Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 779 Ancient Wu Found!

Chapter 779 Ancient Wu Found! (1)
"Boom!" Xia Yang squinted, Angie's huge ax slashed down angrily, and struck directly on the sword and shield that Karina sacrificed!

It's a pity, just as Xia Yang expected, the Tai Chi sword and shield that has already been initially divided into Liangyi, it is difficult for An Qi to break it in one fell swoop!Although the momentum of the giant ax falling was extremely fierce and powerful, but when it slashed on Karina's sword and shield, it only caused Karina's arm to sink slightly, and immediately the falling terrifying force followed the rotation of the sword and shield. And unload it elsewhere!
"Hmph!" An Qi snorted coldly when the blow failed, and then with the help of the counter-shock force of the giant ax slashing on the sword and shield, her body arched back again!
"Come again!" Jiao shouted, and immediately after An Qi threw the ax behind her again, when the huge ax was about to touch the delicate buttocks, her body suddenly leaned forward like a cat's bow, and it was another blow of "Hell's Birthday Blessing"!
"Bang!" The mighty and turbulent ax fell on the sword shield, and the Tai Chi sword shield finally trembled slightly after being slashed by the king of hell twice!And Karina, who was struggling with her sword and shield, had a layer of flush on her delicate face!
"This An Qi is really ruthless!" Under the stage, the corner of Xia Yang's mouth curved deeper, but he shook his head with a smile.Although An Qi's seemingly fierce moves, Xia Yang, who knows An Qi's terrifying power well, knows in his heart that An Qi has already kept her hand, otherwise Karina's Tai Chi sword shield will be broken if the second blow is made!
The shocking three axes, although there are only three moves, but these three moves are the essence of the ax technique!Every move is a collection of tyrannical strength and ruthlessness, that indomitable slashing ruthlessness, domineering and majestic!Although Karina's Tai Chi sword and shield are very strong, but softness can overcome rigidity, and the difference in strength between the two is not too big. Otherwise, rigidity can break softness!
Seeing that the first blow still failed to break Karina's sword and shield, An Qi was also slightly taken aback. Instead of the defense laid by an ordinary eighth-level powerhouse, An Qi was confident that it could be broken with these two blows, but Karina's sword and shield actually resisted!But seeing the stubborn expression on Karina's flushed face, the corner of An Qi's mouth cracked, it seems that Karina also worked hard!
"One, two, three, four, do it again! Haha!" Angie continued to laugh, and immediately pulled the ax away from the shield, and jumped up again, ready to strike the third blow!

"Damn, An Qi, come back!" Seeing An Qi's stance about to slash, Karina finally couldn't hold it anymore, she shouted angrily, and immediately the sword shook, and her steps quickly retreated. At the same time, the Tai Chi sword and shield dissipated And go!

"What? You're not coming? Give up?" She stopped the ax and landed on the ground. An Qi looked at Karina with a smile on her lips. Seeing her hold the ax so easily, the corners of Karina's mouth twitched slightly. , this An Qi, just now was not ready to strike the third ax at all!Although she was not resentful of Angie's cunning, a trace of warmth flowed through Karina's heart.

If the third ax really strikes, Karina's already strong body will definitely be injured. Therefore, when she sees that An Qi is about to strike the third ax, Karina will angrily withdraw her sword and shield and admit defeat!But it was unexpected that An Qi was bluffing herself!

(End of this chapter)

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