The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 134 The Thunder from the Sky

Chapter 134 The Thunder from the Sky



Ask two combos.

Looking up, cold raindrops hit his face, and he couldn't help squinting his eyes. The sky was as gloomy as ever, covered by thousands of miles of dark clouds, refusing to let out a ray of sunshine.

"Hey, no matter how you look at it, it's impossible, right?"

"It's not that there are no ninjutsu that can fly into the sky. I have counted the ninja world, and there are only a few kinds. It is either the blood succession limit or the secret technique. I have never heard that the Uzumaki family also has the ability to fly. In the sky... "It's hard to believe this kind of thing."

"That is to say! If you have this ability, why didn't you use it early in the morning? You have to hide it and suffer on purpose?"

The two expressed their disbelief one after another, and their heads turned like windmills.

"Don't you forget the thunderbolt that shot up into the sky before? It can't be a trick to scare people, and there is no way to hide people around here. Except for the sky, I can't imagine where else he can hide?"

The strong and forceful refutation left the other two speechless. This... is so reasonable that there is no way to continue.

"Damn it, why do we have to dress up as Urenin, and we can only let the three of us do it, can't we all do it together? You can blast that kid into scum in minutes, so it won't be so much trouble." Like Sui Sui The ninja male Urenin began to mutter again.

This time, no one came out to scold him, and it was rare to agree in his heart.

It’s just complaints, they also know that it’s impossible for a group of people to swarm up, Madara has a strict order that they are not allowed to be exposed to the eyes of outsiders, but if they want to do something, they must use barter to change their clothes, after all, the ninja world seems vast and desolate , is sparsely populated, but the ninjas always don't take the usual path, instead of walking on the wide and straight road, they like to jump up and down the trees.

Not to mention that the Land of Rain is now the place of the Four Wars, and all kinds of people come and go, if someone suddenly shows up, it will be troublesome!

Besides, the Bai Jue who are lurking in the forest and hiding in the water hole are also at a loss, and they can't find the moon watching.

"Hu rumbling!"

There was a dull thunder in the sky, which attracted a line of sight to the sky again.

"Hu rumbling!!!"

The dull thunder became clearer and seemed to be approaching.

In an instant, a silver-white thunder broke through the dark clouds and rushed towards the ground below.

"Isn't it? What the hell..."

"I went, I really hid in the sky!"

The moment the thunder light pierced the dark clouds, they immediately sensed that Chakra, who was watching the moon, was in the silver-white thunder, and approached at an astonishing speed.

"No, hurry up and hide... Get out!"

Before she finished speaking, the female Yuren opened and closed her mouth, like a dying fish, and fell heavily on the ground, with a pure white Leiguang gun stuck in her chest, passing through her chest, and was firmly nailed to the ground .

Seeing that there is no life left!


Another pure white thunderbolt gun came from the sky, with a sharp whistling sound, which made people's ears numb.

Fortunately, this time the two were prepared and dodged swiftly. They just looked at their companions who were still struggling on the ground, and felt trembling in their hearts. It was too fast. The galloping thunder in the sky is also extremely fast.

Being in the high sky, driving the thunder to roam around, and then throwing the lightning gun to kill them, this... is simply no way for people to survive!The corners of his eyes became inexplicably moist.

The thunderbolt guns shot down continuously, and the earlobe was full of thunder and lightning. The two jumped up and down desperately, dodging the astonishing speed of the javelin. No one likes to be nailed to a board like an insect as a specimen for others. Appreciate the research.

It's just that it was easy to dodge one or two javelins at first, but as time went by, the number of javelins shot down became faster and faster.

"No, if we continue like this, we will definitely die. We must find a way to knock that brat out of the sky."

One of them was running with all his strength in the field, while pointing at the chariot that was chasing after him in the sky.

The silvery-white light was dazzling, and accompanied by the thunder that shook the sky, a brilliant silver chariot galloped in the sky. The boy's not tall figure stood upright on the chariot, his crimson hair curled up with the strong wind pressure. Fluttering, with a murderous look in his eyes.

This thunder-cast chariot is the result of Guanyue's visualization of thunder and lightning. At first, it was just a way to escape when he was in danger, but the shape that emerged in his mind happened to be a chariot. At that time, he only thought that it could only last for a short time. It doesn't matter if the time doesn't linger, as long as you take him out of the predicament, that's fine.
However, when the idea in his mind was turned into reality, he noticed the unparalleled stability, which was the most perfect among the nearly a hundred attempts he had made so far. Moreover, Thunder's chariot not only possessed amazing speed, but also could Resist the gravitational pull from the earth and fly into the sky.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If we can fight it down, do we still need to run?"

Another yelled loudly.

"No, look carefully. The kid's height has dropped. It's not as high as it was at the beginning. It should be said that he has maintained this height and distance since he started throwing javelins. If he fights back, he still has a chance."


The two Yuren ran away, discussing countermeasures over and over again.

Guanyue stood on the chariot, raised his right hand high, thick lightning dragon snakes twisted and condensed in his palm, forged into a two-meter-long javelin according to his will, shining pure white light, the tip of the spear It exudes an unstoppable breath, as if it can penetrate everything.

In fact, the penetrating power of this Leiguang Gun is indeed terrifying, and the characteristics of the Thunder Tunnel are fully revealed in this blow. Compared with weapons such as swords that use blades to slash, weapons such as spears and spears can better utilize the power of lightning. The power of escape.

Holding a javelin, Guanyue aimed at the target bouncing like a grasshopper below and threw it, chasing and killing the prey who were originally hunters.

The condescending sniper killing brought him great satisfaction. The chariot entrusting part of his soul is like an extended body. Without cumbersome command, he can control the direction, fine-tune the speed, and lower the height according to his mind. The wonderful feeling makes people fascinated, while chasing and killing prey, they are also exploring the usage of this guy.

Moreover, apart from its performance, this chariot forged by Thunder is full of violent beauty in appearance, whether it is a ferocious dragon-shaped front, or a rock-solid body, wheels with crackling lightning arcs, and even It is the roar that shakes the sky while walking, and it is very powerful!
Seeing this chariot, similar thoughts will pop up subconsciously from the bottom of my heart, and the creator of Guanyue is no different!It's just that in addition to this, there is a little pride, and the blood is stirred up at that moment.

Of course, all of this is not something he can think about in an instant, but after getting rid of the attack of the Great Waterfall Technique, he realized the role and potential of the chariot, and then he drove the chariot to hide in the clouds, doing I made some adjustments, otherwise the original form was very crude, and it didn't look as good as it looks now!

(End of this chapter)

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