Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2369 I will be responsible!

Chapter 2369 I will be responsible!
"Junior Sister Dragon? Is it Elise, who is known as the Dragon Goddess of War?" The elf queen thought of Elise who entered a different space with Xia Yang last time, and asked strangely. Everything is submissive, the relationship between the two, how could it be that Elise raped Xia Yang?

"Oh, that's right, it's her, hehe. Your Majesty, you can continue to take a bath now. I will cast a spell to make the master wake up. Don't worry, I think he will be responsible for this matter." The fairy baby turned around Go, looking at Xia Yang's still angry eyes, he said with a smile.

"Responsible, how is he going to be responsible?" The elf queen also said with a wry smile, "It's not all his fault, it's because I was too impatient. Originally, I thought that people at our level would not care too much about those things, so I just Shame to let Xia Yang come in to see my daughter, maybe he has a way to save her, but I never thought that Xia Yang was poisoned by Yin, for a pure natural relationship like Andy and me The body is what stimulates the primitive desires of human beings, that's why Xia Yang was erupted by the yin poison I stimulated, alas! Everything is doomed, fortunately you appeared, otherwise..."

"Hehe, otherwise my master would have taken advantage of it! I don't know if he would blame me for ruining his good deed when he wakes up! Such a good deed is rare." The fairy baby turned her body on her back, The thief smiled.

"No, Xia Yang shouldn't be this kind of person." The elf queen blushed, almost reflecting the blue water in the pool, and her white cheeks on both sides were now red apples.

"Hey, who is he, I still don't know." Xianying muttered, but stopped answering, but started to stare at Xia Yang, frowning slightly.

Although he is extremely powerful, there is no good way to deal with this kind of yin poison hidden in his body, otherwise, Xia Yanggen can be removed with the strength of the Ice King Da Luo Jinxian.At this time, the Elf Queen also lay down and fell into a deep sleep. She was extremely weak, and was stimulated by the thrilling incident just now. Fell asleep.

Xia Yang, who was tightly imprisoned by the power of Xianyuan, has not yet recovered his sanity, and the raging gray-brown flames have been jumping in his eyes. The sleeping body of the empress and Andia, only by getting stimulation from a woman's body, can the yin poison gain the upper hand and suppress Xia Yang's resistance.

Today's yin poison has grown into an extremely terrifying situation with the growth of Xia Yang's strength. Although it does not have the strength to attack, the evil power can make people unconsciously confused. Thus gaining temporary control over the body!
"Oh! It's really tricky! Let's help the master regain his sanity for the time being. As for eradicating the yin poison, I can't do anything." After thinking for a long time, the fairy baby couldn't think of a way to eradicate the yin poison, so he had to give up this plan, and immediately went to the hospital. Looking at Xia Yang with a helpless smile, he said, "Dude, I'm offended!"

Immediately, a flash of silver flashed across the eyes of the fairy baby, and his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he roared softly: "Monster, although I can't completely get rid of you for the time being, at least I can let you know that it's not on any carrier, you They can be reckless!"

"Pure Yang Infant Fire! Disease!"

The fairy baby and Xia Yang were one, and Xia Yang was suffering, so the fairy baby was also extremely unhappy, so the hatred for the yin poison was also very deep, so the shot was his own baby fire, the pure Yang flame!

The pure yang flame is designed to subdue the evil spirits in the world, destroying evil spirits and eliminating yin. Even Nanming Lihuo is not as effective as Nanming Lihuo. Naturally, it is not a problem for this kind of yin poison. Fire removed it.

At this time, seeing the fairy baby pointing at one point, a silver flame shot into Xia Yang's body, and immediately Xia Yang's face suddenly became painful. At this time, Xia Yang's whole body's true energy could not be mobilized, so naturally he could not protect himself In his body, even if his body could hold the flames, he still suffered a lot in this defenseless state. Although he would not be burnt, the pain was definitely inevitable.

And the fairy baby is also the soul that controls the baby fire that penetrated into Xia Yang's body, trying to reduce Xia Yang's pain as much as possible, avoiding the fragile places of the human body all the way, and finally came to the top of Xia Yang's head!
At this time, the bewitching gray-brown flames in Xia Yang's eyes also began to panic, and he finally felt a crisis approaching!Just about to shrink rapidly and escape.

But how could the fairy baby give him a chance? With a sneer smile, he split the silver light into two strands, enveloping the two strands of gray-brown flames at an extremely fast speed, and immediately pulled them out of Xia Yang's body!
"Monster, today I will let you experience the power of my pure Yang baby fire, and see if you dare to make trouble next time!" The fairy baby stared at Xia Yang's body and shouted coldly. The two seized gray-brown flames, It's just a small part separated from the yin poison itself, the real source of the poison is still hidden in Xia Yang's body!But the fairy baby can use these two captured fire poisons to deter the poisonous body!

The fairy baby snorted coldly, and immediately the two groups of silver baby fires floating in front of him exploded together, and as the baby fire exploded, the gray-brown flame trapped inside also made a muffled sound, and immediately annihilated nothingness !

Countless silver light spots scattered all over the sky, exuding a scorching breath. Immediately, the fairy baby's mouth sucked slightly, and those silver lights penetrated into the fairy baby's body again, becoming the natal baby fire in his body!
"Dude, it's time to wake up!"

After the fairy baby finished all this, he sent a burst of immortal energy into Xia Yang's body, and Xia Yang's eyes also became clear and clear.

"Man, thank you very much this time, otherwise I would have made a big mistake!" Xia Yang said with a bitter face as soon as he woke up. That's the poison of yin, rather it is the poison of yin that aroused the demons in one's heart. If there is no evil in one's heart, the poison of yin will not be able to make much of a difference.

"Between you and me, why bother to say thank you!" Xianying said with a wry smile, Xia Yang's heart was moved by hearing these words, but the next sentence of Xianying's words really made Xia Yang almost go berserk!

"If I don't make a move, you will be ashamed, and I will be ashamed too!"

"Go to hell! You bastard! From now on, I will not allow you to enter deep retreat on your own!"

Xia Yang cursed violently, then moved his eyes again, and found that the corners of the Elf Queen's eyes trembled slightly. Presumably, he was awakened by his own voice, but he didn't want to open his eyes. What happened just now, the relationship between the two is really It's hard to face.

Thinking that he not only looked at the bodies of the Elf Queen and Andia, but also pulled the Elf Queen's jade feet and said such slutty words, Xia Yang was so ashamed and indignant!

"What I did was the Elf Queen!"

"My God! This kind of words actually came out of my mouth. This is really embarrassing! Damn you, if I don't uproot you, I will call you Xia Yang!" Xia Yang groaned in pain. With a sound, he said fiercely and angrily again.

"Ahem, if there is nothing else, I will go back first. You are responsible for handling the matter here." The fairy baby coughed twice, glanced at the elf queen and said, the meaning was obvious.

"Get out!" Xia Yang had nothing to say about this fairy baby who was more shameless than himself, and stared directly.

"Hey, I can't wait! I don't dare to stay here for too long, after all, I'm also a man!" Xianying laughed wickedly, then turned into a silver light, and rushed into Xia Yang's purple mansion.

And the elf queen who woke up and pretended to be asleep, was blushed again by the sentence left by the fairy baby before leaving.

"Ahem, Your Majesty, I was really embarrassed just now, and I couldn't help myself!" Xia Yang said with a wry smile.

"Oh? Is that so? Then are you free now?" The elf queen gently opened her eyes, and looked at Xia Yang indifferently, showing a little indifference.

"Um, yes, everything is normal now." Xia Yang looked at the elf queen's suddenly indifferent face, and said slightly astonished.

"Then why don't you know how to turn your eyes to the side?" The elf queen said angrily with a face of embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm sorry, hehe." Only then did Xia Yang realize that although his eyes didn't look directly at the body of the Elf Queen, the corner of his eyes was still full of endless spring scenery.As he said that, he quickly averted his eyes.


Seeing that Xia Yang really looked away, the Elf Queen relaxed, and immediately sighed, "What are you going to do next?"

"I... I think I will be responsible!" Xia Yang hesitated.

"What do you mean you will be responsible?" The elf queen asked suspiciously.

"Although I didn't really violate you, it's all about... well, that is to say, I think I will give you compensation, as long as you are willing!" Xia Yang thought that the elf queen was asking what happened, how would Xia Yang deal with it? The relationship between them, but I don't know if it will be wrong.

At this time, the elf queen naturally knew that Xia Yang would be wrong, and she couldn't laugh or cry. She was Andia's mother, could she make Xia Yang, who might become her son-in-law in the future, responsible?

"That was not what I meant!"

"Don't worry! I, Xia Yang, am definitely not that kind of irresponsible person!"

"Well, I know." The elf queen's head was full of black lines. Does this girl really want to be responsible, or does she want to take the opportunity to include herself in his harem, so she said speechlessly: "But you don't need to take my responsibility. , I mean, you are suffering from yin poison now, can you still check Andia's body? She is in a bad condition, but I am afraid that your yin poison will break out at that time, it will be hard for me... Daughter Woolen cloth!"

(End of this chapter)

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