Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 507 Level 8 Composite Magic Core, Larval God Core!

Chapter 507 Level 3 Composite Magic Core, Larval God Core! ([-])
"Yeah!" Yarui also nodded helplessly, while Nangongfeng was still staring at Xia Yang like a cannibal. For Xia Yang who ruined the treasures, he was speechless to the extreme!
As the two finished their words, they both looked at the auction house, and the price had skyrocketed to the point where Xia Yang was also surprised!
Thirty-three million six million!
"These guys really don't take gold coins seriously!" Xia Yang said speechlessly.

"Teacher, you are wrong. If their contracted beasts are successfully evolved, compared to creating a beast-level contracted beast, tens of millions are nothing!" Ya Rui also sighed, and stared straight at it. That eighth-level magic core.Blame this shameless guy, it seems that he is really inhuman, so many secrets he doesn't know!

(End of this chapter)

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