The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 298 Failed Sneak Attack

Chapter 298 Failed Sneak Attack

The wind howled, and raindrops the size of soybeans hit the glass windows, making a rushing sound.

The world in the white rain looks cold.

However, the inside of the house is as warm as spring. The bright red charcoal fire in the fire pond exudes majestic heat, and the milky white soup in the suspended earthen pot is tumbling, and the attractive aroma is violently diffused with the curling steam. , stimulating everyone's sense of smell.

"It smells so good!"

Wei Tuotian Jiuzhu sniffled his nose vigorously, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Xiao Nan, your craftsmanship is still so good! Yahiko will be lucky in the future."

Dafo touched his bald head, and laughed foolishly.

Xiao Nan was chopping the fish head with a kitchen knife, and with a slippery hand, he chopped the cauliflower beside him into two pieces, his face was so red that he didn't dare to turn his head.

However, Jiusuke seemed to be struck by lightning for a moment, and threw himself on the table with an expression of nothing more than heartbreak.

"Big Buddha, eat your grilled fish and stop talking nonsense!"

Yahiko glared at the bald man, sighed helplessly, then lowered his head and stared at the book in his hand seriously.

"Strong Perseverance Endurance"!
"Yahiko, is this book interesting? You've been reading it for the past few days." Hatosuke looked over curiously.

"Well... how should I put it! I think this book is very interesting, not because the author is my teacher... I really think this book is very good." Yahiko thought for a while, and gave highly rated.

"Hey! Is that so? Let me take a look in a couple of days. Speaking of which, Yahiko, is your teacher really the famous Sannin?"

Hatosuke remembered the gossip circulating in the organization and asked for confirmation.

"Yeah! It's true. Konan, Nagato and I were wandering around without our family members, and then we met the teacher who was fighting with Yuren at that time. By chance, the teacher took us in and knew that we practiced ninjutsu. ... If there is no teacher, maybe we will die in the gutter or in the wilderness one day."

Gently rubbing his fingers on the paper, Yahiko couldn't help feeling a little dazed when he recalled the hard times.

Looking at Xiaonan who was preparing dinner and Nagato who was quietly sitting in the corner reading a book, it turned out that it had been so many years in the blink of an eye, and I always felt that they were still little children who were cheated every day for food...
"Nagato, did the teacher say when he would come back when he left last time?"

"No, you also know that the teacher is not a sitter, he has been traveling all the time, and there has been no war in the past two years, it seems that even Konoha has never been back." Nagato didn't raise his head, and read books better than Yahiko. Be serious.

"················································································································································································…… It's a pity that we didn't get to take a dip in the hot springs once we went to Yuno Country."

Yahiko stretched his waist.

"...Be careful, someone is attacking you."

Nagato jumped up suddenly, and the roar echoed in everyone's ears, Yahiko stretched halfway, trembling in fright, almost dodging his waist.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the ground trembled slightly, and the house creaked even more. The chandelier above the head whirled like a windmill, and the bottles and jars on the table crackled and fell. On the contrary, the soup in the crock was saved by Jiuzhu.

"Nagato, what's the situation? What happened?"

Yahiko rubbed his waist and asked anxiously.

"There are attackers, very tricky guys, my avatar is fighting them..." Nagato replied quickly, "I can't stay here anymore, leave quickly, the attackers are very strong, that Hanzo The old stuff has come back... and a helper has been found."

As soon as Hanzo was mentioned, everyone in the room became serious.

Since the establishment of the Akatsuki organization, the main enemy is the Urenin. We have dealt too many times and know Urenin very well, especially the old guy Hanzo.

If it wasn't for Hanzo's support, Yuren would probably have been annexed by the Akatsuki organization long ago. You must know that under Hanzo's high-handed rule, Yuren risked execution and rebelled against the village and joined the Akatsuki organization precisely because of Hanzo's old immortal The monsters are here, not only maintaining the stability of Yuyin Village, but also suppressing the Xiao organization to fight, at least the current situation is still the same...

"Big Buddha, Jiusuke, Xiaonan, you and your brothers retreat first, Nagato and I will stay behind, and Jiusuke will be in charge of commanding."

Yahiko quickly cleared his mind and gave an order.

The small village where they are now is the stronghold of some members of the Akatsuki organization, and there have been bursts of shouts outside the house.

"No, hurry up and stop them, this time the enemy is not something they can mix in at all."

After Nagato dropped the words, he rushed out very simply.

"Damn it, Hatosuke, don't worry about the soup, Xiaonan, Daibutsu, quickly take everyone away." Yahiko stomped his feet, and rushed out after Nagato.

The members of the Akatsuki organization in the village were in a mess at the moment, and a big battle broke out outside the village suddenly, causing a little panic among the people who were eating, and then organized in an orderly manner under the command of the leader, preparing to meet The enemy fights.

Then Yahiko and Xiaonan called to stop.

Xiaonan, Hatosuke, and Daibutsu began to organize members to retreat, and they were very skilled in this aspect. After all, there was still a certain strength gap between them and Urenin, and retreat was one of their main jobs.

More than 300 people cheered and left the village, and the valley in front of the village was still playing lively!

Coincidentally, it was very easy to sneak around and sneak around with his excellent skills, but Nagato's Heavenly Dao avatar was practicing enchantment, and set up an enchantment in the ravine outside the village. Sensing type, defensive type, made a lot of them, and then Shiro, who was wrapping up Uchiha Genzong and advancing, accidentally bumped into it.

So the stealth that was originally undetectable was exposed like this.

Tiandao's avatar was shocked immediately, a Shenluo Tianzheng was released and directly stripped off three feet of land, and they started a ping-pong-pong fight with Hanzo and Jue.

"Damn it, didn't you say you could approach them without alerting anyone?"

Hanzo roared angrily, although he knew that these teammates were unreliable, but it would be alright for Nima not to stab someone in the first place.

"Who knew that so many barriers would be set up here, the barriers that conceal the breath and the barriers of perception are mixed together, and I don't notice it for a while..." Jue Qiang defended himself, but after all, it was a bit embarrassing, and he said half of it. No sound.

"Stop talking nonsense and make a quick decision."

Uchiha Xuanzong cursed very bluntly, and jumped and ran between the huge trees, dodging the fierce fire attack from Tiandao.

"You work hard."

After leaving such a sentence, he slipped into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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