Awakening Secret

Chapter 37 Extra Story 2: No Return Date Asked

Chapter 37 Extra Story [-]: Don't Ask About Return Date
In the afternoon, Li Luo and Xie Jingyi went to Gu Ling's place for tea.Gu Ling lived in Ru Garden on the other side of Huaxi Terrace, and it took about two hours to drive there, but Xie Jingyi went there twice a week to learn painting, as if she was a half-closed disciple of Gu Ling.Today, the reason why Li Luo went there together was that Gu Ling said that the loquats were ripe these few days, and if she came over, she could just pick a few baskets back.And she likes to eat loquats the most, especially the early-maturing loquats in April, which are tender and juicy, sweet and sour.

Most importantly, she can also watch Sister Xie draw loquats.

Xie Jingyi studied painting with Gu Ling for three years, and now her style of painting has begun to emerge, faintly like everyone else.In Shang dialect, "Although my mother is a late bloomer, she is still in her prime." This is a good statement.Every time Li Luo faced Xie Jingyi's new works, she also had a kind of pride and joy on her face; because she was the one who introduced Sister Xie to Gu Ling.

Gu Ling was her junior high school classmate, and they had a good relationship back then. Later, she went to Seattle to study, and Gu Ling followed a male painter to live in Nanyang, and the two lost contact.Three years ago, she took the initiative to contact Gu Ling, who was already famous, and introduced Xie Jingyi to Gu Ling.Unexpectedly, Gu Ling and Xie Jingyi had similar temperaments, and they suddenly developed from a master-student relationship to a bosom friend.

Also because of the interest in learning painting, Xie Jingyi has had a good life in the past three years, even without marriage and Shang Yu.Of course, this "good" is only what she and Xie Yuning think are "good".Since her divorce from Shang Yu, Xie Jingyi has studied painting, traveling and arranging flowers, living a rich and happy life...but she no longer knows or contacts other men.

Li Luo naturally hoped that Xie Jingyi was really well now, no matter what it was.The reason is not only that she became Xie Jingyi's sister-in-law, but more importantly, Xie Jingyi deserves preferential treatment.Although she couldn't blame herself for the divorce of Xie Jingyi and Shang Yu, the fact is that she did mess up Xie Jingyi's marriage for herself.

He also self-righteously thought it was for Xie Jingyi's good.

When she got married, she asked Xie Yuning: "I know that I think of a gentleman with a villain's heart, but do you think my sister has ever blamed me? After all, I..." She knew that Xie Xie's temperament was gentle and generous, and she sincerely loved her. It's just that she doesn't know how to treat her like a sister-in-law; then Xie Yunning interrupted her, seeming to know what she was thinking: "Big sister, blame me too."

Why?Li Luo thought for a while, and suddenly nodded in agreement: "That's right, you insisted on marrying me into Xie's family." Xie Yuning raised her eyebrows and asked her, "Didn't you propose to me?"

Well, it was indeed her who proposed, and she had the cheek to marry him.There is no problem with Ning Ning's words.

After getting married, Li Luo occasionally thinks about what marriage means to a woman when she is bored, but she has never been good at thinking about these things; married life is more like a bonus for her to start and end well.

It seems that it can be said that before she met Xie Yuning, she never thought about getting married. After meeting him, the only person she can imagine marrying is him.Because she likes Xie Yuning so much that she wants to be with him forever; if men and women in China want to live together legally for a long time, they can only get married, so they get married.

Others, it seems that there is not much change before and after marriage.

A tatami mat was placed on a mahogany square table, and Li Luo brought up a large basin of washed loquats; the loquats were just picked, and they were small and round.Picking one at random, she sat down cross-legged to appreciate the loquat that Sister Xie had just painted.The small bunches of loquats on the drawing paper are so lifelike that they are as lovely and delicious as the real ones.Continue to hold her chin to watch sister Xie's paintings, the sun is light and the brush is spring breeze, such Xie Jingyi reminds her of a sentence she read in Time magazine before: "Elegance is the only beauty that never fades." (Elegance is the only beauty that never fades. beauty of.)
On the table is the Spring Festival Dragon Well tea, the tea is rich and pleasant.Li Luo picked up the tea and tasted it; the tea was good tea, but unfortunately, she liked wine more than tea.Only recently, she was strictly controlled by Xie Yuning, and she never drank alcohol.Not only diet, Xie Yuning is also strict in other aspects.For example, the sleep that has always caused her headaches, because of Xie Yuning's strict control, the work and rest time has gradually become regular.

When she first got married, she seriously suggested to Xie Yuning whether they should sleep in separate rooms.She made this suggestion out of consideration for him, fearing that her poor sleep would affect his regular sleep. As a result, Ningning's face stinks!She thought it was really inappropriate for the newlywed Yan Er to propose, and added an explanation: "You can have intercourse several times a week, right?"

"So how many times a week do you have intercourse?" Xie Yuning asked her in detail, without any concealment.

She held up two fingers, is that enough?
Xie Yuning sneered, and only gave her two words: "Not enough."

"..." Can you still be a happy couple?
While eating loquats and drinking tea, Xie Yuning sent a short message - he has already had a good meeting and will come to pick her up later.Li Luo held the phone and refused.It would take him two hours to drive here, and she wasn't a kindergartener.

Xie Yuning did not accept her rejection and called sister Xie directly.Elder sister Xie answered the call with a smile: "Yes, Li Luo is here...we are waiting for you."

Sister Xie hung up the phone and said to her, "Yunning will come over later."

Li Luo had no choice but to nod, and lowered his head to take a bite of the peeled loquat.In fact, she just planned to live in Ruyuan with Sister Xie tonight, but the plan failed.

Shang Yan was on a business trip to the United States. On the last day, he stood in front of the French window and dialed a familiar number.When the phone was connected, Shang Yan unconsciously took a breath, looked ahead and said, "I... come to Mexico tomorrow..."

Hanging up the phone, my heart felt warm.The room service brought a glass of milk, and Shang Yan drank half of it. He suddenly remembered that every time he saw his father's car at the school gate after school when he was a child, he obviously couldn't wait to run to his father, but he walked over steadily, and then addressed him in a serious manner. One voice: "Dad."

At that time, my father was very busy and had a lot of things to do every day. He had been educated not to disturb his father's work. As a result, the relationship between him and his father seemed to be separated by a layer of estrangement in the long run, and they were not as close as he was with his uncle.He told Li Luo that he was closer to his mother since he was a child, and it was true.

Thinking about it, Shang Yan suddenly smiled, no wonder the little uncle said he was a little milk bag; he lowered his head and got used to looking at the watch on his wrist.This is the first gift he received when he entered AC to work, and it was sent from the United States.

The next day, Shang Yan changed out of his formal suit, refused the arrangement, and left the hotel in casual clothes as before.His father grew up in Mexico and was born in the United States. Later, he married his mother in China and lived there for many years.

The two harmoniously ended their 25-year-old marriage three years ago.

It is undeniable that when his parents divorced, he blamed his father in his heart, and then slowly accepted it.It is also undeniable that after the divorce, his mother is doing well.Sometimes, in the face of that kind of leisurely energy, as a son, he envies and is gratified.

My father currently lives in a seaside city in the southeast of Mexico. We met again at a western style restaurant at the mouth of the bay.Father had been waiting there early, leaning slightly against the back of the dining chair, watching him come in with a smile on his lips.

Mexico is sunny and the ultraviolet rays are strong. My father's complexion is darker than before, and he looks very healthy and handsome.However, he must have never imagined that his father was a handsome and fair man when he was young.

"Dad..." Shang Yan stepped forward to say hello and grinned.

Shang Yu just smiled, his eyes fell on Shang Yan's face kindly, and he said, "I'm a little thinner." After a pause, "Do you work a lot?"

Simple questions are cared by the heart, and it is also the beginning of a chat between father and son.

Shang Yan sat down and gave a very general answer: "It's okay."

Shang Yu nodded. Actually, he didn't ask, he also roughly knew how hard his son had been in the past few years, including the changes he made to adapt to AC work.As a father, he feels sorry and distressed, but also proud.

Passing the menu to his son, Shang Yu recommended two local delicacies by the way.

Shang Yan responded, and directly ordered the food recommended by his father Shang Yu with the waiter who came over.Then, he took out his mobile phone, opened a photo, raised his head and said, "...Dad, I have a girlfriend."

Shang Yu was slightly surprised, but not too surprised.This time his son took the initiative to look for him, naturally he had something to tell him; upon hearing such good news, Shang Yu bent his back lip and asked, "Which girl is the other party?"

Shang Yan handed over the phone with the photo turned on, and told Shang Yu, "It's a little tree."

"Little tree?" Shang Yu looked at the photo on the phone, and remembered who this girl was. Except for her poor family background, she was pretty good in other aspects, and her personality and business dialect were also very suitable.

Thinking of the engagement banquet between his son and Lin Jiaqi, including Li Luo's reappearance, and now his son's relationship with this little tree, Shang Yu felt that some things were really arranged by himself.For example, his relationship with Qing Jia has nothing to do with each other, and his and Jing Yi's regrets.It's just the latter, I really don't blame God, if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself.

"Are you sure it's Xiaoshu?" Shang Yu asked, and what he meant by confirmation was naturally marriage.

Shang Yan nodded, with a happy expression on his face, and said nervously, "I'm about to tell you about this... Xiaoshu is pregnant, and my mother and I plan to get married in June."

If he was only slightly surprised just now, Shang Yu was completely taken aback when he heard the word "pregnancy", and then he burst out laughing, and reprimanded him in a joking way: "Father really didn't expect that you were a bad guy once."

Shang Yan blushed, acquiescing that he was a bad guy.However, he doesn't regret the bad things he did at all. After all, it's a big surprise that he can still bear good fruits after doing bad things.Thinking that he was also going to be a father next year, Shang Yan straightened his face, looked at his father Shang Yu and said, "Dad, will you go back to China to attend my wedding with Xiaoshu?"

Shang Yu's eyes were bent, his crow's feet turned up, and he didn't speak for a while, the gentle and peaceful face of his wife appeared in front of his eyes.He didn't ask his son about any of his wives because he knew quite a lot.Fortunately, Lao Feng still stayed in AC to drive, so he knew that his wife had a good life in the past three years.Also because he was having a good time, he didn't want to disturb him, and he couldn't disturb him.

After a long pause, Shang Yu said to his son, "Father will definitely come back, as long as your mother is willing."

After the wedding was held in the beautiful Seattle, Li Luo returned to Lin Qingjia's identity and got a certificate with Xie Yunning, and then Lin Qingjia's lonely name was placed in the household registration book of Xie's family, next to Xie Yuning; "Officially evolved a "frozen age young woman".It was a magical sense of belonging, as if her kite without strings had a sense of direction; she still enjoyed the freedom, but she would no longer wander freely, because Xie Yuning was the one holding the direction below.

However, being a daughter-in-law is not so negotiable.Before getting married, the beast father asked her, what are the arrangements and plans in the future?
Finish your studies and follow the beast to do research.She thought this answer was pretty good, but she didn't expect to be attacked, and the prospective father-in-law reminded her: "...but you are already 45... 45!"

Li Luo could only say brazenly: "Learning is endless, live to be old, learn to be old."

Then, the prospective father-in-law ignored her until he seriously asked her and Ningning again after they got married, what are your plans for the children?Still thinking about what her father-in-law said about her being 45, Li Luo raised her chin intentionally and said, "Ningning and I have already discussed this plan, and we plan to wait until I am 50 years old to make plans."

The beast father didn't say anything, and went upstairs silently.The daughter-in-law is too thoughtful, it's their Xie family who can't hold it.Of course, if Li Luo knew about her father-in-law's idea, even if she didn't want to give birth right away, she would play with the whole baby in the petri dish for Xie Fanhua.

Well, she was just talking.

Li Luo said that she would not have a baby before the age of "fifty", but it was not because she didn't want to have a baby or didn't like babies.When her father-in-law asked her about her baby plans, she was still in the second year of graduate school, and she was still busy with Lin's new product development, so she planned to postpone the baby plan for a few years. Anyway, she and Ningning were not in a hurry.

Xie Yuning is really not in a hurry, the world between the two of them is really comfortable and at ease, so Baobao plans to basically cooperate with Li Luo and let nature take its course.What's more, according to the real age, there is not much difference between a 45-year-old high-collar mother and a 50-year-old mother.In fact, Li Luo's physical and mental age is only in his twenties, and Xie Yuning thinks it's inappropriate to have a child so early.

Until one day, Shang Yan excitedly called him and told him: "Little uncle, I'm going to be a father!" Xie Yuning realized that maybe he was really too calm.

Because of Xie Yuning's calmness, Li Luo almost thought that Xie Yuning didn't like the baby very much.Every time she goes out to see a beautiful baby, she will take a few more glances, but Xie Yuning is not interested at all; what she thinks is a beautiful baby, Xie Yuning also thinks it is very ordinary.Later, when she talked about this issue with Xie Yuning, Xie Yuning dismissed her with one sentence: "Of course I'm not interested in other people's children."

There is no beginning, but there is an end.

When Shang Yan took Xiaoshu to visit his grandparents, Xie Fanhua presented these eight characters as a gift, telling his grandson to start well and finish well when doing things, especially when dealing with relationships.Shang Yan nodded seriously, and the little tree next to him blushed slightly, and looked at Shang Yan.

Xie's mother smiled and said to her husband: "Looking at it this way, these two children are really a good match."

It is not the family background that matches well, but the compatibility and closeness of the aura, and only then can we support each other and cherish each other through this life.The two grew up very differently, and after marriage, they need to understand and cherish each other even more.

Before the wedding, Xie Jingyi also gave a gift to her prospective daughter-in-law, a jasper wrist that her mother gave her when she got married.

Li Luo also has such a jasper wrist. The water head and color are pre-determined. After she got it on the eve of the wedding, she immediately handed it over to Xie Yuning for safekeeping, and basically took it out to wear on necessary occasions, such as Xiaoshu and Shangyan. time of the wedding.

How should I put it, her identity is the little aunt after all.

Xiaoshu and Shangyan's wedding is scheduled for mid-June. According to the opinions of both parties, the wedding will be in a Chinese style, because Xiaoshu's grandmother believes in Buddhism.Then the wedding time and style are determined, and the next step is the specific arrangements.

Li Luo's wedding was a Western style. Three years ago, she deliberately chose the church in Seattle where she prayed when she returned to China. She walked towards Xie Yuning in a black suit in her wedding dress.Because his own wedding is a Western style, Li Luo is particularly interested in Xiaoshu and Shangyan's Chinese wedding; plus Xie's family is small, and Xiaoshu has no biological parents to help worry about it, Li Luo helps prepare the wedding scene whenever he is free.

She also likes to do this kind of thing.

Western-style weddings have the romantic solemnity of Western-style weddings, and Chinese-style weddings also have Chinese-style thoughtfulness and etiquette.Every time Li Luo and sister Xie participate in the details of the wedding scene, Li Luo would like to feel that it would be great if he could get married twice. Of course, the groom must still be Ning Ning.

Time flies very fast amidst the busy schedule of happy weddings. The climate in Lan City has always warmed up quickly, and June is already the season of early summer.Li Luo didn't expect that Sister Xie would greet her about Shang Yu's return to China to attend Shang Yan's wedding.

Because of this, Li Luo realized that Sister Xie had been thinking about her.

The father will naturally attend the son's wedding.This also means that Shang Yu, who has been away for three years, will come back.In the past few years, Li Luo had no feelings or feelings for Shang Yu. The biggest feeling was that it was a pity that Shang Yu failed such a good Xie Jingyi.

Now, Sister Xie and Shang Yu live in different countries, and they live their lives separately with the attitude of forgetting each other.Li Luo didn't know what to think about the husband and wife relationship between Sister Xie and Shang Yu. Looking at it from the perspective of others outside the incident, Sister Xie might still care about Shang Yu.

And during the divorce, Shang Yu left everything and left, so it was not because of his apology and love for sister Xie.After all, she has always known Shang Yu as a thoughtful and shrewd man.

After thinking about it, she said to Sister Xie: "Sister, Shang is always Shang Yan's father, so naturally he will attend Shang Yan's wedding. What do you think?" If Shang Yu really didn't come, she would regret Shang Yan too. .

Regarding this matter, Xiaoshu also told her that when Shang Yan went to the United States, he made a special trip to Mexico.

"I want to tell you... my son is getting married..."

When Shang Yu called Xie Jingyi, Xie Jingyi was sitting on a bench in the back garden pruning a pot of flowers and plants; the sunlight made the conservatory extremely hot, and thin sweat was secreting from her forehead.

"I know, I..." Shang Yu's deep voice came from the receiver as usual, and the second half of the sentence seemed to be stuck in the radio waves, like a communication barrier caused by poor signal.

Xie Jingyi added: "Time flies so fast."

Shang Yu didn't respond, because the same three years was a long time for him. "Son's wedding..." Shang Yu took the initiative to mention it.

"Come back and participate." Xie Jingyi said the words in a very plain tone.


Xie Jingyi smiled as much as possible: "No matter what, you are Shang Yan's father."

"Jingyi..." Shang Yu was about to speak again.

"I still have something to do, so I'll hang up first." Before Shang Yu could say anything, Xie Jingyi had already hung up the phone.

One week before Shang Yan and Xiao Shu's wedding, Shang Yu returned to Lan City and temporarily stayed in a nearby hotel.In the afternoon, the sun was shining warmly on Xie's courtyard, and Li Luo squatted down to bathe Hani.Hani is a big dog, and she and Ningning foster it with her parents-in-law.The name Hani was naturally chosen by her, because she has been staying in Xie's house, and the closest person is her father-in-law.

Outside the door, a person came in.Li Luo followed the trend and raised her head. She was startled for a while, and then said to the person in front, "Sister Xie is inside."

Shang Yu nodded his head, and his eyes fell on Li Luo shallowly.She is still young and beautiful as always, but she completely distinguishes what Qing Jia used to look like, but it can be seen that she has been taken good care of by Xie Yuning at Xie's house in the past few years; It is like seaweed, very beautiful.

When they met again, Shang Yu knew that his feelings for Qing Jia had been completely let go.In the past three years, he has realized more clearly that he can let go of his obsession with Qing Jia.

After not seeing each other for three years, Shang Yu's brows became more gentle, and of course the crow's feet around his eyes became heavier.There was no embarrassment when the two met, only Hani yelled at Shang Yu twice, and Li Luo patted Hani on the head, not to be rude—the person in front is the father who buys canned dog food for you every day .The useless Hani wagged her tail and swayed at Shang Yu. Shang Yu smiled and entered Xie's high gate.

Li Luo continued to stroke Hani's head, feeling very calm.

Inside Xie's house, Xie's mother said to her surprised daughter, "I invited Shang Yu over here... How can a father not help worry about his son's wedding?"

Then Shang Yu left, another month after Shang Yan and Xiaoshu's wedding.

Li Luo sat on the sofa in the living room with her legs crossed, spreading out her freshly washed long curly hair waiting to dry.As always, she hates blow drying her hair, and prefers to dry it naturally like this; Xie Yuning will take the initiative to help her dry her hair when she can't bear this problem, but it doesn't matter to her in summer.

After drying her hair for a long time, her hair was still half dry and half wet, and her face was already flushed red.Li Luo held the half-eaten apple in his hand, and asked Xie Yuning with a smile, "Do you think Shang Yu and sister will remarry?"

The phone I just put down, the screen is still stuck in the photo taken by sister Xie during her trip, and the picture is accompanied by a sentence - "It's not far away, no return date."

Li Luo recalled the most popular love words a while ago, and lay down in Xie Yuning's arms, and read to him with a smile: "I still like you very much, like rain falling on the tropics and polar regions, not far away; I like you like the wind blows away Traveling eight thousand miles, regardless of the date of return..."

In the gentle and cozy afternoon paired with beautiful and moving love words, Xie Yuning kissed her on the forehead, looked into her eyes, and said softly and domineeringly: "Of course you like me... Mrs. Xie."

(End of this chapter)

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