The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 135 Thundering Chariot

Chapter 135 Thundering Chariot

Thunder shakes the sky!

The chariot gallops everywhere!

"Just call it Thunder Chariot!"

In the spare time of chasing the prey, he was a little distracted and thought of a name for the chariot under his feet. It was an intuitive and clear name, and after repeating it twice, it felt very catchy, at least he thought it was very good.

Although he was a little distracted, the attack did not stop. As he tapped his finger, the dragon-shaped front of the thundering chariot shone brighter and brighter, and a series of thundering light guns emerged, accompanied by buzzing sounds, in the air. Driven by the original force of the thunder and lightning, it shot down.

The silver-white thunderbolt guns descended like a shower, fast and fierce, and the sound of explosions piercing through the rocks one after another, making the situation of the two fleeing on the ground below even more difficult!

"Now I want to see how long you can last!"

There is no need to throw the javelin away from his shoulders, Guanyue is instantly much easier, and compared to him throwing the javelin, it is more efficient to spray the javelin from the thundering chariot, and the accuracy is not bad. Seriously, but such a small shortcoming is not a shortcoming in him, it can be ignored completely.

The situation reversed too quickly!

Obviously, Guanyue was forced to run away with his head in his arms, but after missing for a few minutes, the positions of hunter and prey were reversed.

The lurking Bai Jue were stunned for a while, and when they came back to their senses, one companion had already been nailed to the ground to make a specimen, and the other two were also running for their lives.

"What should I do? Is this different from the plan?"

The Baijue people in the forest panicked, looking at the chariot carrying Lei Yin and leaving, showing a bewildered expression.

The strength of Guanyue now makes them fearful. Although the number of Bai Ze is amazing, but the strength can reach the Jnin level is already very limited. The few Jnin level masters who originally monitored Nagato are guarding Nagato all year round The left and right are not here right now, and there is actually only one expert left to deal with Guanyue, and that is the one who reprimanded the three Yuren before, and now he is hiding in the puddle and struggling with how to deal with the current situation.

The mission has been completed, he has this consciousness, when he saw the thundering chariot flying in mid-air, his heart became cold, and the offensive and defensive momentum was reversed. The number of white zealots is rare, and once or twice he misses, as long as it does not affect the overall situation, Madara will not punish him.

The important thing now is how to end it. The mission can fail, but they, that is, the existence of Bai Ze, cannot be exposed to others. This is Madara's strict order, an order that must not be violated.

The corpse that was nailed to the ground has been recovered, and now there are those two guys who are still trying to resist!

"Get ready to start, it will really kill you if you drag it on!"

"it is good!"

The two fleeing looked at each other, their feet sank for an instant, and their bodies forcibly stopped in place. One of them turned around and formed a seal with his hands, "Water escape, water formation wall."

The accumulated water on the ground and the raindrops that have not yet fallen in the sky rolled together into one place, and a wall of flowing water protected the two of them. Flashing thunder and light guns swarmed after them, piercing into the water wall However, the javelin that could penetrate the rock failed to penetrate this seemingly soft water wall, and stopped halfway through the body of the spear.

Wisps of lightning were dispersed and stolen by the flowing water, and the inertial force of the flowing water deflected the javelin that had penetrated straight into it, abruptly carrying the fierce attack down.

"Huh? If you don't run for your life, are you still prepared to resist?"

Guanyue narrowed his eyes slightly, his senses stared at the two of them firmly, the two behind the water wall not only did not take the opportunity to escape, but showed extremely powerful chakra fluctuations, clearly preparing for a powerful high-ranking ninja Jutsu, only speculated from the strength of the explosive Chakra, if the A-level ninjutsu goes up, it is likely to be an S-level ninjutsu.

"It's just a waste of effort, two idiots who can't see the situation clearly."

The corner of his mouth curled up into a cold sarcasm. The fruit of everyone has been further developed, and he has become more and more proficient in the technique of materializing thunder. Now he can perform most of the thunder escape techniques without seals, and his combat power has doubled compared to before. After several repetitions, the situation of being more than defensive but not aggressive has been reversed. He speaks a little more confidently than before, and his back is straight, like a green pine.

With a light hook of the finger, the thundering chariot under his feet immediately spewed out a series of thunderbolt guns, shooting like the not-so-wide wall of water. It depends on how long these two prey can resist.

"Water escape, hard vortex water blade."

The water wall suddenly dissipated. To be precise, it was swallowed up by a huge water javelin. Urenin who cast the water wall quickly retreated to make room for his companions to avoid accidental injury.

The ultra-high-speed flowing water vortex is condensed into the shape of a javelin, but no matter how concentrated it is, it has a length of nearly three or four meters. Circles of white waves are densely covered with patterns, and all the surrounding water vapor is swallowed by the vortex. In a large area, not a single drop of rainwater landed, and all was absorbed by the expanding water javelin. The sound of splashing water and rumbling thunder in the sky overlapped together, like a symphony.

Looking up at the fast-fired lightning guns, Bai Jue's transfigured male Urenin looked serene, stepped forward with a sudden step, and threw the monster-like huge water javelin into the sky with all his strength, towards the thunder vehicle. The forged chariot flies away.

At first, the water javelin, which was only three or four meters long, lifted into the air, lost its restraint, and began to surge wildly, turning into a huge waterspout across the sky. It was comparable to the thunderous sound of the chariot moving, and it was not inferior in momentum.

A thunderbolt gun collided with the waterspout, without the slightest resistance, it was swallowed by the terrifying vortex, only a little spray was splashed, that's all!

"Oh! This is the first time I have seen such an exaggerated water escape technique."

Guanyue clapped his hands in admiration, condescendingly looking down at the waterspout rising into the sky, the grand momentum is really impressive, full of oppressive feeling!
However, just don't take it to his heart!

"Hu rumbling!!!"

Dull thunderclaps exploded one after another, and the whole body of the thundering chariot exuded extremely dazzling light. The extremely huge thunder gathered in the dragon-shaped head of the chariot, and then with the swaying palm, the silver thunderbolt instantly penetrated the sky, illuminating the sky. The wilderness shrouded in dark clouds, at that moment, the sky and the earth were all white, and the surrounding fields were silent.


The thunderbolt was urgent and fast, and the mighty momentum of the waterspout was suppressed in a blink of an eye. The size of the huge waterspout shrank rapidly. The heat generated by the thunderbolt erupted evaporated a large amount of running water, and half of the sky was covered with white water vapor. Guan Yue had to steer the chariot under his feet to dodge quickly.

The high-temperature water vapor is enough to steam a person. If you are covered by this vast water vapor, you may not be able to get rid of the situation that you can get rid of by peeling off the skin.

(End of this chapter)

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