The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 362 The Final Experiment

Chapter 362 The Final Experiment

"The Chakra of the Tailed Beast is too aggressive... Peel off, safely peel off the Chakra of the Tailed Beast... No, no, there is a problem with this road."

The smell of the underground cell is very strange, the damp straw exudes a musty smell, the breath of dried blood is in stark contrast to the breath of fresh blood, the burning oil lamp emits a pungent smell, many indescribable smells are mixed together, the air is therefore Very cloudy.

The history of the dungeon is not long, but it is not short, almost 20 years old.

Moreover, the interesting point is that this dungeon was built by Konoha Ninja. During World War I, Konoha Ninja who stayed in the Country of Grass built many similar cells in various camps to hold prisoners.

Most of them have been abandoned and destroyed by now. The dungeon here can be preserved because it was put into use by Kusanagi for a period of time and has been repaired and maintained to a certain extent.

However, the environment of the dungeon is still very bad.

The light of the oil lamp was extremely dim, and was blown by a slightly stronger air current, and two lamps were extinguished.

"...Damn it, are you out of gas again?"

Guanyue muttered softly, stopped the work in hand, picked up the oil pot under the corner, walked quickly to the extinguished oil lamp, and skillfully added oil to light the fire.

The dim vision suddenly brightened, and the previous light was restored.

For the work of researching Renzhuli, Guanyue did all the work by himself, even such chores as adding oil to the lamp were all done by himself.

Loneliness is a spiritual carnival, which can inspire inspiration to the greatest extent. Enduring loneliness and enjoying loneliness can often spark the spark of inspiration.

He has been in the ground for three days. During this period, apart from someone bringing food and water down at regular intervals, in the huge dungeon, Guanyue and Han are the only two companions, but they are the researcher and the researcher. The relationship between the two, the atmosphere of getting along is not friendly at all.

······Sure enough, the most troublesome thing is that the Tailed Beast and Jinchuriki are too closely linked, the Tailed Beast is almost equivalent to another 'heart' of Jinchuriki, and pulling away from the Tailed Beast is tantamount to digging out Jinchuriki heart······

Guanyue clasped her arms around her chest, looking at the listless Han, thinking.

Although Guanyue’s medical skills are not weak, the repeated experiments of disembowelling still caused huge mental pressure on Han, and his body suffered serious losses. The hungry man's hands and feet were weak.

It was not without resistance during Dangrang.

For the convenience of the experiment, the chains that bound Han's limbs were replaced with very thin ones, which did not have much actual binding force at all, at least for Han, they could be ignored.

However, none of Han's nine sneak attacks was successful. He was sealed by Chakra, and he was just an ordinary human being with hungry hands and feet. .

By now, Han has fallen into complete despair, he doesn't want to leave alive, he just wants to die quickly.

Watching himself being disemboweled again and again, and his internal organs being weighed over and over again, this kind of curious experience tortured his fragile nerves all the time, and he was very afraid of going on like this. Before death came, he Will go crazy first!
"Kill me...Kill me..."

Like a curse from hell, a voice full of stagnation, weakness, and hatred echoed in the cell.

"Don't you resist?" Guan Yue asked with her head tilted.

"...Kill me...Kill me..."

The same sentence over and over again.

Guanyue frowned, already on the verge of collapse?It's boring...

"Well, it's almost time." Guanyue took out the crumpled letter paper from her trouser pocket, which was delivered with today's lunch. The message on it was very short, to the effect of The war between Ninja and Iwanin has come to an end, and they have no reason to stay in the country of grass.

After all, thousands of people idling in the country of grass are not a small burden on the village's finances, and it is a great waste of human resources.

"I'm going back to the village at noon tomorrow. Today is just the time to completely end the grievances between the two of us... Hey, stop pretending, if you want revenge, hurry up, if you don't do it again, I will do it... ··”

"Crash! Crash! Crash..."

The sound of sharp metal shattering sounded almost simultaneously.

Han, who had been sluggish like a dead dog, suddenly broke out, easily broke the chains on his body, and was as vigorous as a tiger descending the mountain.

Looking at Guanyue with a playful expression, Han's eyes flickered fiercely, and he stepped out a distance of three or four meters, and he was close to Guanyue in an instant, his big fist turned dark brown, and the strong wind swept towards him.


The five fingers clasped Han's fist tightly like iron clamps, Guanyue's left hand turned iron gray, and the muscles of the left arm were extremely exaggerated, which seriously did not match the proportion of the body.

Physical strengthening.

As the earliest ability developed by studying the fruit of everyone, it has already reached the state of perfection today.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, don't look at me like this. In fact, when it comes to strength... I am confident that I will not lose to anyone." work hard.


Han's eyes were wide open, the corners of his eyes were cracked, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and there was a shrill scream in his throat.

The fist held by Guanyue made a series of crackling sounds like roasted beans, and the bones in the palm were crushed inch by inch.

He swung his left arm, relying on the big You Shi, and beat Guan Yue's head mercilessly with his fist, making a loud bang.

"Is that the only way? You can't tickle me anymore..." Guan Yue curled her lips in disappointment. "It seems that I overestimated you...Steam ninja is at this level, no wonder it is so easy to be caught by the Akatsuki organization."

"You... bastard, cunning brat, die, die..."

Han cursed from his mouth, and kept pounding down his fists, but he couldn't hurt Guanyue at all. Even if he exposed his head and let him do it, it didn't cause any damage.

"...Go back and lie down."

The left arm vibrated vigorously, and a majestic force was spit out from the palm, breaking all the bones of Han's right arm, and his burly body flew back upside down like a broken sack, and fell heavily into the moldy straw pile on his front feet.

"...hehe, go to hell, go to hell, Konoha's monster, monster..."

Lying in the haystack, smelling the musty smell, Han chattered nervously, cursing and gazing at the moon.

"Next... let's start the final experiment! Verify whether my theory is correct..."

(End of this chapter)

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