The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 300 The Absolute Raid

Chapter 300 The Absolute Raid
Obviously, there is no tacit understanding between Hanzo and the two new teammates, and the relationship is even extremely bad, almost to the point of rebellion.

The reason why he was able to play such a smooth coordination and injure the clone of Tiandao is that Hanzo relied on his experienced experience to cooperate with the two geniuses.

On this point, whether Uchiha Xuanzong and Zen are willing to admit it or not, the fact is such a fact, so Uchiha Xuanzong interrupted the unfriendly staring between Zen and Hanzo.


Uchiha Xuanzong dropped his words, and activated the teleportation technique to move away from the original place.

And Hanzo's speed was three points faster than him. When Tiandao's avatar raised his hand, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zen was left alone on the spot, and he stopped in a daze, as if he was frightened.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

"Wood Dun, the sea of ​​trees descends."

The repulsive force crushed the big trees into piles of broken wood, but the growing branches of the big trees were entangled together and turned into a wall of trees with full toughness. After resisting the repulsive force, the invisible and unpredictable impact exceeded Half of the sea of ​​trees was crushed by the repulsive force, but in the end that was all.

They did their homework before starting the war. Uchiha Xuanzong and Zen were very well prepared. They obtained a lot of information from Jue, and they had a deep understanding of the power of reincarnation eyes. They even practiced tactics several times in private. Deduction, rehearsing in advance how to deal with when the battle really breaks out.

For each ability of Samsara Eye, they have performed calculations one by one, and developed a corresponding strategy. Although it may not be effective, it is better than being helpless.

"Is it blocked? Huh—"

Zen breathed a sigh of relief. Although according to the calculations during the deduction, this move should be able to withstand the impact of Shenluo Tianzheng, but the theoretical results cannot be said to be reliable without verification.

Fortunately, judging from the current results, the calculations of the two of them are quite reliable.

"Thunder Dun, Angry Thunder Tiger."

Bypassing the crushed forest, when the terrifying repulsive force ebbed, Uchiha Xuanzong aimed at Tiandao's avatar and launched an attack. The palm of his hand pulled the shining thunder and lightning, condensed into a fierce tiger, broke through the wind and rain, and quickly pounced. To the heavenly avatar.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was submerged in the thunder, and a burly and tall figure suddenly appeared next to Tiandao's avatar. The black robes fluttered in the wind and rain, and two big palm-like hands stretched forward flatly, resisting with their fleshy palms. Thunder Tiger with amazing destructive power.

To be precise, it devoured the tiger made of lightning.

The light of the originally amazing Thunder Tiger dimmed the moment it touched the palm of the hand, and the destructive power it should have had was never released. It was absorbed quickly, and the whole process was like a mud cow entering the sea, without splashing a single wave.

"Tu Dun, the technique of earth dragon bullets."

Fury Thunder Tiger missed a hit, Uchiha Xuanzong didn't show any lost look on his face, but the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and the writing wheel eyes of Sangouyu turned, and finally forced out the second clone, the Hungry Ghost Tao clone.

The knot seal in his hand had already been completed, and the second wave of attacks erupted instantly.

The soil wriggled to form the shape of a dragon's head, opened its mouth wide, and spit out a series of mud bombs the size of melons, shooting at the clones of the Heavenly Dao and the Hungry Ghost Dao.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

After the Tiandao avatar finished reading the article, the violent repulsion erupted again in an instant, easily smashing all the mud bombs. From the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to waste the power of Shenluo Tianzheng like this, but the enemy...

This time the enemy is different.

An empty house at the head of the village, where Nagato and Yahiko stayed, watching everything that happened on the battlefield by virtue of the ability to synchronize and share the eyes of reincarnation.

"Earth Dungeon... a coincidence?"

Nagato felt a little heavy, these two guys who appeared suddenly were very tricky, and the most important thing was that these two guys seemed to know him well.

As soon as Hungry Ghost Dao Fang appeared, the opponent adjusted to use Earth Dungeon to attack. Did he know that Hungry Ghost Dao had the lowest ability to absorb Earth Dungeon?Or was it a pure accident, just luck?This question lingered in his heart, which made him very entangled!
"Nagato, how is it? Is the enemy difficult this time?" Yahiko naturally noticed the change in Nagato's expression.

"'s a bit weird, I can't describe doesn't feel very good." Nagato shook his head with a serious look on his face.


Yahiko narrowed his eyes. As a companion, he didn't know where the upper limit of Nagato's strength was, but he knew very well that Nagato had never said the words 'I don't feel very good', and this time the enemy seemed really big.

"Is it Hanzo?"

"It's not Hanzo, although Hanzo is hard to hear... But he can't help me, what makes me feel uncomfortable is two guys who have never met before, one can use wooden escape, and the other has sharing eyes... ... To be honest, this combination is so weird that it is unbelievable, hasn't the wood escape technique been discontinued a long time ago?"

As Nagato said that, his expression became strange.

There is a teacher of Konoha Sannin, they know some things about Konoha quite well, and they know the shit between Uchiha and Senju.

"Sharingan? Wood escape?"

Yahiko was also taken aback, what the hell is this?The way this group is formed is unscientific, right?And the key is where did the wooden escape ninja come from? This question also deeply puzzled Yahiko.

"...Yahiko, speaking of Sharingan, do you still remember what Guanyue once said?"

With the ability to pull up a group of brothers to engage in rebellion, this kind of dead-end business, and the officers and soldiers (Urenin) who can fool you to join them as a group of bandits, Yahiko is naturally incomparable to Nagato in strength, but he is better than Nagato because of his flexible mind. After turning eighteen corners, I found this memory hidden in my mind.

"You mean Uchiha Madara?" Nagato hesitated.

"Just in case, I think we can contact that guy Guanyue, even if it's not Uchiha Madara, we can ask what is going on between Mutun and Sharingan."

Yahiko suggested.

"I can't let you mess things up! Nagato, Yahiko, if you recruit irrelevant guys, I will have a headache."

Eerie sounds echoed in the room, and black and white pitcher plant monsters emerged from the walls.

"Wood escape, the art of killing thorns."

Vines grew out of the walls and beams, and fell with strong winds.

"The art of psychic."

Nagato's reaction was extremely fast, and he slapped the tatami under him with a single palm, and the complicated spell patterns unfolded, and a huge rhinoceros was summoned out of thin air, blowing up the whole house, and trampling the entire 30-meter area around it into pieces. A piece of flat land, those thin vines were naturally squeezed into waste.

"Hmph, don't try to escape, Mudun, the art of the wooden man."

The huge wooden man with a height of nearly [-] meters stands in the valley, like a huge human-shaped mountain. The rhinoceros, which is already huge enough, looks like a relatively large toy in front of the wooden man.

"Nagato, catch him without a fight, otherwise not only you will die, but none of your companions will survive."

(End of this chapter)

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