I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 184 Love from Online Games

Chapter 184 Love in Online Games ([-])

The one who was fighting Yunzhi was an aggressive swordsman. When he saw that Yunzhi didn't make a move and only let his pet play, he couldn't help laughing at her in his heart. Did he let such a weak pet fight him? Did he look down on him?Let's see if he doesn't beat her to pieces!
It's just that they didn't expect that Yun Chaojin's combat power was so high. In just one minute, the opponent had already game over.

[System: You have been killed by the player [Shaking the Autumn Wind]. 】

[System: Congratulations, you have successfully defeated the player [Undefeated]. 】

What appeared on the two screens was different messages.

Yunzhi looked at Yun Chaojin in amazement, she never expected that her pet would be so powerful and have such a strong fighting power.

[Private Chat—Pet Phoenix]: Master, look, am I amazing?

Yun Zhi couldn't help but smile, for some reason, every time she saw her little phoenix acting like a baby and wanting to praise her, she always felt funny in her heart, and there was also a little peace, as if there was something very precious Things are held by her.

[Private Chat - Shaking the Autumn Wind]: Well, little Phoenix, you are the best! [Star Eyes]

[Private Chat—Pet Phoenix]: Hee hee~
The atmosphere here is happy and harmonious, but the other party has a gloomy expression on his face.Damn it, he was careless, he didn't expect that phoenix to be so powerful, he didn't notice it for a while, and was taken advantage of.

"I want to report someone for cheating." The man stood up and said, unable to swallow his breath.

Immediately he attracted the attention of others.

"I want to report someone for cheating." The man repeated the words again, and the others couldn't help but put down the game they were playing for a while, and looked at him with unison.

Yunzhi also looked at that person, and couldn't help but feel a little strange. She had just won against a person just now, and now someone came to report cheating, which was too coincidental.

"Hello, what do you want to report?" A boy who looked like an administrator came over.

The man turned his head and glanced at the others, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said loudly, "I want to report that someone used the power of a divine beast while playing games, but I hid behind the divine beast."

Upon hearing this, a flash of understanding flashed across Yunzhi's eyes, and she was indeed talking about her.

As soon as the couple sitting next to Yun Zhi heard what the man said, they all looked at Yun Zhi in unison. Obviously, they also knew who the man had reported.

"Okay, please wait a moment, we will verify the real situation."

Everyone stopped, waiting for the result.

After about 10 minutes, the administrator came again.

"How, did that person cheat?"

The administrator walked up to that person, faced his earnest eyes, and faced everyone's curious eyes, and smiled apologetically: "Sorry, sir, after verification by our technical department, the player you are playing against is not Cheating."

"But she clearly borrowed the power of a divine beast, how can this not be cheating?" the man asked unwillingly.

"That player did use the power of a divine beast, but that divine beast is her contracted beast. According to the rules of the game, this does not violate the rules."

The subtext is, since you are envious and jealous that others can have the help of a divine beast, why don't you also find a divine beast to help you.

The man clearly heard the administrator's subtext, his face turned blue and then pale, and suddenly he slapped the table vigorously, which shocked everyone.

"I won't participate in this game anymore!" Then he left very angrily.

From the beginning to the end, the administrator kept a smile on his face. Even when he saw that person leaving angrily, the administrator didn't show too much emotion. After the person left, the administrator smiled apologetically at everyone.

"I'm sorry to bother you all. Please continue. I hope you can have a good time. If you have any needs, you can tell us as much as you want. If you have any questions, you can also respond to us."

Everyone didn't say anything, and went to play their own games.Yunzhi entered the next round because he had already defeated one person.

As time passed like this, Yunzhi relied on Yun Chaojin's strength to triumph all the way, defeating the opponent perfectly every time.

Soon there were only four people left in the arena, namely Yun Zhi, He Lianyi, the player [He Bo], and a boy who knew He Lianyi very well.

Yunzhi's opponent is 【He Bo】.

After a fierce battle, Yunzhi still defeated the opponent.

[System: You have been killed by the player [Shaking the Autumn Wind]. 】

[System: Congratulations, you successfully defeated the player [He Bo]. 】

Yunzhi paused, but decided to send this person a message.

[The World—Shaking the Autumn Wind]: Acceptance.

[World—He Bo]: I am not as skilled as you, and I am willing to lose.

The winner was decided on their side, and the two on the other side also decided the winner. The winner in the end was not He Lianyi, but the boy who was always by his side but had no sense of existence.

"You are amazing!" Helian also praised him.

The boy's expression was slightly cold, and he glanced at He Lianyi lightly: "It's because you have fallen behind in technology recently."

The corner of Helian's mouth twitched, and he didn't say anything more.He turned his head to look at the person who stayed behind to advance to the next level with the boy, only to find that it was the girl.

The impression of Yunzhi in my heart is a little better. It seems that the girl still has merits. At the very least, she played the game well, and she even made it to the last level.

"I'm going out first, you still have the last round, you have to be careful, try to get the first place this time." He Lian also told him before leaving.

The boy glanced at Yunzhi lightly, then turned to Helianyi: "I understand, but you should go out."

Originally, Helian thought that he would say something to him, but he didn't expect the boy to drive him away mercilessly. Helian was injured for a while, and waved to him helplessly: "Oh, forget it, I won't say anymore Can't you? I'm leaving, come on."

The game was about to start, and the boy responded without looking back.

Helian also left very hurt.

When the battle of the game started, Yun Zhaojin recognized who the boy opposite was at a glance.

The game character played by the boy is an assassin, dressed in black, with a dagger pinned to his waist, and a black veil to cover the assassin's appearance. There seems to be a chill around the assassin, which looks very attractive.

[The World—Shaking the Autumn Wind]: Hello.

[World—Yuan Ye is still the same]: Hello.

The two greeted each other and were about to start a battle when Yun Zhaojin squeezed in suddenly, looking at the boy with shining golden eyes.

[World—Pet Phoenix]: Hello, I'm Phoenix!
The boy looked at this line of words and remained silent. It turned out that she was the beast that was reported.

(End of this chapter)

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