I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 183 Love from Online Games

Chapter 183 Love in Online Games ([-])

"Oh, brother, you know, what I want to inquire about is not this news!"

A smile flashed in Helianyi's eyes, of course he knew what he was referring to, but Helianyi didn't want to do what he wanted, and deliberately pretended not to know and asked him: "Huh? You didn't mean this, then Which do you mean?"

"Brother!" Ren Lingxiao over there was visibly anxious.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." He Lian also knew that this person couldn't tease him anymore, otherwise he would be angry, so he thought carefully about what Ren Lingxiao asked him to do.Ren Lingxiao showed him a photo of that girl before, but it was just a profile photo, and the angle was not very good, it was obviously taken secretly.

After thinking about it, He Lian was also surprised to find that the girl Ren Lingxiao liked was the one who looked at him from time to time, and then followed him after he came out.The reason why he was so sure that the girl was following him was because what the girl did was so obvious that he couldn't do it even if he didn't want to find out.

After considering his words, Helian also said: "I saw her, she is sitting with your little subordinates, everything is fine."

"that's it?"

"If not, what are you going to do?" Helian also decided not to tell him about the girl's strange behavior, and asked him back with raised eyebrows.

"Okay then, I see, so be it, I'll hang up first."

"OK, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Lingxiao looked at the phone, feeling a little lost. He really wanted to go and see it himself, but he couldn't hear any useful information from He Lianyi's narration.

Sighing silently, Ren Lingxiao quickly hid the phone when he heard the footsteps of someone walking by outside the door.

The door was opened, and it was his mother who came in.

"Mom, you're here." Ren Lingxiao looked at the visitor with a little guilt.

Mother Ren is in her 40s, but she is well maintained. The years have not left any marks on her face. She looks like a girl in her 20s, just because she comes from a big family and is an excellent pianist , so she is full of dignity, and her gestures are full of elegance and style that young girls don't have. She looks extremely charming.

"Well, of course it's me, or who do you think it is?" Mother Ren raised her eyebrows and asked him back with a smile.

Ren Lingxiao scratched his head in embarrassment, and didn't say anything else, he was afraid of making too many mistakes.

In the corridor, seeing Helian also hang up the phone, Yunzhi was still hesitating whether to come forward to talk, but when he saw that Helian did not go this way, but went in another direction, Yunzhi Hastily followed up.

She finally had a chance to see him, and she couldn't just waste it like this.

Yun Zhi trotted in front of He Lianyi, and stopped him with his hand.

"I, I have something to tell you."

Seeing that she really followed, He Lianyi felt a little impatient in his heart, but the upbringing he had received since he was a child prevented him from losing his temper with others, so he could only ask her patiently: "Hello, what can I do for you?" ?" In his heart, Helian couldn't help complaining that his younger brother's vision of people is really not very good.

According to his many years of experience, the girls who stop him like this are usually to confess to him, and he has never seen this girl before, he is very sure, except for seeing her photo at Ren Lingxiao before, he really He had never seen her before, and today was the first time he saw this girl.So, this girl is a superficial face control.

How could Ren Lingxiao have such poor eyesight that he fell in love with such a person.No, he wants to go back and find a way to dispel Ren Lingxiao's thoughts. Originally, he planned to help Ren Lingxiao convince his parents if his parents disagreed with the matter between Ren Lingxiao and this girl, but now it seems that he still won't help Ren Lingxiao. He had to find a way to get Ren Lingxiao to dispel this idea.

No matter how much he complained in his heart, He Lianyi's face remained calm, seemingly waiting patiently for the girl's answer.

When she imagined that she would confess before, Yunzhi could not help being shy. At first she thought she would not dare to confess to him face to face, but when Yunzhi really stood in front of him, Yunzhi felt weird fluctuation.

Calm like a pool of stagnant water.

"I have something to tell you. I like you." Yunzhi heard herself finish the sentence in a calm tone.

He Lianyi's eyes flashed quickly, and it really was so.

"I'm sorry, I don't like you, and I don't know you." He Lian also seemed gentle, but in fact replied quickly and ruthlessly.

Yunzhi guessed that it would be such a result, so she didn't feel too unwilling, but just lowered her head in frustration: "Oh. I don't like it..."

Her state at this moment was a bit strange, Helian also took a second look at her, and finally chose to go around her.

At this moment, Yunzhi's mind kept replaying what Helian Yi said just now, he said he didn't like her, and he also said he didn't know her.

How could he not know her?Obviously they met once before, but, he probably forgot...

Back at the dinner table, Yunzhi was in an unusually depressed mood. Zhengtai next to her noticed something was wrong with her, and asked her strangely: "Hey, Yaoluo, what's wrong with you?"

Yunzhi shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just a little uncomfortable, I'll go back first, you guys take your time." After talking with Zhengtai, Yunzhi got up and left.

Zhengzheng scratched her head in bewilderment, strange, what happened, why did she become so strange after going out for a trip?

After much deliberation, he couldn't find the reason, so Mrs. Zheng put the matter aside, forget it, after he went back, he should tell the boss about it, let the boss think about it, his IQ is not enough, I still don't want to make such a complicated thing.

The offline event was planned to be held for three days in total. From the second day on, the organizer launched a competition, randomly selected players for PK, and continued PK, and then the winning party could get a big prize.

This is really good news for Yun Chaojin who has been staying in the game doing nothing, and it is also great news.

God knows how boring it is to be trapped in the game. For example, she is so bored that she has passed all the levels in the game, and then snatched many things that she can't use at all, such as artifacts.

On the first day, Yunzhi was drawn to fight against a player. Yun Chaojin volunteered to help Yunzhi. Anyway, the organizer didn't say that pets should not be allowed to play, but only said that they could not cheat. And she is Yunzhi's contracted pet, so This shouldn't count as cheating, right?
Yunzhi didn't think as much as she did, and Yunzhi didn't care whether she could win or not, so she just followed Yun Chaojin.

(End of this chapter)

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