Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 778 Fighting in the same sect, hard and soft confrontation!

Chapter 778 Fighting in the same sect, hard and soft confrontation! (2)
"Admit defeat? Impossible! Besides, Sixth Senior Sister, you can't play tricks. We agreed before that you can't use Dahei, otherwise you will violate our sister rules!" Karina smiled slyly, and gently swayed A circle of swords was enough to block An Qi's giant axe, and he said softly with his seductive red lips.

"Hmph, don't use it! I'll let you see today how I, An Qi, can break the softness with strength!" At this time, An Qi also regretted it in her heart. Why did she act bravely in the first place, and she actually got along with Karina? She sets such 'unfair' sister rules!Immediately, his heart was also slightly on fire, the big ax in his hand sank suddenly, and the strength of his swing increased by three points!
"Bang!" The giant ax hit the sword circle again, and Karina suddenly felt her arms go numb, and the sword circle also sank a little under the pressure of the giant axe. force!
The milky white sword light filled the raised sword circle, and suddenly a terrifying force was released into the surrounding air as the sword circle rotated!At the same time, she yelled at An Qi: "An Qi, are you serious?" Her arms were numb, and Karina's thorny temper broke out in shock and anger!
"Of course, otherwise when will we fight? Don't you want to be admired by those seductive men all the time? You think I don't want to! Hehe!" An Qi didn't care about Karina's anger, instead she laughed and held She has made up her mind to defeat Karina in one fell swoop, and let that shameless Xia Yang see who is his most proud female disciple!

"Look, I'm going to make a big move, hehe!" After striking the sword circle with an ax again, causing the Taiji sword circle to sink for a few minutes, An Qi retracted the giant ax in an instant, and at the same time, An Qi's feet However, he took a heavy step, and the heavy force of his feet immediately cracked the ground, and a thick cloud of dust also flew up along with it!

"Hell's birthday greetings!" After taking a step, An Qi jumped up suddenly, her fiery body immediately bent back into an extremely protruding arc, and the thing on her chest was stretched out tightly, fighting Under the armor, the smooth belly is exposed, without a trace of fat!
Following An Qi's alluring posture, the arc instantly bounced, and the big ax in his hand was also thrown backwards in an arc. When the blade of the ax was about to touch An Qi's tight buttocks , the swing of the ax suddenly stopped!And An Qi's body shape bent backwards is also the arc that suddenly stopped stretching!
The pause is only for a moment!Immediately under Karina's solemn expression, An Qi's body jumping in the air suddenly leaned forward, and the huge ax behind her also slammed down!

"Tai Chi Sword and Shield!" With a serious face, the Liangyi Qingfeng Sword in Karina's hand suddenly spun softly like a breeze in front of her!With the rotation of the sword body, a round sword circle appeared in front of him, vaguely, above the sword circle, there seemed to be a curved milky white thin line, which divided the originally flat sword circle into two fish-shaped patterns, It's just that this curve is so tiny that even Karina, the caster, didn't notice it!

However, Xia Yang, who was below, suddenly narrowed his eyes. During the squinting, a ray of light flashed across his eyes imperceptibly, and the corner of his mouth slightly curved into a smile. He murmured softly: "My girl, has your comprehension of Tai Chi sword reached the level of dividing the two? Really good! It seems that An Qi will need to spend a lot of effort to break this Tai Chi sword shield! "

(End of this chapter)

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