Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 548 Wei Feng!Phantom! 9 snakes!

Chapter 548 Wei Feng!Phantom!Nine Snakes! (2)
"The person you asked for help has arrived, and the war monster doesn't need me to take action. Goodbye!" Xia Yang said again, and his figure turned into a blue shadow and rushed out, and quickly disappeared in front of the dazed girl. !
"You shameless guy!" Seeing that Xia Yang really said to leave, the girl left, and when she realized that Xia Yang had disappeared from her sight, she stamped her feet and cursed.

"Shameless? Could it be him? It looks quite similar..." Thinking of Shameless, the girl inexplicably thought of the delicate face she saw in the trading hall, thin and lazy...

"Hmph, it's better not you, otherwise this princess will make you spit out all your food! Including those tofu I ate!" Glaring at the direction Xia Yang was going away, the girl's expression changed immediately, she was delighted Shouting towards the powerful momentum that swept out of the imperial city: "Grandfather Taizu!"

"Hmph! You guys are so brave, you dare to rob tomorrow in my imperial capital!" The old man's angry voice suddenly shouted down from the sky, with incomparable majesty, it exploded in Xiao Changsheng's mouth. In Cui Yushan's mind!


As Wei Feng arrived, a powerful soul pressure poured down, accompanied by deafening shouts, both Xiao Changsheng and Cui Yushan were shocked out of a mouthful of blood!

At the same time, Xia Yang, who was running fast, also heard a voice in his mind: "Thank you little brother Xia Yang for saving this child Tianjiao. Don't worry about the ring, just take it as a gift of thanks!"

"Eh..." Fei Ben's figure froze suddenly, and Xia Yang's expression suddenly became strange, "Why is this old man so talkative? Besides, he actually knows me?"

Looking back at the direction I left just now, there is a torrential wind pouring down there, and there seems to be some signs of distortion in the space!
"Holy level! This old man is actually a holy level!" Xia Yang's expression changed again, even more strange, "When did this holy level powerhouse become so talkative? It seems that the few I met, all of them You can't be arrogant! There must be some weirdness in it! I just don't know which faction this old man belongs to."

"Imperial City? Could it be that this old man is the founding ancestor of the Gala Empire! The middle-level powerhouse of the holy rank, Wei Feng!" Xia Yang's heart trembled when he suddenly thought of something. When he first came, Xia Yang also came from Nangong. I learned that behind the Gala Empire, there is a super strong man, and that is the founding emperor of the Gala Empire, Wei Feng!

"If it's really this old man, then it's worth my deep thinking. People in the royal family are all scheming, and they won't let me get benefits for nothing!" Xia Yang frowned, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of it. What was the reason for doing this? He didn't believe that Wei Feng really gave him the ring as a reward just because he saved the girl. He immediately shook his head and stopped thinking about it. If Wei Feng had any plans, he would definitely do it again. actively in contact with oneself.Moreover, it can also be known from this matter that the girl must also belong to the royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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