Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 508 Sky-high price!

Chapter 508 Sky-high price! (1)
Seeing the increasingly fierce and frenzied bidding in the field, even the experienced Youana was stunned by the price for a while. Although these magic cores are considered precious, it is not enough to use such a terrifying price of 500 million Price it!

Looking suspiciously at an inconspicuous corner of the auction house, there was an old man with white hair sitting there!
But at this moment the image of the old man is really too bad, a pair of old eyes are almost completely protruding!The face is also full of remorse and shame!This old man is exactly the old man Bi who helped Xia Yang appraise the treasure back then!
At this moment, Elder Dong's eyes were also looking at Elder Bi, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, and then he stood up slowly, opened his right hand forward, and shouted: "Jianbao Pavilion, I would like to give 5000 million gold coins!"

"Teacher, you now know the preciousness of this larval god core! Even such a stingy old guy is willing to pay 5000 million yuan to buy it. You can imagine how precious it is!" Ya Rui said dejectedly. Said, at the current price, even if he wants to buy it back, it is impossible!

Xia Yang didn't speak, but looked at the competition below blankly, thinking in his heart: It seems that I have to continue to be shameless, but I don't know who will bid for this larval god core in the end, but these seem It's not important either!

He stared coldly at the contenders below, the masked girl, Mr. Dong, Li Tianao, and the young man in black in the front row!If there is no accident, the larval god core must have been obtained by one of the four of them!
There was a chill in his eyes, and Xia Yang whispered a few words to Ya Rui with a blank face. Immediately after Ya Rui changed from dumbfounded to ecstatic, Xia Yang Fang patted the latter's shoulder and whispered Sneered: "Go!"

Yarui nodded heavily, and immediately whispered a few words to Yunya, Nangong, and Sony, and then hurried out of the box, making the rest of the people confused and unable to understand what these guys were doing mysteriously. What the hell is going on, but Karina seems to have seen something. With a slight movement of her footsteps, she stuck to Xia Yang's side and asked in a low voice: "Teacher, you don't want to... huh?" Karina said, still He made a harmonious movement of wiping his neck, which relieved Xia Yang's gloomy mood a little bit.

"Hey, this thing belongs to us, we just let them touch it later, after touching it, we will naturally take it back!" Xia Yang said with a silvery smile, but the silvery laughter made Ka Lin Na fell into a daze again...

Alas, I really can't save myself, how could I fall in love with such a shameless guy, even murder and looting can be taken for granted!The heart of a girl is a little depressed, but more of it is the love that is always hidden in the deepest part of my heart!
In the arena, as Mr. Dong from Jianbao Pavilion poured 5000 million yuan in money, the audience fell into deathly silence!

"Is this old guy crazy!" Many people looked at the arrogant Dong Lao like idiots, and sneered and laughed.

Of course, there are some shrewd people among them who are thoughtful, but these people are blind, and they can't see the difference between those magic cores!But they all understand that it is definitely not an ordinary thing that can make a mature guy like Mr. Dong spare no expense to bid for the auction!
(End of this chapter)

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