
Chapter 93

Chapter 93

"Are you going now? It's still a while before dawn. It's not the lark but the nightingale's voice that pierces your terrified eardrums; it sings every night in the pomegranate tree yonder. Believe me, love, that It's the singing of a nightingale." Xu Xi's voice floated out from behind him, and it was "Romeo and Juliet" in English.Lin Rui stopped, and turned his head slowly: "That's the skylark heralding the dawn, not the nightingale. Look, my love, the unbeautiful morning light has already set golden threads on the clouds in the eastern sky, and the stars at night have burned out. The happy day I tiptoed to the misty peaks. I must seek life elsewhere, or stay here and die..."

Xu Xiyan, with long hair and shawl, walked slowly with tears on his fair face: "That light is not the morning light, I know; it is a shooting star spit out from the sun, I will hold the torch for you tonight, and illuminate you when you arrive in Manchester. Doya is going. So you don't have to hurry, just delay for a while..." Lin Rui grabbed her little hand and dragged her to the front: "Let me be caught by them, let me be executed by them; as long as you I mean, I have no resentment..."

Xu Xi's tears fell down, and her lips covered Lin Rui's.Lin Rui hugged her delicate and weak body tightly and kissed her.Xu Xi's tears flowed into his mouth, and Lin Rui sucked greedily.

"I miss you..." Xu Xi said quietly.Lin Rui stroked her face and her tears: "I miss you too." "You are really great..." Xu Xi looked into his eyes and said proudly. "In front of you, I will always be Lin Rui who raises pigs." Lin Rui said.Xu Xi smiled, and kissed Lin Rui's neck: "You are also a little pig..." "Why did you come to Hong Kong?" Lin Rui asked.Xu Xi said: "For business, of course I want to come to catch up with this kind of celebration." Lin Rui looked at her strangely: "What I mean is—how can you talk to the leaders of our army? This seems unusual Can a businessman do it?" Xu Xi smiled and nodded his nose: "Then I am not an ordinary businessman." Lin Rui still did not dispel his doubts: "Xu Xi, what exactly do you do?" "Me? Businessman, what's the matter?" Xu Xi smiled. "If your family has such a great ability, I won't be able to find information about you." Lin Rui said, "It's not so easy to find me. A merchant family with such abilities in every unit of the Chinese army, I believe there are only a handful of them." "You? Did you investigate me?" Xu Xi was a little nervous.Lin Rui smiled wryly: "I have to have that ability too! I just checked in the newspapers to see if you and your father's names are listed among the well-known merchant families in our country. So I feel strange, I don't know what you are doing What?" Xu Yan smiled: "There is a kind of businessman who makes a fortune out of boredom, and my father and I don't like to make public. We do business in cooperation with the country, and we also have close cooperation with the military's foreign trade department, so we have Something to do with it. Is this weird?"

"Selling arms?!" Lin Rui opened his eyes wide.Xu Xi patted his face and smiled affectionately: "Stop talking nonsense! No! We are a legitimate business, and we will tell you later. Why, are you thinking about our family's business now?"

"What are you talking about!" Lin Rui was anxious, "I still want you to leave your current business completely after you marry me, and go to the Shangou Family Hospital to be a family member of my army! I don't want to take off my military uniform, so you are going to give it to me honestly Let me be a family member of the army!"

Xu Xi looked into his eyes and said quietly: "My love, I also want to be your military family member... In the barracks in the valley, work at sunrise and rest at sunset, simple and happy..."

Lin Rui chuckled: "My eldest brother and second brother are both married, let's get married too!"

Xu Xi was startled: "What did you say?"

"I said let's get married!" Lin Rui stepped forward and hugged her, "Marry me and follow me back to our valley! I will be a family member of the special brigade family. I will lead the soldiers to train, exercise, and go on missions. You can teach the soldiers English! There are schools in nearby cities, and the captain can arrange for you to go to the school to teach, your foreign language level is so high, their school must be their dream! ——We will never separate!" Xu Xi took a step back : "Are you proposing to me?"

"That's right!" Lin Rui said, "I've been waiting for a long time!" "How many times have we only met?" Xu Xi smiled wryly, "Do you understand me?" "It's because I can't see you that I suffer." No!" Lin Rui looked into Xu Xi's eyes, "Do you know, I think you're going to explode? Even when I miss you, I can't breathe! Do you know what it feels like?" "I know! "Xu Xi's tears flowed down, "Because I miss you the same way!" "Then why don't you marry me?" Lin Rui asked bitterly.Xu Xi cried and said: "Lin Rui, I want to marry you! I want to marry you so much! I really want to follow you to that simple and happy valley to be a family member of the army! I really want to wait for you to go home for dinner every day , if you can’t come back, I’ll send the food to your company headquarters for you! I’d even send it to the training ground for you! I’m willing to let the soldiers call me sister-in-law, I like it when they call me that! I really do I can cook well, I can do housework since I was a child, and I can decorate my home beautifully! You believe me, I can! I can dress simple, I like simple food, I like to be your military family member! I dream I want to marry you and be your wife, I will be a good wife and mother! You trust me!"

"Then let's get married. I'll be back in the special brigade next month! I'll write a report to the brigade captain, and we'll get married!" Lin Rui's eyes lit up, and Xu Xi cried and pushed Lin Rui away: "I can't marry you!"

"Why?" Lin Rui looked at her in surprise.Xu Xi cried and shook her head: "I can't, I can't marry you!" The flames in Lin Rui's eyes were extinguished: "You still despise me for being poor..." Xu Xi cried: "No!" "You still look down on us That ravine, look down on our ordinary army compound..." Tears appeared in Lin Rui's eyes. Miss, I am a soldier of the People's Liberation Army. I know, you are reluctant to..."

"No!" Xu Xi cried out.Lin Rui closed his eyes: "No need to say any more." "I love you—" Xu Xi rushed forward and hugged Lin Rui, "I love you, but I can't marry you! Just because I love you, I can't be with you Get married! I don't want you to wait for me! This is too hard, Lin Rui! I can't let you suffer like this—" "You are not afraid of death, what is suffering?!" Lin Rui roared. "I really can't marry you..." Xu Xi cried and let go of him, "Forget about me and find a good girl...

Find a girl who can be your military family member and let her take good care of you... forget about me..." Lin Rui watched her step back step by step in surprise: "What are you talking about? "I said you forgot me!" Xu Xi cried. Lin Rui shook his head: "This is impossible."this is not you! ""this is me! Xu Xi cried and said, "This is me!"I said it, you forgot me! Just as Lin Rui was about to speak, the middle-aged man over there raised his watch outside the woods with his back to them: "It's time." " Lin Rui stabilized himself and straightened his military appearance: "I don't believe you said this, you Xu Xi is not such a person!

I will wait for you to come to me and keep waiting! He took a deep breath, wiped off the tears on his face, strode out of the woods, and turned to a standard run on the path. The sound of military boots gradually faded away. Xu Yan cried and knelt down: "Lin Rui, I'm really good Love you……"

The middle-aged man walked into the woods slowly, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Xu Xi.Xu Xi took the handkerchief and wiped away her tears, stood up and calmed herself down.The middle-aged man looked at her sympathetically: "We should go." Xu Xi nodded, took a deep breath, and put on the sunglasses, but tears still flowed from under the sunglasses.The middle-aged man said sympathetically, "You can marry him."

"No." Xu Xi shook his head, his voice trembling, "I don't want him to suffer, I love him."

The compound of the special brigade.The soldiers who received the exercises carried 95 rifles and sang military songs with mud all over their bodies.Zhang Lei and Liu Xiaofei led their companies to stand in the canteens of their respective companies adjacent to each other, and compared each other to pull songs.The deputy company commander of the first company replaced the company commander, but his momentum was obviously not good. Although the soldiers of the first company worked hard, they were still inferior to the second and third companies.

"If Lin Rui doesn't come back, this company won't work!" Zhang Lei smiled wryly.Liu Xiaofei stood beside him: "A chief officer with personality is hard to come by, and the personality of the company is the personality of the company commander. Count the days, Lin Rui should be back, right?"

"It's been almost a few days." Zhang Lei said.Suddenly, the singing of the second company and the third company also weakened, and the two company commanders looked at their companies in wonder.Although the soldiers were singing, their composition was out of order, and their heads were all tilted to one side.The two company commanders followed the line of sight of the soldiers and saw an army captain wearing a brand-new 97 summer uniform.On his right arm is the bauhinia armband of the Hong Kong Garrison. He is carrying a camouflage handbag and a rucksack on his back.The hat flower on the brim of the hat sets off the military emblem, under the brim is a pair of bright eyes, and there is a sly smile on the dark face.The name tag on the chest reads "Lin Rui".

"Lin Rui!" Zhang Lei and Liu Xiaofei jumped up almost at the same time, rushing to hug him.Lin Rui looked at them with a smile: "Who? Bullying our first company while I'm away?" "The company commander is back!" The soldiers of the special warfare company wailed. "Why didn't you call us and ask us to pick you up?!" Zhang Lei looked at him with a smile, "You're crazy!

Why is this new military uniform so inappropriate for you, take it off and send it to me! ’ ‘Brought both of you. "Lin Rui smiled and picked up the handbag, "Two sets of officers Xia Chang, for you.There are no famous brands! "" Enough buddies! "Liu Xiaofei hugged him by the shoulders, "For the sake of you wearing new military uniforms for us two big brothers, we won't bully you any more!"Isn't that right, comrades of Sanlian? ""Yes—" Sanlian laughed. "Good boy!" Lin Rui said with a smile, "You challenged me before I drank my saliva?" "" The water is delicious and hard to swallow! Zhang Lei said with a smile, "Isn't that right, comrades from Erlian?" ""Yes——" Erlian was also eccentric. "Okay, you two!" "Lin Rui laughed, and suddenly his face changed color, "Everyone in the company has it—stand at attention! "

Swish—a company of soldiers stood at attention, their eyes shining brightly. "Wenshu, come here and get my things!" Lin Rui handed the things to the clerk, "Send it to the company headquarters!" The clerk ran away.Lin Rui straightened his military cap and strode up to the front of the Special Warfare Company: "Who are you?!"

"Spike!" A company of soldiers roared.Lin Rui roared: "I can't hear you—what are you?!" "Spike!"Lin Rui asked loudly: "Who gave you your names?!" "Enemy!" The voices of a company of soldiers were majestic.Lin Rui asked again: "Why did the enemy call you Spike?!" "Because we are accurate! Because we are ruthless! Because we are not afraid of death! Because we dare to die!" The continuous roar made the ground tremble. "You are not afraid of death, but you are still afraid of singing?!" Lin Rui pointed to their noses and asked, "The deputy company commander came out to command-I will start-the soldiers of the tough company-prepare-sing! "The continuous singing shook the ground. "Is this enough to practice?" Zhang Lei smiled and untied his belt and grabbed it in his hand, "Did you see the Erlian?! Yilian challenged us! The deputy company commander came out and sang! If you can't sing for a while, don't give it to me." I'll have lunch!" Erlian also began to sing, "Three Great Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention".

"All three companies have—" Liu Xiaofei stood in front of the queue, "The first company and the second company are yelling at each other again, are they stupid?!"

"Stupid—" the soldiers of the third company laughed. "Can we be as stupid as them?!" Liu Xiaofei asked with a smile. "Can't—" the soldiers laughed. "Yes, we can't be as stupid as them!" Liu Xiaofei waved his hand, "Go in and eat!"

The soldiers of the third company yelled and went in to eat according to the queue.Zhang Lei and Lin Rui looked at Liu Xiaofei with a smirk on his face, both dumbfounded.

"If we don't even participate in this kind of meaningless competition, we'll see you at the training ground if we can!" Liu Xiaofei clasped his fists together, "I'm sorry, I'm hungry, I'm going to eat!"

"Fuck! This kid! He deliberately made us look good!" Lin Rui said with a smile, and Zhang Lei handed him a cigarette: "Is it better?"

"What? Take it in for dinner after singing." Lin Rui smiled wryly.Zhang Lei asked: "Where is Maverick? Didn't come back with you?" "He bought a lot of things before he switched defenses, didn't he?" Lin Rui raised his chin, "He said he would bring it to his mother and the old militiamen in the village!" ——Tian Xiaoniu, who was wearing the 97 soldier's summer uniform, was sweating profusely, carrying large and small bags on his back, and two recruits behind him helped him carry things.Tian Xiaoniu smiled all over his face: "Company Commander, why didn't you wait for me? Company Commander Zhang, I, Tian Xiaoniu, came back to take over Hong Kong on behalf of the motherland and the People's Liberation Army—"

(End of this chapter)

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