I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 110 The End Times

Chapter 110 The End Times in Progress ([-])
Yun Zhaojin looked at her in surprise, and the message "You obviously don't believe me" was revealed in her eyes.

Fu Mingyu could see the emotion in Yun Zhaojin's eyes very clearly, but she didn't say anything to explain it.In Fu Mingyu's view, Yun Chaojin is the one who knows everything about her, and it is because of Yun Chaojin that she has the chance to be reborn. Therefore, Yun Chaojin is someone she can trust without reservation in this world, even Her father was not as good as her at this point.

Yun Chaojin, who was trusted by the mission target, is now in a very happy mood, and reminded Fu Mingyu with a good attitude: "Then I will start to help you open up the space right now. You close your eyes first, and then let go of your consciousness. As for the rest, just leave it to me." .”

Fu Mingyu closed her eyes obediently.

Yun Zhaojin nodded in satisfaction, mobilizing all the mana in her body.

Perhaps it was because the original body had stayed in the last days, or maybe it was because the original body was not a normal animal. When Yun Chaojin possessed the original body, Yun Zhaojin sensed that there was a strong spirit in the original body. Strength, if you practice for a while, the original body may be able to transform into form.

Fu Mingyu is trying to relax herself at this moment. She lived too tired in the last days in her previous life, and she was always vigilant almost all the time. Besides, Fu Mingyu also encountered betrayal from someone close to her, so now Fu Mingyu can't trust others at all. Not to mention Yun Chaojin, who has only known each other for less than a day.

Suddenly Fu Mingyu felt a stabbing pain in her head, and before she could react, the stabbing pain had disappeared. Fu Mingyu opened her eyes suddenly, looking at Yun Chaojin with sharp eyes.

The mana on Yun Chaojin's body was consumed too much just now, because Fu Mingyu's consciousness was too vigilant, she took a lot of effort to contract the space to her soul, now that her task is completed, Yun Chaojin squinted a little tiredly Squinting, lying motionless on the sofa: "Now, feel if there is something more in your mind."

Fu Mingyu withdrew his gaze and felt it with his heart.

There seemed to be something more in her mind, and she wanted to go in and have a look.

As soon as this thought came to mind, Fu Mingyu felt her body change. When she opened her eyes, Fu Mingyu found herself in a beautiful but very strange place.

There is a vast green grassland that seems to have no boundaries. Not far away is a quaint thatched cottage. Fu Mingyu walks towards the thatched cottage. In front of the thatched cottage is a large pond with a pool of green lotus leaves. There are many lotus flowers in bud, and there is no breeze at all. It looks like a beautiful static picture.

Going around behind the thatched hut, Fu Mingyu saw a large farmland in front of him, and the farmland was full of many plants, like various medicinal materials.

Back in front of the thatched cottage, Fu Mingyu walked to the gate of the thatched cottage and pushed open the wooden door.

The inside is empty, which can be described by the idiom "a house with four walls". There is only a futon beside one wall, and there is a calligraphy and painting on that wall, which is a picture of beautiful mountains and rivers.

Why does the space she opened look like this?In her previous life, she had heard Fu Mingxue describe the space she opened, and it seemed that there were no such things as lotus ponds, thatched huts, and medicine fields in it.

Fu Mingyu thought about it in her heart.

"Of course she doesn't have these things anymore, because she just used blood as a medium to open up a low-level space, but you are different. You used your soul to open up a high-level space. It's normal to have some things in it that she hasn't seen before."

By virtue of signing a contract with Fu Mingyu, Yun Chaojin easily entered this space. When Fu Mingyu concentrated on examining this space, Yun Chaojin also took a look at all of this space by the way.

In fact, in the original plot, Fu Mingyu also used blood to open up the space at that time, but the space opened in that way did not have the two things of the thatched cottage and the medicine field. Even if there is a halo of the heroine to increase luck, Fu Mingyu only opened up an extra Lingquan pond.

Hearing Yun Chaojin's voice, Fu Mingyu obviously jumped: "How did you get in?" She thought that this space belonged to her alone, and no one else could get in.

Yun Chaojin sold a cuteness to Fu Mingyu: "I came in with you."

Fu Mingyu didn't pursue her question for the time being, but remembered another matter, and frowned: "Can you know what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah." Yun Zhaojin didn't hide anything from her, and told her everything she wanted to know: "You don't have to worry that I will hurt you now, we have already concluded a contract, we have a beauty and a loss." It is damaged, so I can enter the spiritual spring space you opened without hindrance, and because there is a contract between us, I can sense the thoughts in your heart."

Yun Zhaojin first told her about their current relationship, and then explained it carefully to her.

Sure enough, after listening to Yun Chaojin's words, Fu Mingyu's expression became much calmer, but after a while, Fu Mingyu remembered the question she had ignored: "No, when did I sign the contract with you?"

In advance of this, Yun Chaojin remembered that when she first met Fu Mingyu, she had licked off the blood on her face. Although she had blocked her sense of touch with magic power at that time, she couldn't taste what it was like, but that scene Being blacklisted by Yun Chaojin, that was her biggest failure in this world!

Yun Chaojin's sad and indignant look made Fu Mingyu a little curious. Fu Mingyu's behavior since getting along with Yun Chaojin, she always felt that Yun Chaojin looked like a human being, and then Fu Mingyu also thought of Yun Chaojin's strange behavior when she first met Yun Chaojin. He moved, and asked in surprise: "Could it be the time when you licked my face when I first met?"

Yun Zhaojin's unbearable expression on the past says it all.

Fu Mingyu, who discovered this, felt very complicated now, and couldn't tell what it was like. She was moved and happy that Yun Chaojin was willing to sign such an important contract with her when they met for the first time, and at the same time, she also doubted that Yun Chaojin had worked so hard to help her. What is her purpose? Intricate thoughts kept flashing in Fu Mingyu's mind, causing Fu Mingyu's expression to be extremely rich at this moment.

Yun Zhaojin watched her face change with great interest, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, she really is a grown-up heroine, and she didn't know how to restrain her facial expressions after living so long in her previous life.

Simply put, Fu Mingyu didn't struggle with it for long. Fu Mingyu withdrew her thoughts and looked at Yun Chaojin with complicated eyes. No matter what the future holds, at least she is still her savior. Based on this, she can be more tolerant towards her than others .

As long as she doesn't live up to her trust, she is actually willing to tell her everything about herself without reservation like this.

(End of this chapter)

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