Awakening Secret

Chapter 36 Extra Story 1: "1 Growth Tree"

Chapter 36 Extra Story [-]: "A Growing Tree"


In the last semester of senior year, the girls’ dormitory at Lanzhou University is either quiet, with no one going in or out for a day;

Discussing various hot topics about studying abroad for graduate school and finding a job.

Today in 1205 dormitory, there is only Zhou Xiaoshu alone.She came back temporarily to organize things, and she had plenty of time to sit down and write the monthly planner.No matter how many people there are, Zhou Xiaoshu will always be the quietest existence in the dormitory; it is also the busiest one.In terms of interpersonal communication, Xiaoshu has a quiet personality and doesn't talk much, and he doesn't have many friends; in addition, the two roommates with the best relationship have gone abroad. This semester, every time Zhou Xiaoshu returns to the dormitory, he is basically alone.

A person, looking a little lonely, can actually do things more attentively and without distraction.

There were a few knocks on the door, accompanied by friendly greetings, Zhou Xiaoshu sat at the desk and turned around, saw someone coming, and stood up politely.The roommates who came in to say hello to her were the roommates from 1204 who were formerly Lin Jiaqi's two roommates.

1205 and 1204, the two dormitories are facing each other in the corridor, and the roommates do not see each other when they look up. Even if the relationship is not warm, they are all familiar classmates.They knocked on the door specially this time, and they came to ask Xiaoshu about the application and interview requirements of AC Group... This year AC didn't open school recruitment, and the classmates heard that Xiaoshu joined the AC R&D department, so they came to inquire about it.

If you can, you can also ask some gossip.

But getting into AC was really a misunderstanding, Xiao Shu clarified: "I didn't get into AC, I got into Lin's Daily Chemicals."

Oh... 1204 The two girls involuntarily exchanged a look, as if they knew that Zhou Xiaoshu would not reveal the details to them.Then one of them said: "Xiao Shu, we are all classmates, can you tell us a little bit about it?"

The reason why they came to discuss with Xiaoshu today was that apart from hearing the rumors that Xiaoshu joined AC, it was more because they thought there was something wrong with Xiaoshu and AC's business talk; even if there was nothing, the relationship was not ordinary.

The other also spoke, and mentioned one thing: "A few days ago, I saw Shangyan looking for you, and it seemed to hand you a copy..."

That's AC's brochure.Zhou Xiaoshu turned around, picked up the brochure that Shangyan gave her last time from the bookshelf, and handed it to them: "Is this it? If you need it, you can take it."

It's not a sign up...

This brochure is indeed a business message to Zhou Xiaoshu.As the most outstanding graduate of Lanzhou University, Xiaoshu also faced many choices in his senior year. Whether it was insurance research or going abroad at public expense, he beckoned to Zhou Xiaoshu, but Xiaoshu still chose to work directly.

It was Zhou Xiaoshu's goal to enter Lin's Daily Chemical Research Department.As a result, the last time she met Shang Yan, Shang Yan handed her an AC brochure, jokingly said: "I know you will definitely choose Li Luo's Lin family, but fair competition, I still want to recommend it to you AC's research base."

After graduating from Shang Yan's graduate school, Xiao Shu and Shang Yan have hardly met each other, and the last time they met was purely by chance.If the two are acquaintances, the most common contact is that she is a freshman and sophomore who works in a noodle restaurant at the north gate of Landa University, and Shang Yan often comes over to eat blue crab noodle soup.

Really count, not even friends.

All along, Shang Yan and Li Luo took good care of her.She is grateful, but it cannot be taken for granted.

After graduating from the graduate school of Shangyan, one did not study for a Ph.D.; two, he did not enter the Qinghuai Institute of Biochemistry as originally expected.I don’t know if a person’s final choice is also a predestined arrangement. After his father left, Shangyan decided to work in AC, starting from the most basic marketing department, and then spending a year to understand the first-line market and brand management.

He took his father's path. His mother originally opposed it, but he made up his mind.As for why he joined AC, Shang Yan told his family that he wanted to train himself, but he himself couldn't say the specific reason.

Take responsibility, or take over the burden left by your father?

He is 25 years old. At the age of 25, a man has fully evolved and matured. Whether it is a thought or a dream, he must have a rational and clear consideration.Knowing what you want to do and knowing what you want to do need to be carefully weighed and considered.Joining AC to do things is what he decided after careful consideration and consideration.

The marketing department is always the most tiring and the hardest department. After a year of training, Shangyan is like a sapling transplanted from the greenhouse to the desert, absorbing the water and nutrients at the bottom, and growing into the worst environment. There is a strong poplar tree.

The handsome eyebrows and eyes became handsome, and the fair skin was tanned two shades.The face of the big boy who was originally young and immature gradually became handsome and resolute, and became serious.

Of course, this is just a business saying not to laugh.

With a big grin, he is still a young, naughty and cute boy.Especially facing his family, in front of Li Luo and his little uncle, Shang Yan's mentality has not changed much.The only thing that was out of harmony was that just after the e-sports game with Li Luo, the company called and immediately changed his tone to answer the call.

That scrupulous look, that grace and power.Li Luo laughed at him as the boss of a small business, and he called Li Luo Boss Lin back.Both of them are bosses, and the only uncle who is not boss looks at him and Li Luo, as if watching two children playing house, and then let out a disapproving light, as if he and Li Luo are playing a childish role-playing game .

But, isn't life just a series of role-playing games?Different roles have different interpretations.Shang Yan just wants to work harder and become that powerful man who can carry a family faster.

After graduation, Shang Yan bought a car, a young joint venture brand.Li Luo, who has always had high demands on cars, laments that he is a rich second generation who can't spend money, but he likes this car very much.The money for the car was earned from his stock fund, so he is very satisfied.

There are usually business activities, and there are cars at work and at home.

Father left, Uncle Feng still stayed behind to drive for their family.Whenever there are business activities, Shang Yan will go home in the business car driven by Uncle Feng; he will sit in the seat where his father sat.Taking the same route, looking at the same high-rise buildings and street scenes, his mood became more and more peaceful. Occasionally thinking about his father's mood at that time, even if he didn't agree, he could understand a little.

This kind of change, Shangyan calls it the clichéd "growth".Growth is not the same thing, learn to accept what is unacceptable, understand what is not understandable.

Shang Yan will also post some experiences and ideas in Moments, and he knows that many people will see it, including his father.

25 years old is the watershed between boys and men. They have different understandings of life and different expectations.Again, there are headaches that have to be faced.Especially in the past few days, his mother has reminded him from time to time, is he looking for a girlfriend?Reminder to remind, mother will not make things difficult for him.After all, in the past two years, the person who has changed the most is not her, but his mother.

In the words of my grandfather, it is a good thing for people to change, unlike your little aunt who is always 20 years old.

It's just that when he reached the marriageable age, there were more words to remind him to find a partner.After breaking up with Jiaqi, he didn't find a girlfriend again. It's not that he didn't meet a good one in the middle, or expressed his heart to him, but he almost felt it.He wanted to find the only lovely shell he wanted to take home, but he didn't know where it was.

On a rare weekend, Shang Yan drove to the Qinghuai Institute of Biochemistry to find his uncle and Li Luo to play.After driving around Landa, he parked the car at Laojin Noodle Restaurant.In the past three years, Laojin Noodle House has not changed much, compared with other updated stores at the North Gate of Landa University.

He also ordered a blue crab noodle soup, and the boss greeted him with a smile: "It's been a long time."

Shang Yan nodded and replied with a smile, "It's been a while."

After graduation, he still comes here to eat a bowl of noodle soup from time to time, whenever he is upset.But after Xiaoshu stopped working here, they rarely met each other.

Only today, the first time was such a coincidence.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the little tree who came in through the door, wearing a white shirt and jeans, clean and tidy, like an unexpected ray of summer wind, coming in season.


As if a friend bumped into him by accident, Shang Yan was pleasantly surprised.It was rare that he was wearing casual clothes today, instead of a suit and leather shoes, facing Xiao Shu.I don't know why, but Shang Yan always feels very relaxed when facing Xiao Shu.

It seems to smell the fresh and cool fresh air of the mountains.

Why is this so? Shang Yan feels that he and Xiaoshu are like-minded friends who know each other well.It's just that Jiaqi told him that there is no pure friendship between men and women.There is some truth to the business words, but I feel that they are exaggerating.

Facing Shang Yan with friendly eyes and smiles.Xiaoshu ordered a noodle soup, sat down in front of Shang Yan, and greeted normally: "Shang Yan, why are you here today?" His voice was always clear.

Shang Yan looked at Xiaoshu and explained with a smile, "I was looking for Li Luo and my uncle to play golf. I drove by here and I happened to be hungry."

Um.Xiaoshu nodded, but didn't respond.There seemed to be a thread in her heart, if she pulled it lightly, the voice of her heart would be revealed.

So, just listen.Business dialect is always nice to speak, with nice voice and nice words.A while ago, she was looking through the Book of Songs, and saw a sentence "There are bandits, they are as sharp as they are, and they are as sharp as they are sharpened."What's the next sentence?There are bandit gentlemen, such as gold and tin, such as jade and jade.

"Did you decide to join Lin's Daily Chemicals?" Shang Yan asked.

Little Tree nodded.

"Come on." Shang Yan encouraged sincerely.

Xiaoshu nodded again: "Okay."

"When is the internship?"


"So soon?" Shang Yan thought for a while and arranged things for tomorrow, and said, "What time is it tomorrow? I'll come and see you off."

Xiaoshu's cheeks flushed, and she refused, "No need, I can take a are busy with your work."

Shang Yan no longer forced himself, feeling inexplicably regretful.

In fact, Xiaoshu will leave Lin's factory later, because she is afraid that Shang Yan will send her off to explain tomorrow; before leaving, come over to eat a bowl of Uncle Jin's noodles, because she is afraid that there will be fewer opportunities later.

Jiaqi is getting engaged, and the man is a rich overseas Chinese, a man Jiaqi met while studying in the UK.Shang Yan has seen Jiaqi's photos in Moments, and it can be seen that the other party is a man with good financial conditions.From the information disclosed by Jiaqi, the other party treats her very well.In Jiaqi's own words: "In the eyes of Mr. Z, I will always be a child who does not need to grow up."

As a former childhood sweetheart and ex-boyfriend, Shang Yan didn't feel much when he saw Jiaqi's circle of friends; he had no regrets, nor was he overly relieved.Every time Jiaqi contacted him in the past few years, she would specifically ask him if he had a girlfriend.He always gave ambiguous answers.To Jiaqi, he was more helpless.Sometimes he really hoped that Jiaqi could change her temperament, but he was afraid that talking too much would be unpleasant.Everyone has different concepts and personalities, and it's not an idol drama, which always saves each other's thoughts and three views.

Then Jiaqi's engagement banquet, he received the invitation.Shangyan found a reason to refuse, saying that he was going out for a meeting.As a result, when driving home, Jiaqi called him again, and her voice was as sweet as ever: "Shang Yan, if you don't come, don't come. I was afraid that Eli would be angry... But Eli has always known you , He wants to see you."

oh yeahJiaqi's previous and subsequent sentences were contradictory and confusing, and Shang Yan continued to call, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Eli loves me very much. In the future, my mother and I may directly settle abroad with him." Jiaqi added.

Shang Yan was wearing Bluetooth, and replied while driving: "Very good."

At seven or eight o'clock in the night, it was the rush hour of traffic flow, two car horns sounded in succession, and Shang Yan moved forward a little.Jiaqi asked him, "Are you driving?"

"Yes." Shang Yan replied, and was about to take the opportunity to hang up the phone when Jiaqi asked him, "Where are you from?"

The large road sign in front of his sight said that he was at the intersection of Tianlan Avenue. Shang Yan didn't want to lie, so he told Jiaqi the road. "Great." Jiaqi said, "I live nearby, come over here, and I'll send you a box of wedding cakes."

Shang Yan looked ahead, the car in front moved a few meters, and the driver behind was impatient, so he honked his horn again to remind him.For a while, Shang Yan had no other thoughts, and agreed: " send me the address, and I'll come over now."

A box of wedding cakes, really shouldn't be pushed back and forth.If you can, it is also good to say a blessing in person.

Jiaqi lives in an old alley at the intersection of Tianlan Road, surrounded by old houses that cannot be demolished. The houses are very expensive, but the living conditions are not good.Shang Yan parked the car outside and walked in.

Not far away, there stood a shadowy figure, it was Jiaqi.

After Jiaqi went abroad, he and she hadn't met each other, and the most frequent contact between the two was when Jiaqi borrowed money from him online.The amount varies from large to small; some are repaid and some are not.He accepts the repayment money; if he does not repay the money, he forgets it.

Long time no see, the Jiaqi in front of her is already a little strange, she is still very beautiful and fashionable, but she lacks a scent that makes a man's heart beat.Shang Yan didn't know how to express it, she was just a beautiful woman, nothing else.Such feelings come from the pure gaze of a man.Once upon a time, Jiaqi was obviously charming.Probably, I have experienced many things, and my appearance and personality have changed.

"Sorry, there are no wedding cakes, only chocolates for can give it to your girlfriend." Jiaqi handed him a box of chocolates.

Shangyan didn't reply.

Jiaqi shrugged and smiled: "Sorry, I was joking, I know you don't have a girlfriend yet."

Shang Yan took the chocolate and said, "Thank you...congratulations on the engagement."

"It's okay, if it wasn't for Eli's urgent urging, I wouldn't want to agree to get engaged so early." Jiaqi laughed.

Jiaqi loves to smile even more, and this kind of smile makes Shang Yan feel uncomfortable.After all, they were already two irrelevant people. Shang Yan got the chocolate, looked at the time and said, "Then I'll go back first."

There are not many young people in this world like Shang Yan who still go home on time every day after graduating from work.It's just that Shang Yan doesn't want his mother to wait for him very late, although recently, his mother can't wait for him to date girls outside.

"Wait a minute, why are you in such a hurry." Jiaqi smiled again, and pulled Shang Yan, "I'm your ex-girlfriend, not a tiger. What are you afraid of?"

Shang Yan pursed his lower lip and smiled.

Jiaqi added: "Actually, I don't love Eli at all. I only married him because he would allow me to stay in the UK... for his money."

Jiaqi pretends to be frank and sophisticated, and Shang Yan is even more embarrassing.In the night wind, he stood in front of Jiaqi, listening to some things about Jiaqi, with indescribable feelings in his heart, confused, unclear, and finally didn't know what he heard, until Jiaqi suddenly hugged him waist, pressed against his chest, and said emotionally: "Shang Yan, I have always regretted not giving myself to you back then, I think..."

Shang Yan didn't ask Jiaqi to say what she said later, neither blamed nor persuaded, but said slowly: "Jiaqi, I have someone I like."

Jiaqi had no choice but to curl her lower lip regretfully: "Okay then. You must know that I have you in my heart..."

Shang Yan left; there was a small tobacco and alcohol shop at the entrance of the alley, and he bought a pack of cigarettes as he passed by.

He had never smoked before, and for the first time, he bought a ready-made lighter with exaggerated pictures of sexy beauties on it; leaning on the car, looking at the lights ahead, he opened the cigarette case and took out a cigarette.

Like his father, he held the cigarette butt in his mouth, squeezed it between his thumb and forefinger, and then took a deep breath on the rising flame; soon, he let out a "pooh" and coughed loudly.

The strong smell of tobacco choked Shang Yan to tears.Even the cigarette and the lighter were thrown into the trash can in front of him.

Get in the car and go home.

Falling asleep at night, Shang Yan thought of someone.It wasn't Jiaqi, not the girl my family had arranged to introduce recently, but Zhou Xiaoshu, the smooth and clean Zhou Xiaoshu.

Is the little tree pretty?For a long time, Shangyan’s impression of Xiaoshu is hard work, strength, hard work, and intelligence, etc., and he has no concept of appearance at all... In fact, Xiaoshu is quite delicate and fair; it’s just that a girl’s life is too profound It is easy to overlook the appearance.

Shang Yan met Zhou Xiaoshu again in September.As a representative of AC shareholders, he saw Xiaoshu in business attire in Lin's office building.In the conference hall, he was sitting below, listening to Xiaoshu introduce the ingredients of Lin's latest products.Every word and sentence, the voice is clear and contains power.

The reserved and quiet little tree has the ability to be positive and take root vigorously.

Xiaoshu's product introduction was very successful, but the only thing was not satisfactory.Xiaoshu was too thin, and the ill-fitting professional attire was a little loose, making her waist look hollow and slender, with a full grip.

Shang Yan and Li Luo went back to the cafeteria of Qinghuai Biochemical Institute, and took a ride in Li Luo's latest beautiful coupe.Before getting in the car, Li Luo asked Xiaoshu if he wanted to go back to the Lanzhou University campus to play, but Xiaoshu refused.Shang Yan was inexplicable and a little lost.

On the way, Li Luo suddenly laughed and asked, "Shang Yan, are you interested in Xiaoshu?"


Li Luo's words revealed a doubt that Shang Yan had always had in his heart - what kind of feelings does he have for Xiaoshu?In the past few years, whenever he felt depressed, he would naturally go to Xiaoshu.If there are reasons for the closeness and admiration between friends, Shang Yan knows exactly what he likes about Xiaoshu.He likes Xiaoshu's indifference and tranquility, and appreciates Xiaoshu's hard work and tenacity; at the same time, he also has expectations for Xiaoshu, hoping that she will become a better girl.

Therefore, his attention and care for Xiaoshu in the past few years has unconsciously exceeded the boundaries that friends should have.Shang Yan understood this in his heart.Then sitting in the co-pilot, facing Li Luo's teasing and bright eyes, Shang Yan blushed, feeling a sense of embarrassment being seen through.

At lunch, Shang Yan asked Xie Yuning alone, "Little uncle, do I think Xiaoshu and I are suitable?"

This fit contains too many meanings, and because it contains some realistic or rational considerations, Shang Yan can't ask in front of Li Luo.However, if two people want to be together for a long time, in addition to the comfort and excitement of getting along, suitability is an important consideration.Probably because of the influence of the previous relationship, Shangyan is more cautious about the relationship between men and women; and because the other party is Xiaoshu, if he doesn't finally make his mind clear, he can't cause trouble and discomfort to Xiaoshu in the name of a friend.

Shang Yan asked this question, and Xie Yuning basically understood what Shang Yan was thinking.In all fairness, Zhou Xiaoshu is a pretty good girl, except for some external conditions such as wealth and background; it is not too surprising that Shang Yan would like Xiaoshu.On the contrary, what surprised him was Shang Yan's current attitude towards feelings.From accepting Jiaqi's proposal for a relationship with half-push, to confessing to Li Luo passionately, and now seriously thinking about the suitability of the two, the business language has matured a lot.

Xie Yuning leaned on the swivel chair in the office and asked, "Do you think Li Luo and I are suitable?"

Shang Yan was in a daze, unable to answer some questions.Because from the perspective of his age, personality, and even experience, the little uncle and Li Luo might not be very suitable for him as an outsider.However, Li Luo and the little uncle are suitable again.Only a strong and protective little uncle can subdue the willful Li Luo.

Afterwards, Shang Yan also asked Li Luo a question, which was similar to: "How can I better chase after a girl?"

As soon as Shang Yan finished asking, Li Luo immediately understood that Shang Yan was about to take action, smiled meaningfully, and began to think about Shang Yan.

In fact, Shang Yan also asked the little uncle about this question, but the little uncle told him very firmly: "Sorry, I don't have experience in this area for you, because your little aunt chased me first."

So, Li Luo is more experienced in chasing people?
Of course, Li Luo always regards taking down Xie Yunning as the glorious history of his life.Then, like an emotional expert, she gave Shangyan several feasible suggestions, with a look of full experience.Shang Yan was stunned and licked his teeth.

"The most important thing is to be overbearing when the time is right."

Shang Yan blinked: "Overbearing?"

"...Well." Li Luo nodded, and in order to give advice to Shang Yan, he revealed his old background and said, "That's how your little uncle chased works."

So, Li Luo and the little uncle, who is chasing who?
In the office of the AC building, Shangyan finished his work and sent Xiaoshu an obviously nonsensical text message: "I'm going to come to Xinjiang to do something in the evening, let's have dinner together." More or less listened to what Li Luo said Domineering suggestion, Shang Yan abruptly removed the question mark.As a result, the text message was sent out for half an hour, but there was no reply.

Shang Yan touched his forehead, guessing that Xiao Shu must be busy.Half an hour later, Shang Yan drove to the bottom of the dormitory where Xiaoshu lived, and dialed again.

Five minutes later, Xiaoshu came down from the dormitory, his black hair was draped softly on his shoulders, his face was flushed, and he said to Shang Yan with regret, "I'm sorry, I fell asleep and didn't see the text message."

"It's okay..." Shang Yan smiled, rolled his eyes guiltyly, and asked directly, "I'm hungry, can I have a meal together?"

Xiaoshu nodded and agreed: "Okay... I invite you."

The reason for the treat was very simple, Shang Yan came to Xinjiang, and she should treat him to dinner out of emotion and reason.After graduating in June, Xiaoshu came to the Lin's factory in Xinjiang for an internship. He lived in the two-room employee dormitory provided by Lin, and ate in the cafeteria every day.

Zhou Xiaoshu took Shang Yan to the nearby Jiangyue Plaza, but the restaurant he ate at was chosen by Shang Yan, and he chose the local dishes from Xiaoshu's side;

The dishes were ordered by Xiaoshu again.After ordering three dishes and one soup, Xiaoshu said to the waiter, "All dishes are not spicy, thank you."

Obviously, not adding spicy food is for his consideration.

Shang Yan hesitated for a while, and asked, "Xiao Shu, how do you know I don't eat spicy food?" Shang Yan was very embarrassed when he asked this question, because he was really too narcissistic.

On the contrary, Xiaoshu was more generous than him, and said softly and slowly: "It's not the first time we ate, I remember the first time you ate in Tieling, you couldn't eat spicy food."

"Yes..." Shang Yan pursed his lower lip.Xiaoshu's attention and thoughtfulness made Shang Yan feel a little happy and a little itchy.

Both of them ate slowly during this meal.After Shang Yan finished eating, he found that Xiao Shu had only eaten half a bowl.From the beginning to the end, the two were also quiet and didn't talk much; but they were not boring.Under the lights of the restaurant with the smell of fireworks, Xiaoshu's face was rosy and ruddy, as if in the dense milky white mist, it looked thin and warm.

After dinner, Shang Yan proposed a place to watch a movie. It happened that there was a movie theater on the third floor of the square, and a blockbuster movie was being released.However, Xiao Shu politely refused: "Shang Yan, I think I still have a little work to do..."

"It's okay." Shang Yan said quickly, "It's okay next time."

Shang Yan sent Xiaoshu back to the dormitory, and walked under the street lamps, he had a lot of things in his heart, but very little in his words; he was busy with a lot of thoughts, feeling embarrassed and fermented.I feel like a rabbit who wants to eat carrots, facing the carrot I like, worrying whether the carrot will be frightened by my approach.He was about to say something when a surprised question came from ahead: "Xiaoshu, don't you have a fever? Why did you go out..."

The person who spoke was Xiaoshu's roommate.The words made both of them stop.

Shang Yan turned his head abruptly and looked at Xiaoshu.No wonder Xiaoshu's face was blushing tonight, and he ate very little.Shang Yan was extremely sorry, but also in a hurry, he reached out and touched Tan Xiaoshu's forehead.

It was really hot.

Xiao Shu stood in front of Shang Yan, feeling so embarrassed that he could faint.It was like a little ghost was living in his heart, but Shang Yan's hand on his forehead was like a talisman.It stuck to her forehead, and she was so shocked that she couldn't move, and she didn't know what to do.

Today, she did have a high fever. She fell asleep after taking a fever-reducing medicine. When she woke up, she received a call from Shangyan and saw a text message sent half an hour ago. Her brain was really short-circuited. , she was in a daze until Shang Yan proposed to watch a movie.

She just regained some sense and told herself: Zhou Xiaoshu, you must not think too much.

Since you can't think too much, don't watch any movies by chance.Too much communication will only make yourself more muddy.Shang Yan is a boy she, Zhou Xiaoshu, can't afford.

Feelings are unreasonable, but facts must be told.

Shang Yan took Xiaoshu into the car directly, unreasonable and overbearing.All the way to the hospital, under the doctor's suggestion, Xiaoshu was hung with salt water to reduce fever.In the middle of the night, Xiaoshu's fever subsided smoothly, looked weak and soft, and stayed with Shang Yan all the time.

Shang Yan looked at Xiaoshu, reached out and touched Xiaoshu's forehead again, and smiled happily: "That's great, the fever is gone."

Xiaoshu thanked her with a dry and polite voice: "Shangyan... thank you."

Shang Yan just looked at Xiaoshu, the meaning in his eyes was faster than the words in his mouth.

It's just that with such clear and affectionate eyes, Xiaoshu's cheeks burned again, as if the high fever had not subsided tonight, and symptoms of heart palpitations and sweaty hands and feet appeared.

Shang Yan confessed to Xiao Shu, not on a whim, but on the spur of the moment; when Shang Yan spoke bluntly, Xiao Shu's head was lowered, and the pinnae of his ears were white and rosy.Unbelievable to the extreme, people become clear.

Zhou Xiaoshu thought it was lucky that he had recovered from his fever, otherwise he would definitely think that Shang Yan was joking.Or, Shang Yan is indeed joking, but this joke, Shang Yan is serious and embarrassing.

"Xiao Shu, can you be my girlfriend..." Shang Yan spoke again, serious and nervous.

It’s just that no matter whether Shang Yan was joking or not, Xiao Shu refused, his voice was dry and hoarse, and his appearance was solemn and serious because of his red cheeks, but he only said one sentence: “Shang Yan, I’m not suitable for you.”

Suitability is definitely not a question that Shangyan alone would consider.In fact, Zhou Xiaoshu has to consider this issue more than Shang Yan.It can even be said this way: Considering suitability is a hurdle that needs to be crossed for Shangyan; but for Xiaoshu, it is a mountain.

In short, Shangyan was rejected by Xiaoshu without hesitation.This is the second time after Li Luo, Shang Yan was rejected by a girl; the difference is that this time Shang Yan did not give up but became more determined.Almost every day, Shang Yan goes to Xinjiang to find Xiaoshu, bring some food or just meet up.In this world, the tricks that men use to girls are actually the same, but they vary from person to person.

Compared with other girls who enjoy all kinds of pursuits from men, Xiaoshu doesn't like Shangyan wasting time for herself like this, and she doesn't deserve Shangyan wasting time for herself.

What's worse, Xie Fanhua was also the last to know about his grandson chasing Xiaoshu.

Xie Fanhua held back his temper and asked Xie Yuning, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Xie Yuning replied thoughtfully: "I didn't catch up again, so there is nothing to say."

Xie Fanhua asked Li Luo angrily.

Li Luo blinked and said truthfully: "...forgot.


— Do you believe in the story of Cinderella?
--believe.But Cinderella herself is also a noble lady.

If Li Luo is a person who has no concept of class at all, Xiaoshu can understand what class differences mean to her. There are mountains that cannot be crossed, and mountains are separated by mountains, and people are separated by people.To her, Shangyan is like a bright moon hanging above her head; she likes the wave of clear light cast in her heart, but the bright moon is always the bright moon, she just looks up, how can she really hold a basin of water? Put the bright moon in your arms.

Falling in love with Shangyan is a secret hidden in Xiaoshu's heart, and it is a great dream of the poor; Shangyan's confession to her is more like she filled the water to catch the bright moon, but the bright moon really fell into her washbasin, It caught her off guard again.

Could it be that her liking for Shangyan is just because Ye Gong likes dragons?
No, Zhou Xiaoshu is very clear about the reason for her panic: the distance between her and Shang Yan has never been crossed by climbing mountains and ridges, but by leveling the entire mountain and river.Girls who are too barren will always lose a lot of their loveliness. Xiaoshu is very sad that she is like this, timid, cautious, sensitive and stubborn.It's just that even if she doesn't like it, she has to accept herself like this.

Regarding the pursuit of Shangyan, Zhou Xiaoshu made it very clear, but he didn't say "I don't like you", and he was too guilty to say it.Shangyan is so good, he should find a beautiful girl who matches him; not someone like her who hides a lot of thoughts and can't speak.

It's just that the feelings really come, how can you understand it when you explain it clearly, and you can end it immediately after understanding it.Shang Yan chased the little tree with bumps and bumps, but the whole family knew before anyone caught up.

The object was Xiaoshu, and his mother expressed her support despite the accident, and told him to be serious about Xiaoshu.

As for grandpa and grandma, they can all accept Li Luo, so naturally they won't stop him and Xiaoshu. Although grandma pointed out that the difference between the two families is a problem, grandpa cites that the age difference between uncle and Li Luo is not a problem.

"Yes, I don't dislike Ning Ningxiao at all." Li Luo said, "Because it's true love."

With a silent face, the little uncle reluctantly agreed with Li Luo's words.

A family, one sentence after another, long or short sentences, are all happy and harmonious.Seeing his little uncle and Li Luo sitting in front of him, and thinking of Xiao Shu sitting next to him in the future, Shang Yan's heart is full.It was an unprecedented feeling, as if the future had become concrete and clear.It's just that the picture of a family that Shang Yan thought of was something Zhou Xiaoshu couldn't imagine.Her parents died young, and she lived with her grandmother and uncle since she was a child. She understands that life has a very specific appearance better than anyone else.

Specific to a family with a difference of several thousand yuan in annual income, there will be different changes.If life in Shang Yan is a picture, in her case, it is a mountain road that requires running to get home before the sunset.

Because of poverty, it is always easy to be helpless, and easy to bow down to life.Just like that year when she and Lin Jiaqi shared the same bed, Lin Jiaqi told her that going to college was no fun.What is the class gap? The life she has worked so hard to pursue for more than ten years is easily possessed by others but doesn't take it seriously.

Zhou Xiaoshu didn't expect that she saw Lin Jiaqi again in the shopping mall. As an intern, she followed the old man to the counter to do practical activities. Lin Jiaqi and her mother went to the counter next door to buy skin care products and asked about skin care products that can be used during pregnancy.

Lin Xiyin didn't see her, but only glanced at the Lin's counter, she was completely different from the glamorous woman in her memory.Lin Jiaqi was supported by her mother, and her lower abdomen was slightly protruding, about three or four months old.Zhou Xiaoshu didn't look much, and when she looked away, she found Lin Jiaqi looking towards her, and she also quickly looked away.

The eyes of both of them are a little erratic.

I don't know, whether Shang Yan knows Lin Jiaqi's recent situation.Her childhood sweethearts were of the same family, and the beautiful love she had read in books had turned into this.As a bystander, she also had regrets.

It has nothing to do with Jiaqi occupying her university quota.

Indeed, Shang Yan didn't know Jiaqi's current situation.After that night, he blocked Jiaqi's circle of friends out of politeness, thinking that Mr. Z should treat Jiaqi very well, and he should stop taking care of Jiaqi.Unexpectedly, Jiaqi would break down and look for him again, and told him bitterly that Mr. Z had lied to her. He had a wife in Canada and had no intention of marrying her at all.

Faced with this situation, Jiaqi felt a little embarrassed by Shang Yan.He played with his little uncle. He has neglected to exercise recently, and he is no match for his little uncle regardless of his physical strength and skills. He bowed his head and sat on a bench drinking water. After hesitating for a moment, he told his little uncle about Jiaqi's situation, and then asked: "Little uncle, if there is someone you like, how do you deal with the problem of your ex-girlfriend asking for help?"

The little uncle said casually, "Shang Yan, I don't have an ex-girlfriend."

Shang Yan lowered his head, as if he didn't ask.

After a while, the little uncle spoke again: "Shangyan, people can't help themselves, and the sky is hard to bless. Jiaqi's encounter with these is because she is unkind to others, but the essence is that she and her mother will always put their thoughts on others. Can you If you help her for a while, can you help her for a lifetime?"

Shang Yan nodded, and then asked the little uncle about the problems he faced in chasing Xiaoshu.In the past few months, with Xiaoshu's attitude towards him, Shang Yan can more or less guess what Xiaoshu is thinking about, but shouldn't the two people have the same direction and footsteps if they match?

Identity and background only determine the starting point, not how far the two can go.What's more, compared to Xiaoshu's hard work, he is the one who doesn't deserve it.Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by his little uncle: "So, what's the use of you telling me?"

As New Year's Day approaches, Xiaoshu packs up his things and prepares to go back to his hometown. There is a handwritten letter from Shangyan in his luggage.She couldn't bear to stay in the dormitory, so she put them in the luggage bag and took them home with gifts of all sizes.

She received the letter a few days ago, in which Shang Yan handwritten all the problems the two of them would face, as well as his thoughts.She thought that Shangyan didn't understand the things he didn't understand, so he wrote them down.This is a heavy letter, and it is also the most precious love letter she has ever received.It was unimaginable that she would be taken in by a boy as good as Shang Yan, and she was so lucky that she was blessed by God.

Zhou Xiaoshu, you are so lucky, you not only met Li Luo, but also Shang Yan.Li Luo made her a better version of herself, and Shang Yan gave her love.Even so, she was still awkward and unpleasant.

Downstairs in the dormitory, a gray car was parked, and Shang Yan was standing beside the car.Looking at each other, Shang Yan walked towards her, picked up her big and small bags without saying a word, and said, "I'll take you to the station."

The whole journey was silent, neither of them mentioned the letter until the car stopped at the station, Shang Yan said, "Xiaoshu, can you tell me your decision?"

Xiaoshu didn't have the courage to answer.

Shangyan waited patiently.

It's just that the number of trains waits for no one.Xiao Shu looked ahead and said, "Shang Yan, let me think about it for a few more days, and I will tell you next year."

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and tomorrow is also a new year.

"Okay." Shang Yan agreed, his mouth curled up, "I'll wait."

On New Year's Day, Xie's family had dinner together. Xie Fanhua couldn't see Shangyan, so he turned around and asked, "Where is the Shangyan person?"

Xie Jingyi replied with a smile: "My son is too big to stay, so I went to find Xiaoshu."

Xie Fuhua nodded and said, "No wonder people say that my nephew looks like my uncle."

Xie Yuning blinked, expressing her innocence.

Not far away, Li Luo walked over wearing small riding boots, bent over from behind and approached Xie Fanhua, and said with a smile, "Dad, are you talking about me abducting Ningning again?"

Xie Fanhua coughed and denied, "...No."

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Shang Yan drove to Xiaoshu's hometown, driving along the winding mountain road, he understood Xiaoshu's hesitation better.In the last short section of the road, the car couldn't go up because it was too narrow, and I didn't know where Xiaoshu's grandmother's house was, so I was able to call Xiaoshu.Five or six minutes later, Xiaoshu appeared with a flashlight, wearing a red down jacket.In the dark night, her face was delicate and beautiful; she walked in front of him, her clear voice trembling: "Shang Yan, why are you here?"

For a moment, Shang Yan looked into Xiaoshu's eyes with an unprecedented persistence and gentleness. He replied to Xiaoshu, "Because I suddenly couldn't wait and wanted to get the answer sooner."

And the only answer he could accept was an affirmative answer.If she didn't have the courage, he gave her half of it.


At night, Shang Yan sat by Xiaoshu's bed and looked around the whole room, it was small but tidy.Outside, Xiao Shu came in with a basin of hot water and whispered to him, "Wash your face first."

"Thank you..." Shang Yan thanked him, his voice also very soft.

Because Xiaoshu's grandmother was still sleeping inside, separated by a curtain blocked by a plastic sheet.The old man went to bed early, and when he came, grandma was already fast asleep.Thinking of something, Shang Yan turned his phone to silent mode.

The hot water was very hot, and Shang Yan used Xiaoshu's towel to wash his face, only to feel comfortable and refreshed.Without taboo, Shang Yan took off his shoes and socks, revealing a pair of fair and thin big feet, the toes were slightly red, and a blister formed.Xiaoshu glanced at it and said again: "Sit down, I'll boil some water and soak your feet."

Shang Yan refused, and said with a smile, "It's fine to use the water for washing your face."

Pour the wash water into the foot basin, and Shang Yan soaked his feet.Xiaoshu still went out to boil a pot of hot water, and carefully added hot water to him with the pot in hand.Add hot water round after round until Shang Yan's ankle.The heat was lingering, and Shang Yan quietly looked at the little tree sitting on the small bench.Above the little tree's head was a small tile lamp, and the light yellow light poured into her eyebrows and eyes, soft and warm.

For the first time, wash your feet like this.

For the first time, living in such a small house.

For the first time, I had the idea of ​​cherishing a lifetime.

Shang Yan focused his eyes and paid attention, Xiaoshu raised his head and said to him, "Shang Yan, you sleep with me first today."

There is no problem with Shangyan, and he quickly agreed: "Okay..." If it is possible, of course he has no problem.

Then Xiaoshu stood up, cleared the bed, and took a small pillow from it, obviously intending to leave.Looking at Xiaoshu, Shang Yan realized that he was wrong from beginning to end; embarrassed and funny, he took Xiaoshu's hand and asked, "Then... where do you sleep?"

Shang Yanjun blushed, and Xiao Shu was not much better, and replied, "I'll squeeze in grandma's bed inside."

"No need." Shang Yan disagreed, and said the reason, "You sleep here... I, I can sit like this."

Xiao Shu lowered his head, thought for a while and said, "Then I'll make a floor bed."

It's not easy to disturb grandma, and it's not easy to sleep together, so Shang Yan naturally agreed with the method of laying the floor; he hoped that Xiaoshu could stay in this room with him tonight.At night, Shang Yan slept on the floor made by a small tree. The quilt had just been dried, and it was warm and fragrant, like... the smell of dried straw.Because of the excitement, Shang Yan didn't fall asleep until early in the morning. After falling asleep, he slept more deeply, and even snored at night.In the twilight of the next day, Xiaoshu got off the bed lightly, and was almost tripped by someone on the ground.Shang Yantuan was under the quilt, looking at Xiaoshu with sleepy eyes. "Little're up..." His voice was hoarse.

This kind of business language is like a sober silkworm baby, so dazed and cute.Xiaoshu suddenly bent his lower lip and said, "I'll get up and make breakfast."

Xiaoshu's grandma and uncle didn't know about the arrival of Shang Yan until the next day, and they all thought that Xiaoshu had found a boyfriend, so they were so happy.Shang Yan stood next to Xiaoshu, following along happily; especially when facing grandma.

Outside the door, the uncle was holding a chicken and asked him intentionally, "Young man, can you kill a chicken?"

Uh... kill a chicken? !Shang Yan looked at his uncle and answered bravely, "Yes!"

A man can't even kill a chicken.It's just that Shang Yan was really killing a chicken for the first time. He held a knife in one hand and a throbbing rooster in the other, and didn't know how to do it.Standing aside, Xiao Shu unexpectedly smiled, and said to him, "Shang Yan, don't be brave..."

No, not bragging rights.Shang Yan shook his head, and went straight down with the knife, and then there was a scene of chickens flying and dogs jumping.The big rooster escaped from his hand, clucking and clucking non-stop, which made the two big dogs bark together.

The sky is bright and the air is clear, and it is lively.Shang Yan was still holding a handful of chicken feathers in his palm, looked back at Xiao Shu in embarrassment and helplessness, and then smiled himself.Because of the little tree, he felt a different smell and appearance of life.

Lin Xiyin was hospitalized again, but this time, she might not be able to get out of the hospital in good health.In fact, Lin Xiyin has also had a good time in the past two years; Jiaqi's fiancé is a rich man who took her and Jiaqi to visit several countries.

High-end banquets, horse betting, yachting... are all the life she once liked.However, compared to now, it feels so ethereal.Like a mirage, it seems to disappear at once; then, it really disappears.

It's just that such a life is really wonderful, and she can't help but pursue and yearn for it.

When her mother was ill, Jiaqi naturally went to Shangyan and asked Shangyan to make an appointment with a well-known doctor in Lan City.This favor, Shang Yan helped.On the mobile phone, Jiaqi sent her mother's test report. After studying the biochemical cells for many years, she can naturally understand what the rise and fall of the cell index shown in the case report means. Lin Xiyin's situation is no longer optimistic.

Oh, forgot.Aunt Lin's surname is no longer Lin, and the case sheet says Ms. Jiang.

The world is impermanent. A few months ago, he saw Jiaqi’s photos posted by her in Moments. She and her mother were sitting proudly in a French restaurant. Now, looking at the pathology report on his mobile phone, Shang Yan’s mood is indescribably complicated. .

When he came back from the mountains, he chatted with Xiaoshu's grandmother, who said that Xiaoshu had a hard life since he was a child, but Xiaoshu struggled on his own, and gradually came to the fore. "As a human being, there is no unbearable hardship..." Grandma said with emotion.

Indeed, there is no unbearable suffering in this world, only unbearable blessings.

Early in the morning, Shang Yan knocked on the door of his little uncle's house, grinned, and picked up the two big bags in his hand: "I brought you and Li Luo some specialties from Xiaoshu's hometown."

The little uncle took his special product and said, "It looks like good news."

Shang Yan nodded, his face was full of spring breeze like a bridegroom, and before he left, he thought about it and asked, "Little uncle, do you know how to kill chickens?"

Xie Yuning: "What..."

Shang Yan smirked, turned and left.In the car, Jiaqi called again, this time asking him to borrow money.For a long time, Shang Yan didn't know the situation of Jiaqi and her mother. He thought that this time Jiaqi found Mr. Z, and he would have no worries for the rest of his life. He didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing again.

What the little uncle said is not wrong, people cannot help themselves, and the sky will not help them.One way, going astray, sometimes it is more difficult to turn back than to make a mistake.For Jiaqi's experience, Shang Yan is very sorry, and it can only be regretful. Those childhood sweetheart feelings that were unclear and unclear have disappeared.He transferred a sum of money to Jiaqi, without saying anything else, just two simple words of comfort, which were very shallow.

Shangyan didn't know, Lin Jiaqi had already looked for Xiaoshu, and cried to Xiaoshu, "Can you give me back Shangyan."

It was also very difficult for Xiaoshu to deal with such a situation for the first time.She felt that she had never snatched Shangyan, and would give back to Jiaqi what she talked about, not to mention Shangyan was not an object.It's just that Shang Yan and Jiaqi were a pair she envied, and now that Shang Yan has become her boyfriend, Xiaoshu sometimes feels like a dream.At lunch, Xiao Shu looked at Shang Yan, hesitated for a while and said, "Shang Yan, go and see Jiaqi's mother."

Generally, when a girlfriend says this, she either pretends to be magnanimous or plays tricks, but Xiaoshu is not.When people are in trouble, it is often the last straw that overwhelms the camel. Xiaoshu has lived a hard life since he was a child, and he understands the meaning of this sentence very well.It's just that no matter how difficult she is, she can still feel hope.She didn't know whether Shangyan was Jiaqi's last hope, but she didn't hope that Shangyan would become the last straw that overwhelmed Jiaqi.Xiaoshu looked at Shang Yan and said, "Buy some gifts or something, so that both Jiaqi and her mother will feel better."

That's right, everyone will feel better in this way... Shang Yan looked back at Xiaoshu and said, "Xiaoshu, you are so kind."

In the concept of business dialect, girlfriend has always been a jealous and crying image, but a small tree is like a small tree. It is firmly planted in the ground and grows upwards, with a gentle breeze, comfortable and firm.That kind of firmness is something he doesn't have.

Shang Yan went to see Jiaqi's mother, and brought some nutritional products that he and Xiaoshu had chosen together.He took Xiaoshu to the hospital together, but Xiaoshu stayed in the car and said to him, "Go up, I'll wait for you here."

Business words should be good.

Lin Xiyin was so ill that she couldn't recognize her face at all. Shang Yan was a little afraid of Lin Xiyin like this, describing her as haggard and spiritless.Jiaqi said to him with red eyes: "The results of chemotherapy are not good..."

Jiaqi cried so much that her shoulders twitched, she threw herself into his arms with tears streaming down her face, and said out of breath, "Shang Yan, I really don't know what to do." In the corridor of the hospital, Shang Yan paused for a moment, He reached out and patted Jiaqi's shoulder, still saying the same words three years ago: "Jiaqi, you have to be strong."

Be strong, come on.This time, Lin Jiaqi listened to Shang Yan's words, she left Shang Yan's embrace, stroked her belly and said, "Yes, I want to be strong, I'm already a mother..."

Shang Yan was about to leave, Jiaqi said to him, "If you can, tell Li Luo for me."

"Jiaqi, Li Luo and your mother really have nothing to do with each other." Shang Yan turned around and said, stopped his steps and left.

As for whether to tell Li Luo or not, Shang Yan had no idea.If he were Li Luo, he probably didn't want to hear any news about Lin Xiyin again... just don't know why Jiaqi asked him to tell Li Luo.

The reason why Jiaqi wanted Shangyan to tell Li Luo was that she and her mother had an inseparable relationship with Li Luo for what she and her mother were facing; although, Jiaqi has realized year by year that she and her mother are mostly self-inflicted.

It's just that people's hearts are really too easy to calm down.

Shang Yan and Xiao Shu are together, Li Luo and Xie Yuning are married, they are all so good, only she is so bad, maybe it will be even worse in the future.Is there any chance of getting better?Lin Jiaqi didn't know.

Shang Yan still told Li Luo about Jiaqi's words, but Li Luo just nodded and answered him lightly, without caring too much or gloating.After the little uncle found out about Jiaqi's mother, he said to him, "Don't bring news to Li Luo in the future."

Shang Yan understands what the little uncle thinks, as Li Luo's lover, the little uncle always thinks more than him.

Time passes day by day, people always feel suffering and unbearable at the last moment, and life is so precious.Lin Xiyin still spent until the spring of the second year.Someone in the ward gave her a pot of flowering cactus, dark green and thin red, and a red flower standing gracefully.Lin Xiyin was lying on the bed in a daze, and she didn't remember much. She turned her head with difficulty, looked at the cactus, and suddenly remembered that when she was a child, she played with Qing Jia, and Qing Jia called her sister, muttering, Holding his chin, he told her a story that he had just read in a drawing book.

The cute little cactus is lost, it can't find its parents, it looks at the thorns all over its body, and has no friends...

At that time, Qing Jia was really beautiful, smart and quick-witted, she talked and ran fast, but she was so playful; she took Qing Jia out to play, but she lost it accidentally.At night when Qing Jia came back by herself, she heard her mother secretly ask Qing Jia a question, and Qing Jia replied crisply: "No, I ran away by myself."

"My Qing Jia is awesome, she runs so fast..." Mom hugged Qing Jia into her arms.

Lin Xiyin slowly closed her eyes. If there is a next life, she must be reincarnated in the Lin family, and be the real child of her parents one day...

Outside the ward, Lin Jiaqi vomited on the sink and stood up. She wiped the corners of her mouth in the mirror, a little surprised who the woman in it was.In the afternoon, she went to the supermarket to buy daily necessities, and saw Shang Yan's car.The car stopped opposite her, and Shang Yan ran to the other side to open the car door in good spirits, and a young and delicate girl stepped out of it, it was Zhou Xiaoshu.

That's right, Lin Jiaqi knew that Shang Yan and Zhou Xiaoshu were together, but seeing it with her own eyes gave her a different feeling.Is Zhou Xiaoshu pretty?Regardless of facial features and figure, Lin Jiaqi couldn't compare to herself, but just looking at Xiaoshu who left hand in hand with Shang Yan from a distance, Lin Jiaqi felt something she didn't have-a beautiful future.The afternoon sun was shining brightly on the street, and every face on the street was clear and clear. Lin Jiaqi felt that each of them had a bright future, and only she was trapped in the boundless darkness.

Back in the ward, her mother wanted to drink water. Jiaqi sat in a chair and looked at her mother, suddenly feeling a little bit of hatred in her heart.If it wasn't for her mother, she wouldn't be in this situation.No matter whether she went to Lan University or knew Mr. Z, she always listened to her mother's arrangement.Her life was ruined little by little by her mother.

And her mother, after ruining her life, was leaving her again.

The water glass accidentally dropped on the ground.Jiaqi approached Lin Xiyin, her eyes were red and she said, "Mom, if there is a next life, I will definitely not be your daughter..."


Lin Xiyin and Lin Jiaqi had a quarrel, saying it was a quarrel, Lin Xiyin barely had the energy to respond to her daughter's words, only Jiaqi stood in the ward venting her accumulated grief and unwillingness to her.

The daughter hated her so much, but she was powerless to refute.

Lin Jiaqi was unintentional, she just lost her temper like she used to when she was still the little princess of the Lin family, complaining blushingly that her mother made her lose everything, then picked up her bag and left the hospital.

Do people regret anything in their lifetime?
At three or four o'clock in the morning, Lin Jiaqi suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain. Lying in the narrow and messy bedroom, she searched for her mobile phone, but she couldn't find it. She cried and called her mother, and suddenly a bell rang, and the mobile phone vibrated again and again while lying on the floor. , the bad premonition was like icy sea water pressing towards her one after another.Lin Jiaqi clutched her stomach and picked up the phone, and answered the phone with difficulty. The nurse's regretful notification came from the handset: "Miss Fang, your mother passed away at the hospital at 2 o'clock tonight..."

What?Lin Jiaqi clutched her cramped abdomen, rolled off the bed, and lay on the foot of the bed almost convulsively. Then she continued to call her mother, one after another.I don't know if it's despair, or it hurts so much that I just want my mother...

"Mom..." Jiaqi closed her eyes, clutched her stomach, and trembled all over.

She forgot to close the curtains when she fell asleep last night, and when Jiaqi opened her eyes again, it was already dawn.A faint light shone through the window, illuminating the entire narrow room.

Outside is dawn, the sun is rising.

From the beginning to the end, Li Luo didn't show up to deal with her mother's funeral.On the contrary, Lin Jiaqi doesn't resent Li Luo very much anymore, and can even imagine how helpless Li Luo was when both parents died.Her father, Fang Ziwen, called her and suggested that she could go abroad to live with him. Although business was still difficult, he could take care of her well.

Sitting alone on a park bench, Lin Jiaqi rejected her father's kindness, hung up her phone and stood up to leave. The phone vibrated again, and an unfamiliar number was displayed on the screen.

Lin Jiaqi pressed the button once, and the call came in again, still the same number.

She could only answer an unknown call, and a voice she had never heard before said to her: "Hello, is this Miss Lin? I am a friend of your mother. I borrowed a sum of money from your mother many years ago. I am very sorry to know about your mother. Is it convenient for you to give me an account number, and I will transfer the principal and interest to you."

fraud.This was Lin Jiaqi's first reaction, but she had no money in her bank card, so Lin Jiaqi sent the other party her account information with a sense of sarcasm.In less than 5 minutes, the mobile phone prompted a sum of money to be remitted, which was a lot of money.

Li Luo hung up the phone and turned around. In the bedroom, Xie Yuning came out, wearing a half tie and asked her, "Can I do you a favor?"

Li Luo raised the corners of his lips and said, "Okay, but I want a little benefit."

In this world, there are some things you can ask for in return, and some things you can only ask for peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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