Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 2370 3 Alchemy Families and 3 Pharmaceutical Lone Rangers

Chapter 2370 Three Alchemy Families and Three Pharmaceutical Lone Rangers
"Uh, that's what you mean. I thought you were responsible for seeing your body!" Xia Yang smiled embarrassingly.

"Huh, what you think is beautiful!" The elf queen snorted disdainfully, and immediately didn't want to talk about such an embarrassing topic with Xia Yang, and instead asked, "Are you sure to control the yin poison in your body now?"

"It should be possible!" Xia Yang thought for a while and said.

"Then you just now..." the elf queen asked suspiciously.

"Ahem, I didn't notice it for a while before, so the yin poison took the opportunity to intrude my mind." Xia Yang said embarrassedly. In fact, at the beginning, he himself was also obsessed with the almost perfect body of the elf queen and Andia. Extricating himself, that's why he was taken advantage of by the yin poison. Of course, Xia Yang would not say this. Doesn't it mean that he was really lustful at the beginning?
"I still look at Andia!"

As soon as Andia was mentioned, Xia Yang was really worried. He had been wasted enough time by these absurd things, so Xia Yang immediately settled down, took a deep breath, and tried to suppress his lust to the lowest point. With a solemn face, she walked towards Andia, and the elf queen also moved her body in cooperation, and turned her curvy white back to Xia Yang, because the water in the pool must be kept pure, and ordinary things cannot enter the pool, so Xia Yang He didn't throw clothes to cover the two of them.

Looking at Andia's curvaceous body, even though Xia Yang has made enough preparations, his face is still blushing. Although he is no longer suitable, but facing such a natural stunner, how can a man truly have no desires, unless it is Eunuch!

In fact, the outbreak of Yin poison before Xia Yang was also caused by the pure natural aura scattered by the Elf Queen and Andia. This is not the first time, and I have never seen such a strong yin poison.

Qiangzi regained his composure, and Xia Yang probed for a trace of mind and slowly entered Andy's body. Sure enough, as Elder Musen said, Andy's body had no serious illness, and there was no half damage. The only thing that caused her to fall into desperation The reason is that the life force in Andia's body has been exhausted!

If Andia hadn't been soaked in the cyan liquid in the pool, she would have died away. At this time, Xia Yang also began to pay attention to the water in the pool.At the beginning, Xia Yang was only shocked by the powerful vitality emanating from the pool, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Now, he felt that this breath of life seemed very familiar!

"Could it be the water formed by the dissolution of the fruit of life? Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a strong life force!" Xia Yang guessed in a low voice, but the elf queen on the side explained: "In this pool of water, there are not only The remaining five fruits of life of the holy tree have the original vitality of the holy tree itself!"

"The vitality of the holy tree!" Xia Yang was startled, and only then did he realize that the holy tree was unmoved at the beginning when he was so presumptuous before. It was not until he reached the last step that the holy tree of the elves struck hard, but That blow seemed ferocious, but it was only at the ninth level. How could the guardian holy tree of the majestic elves have such little strength!It seems that in order to save the Elf Queen and Andia, the Elven Sacred Tree was consumed a lot, and it was even in danger!
"Hey! If you don't show up again, the elves may really die. Without the elf queen, without the heir to the royal family, even the holy tree is in danger. Such an elf forest will definitely perish within three years. Hand of Modo! Xia Yang, as long as you can help us, I will agree to any request you have!" Although he couldn't see the face of the Elf Queen, Xia Yang could imagine that the beautiful cheeks of the Elf Queen must be covered with Grief and determination.

"Can you agree to any conditions?" Xia Yang answered smoothly.

"Well, any conditions! Even if it's want to..." The elf queen blushed and faltered, but was interrupted by Xia Yang's light cough. Xia Yang was really afraid that she would say something, "even if you want me It's okay', Khan, then it's a big game, what I want is Andia, not the mother-in-law!

"It's too early to say these things now, are you so sure, can I help you? To be honest, I really want to help you, but what I can do right now is to help your people get rid of the dark magic control, but you I can't help you recover the power of life lost with Andia." Xia Yang also said with a look of decadence, in fact, he doesn't really care about those poisoned elves, the most important thing is Andia!
However, after inspecting Andia's body, Xia Yang felt helpless. Supplementing the power of life seemed simple, but it was actually very difficult. You can see from the current situation that the elf queen and Andia are both bubbles. In the pure water of life, the vitality in the body still cannot be effectively replenished. In the world, where else in the world can compare with the elves in life force!Even the elves can't do it, Xia Yang really can't think of anything else that can be done.

But to Xia Yang's surprise, the elf queen said in a very positive tone: "I believe you can save Andy and me! Because you are the savior of the world! You can definitely save our elves!"

"Dizzy! It's the bullshit title of savior!" Xia Yang suddenly cursed angrily.

"What's the matter? Don't you like this appellation? Don't you know what this appellation means?" The elf queen said in surprise.

"What does it mean? It means that I can save the whole world, but I can't save my master, can't I cure the yin poison in my body?" Xia Yang said angrily. He always just wanted to be a happy and happy cultivator. A shameless teacher of Chuanyi, but now many people hold the shit title of savior of the world on their head. In this catastrophe, Xia Yang doesn't think it is an honor, but a heavy burden!And many of them are burdens that have nothing to do with me!
Save the continent?Don't care about yourself!I just want to protect the relatives and friends I care about!
Xia Yang said angrily in his heart, originally helping the Elven Forest was entirely out of Xia Yang's friendship with Andia, but now the Elf Queen just said that she is a savior, so she can save the Elf family. This reason makes Xia Yang very annoyed!

Hearing Xia Yang's suddenly furious voice, the elf queen was also quite frightened. Isn't this Xia Yang insane again?Feeling apprehensive, the elf queen didn't dare to say any more, for fear that Xia Yang would mess up again.

"Huh!" Xia Yang snorted coldly, and immediately inspected Andia's body again without saying a word, his brows became deeper and deeper, and finally his expression became very painful. The situation, if it happened to someone else, he would have died long ago, and the life that can be preserved now is completely supported by the water in the pool. Once he leaves the pool, he will definitely die!
"What should I do? Although there are many panaceas in the fairy world that can bring the dead back to life, I only have three pills in my hand, none of which are used to treat this situation. For a while, I couldn't find a suitable pill!" Xia Yang said painfully .

"Danfang? Are you a pharmacist?" The elf queen heard Xia Yang talking to herself, and suddenly said in surprise.

"Do you have a suitable recipe?" Xia Yang didn't answer the elf queen's question, but said excitedly with his eyes brightened.

"No!" The elf queen said with a wry smile, "The elves never need medicines, we only need the power of life, what kind of disease can't be cured, so there has never been a pharmacist, let alone collect those who don't I have used the Dan formula."

"Then you were so happy just now! You made me excited for nothing!" Xia Yang said angrily, the hope that had been ignited before fell to the bottom all of a sudden, how could he not be angry?So he lost his composure for a while, and even scolded the elf queen.

"I... I just heard that there is one more way to save us, so I am happy!" The elf queen said aggrievedly. For many years, no one dared to say such an indecent word 'fart' in front of her!This Xia Yang not only said 'fart' to her, but also said that disgusting word 'dry', which really made the Elf Queen feel extremely wronged and resentful, but because Xia Yang is the only savior who can save herself and her people, she I didn't dare to refute anything, so I could only bear it aggrievedly.

"Hey, there is!" Just when the elf queen was wronged, Xia Yang's eyes suddenly lit up again, and he clapped his hands excitedly.

"What's there?" The Elf Queen asked hastily.

"Let me ask you, who are the famous alchemists on this continent?" Xia Yang asked anxiously.

"The profession of alchemist on the mainland is very rare. Since the ancient war, those real alchemists have probably disappeared. Those alchemists on the mainland today are not qualified to be called alchemists. They are usually called "alchemists." It's an alchemist and a pharmacist!" said the fine queen.

"Oh, it's not a big deal. You just need to tell me which guys are the most famous, especially those families of pharmacists with deep background!" Xia Yang said hehe.

The elf queen is not an idiot either, she soon understood what Xia Yang meant, he wanted to pay attention to Danfang in the hands of those families!Immediately thinking about it excitedly, he said: "As far as I know, in today's world, there are three big alchemy families that inherit the lineage of ancient alchemists! One is the Del family of the Kingdom of Lilles, and the other is the Gala family. The Harriman family in the Kingdom, and the most famous one, is the family surnamed Li of the Qin Dynasty!"

"Is there any more?" Xia Yang asked, the better the more ideas, the greater the possibility of getting a suitable recipe!
"Yes! There are also three major pharmaceutical lone rangers! They are Murong Yuntian, Dugu Legend and Zhuo Shengxian! These three are all masters in pharmaceuticals. Although they are alone and have no family, they are very famous in pharmaceuticals. The big family is small, even better in drug research!"

(End of this chapter)

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