Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 456 Durui Guild Hall

Chapter 456 Durui Guild Hall (1)
After the group successfully entered Merck City, they all breathed a sigh of relief. The two-day trip was finally over, and the next step was to deal with the college competition.

"Teacher, shall we go to Du Rui Guild Hall now?" Ya Rui asked respectfully.

"Well, after running around for days, it's time to find a place to rest. We'll take a look around tomorrow. We don't think we'll be disappointed by the prosperity of the imperial capital." Xia Yang said with a slight smile.

After asking a few passers-by, everyone knew the location of the Durui Guild Hall. It seemed that the Durui Guild Hall was well-known in the imperial capital.

The central part of Merk City is the imperial city, which can also be said to be the inner city of Merck City. Of course, the people who can live in the inner city are all high-ranking officials or relatives of the prince. The big families involved in the officialdom can only live on the outskirts of the imperial city. It can be said that the entire Merck City is a huge concentric circle structure, and the Durui Guild Hall is located on the edge of the imperial city. It's not as good as in the imperial city, but it can be considered a top-notch location.

Before the Durui Guild Hall, Xia Yang looked at the majestic building in front of him, and couldn't help admiring it. Being in the commercial place of the imperial capital, and also having a habitat designated by the empire, was really extraordinary.

The Durui Guild Hall covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters, with pavilions, pavilions, small pavilions and windows, everything that one expects to find, and its owner is said to be a mysterious strong man, but as for who it is, only a very few people know.

"Go in!" With a soft voice, Xia Yang greeted everyone with a smile, and when he reached the front of the door, two pretty Yingying women greeted them with smiles and twisting their waists.

"Sir, are you going to stay in the guild hall?" One of the older women asked with a smile, her voice was light, but her words were not artificial.

"Well, we are here to participate in the Imperial College Competition on behalf of Herrib College. This is our proof. I believe we can stay here?" Xia Yang smiled slightly and handed the letter to the woman for a look.

"Well, of course." The woman smiled, and after returning the letterhead to Xia Yang, she twisted her slender waist and smiled again: "You guys, please come with me!"

"Herib Academy is arranged in the East Wing, and the environment there is the best in Durui Guild Hall! In the past, they lived in Thunder Academy. Unexpectedly, today, the supervisor will directly arrange for you to live there!" Walking During this period, the women also talked and smiled with Xia Yang and others without any unfamiliarity, which made Xia Yang admire the management methods of the Durui Guild Hall. The qualities of these women are not ordinary!It doesn't have any strength in itself, but it is so easy to talk to soldiers.

"Oh? Haha, that really flattered us. Could it be that the supervisor is old with Hribe College?" Xia Yang also asked with a smile.

"I'm not sure about that, hehe. Oh, the East Wing is here." Turning a corner of the building, the woman suddenly stopped, pointing at the tall building in front of her and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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