Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2321 An iron rod to pry the sky blue!

Chapter 2321 An iron rod pries the sky blue! (2)
"Please, can I have a little IQ? I'm talking about recovering energy, not using energy to move planets! Don't bother me, within three days, you will see for yourself. You won't be able to wait for three days, right?" Xia Yang said provocatively . "Hmph, three days is three days, let's see what tricks you can play!" The beast master snorted coldly, and then a black light flashed all over his body, and he returned to his human form. Let me say a word: "Boy, since you need time, I will give you a few more days. After seven days, we will meet again. If you dare to escape, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I will chase you down!" Why are you so kind? You still have time to prepare for me?" Xia Yang looked at the disappearing figure of the beast owner, but was taken aback for a moment. "Young master, you don't know something. In fact, you accidentally destroyed the corpse of the Titan giant ape this time. Not only did you not really make that guy angry, but you got him a great benefit!" Mu Jianping heard the words , but replied with a sneer. "What's going on?" Xia Yang was confused. After destroying his mother's body, he still fulfilled the beast owner?What's the reason for this, and judging by the desperate posture of that guy before, it doesn't look like a fake! "This guy must have dived to the bottom of the water now to collect his mother's loose blood, and the seven days he gave you were simply used to refine the Titan's blood! I'm afraid that when this guy comes out, he will be the real The Venerable is a strong one!" At the end, Mu Jianping also sighed bitterly, the name of the Venerable's strength is really too stressful. "Fuck, I understand! What this guy did before was just to scare me." Xia Yang said gloomily, "Then I'd bet with him. If I had known that I would have dealt with him a few times, it would have been better to get out of the way." ""Young Master, if you don't make this bet, the Beast Master might really choose to kill you!" Mu Jianping said solemnly again at this time. "Uh, maybe, after all, it was his mother's corpse too! Although monsters don't have a big concept of family affection, after all, titan great apes are intelligent creatures, and they are close to human thinking, so they should also attach great importance to the kindness of their parents. I Look, this guy has probably been coveting his mother's blood for a long time, but because of this family affection, he hasn't done anything. Faint to death, it seems that I really made this bastard a success!" Xia Yang said depressingly. "Hehe, young master, this is also unintentional. You know, the source of power of the Titans is contained in the blood essence, and every drop of blood essence contains unparalleled domineering energy, and once this energy is captured Refining and absorbing, even a child who has no strength to restrain a chicken can become a strong man who can lift tons of tons in an instant! And it is said that the strength of the previous generation of Titan Giant Ape is even the peak of the terrifying venerable Level, in a drop of her blood, I am afraid that it contains the power no less than that of the current beast master!" Mu Jianping said. "Oh, then do you know how many drops of blood essence the Titan Giant Ape has?" Xia Yang asked with burning eyes. "Nine drops!" Mu Jianping said affirmatively. "Oh! Nine drops, hehe, then this big guy may only be able to find six drops, or even less." Xia Yang suddenly smiled, and that smile was really elated! "Young master, what do you mean..." Mu Jianping's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, but Xia Yang stopped him with a smile before he finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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