Chapter 299

"Woodun, the technique of giant wooden pillars."

The man named Zen had an astonishing momentum as soon as he made a move. Huge wooden pillars surrounded by ten people rose up from the ground. The blue-gray rocks were smashed by the wooden pillars like chickens, and the densely protruding wooden pillars forced The Heavenly Dao avatar had to retreat to avoid it.

Looking down from a height, you will find that the ravine is completely blocked by these forested wooden pillars.

Hanzo stepped on the huge solid wooden pillar, looked at the back of Zen, his eyes were very delicate, the legend of Mutun was not a legend to Hanzo, as an elder in the ninja world, he knew a lot about Mutun. Not from the legend, he had witnessed the battle of the first Hokage.

The sight of endless trees growing crazily frightened him who was just a novice on the battlefield. For the first time, he realized that the immovable trees were so terrifying to move. It was deeply engraved in his heart, and that kind of horror will never be forgotten.

"It's really enviable! This kind of power..."

The noisy rain covered up the murmurs, the wind blew past obliquely, and the top of the wooden pillar was empty, not a single ghost could be seen.

The avatar of Tiandao galloped backwards, the large black robe fluttered in the wind and rain, the sleeves flicked violently, and a series of shurikens flew out. A rock wall.

"Wind escape Shuriken."

It takes five seconds at the shortest time for Shenluo Tianzheng to read the article, so the Tiandao avatar has to use other means to meet the enemy. After all, there are a lot of enemies, and they are all fucking fierce.

In view of the environment in the Land of Rain, Fire Dungeon is the first thing to be ruled out. There are too many seals in Water Dungeon, and speed is what the masters compete for. Wind escape technique is a more suitable method.

The shuriken didn't touch the rock wall, but was knocked away by the sickle chain that suddenly appeared, Hanzo's figure also appeared in front of the rock wall, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There have been several confrontations between Hanzo and Nagato.

The tricks for each other are generally well known. Hanzo has suffered from the various abilities of the avatar of the Heavenly Dao, so he runs extremely fast, but he doesn't want to be caught head-on, so he just doesn't move.

And Zen and Uchiha Xuanzong did not show their faces, and with the help of huge wooden pillars to hide their figures, they learned most of the abilities of the Samsara Eye from Jue, and they also knew that it is a difficult job to be tough from the front. Before Nagato himself, there was no need to show his head and fight recklessly.

So, the battle was at a stalemate.

"Mu Dun, Fei Naimu."

Tiandao's avatar clearly sensed the powerful Chakra that erupted at that moment, and immediately became alert, but there was no movement around, which made him stunned.

Until there were sharp and ear-piercing gas explosion screams in the sky.

Looking up at the sky, through the wind and rain, I saw the boxy, long and big wooden pillars like missiles falling down, and the loud sound showed how powerful these things were.

"...Can you still play like this?"

Tiandao's avatar is a little dumbfounded, it's nothing to grow wood from the ground, but it's a bit mysterious to pinch these things out of thin air, and it's still so high in the sky.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

He raised his left hand up to the sky, and an invisible repulsive force erupted. A large area of ​​rain fell into the sky in an instant, and the wooden pillars that could easily break mountains and rocks also flew upside down into the sky, and then were distorted by the repulsive force. A pile of broken wood slag was swept away by the strong wind high in the sky.

Before the left hand of Tiandao's avatar fell, the ground under his feet began to squirm strangely.

"Fire escape, explode the flame formation."

The gravel and soil under the feet were arched open by layers of detonating talismans, and the stacked detonating talismans moved quickly, wrapping around the two legs of Tiandao clone like snakes.

The figure of Hanzo also appeared under the wooden pillar not far in front of him, most of his face was covered by the respirator, and it was difficult to see the change of his expression, but his eyes were as indifferent and calm as ever.


The detonator exploded.

The explosion of the first detonating talisman was like a signal, and the remaining detonating talismans were detonated one after another. Taking the place where the avatar of Tiandao was standing as the origin, the area of ​​more than 20 meters around was engulfed by dazzling flames, and the orange flames rose and floated. The dark ravine adds light and heat.

"What's the matter? Xuanzong, is it resolved?"

Behind the wooden pillar, Zen asked aloud.

"Let me see... no, the explosion caused by the detonating talisman makes the chakra fluctuations become disordered, and you can't see it until the flame fades." Uchiha Xuanzong frowned, and there are various functions of sharingan, which can copy Ninjutsu, releasing illusion, and seeing through the body, although they are very powerful, they are not as pure as Baiyan.

In terms of insight, it is not as powerful as Baiyan.


Hanzo quietly appeared beside the two of them.

"The detonating talisman was resisted, and the flame recoiled outward, obviously being blocked."

"You have studied this?" Uchiha Xuanzong looked at Hanzo in surprise.

"Hmph! Young people nowadays are not well-educated. Do you think that the old man's survival is all due to luck? Boy, talent is a good thing, but there will be an end to relying on talent alone... unless you have Talent like the first generation of Hokage or Uchiha Madara, otherwise, learn more."

Hanzo scolded the two brats unceremoniously, and never took him seriously, thinking that Hanzo was made of mud.


Uchiha Xuanzong lowered his voice, didn't listen to Hanzo's words at all, and concentrated on staring at the place where the avatar of Tiandao was in front of him. Hanzo was stunned by this attitude and wanted to give this arrogant brat a sickle, but now there are more important things, we can only Temporarily hold back the anger in my heart, everything will be settled after the fall.

Chasing down the fleeing clone of Heavenly Dao.

The destructive power of the explosion flame array was not in vain. Tiandao's avatar survived that wave of heavy blows. It was not blown to pieces, but it also suffered a lot of trauma.

The tattered black robe looked more like a sack. Wearing this tattered sack, it was the first time that Tiandao's avatar was so clearly exposed to everyone's eyes.


Looking at the face of Tiandao's avatar, which was nailed with a circle of black sticks, Hanzo called out a name in surprise.

"What? Know?"

Uchiha Xuanzong asked while chasing, raising his hand and throwing a ball of explosive thunder.

"My subordinate... used to be, was one of my guards when he was alive, and died in battle five months ago." Hanzo's voice was calm, "It's really a weird ability...Using The dead body to fight, what kind of ability is this?"

It seems to be an inadvertent casual question.

"Secret, this kind of thing is not something you can covet."

Zen caught up with the two, his cold eyes almost pierced Hanzo's throat, until Uchiha Genzong coughed lightly, then turned his eyes and stared at the escaping Tendo clone.

(End of this chapter)

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