of the big screen, waiting for that sacred moment.Chinese army captain Lin Rui stared at the British lieutenant colonel in front of him, and stood silently.Maybe he thought of something, the recruit company of the special brigade, the old Xue from the farm, the sacrificed comrades like Tian Daniu and Wu Yun, the oaths sworn under the fiery red flag, and Erna?During the days and nights of the assault, he thought of Xu Xi kissing him goodbye, and Wu Yun's mother in the Inner Mongolia prairie... In this short moment, he may have thought of many, many things.Or maybe you didn't think about anything, just waiting.

Army Sergeant Tian Xiaoniu stood in the Army Guards wearing a 97 uniform of the Chinese Army and holding a 56 semi-automatic ceremonial rifle.He may remember something, or he may not think of anything.Also waiting in this way.


The boots of the captain of the Chinese Guard stepped on the ground of Hong Kong with a loud sound-this is the goose step kicked by Chinese soldiers in Hong Kong, and this is the echo of the Chinese army's steps in Hong Kong-the sound of China's goose step in the world.

There was no sound in the auditorium of the special brigade.The only thing that came out of the speaker was the sound of Chinese marching.The officers and soldiers stood in silence, listening to the Chinese goose.

In the remote Shanxi countryside, Xue Xicai, a retired special soldier, was wearing a brand-new uniform of an army soldier without a military rank. Standing in a straight military posture, he stared at the black and white TV screen in the cave dwelling.Tears rolled silently down his face.

A Military Region Command Operations Command Room.Liu Yongjun stood in front of the big screen, and what came out from the speaker was also this Chinese Goose Step.He Zhijun stood beside him, with boundless pride and pride in his eyes.

Star hotel lobby.Tan Min, who was dressed in elegant clothes, stood and watched Lin Rui on the big screen and shed tears.Yue Long stood behind her in a suit, with a sincere smile on his face: "This guy, he really became famous as a soldier!"

Streets of Hong Kong.Standing in the crowd, Xu Xi looked at Lin Rui in the guard with tears streaming down his face.The captain of the Chinese guard took the last goose step and stood at attention.

The hour hand moves towards 23:58:20.Lieutenant Colonel Ellis of the British Army raised his right hand to salute the captain of the Chinese Guard.After he saluted, the captain of the Chinese guard raised his hand in return.The British lieutenant colonel slowly lowered his hand.The captain of the Chinese guard slowly lowered his hand.Lieutenant Colonel Ellis murmured in his Adam's apple, as if unwilling to say that sentence.The captain of the Chinese guard stared at him expressionlessly.Inner Mongolia Nursing Home.In the club, Lin Rui's face flashed on the color TV screen. Although Wu Yun's mother couldn't see clearly, she was silently wiping her tears.The club is also silent.

23:58:50.Lieutenant Colonel Ellis of the British Army finally opened his mouth and shouted: "Mr. Captain of the Guard, the Prince of Wales Barracks is now ready, please accept it..." The Captain of the Chinese Guard still looked at him coldly, Lieutenant Colonel Ellis His voice became hoarse: "... I wish you and your colleagues good luck and a smooth start. Mr. Captain of the Guard, please allow the Prince of Wales barracks guard to be laid off."

The captain of the Chinese Guard looked at him coldly, opened his mouth and shouted out the voice that Chinese soldiers have suppressed for more than 100 years: "I will take over the barracks on behalf of the Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army! You can be laid off, and we will be on duty! - I wish you a safe journey! "There was cheering in the auditorium of the special brigade, and hundreds of military caps flew into the sky at the same time.The officers and soldiers cried, laughed, danced, and hugged each other. Lei Keming waved his baton, and the symphony orchestra played "My Motherland". "This is my best wedding present!" Liu Fangfang cried and hugged Zhang Lei, kissing his lips.

He Xiaoyu cried bitterly in Liu Xiaofei's arms, and Liu Xiaofei also had tears in his eyes: "Our Chinese army has taken over Hong Kong!"

Chen Yong lifted the crying child up to the sky: "Bingbing! Dad's blood did not flow in vain—" Fang Zijun cried on Chen Yong's shoulder, and Chen Yong stretched out his arms to hug her and the child.

Hong Kong streets.The crowd cheered in front of the big screen, and countless small national flags and regional flags were waved.Xu Xi cried amidst the cheers of the crowd: "Lin Rui—I love you—" Lin Rui on the screen showed no expression, and was still completing the takeover ceremony.

A Military Region Command Operations Command Room.Lieutenant General Liu Yongjun had tears on his face, and He Zhijun also had tears on his face.In Shanxi cave, Xue Xicai was already crying bitterly: "Lin Rui, Lin Rui, you are good! You are a real soldier..." Inner Mongolia Nursing Home.Wu Yun's mother cried and muttered, holding what Lin Rui left behind in Erna?The photo during the assault, stroking Lin Rui's face.

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Rui and other Chinese People's Liberation Army guards, the British guards withdrew from the Prince of Wales barracks.The British sentry at the gate followed and left, and the Chinese sentry went to work.The captain of the Chinese guard shouted: "Libi—"

Swish - the 56 semi-automatic ceremonial rifle in the hands of the Chinese guards was put down.

23:59:57.The captain of the Chinese Guard shouted: "Half to the right—turn!" The Chinese Guards turned to the right with half of their faces facing the flagpole.The captain of the Chinese guard shouted: "Salute——" Swish—Lin Rui's right hand stuck to the brim of his hat.The Chinese guard saluted with guns.

At 1997:7 on July 1, 0. The "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China" was played at the Prince of Wales barracks in Hong Kong.The five-star red flag was slowly rising in front of Lin Rui, and Lin Rui was doing the most standard Chinese military salute with his right hand.

A Military Region Combat Command.Senior military officers such as Liu Yongjun and He Zhijun saluted the national flag raised on the screen.Special Forces Auditorium.Amidst the national anthem played from speakers, all soldiers saluted solemnly.Lin Rui stood under the national flag, watching the national flag rise into the sky of Hong Kong.The head of the Chinese guard shouted: "Libi—" The guard put down the rifle in his hand.At the same time, all 14 former British barracks in Hong Kong raised the five-star red flag—the ceremony for the Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to take over Hong Kong's defense affairs was successfully completed.

At 1997:7 on July 1, 06. "Move in!" The commander of the Hong Kong Garrison issued a solemn order to be stationed in Hong Kong.The infantry brigade convoy led by the glorious "Dadu River Company" held high the plaque of "Mighty Teacher, Civilized Teacher" presented by the Hong Kong people and set foot on the land of Hong Kong after customs clearance at Man Kam To Port. A formation of six camouflaged Zhi-6 armed helicopters flew over the Shenzhen River and appeared over Victoria Bay. 9 naval ships set off from Shenzhen Mawan Port Wharf, splitting beautiful waves on the sea.Ships moored and passing by in the waters of Hong Kong competed to salute the naval formation of the Hong Kong Garrison, and the signal corps used lights to play the international signal of "Hello, Hong Kong". The word "Yingzhan" under "Hong Kong" was removed.Captain Lin Rui of the Chinese Army, guarding the flag flying high in the Prince of Wales barracks, raised his young face to the morning glow, and the formation of armed helicopters was passing by in front of his eyes.He watched the armed helicopter formation leave, and smiled proudly at the reporters and the public who were scrambling to take pictures at the door.


October 1997, 10.The National Day of the 1th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China is the first barracks open day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Garrison in Hong Kong.

In the large playground of the Stanley Barracks in Hong Kong, the sound of killing was loud.Captain Lin Rui, armed with a 56 semi-automatic rifle with an open bayonet, led 200 infantry soldiers to perform an assassination exercise. The rhythm, even the slogan is one voice: "Kill—kill—kill——" There was bursts of applause on the viewing platform, and more than 100 representatives from more than 5000 Hong Kong associations who came to visit appreciated the superb martial arts and toughness of PLA soldiers. The style responded with an exclamation.Standing in the crowd, Xu Xi proudly looked at Lin Rui, who was in the leader's position, and applauded excitedly.

Weapons display.Lin Rui, in camouflage uniform, was wearing a Kevlar helmet and military boots, standing beside the weapon.Enthusiastic Hong Kong residents experienced domestic light weapons under Tian Xiaoniu's introduction in Cantonese. Lin Rui stood in his place with a smile.

"Captain." - Lin Rui turned his face away, his eyes widened.Xu Xi took off her sunglasses and looked at him with a smile.Lin Rui's face was filled with uncontrollable surprise, but he opened his mouth and said, "Can I help you?"

Xu Xi smiled sweetly and said in English: "Captain, you are a handsome soldier. Your girlfriend will be proud of you, she must be very happy." Lin Rui suppressed his emotions: "Thank you, miss. You Also very beautiful, your boyfriend will be proud of you."

Over there, the middle-aged man following Xu Xi found the head of the Hong Kong Garrison and said something in a low voice.The chief nodded and waved: "Lin Rui!" Lin Rui glanced at Xu Xi, smiled and ran over to salute: "Here!"

"You, go with this gentleman and meet a guest. For half an hour, don't leave the barracks and don't meet reporters." The chief said.Lin Rui felt very strange, looking at this middle-aged man wearing sunglasses.

"Execute the order." The chief said. "Yes!" Lin Rui raised his hands in salute, turned around and followed the middle-aged man.The secluded forest behind the Stanley Barracks.The middle-aged man seemed to be very familiar with this place, and Lin Rui followed behind, full of the situation.The middle-aged man stopped, and pointed to the woods in front of him: "There is someone waiting for you, I will show you the watch outside." Lin Rui watched him walk out of the woods and stood by the road in wonder, and walked in by himself.He is not afraid of any danger, but this is too strange, this is obviously a military camp!Turning around a big tree, Lin Rui still didn't see anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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