Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2322 An iron rod to pry the sky blue!

Chapter 2322 An iron rod pries the sky blue! (3)
"Haha, as long as you know it in your heart!" Seeing Xia Yang's wicked smile, Mu Jianping was also extremely excited, because he already knew that Xia Yang had obtained the extremely precious blood of the titan great ape!Hehe, how could Xia Yang let go of such a good thing to take advantage of!When the storm rose from the bottom of the water, Xia Yang felt a circle of heavy energy bursting out. At first he didn't care about it, it was only caused by the turbulent flow of space at that time, but then there were three bright red drops of blood moving towards him. Xia Yang only realized something when he shot towards him!He simply collected the three blood drops and put them into the space ring. Just as he was about to see if there were any other blood drops, he was punched fiercely by the beast owner and had to dodge and escape from the bottom of the water. !Thinking about it now, Xia Yang still feels at a loss!Now that he knew what the beast owner was going to do, Xia Yang began to prepare for his own affairs with confidence.Moving a planet is just a joke, at least, Xia Yang knows that even the Da Luo Jinxian in the fairy world can't do it, let alone his little fusion stage cultivation!However, Xia Yang is not worried about fighting strength. He is not a reckless person. Although there is no way to use brute force to achieve it, cleverness is also strength. Xia Yang has received lessons from discipline before, so naturally he has a little knowledge of natural science. Although he can't compare with those real scientists, he still understands superficially. At least, for mechanics, he also knows a mechanical vocabulary called the lever theorem!Give me a fulcrum, and I can support the earth!Although he forgot which celebrity scientist said this, Xia Yang was extremely proud of himself remembering such a sentence, and now he is planning to use the leverage theorem to win this bet!The fulcrum, Xia Yang only needs to break through the space and stand in the turbulent flow of the space, and he can find it naturally. Now that he has the body armor of the starry sky armor, even if he takes a leisurely walk in the turbulent flow of space, it is not a problem!The second point, which is also the only problem that Xia Yang has to solve now, is to create a lever. If he wants to minimize his effort, the length of this lever must be extremely terrifying!But in reality, it might be impossible to find a lever several kilometers long, and the lever Xia Yang needs must be calculated in terms of at least [-] million meters!Therefore, ordinary things must not work. There is only one way to make such a lever, and that is to refine a magic weapon that can be stretched!The Ruyi Golden Cudgel used by the Immortal World to defeat Buddha Sun Wukong is the most famous magic weapon that can be large or small, long or short.Xia Yang has nothing to think about the ultimate fairy weapon now, even if he has the materials, Xia Yang doesn't have the ability to refine it, but Xia Yang is planning to refine a pirated golden cudgel!You don't need the power of the golden cudgel, you just need its ability to be long or short!And Xia Yang happens to have the materials for refining Dinghaishenzhen!Hehe, it's Haixin Xuantiejing!Back then, Gu Mufeng gave Xia Yang a big piece!Although part of it has been used to refine the Pofeng Black Sword, there is still more than half left. It is enough to refine a small stick!He had already made up his mind, but Xia Yang still didn't try to refine the pirated golden cudgel, but started to close his eyes. From time to time, on his forehead, he could see beads of sweat from thin to thick, and his brows were wrinkled!
(End of this chapter)

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