Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 455 Imperial Capital, Merck City!

Chapter 455 Imperial Capital, Merck City! (3)
But the latter's face changed when he heard the words, thinking that Xia Yang was playing with him, his originally good attitude immediately changed to extremely cold, not to mention that there was no letter of proof, this Xia Yang was not very old, and wanted to be a The teacher is not qualified either.

But at this time Sonny stepped forward, handed Xia Yang a thin envelope with the imprint of Herib College, and said coldly: "Teacher, you left in a hurry, and the dean never remembered , and when we set off, he gave it to me."

"This old guy." Xia Yang cursed in a low voice, and Xia Yang, who took the letter, raised his hand at the sixth-level fighter and said, "This should prove it."

"Hmm!" Seeing the imprint of Hribe College on the letterhead, the soldier nodded slightly, and an imperceptible gleam flashed in his eyes. "You can go to the Durui Guild Hall, which is the resting place given by the empire to other participating academies."

"Hehe, the treatment is good, and even the place to live has been fixed." With a chuckle, Xia Yang took back the letter and walked into the city. Everyone also walked in quickly, feeling the bustling bustling shoulder to shoulder!

After Xia Yang and the others left, the sixth-level soldier turned around and whispered a few words to another city guard who seemed relatively indifferent, and the city guard left in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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