I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 109 The End Times

Chapter 109 The Last Times in Progress ([-])
On the way to the capital, Fu Mingyu and his party met Qin Shuyue and his party. Because they were traveling together, the two teams temporarily cooperated and went to the capital together.

On the way to the capital, Qin Shuyue fell in love with Fu Mingyu, and he confessed his love to Fu Mingyu, but Fu Mingyu sternly rejected him.

The scene of Fu Mingyu being betrayed by someone close to her in her previous life is still vivid in her mind. When Fu Mingyu came back from rebirth, she swore that she would never be tempted by anyone in this life.

From Fu Mingyu's usual behavior, Qin Shuyue could also see that she had many heavy things hidden in her heart, so Qin Shuyue also understood her very well. However, it was hard for him to fall in love with someone, so of course he would not give up so lightly.

He promised Fu Mingyu that as long as he is here in this world, as long as she is willing to rely on him, he will be her strongest backing.He will always wait for her to turn back.

Later, when Fu Mingyu arrived in the capital, he began to build his own power, and by the way, caused trouble for Lin Fuluo.

In the capital base, the Qin family and the Lin family are the two giants in the base. Both want to completely control the capital, but the two powers are equal, and no one can do anything to the other. As Qin Shuyue and Lin Fuluo, who are about the same age, It's inexplicably wrong, no matter which aspect the two of them have to fight for a level.

Of course, in the end, Qin Shuyue narrowly defeated Lin Fuluo, won the power of the capital base, and created a new era with Fu Mingyu.

While Yun Chaojin was thinking about the plot, Fu Mingyu had already brought Yun Chaojin back to the place where she lived. Fu Mingyu's family conditions were very good, and Fu Mingyu didn't like living in the dormitory. After moving out of the dormitory, her father bought Fu Mingyu an apartment outside, so what Fu Mingyu is going to now is her apartment outside the school.

When he arrived at the apartment, Fu Mingyu put Yun Chaojin on the sofa, and walked around the apartment by himself, still searching for something.

After half an hour, Fu Mingyu was finally free.

"Mingyu, what are you looking for?"

Yun Chaojin called him by his first name.

Although Yun Zhaojin can speak human language, only Fu Mingyu can understand what she said, and to the ears of others, what Yun Chaojin just said is still just the whimpering of animal cubs. Chao Jin and Fu Mingyu concluded a contract.

When Yun Chaojin came to this world and first saw Fu Mingyu, in order to communicate with Fu Mingyu conveniently, Yun Chaojin used the spells she learned in the previous world to conclude a contract with Fu Mingyu. That's why he licked the blood on Fu Mingyu's face.

Hearing Yun Chaojin's question, Fu Mingyu just glanced at her lightly, with a little impatience in his eyes, but still patiently explained to Yun Chaojin: "I'm looking for this thing."

With that said, Fu Mingyu handed what he found to Yun Chaojin so that she could see it clearly.

It is an emerald jade bracelet with a green body and excellent water color.

With just one look, Yun Zhaojin knew what it was.This is actually a relic left by Fu Mingyu's biological mother, but in the coming apocalypse, this jade bracelet is actually a spiritual spring space.

In her previous life, Fu Mingxue took a fancy to this jade bracelet, so she begged for it from Fu Mingyu, and when the end of the world came, she luckily opened the Lingquan space.

In the past, Fu Mingyu was really kind to Fu Mingxue. No matter what she did, she would remember to leave a copy for Fu Mingxue, and as long as it was something Fu Mingxue wanted, she would try her best to get it for Fu Mingxue. It's a pity that she treated it with all her heart and soul. The man turned out to be an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. While scheming against her, he also made her family die unhappily.

During the time when Fu Mingyu was imprisoned in her previous life, Fu Mingxue often came to trouble Fu Mingyu. In order to show off to Fu Mingyu, she told Fu Mingyu everything she did, one by one.

Including how she killed her stepmother, including how she infected her father with the zombie virus and killed him by herself, and how she was lucky enough to open the space in this jade bracelet, etc.

After having memories of her previous life, Fu Mingyu knew that this jade bracelet was a treasure, and it was a treasure left to her by her biological mother. It was supposed to be hers, but Fu Mingxue took it away from her in her previous life, so Now, before the apocalypse broke out, Fu Mingyu had to open up the Lingquan space in advance, so that she could stockpile some supplies before Fu Mingxue asked her for the jade bracelet.

Fu Mingyu looked at the jade bracelet with fixed eyebrows, recalling in her mind the method of opening the space of the jade bracelet that Fu Mingxue told her.

It seems that it needs blood or something. Is it necessary to use her blood to nourish this jade bracelet, and then how many days it will be used?
Because of the contract with Fu Mingyu, Yun Chaojin was able to get a little bit of Fu Mingyu's thoughts now. When he realized that Fu Mingyu had such a weird idea, Yun Chaojin suddenly felt like breaking out in a cold sweat.

Dear, you are not opening the jade bracelet space, you are nourishing the blood jade, okay!
"Mingyu, I actually know how to open the jade bracelet space."

"you know?"

Fu Mingyu finally faced up to this little animal of unknown origin. This white puppy-like animal appeared too strangely. It not only possessed a mysterious power, but also seemed to know everything about her. Because of this, Fu Mingyu was very interested in this animal in front of her. Keep it at a respectful distance, she doesn't want to raise a white-eyed wolf like she did in her previous life.

Mo Yue could sense Fu Mingyu's thoughts, and Yun Chaojin knew that she still didn't believe in him, so he didn't talk nonsense and told her everything directly.

"Actually, there are two ways to open the jade bracelet space. One is to use your blood to open the space, as Fu Mingxue told you in her previous life. But with this method, your space is an external space, which means that you If you want to use your space, you must wear this jade bracelet all the time, and you cannot take it off, and if the jade bracelet is damaged, your space will disappear. However, if you use another method, you There will be no such trouble."

"what way?"

"Use your soul to open the space. But you alone can't do it. You need my help. I can help you successfully open the space. How about it, do you need me to help you?"

Yun Zhaojin looked at Fu Mingyu with trepidation, with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Don't you don't believe me?Then I have to force you to believe me, hum!
However, Fu Mingyu's performance was beyond Yun Chaojin's expectation. Fu Mingyu just frowned, and then nodded very readily: "That's fine, then please help me."

(End of this chapter)

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