Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 547 Wei Feng!Phantom! 9 snakes!

Chapter 547 Wei Feng!Phantom!Nine Snakes! (1)
"Ugh!" Seeing Gongsun Zhe in such a miserable state, the girl couldn't help retching, and tightly covered her lower abdomen with her hands, trying her best to control the churning tide in her abdomen!

If this person hadn't saved him, wouldn't he have become so disgusting, thinking about it, the girl felt a burst of fear in her heart.

"Thank you for saving me." Finally, the tide subsided in the abdomen, and the girl trembled slightly, and whispered to Xia Yang.

"En." With a low reply, Xia Yang was about to leave. After all, after a long time, if the girl lost her ring and was discovered, it would be embarrassing.Moreover, the person who sent the message from the girl must be arriving soon!

"Strong man, if you can save him, I will repay him in the future!" Seeing that Xia Yang was about to leave, the girl quickly pointed at Zhan Yao who was in deep pain.

"He, don't save him!" Glancing at Zhan Yao squintingly, Xia Yang also admired his toughness in his heart, but thinking that the other party was from Zhan Academy, he didn't have that kind of leisure, and it seemed that the old woman had become difficult at the moment Woolen cloth!

But the girl's next words made Xia Yang's face change, and his face was full of embarrassment!

"Then return the ring to me! You have to be perfect to be a hero, don't you?" The girl blinked her big eyes and stared at Xia Yang closely.

"Uh, what ring?" Xia Yang asked pretending to be calm, but he was extremely depressed in his heart. After saving someone, he would just dodge it, so why talk so much.

"Stop pretending, you're not a good person either. Hmph, just now your hand slid down my waist and touched my fingers. Don't you think I don't know? Although you moved very fast on purpose, As a result, a certain amount of space pressure was generated, which caused my body to temporarily feel numb, but you still ignored it!" The girl stared at Xia Yang.He said slowly, the expression on his face could not be said to be resentful or joking, it was just very weird.

"Oh, which point?" Seeing that the girl's analysis was indeed decent, Xia Yang stopped arguing, and immediately asked with a smile on his arms.

"The sensitivity of a girl's body! How can I not be aware of the feeling of contact with the opposite sex? I found out when you took the ring away!" The girl gritted her teeth and said, in order to prove that Xia Yang stole her ring There is also a little blush on the face.If such an expression is known by someone who is familiar with it, they will definitely open their mouths in astonishment!
The majestic little witch, has never been so shy!
"Oh, then why didn't you say it just now?" Hearing the girl's explanation like this, Xia Yang was also a little embarrassed. The soft and delicate feeling just touched was really wonderful!
"Because I want you to save him." The girl pointed at Zhan Yao and said, and immediately her face showed a hint of anxiety: "He did this to protect me. I don't like to owe people favors! If you save me He, the ring will be given to you."

"Oh, finished? Then I'm leaving!" Seeing that the girl was willing to discard this priceless space ring in order to save the war demon, Xia Yang was also slightly upset, and he already felt a strong aura rushing towards her. Come!If you don't retreat at this time, you will definitely have trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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